AROUND UTOPIS Dy MRS WILLIAM GOLLDP Visitors with Mr and Mrs Ilrownley during the week end were Mr and Mrs Zeb mki and F4 and Mrs Brownlcy and son Warren who will be spending iew days with his grandparents Congratulatiqu to Dianna Sichlaster who became Mrs Blll Grant on Saturday at St Georges Anglican Church in Utopia Visitors at the home at lllr and Mrs Jack Ellis on the weekend were Mr and Mrs Jack Hirnns oi Scarborough and Mr and Mrs Vern Wel land and iamlly oi Angus Mr and Mrs litmus also vlsited Mrs lllrons in Ivy Mrs Dempsler return ed home niesday evening alter spending couple at months with her daughter and son law Mr and Mrs Olson in Kendra his and Mrs Bock Exell who are now residing In Bar rie visited Mr and Mrs Exellon the weekend Mr and Mrs William Gol lon and Inmliy visited Mr and lllrs licrb Baldwlclr in Barrio Sunday evening CHURCHILL By MRS PROSSEII Nn=scrvlces In the United Church here on Sunday Sept 16 owing to the anniversary services ot Ebenezer United Church Rev Newcombe home on iorlnugh from irinlv dnd farmer minutes at Churchill charge will be the special speaker Services are at 11 am and nm The Young Peoples Union held the iirst meeting oi tho tell at lllr and Mrs Pages on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Joe Ettinger and iamin nt Leirby have move ed into Ilir and Mrs Does house in the village WIN IIALL TROPHY Congratulations go out to Gil lord Goll Haven team tor winning the South Simcoe Sonlt tor Boseboll lion Earl Rowe Trophy They took Holland MarshV in winning the first two games in best oi three series The base ball team were entertained at Golf Maven on Saturday to an alternoon of gel with re treshments atter Mr and Mrs Presser TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15 00 Tel Znna Vacation Tlms Dick Tracey Charlie Chan News Weather Sports Tho Flintstones ihs iical McCoys The Dcieniiers Hollywood Golden Years Country Junction lilan and the Cnallcngs CDC TV NI Tbs maths TodHo Community News 1150 111 Untouchables FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1105 Tut Pattem 100 Papaya Pals 115 News Weather Sports 150 Movia Fair Wind To Java summersms ics Zona Caravan Huckleberry Hound Three Stooges News Weather Sports Father Knows Bast Donna Rood Show 300 400 30 1humane wunw hmmw friend all the WeloomolHagnn notes will help them feel at bonu oo Join in carrying on our communitys traditional Writoihoapitahtyfidi eieoma on the name and ad oi amtliesVyou know wh mmovsng PA ssaoz CARRIER MISS YOU Ityour carrier has not arrived by nan please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Delivered To THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS ERVICE VALLEY TAXI onivsvounsrtr cons nun rnucxs Mr and Mrs Williamso lLISIONARY SOCIETY at Ottawa spent Thede and sawnnar SEPTEMBER Is mammalsan RavmsboenoSuadsy VISITORS FROM ENGLAND Mn Robert Judges and daughter Martinis oi landon England were dinner guests on Thursday evening at the bums vies The damnation was layered sills solo by Miss Evaflumblaattheirmnlnl service gt Min Beryl Jamioson ot Oni ilngwood spent the week with in Mr Ind Mn Herbert Godd oiMrandiirsltaroidParlr or Bothesdst 4th Lina Sev eral friends at Mrs Jackson tormeer Main Site oi Alliston called and renewed oldlimes Autong these calling were Mrs William Aken and Mrs Will iam atom of our villus Mrs Jackson taughtjchool It Bethesda several years ago mount Mas aonoon newsr Miss Margaret Thompson spent test days with bar brother Allan Thompson and Mrs Thompson at Milton reruns noose Miss Yvonne and Evans Stone returned home Irom Buvsrtoo where they spent the past two months turned home otter vamonths holiday at Sudbury and other places Mr and Mrs John Ritchie and family oi Detroit returned home Wednesday atter spending the past three welts with Mrs Rowal The WMS meeting was held hiesday night at the home of Mrs ireno MacDonald with Mrs Rlcbordson presiding Dc votlon was given by Mrs Schiller Roll call was answer ed by verse on Reaping Mission study was given by Mrs Robert Martin Plans tor WlliS sectional meeting at St Andrews Church on Tuesday Sept is were dLscussed also plans tor the thankoiiering me eting In October Meeting clos ed with benediction Mr and Mrs Ernest Malice Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Rowai WOMENS INSTITUTE Hillsdale Womens institute meeting was held Thursday at dogï¬ght John Gram itiisTTJamleson spent the past week with Mr and Mrs Harvey Johnston at Flasherton CHURCH ANNIVERSARY The United Church Anniver sary was held on Sunday with good attendance at each ser soo Red River Jamboree ado Tommy Ambrose Show 000 Summer Nubt no Perry Muon 1030 The Detectives 00 m0 TV News 1115 Weather Sports News 30 Movie Practically Yours 110 Test Pattern 22 News Walther BlubIlLGIiu try Tun News Weather Sports Torn Stooges Soma at These Days Robin Boon Havs Gun Wiu irsni Peter Gunn Movie Horn Blows At Mldnilht Discovery CBC TV No Weather Nswa Sports iiovis Emergency souo CFTOTV CHANNEL TORONTO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER II 400 Professors Hideaway 600 The 14me 630 Sports Walther News 700 Leave it To Beaver no nut McCoys 300 Theatre at night Forbidden Street Naked City 50 Peter Gunn 1100 1150 New Westbar Sports Polo um IND Mlhlila Jackson Stags FRIDAY SEWER ll 755 Mlhllll Jackson 51 800 Kiddo 080 170111an 1030 PM and FAN Loo Channel cream Fiddlers Torn News too Pruiessora Hideaway 000 Lawman aso Nsws Walther Sonata 700 Donna Road Show ALI star Theatre om Schedule Raising Sam Benedict ism nun wtu mus Zan Grey Mantra Pro Football Mahalia Jackson sings SATURDAY SEMESTER II 1100 cartoons 00 Professors Sports College Jungin Boy Twin Bill IIscltrc Charge of the Lancer thlflfll Lupin rcr NI mew til am ea sr pa Ths cosmos Whtplash Feature Theatre The Qutot Man FIRM oi the Week Saturday Night Theatre South at St hula Your Home SPECIAL PREACHER St Andnwa Pruhyterian Mamie it it on av Henderson oi Woodstock In preacher also special mus No service In St Andrews Church on Sept The 4H Homemakers Club was organised on Friday sitar ooon at Mrs Gordon Rowats home CREEMOIIE By MRS IIIEAII Mrs Ken McIntosh has leas ed Boyd Woods home on Ells abctb street tor the purpose of homo NURSING HOME Tho change In location oi the nursing home is the result oi complications regarding the lease oi the Iormer Dr Smiths property where the nursing home hos been operat ing slnca Inst May Mrs Mc tntosh is changing the name treating Croamorl Nurslns Home to the Creedan Nursing Home the name being dorivod irorn Crcemoro Dunedin Aven tag and New Iowan PUBLIC SCHOOL Creemoro Public School open ed on Tuesday with pupils in attendance SInii members tor the season are Prldv die principal Mrs Margarie Melbarnl Mrs Beth ingrom Mrs Vern Melville Mrs Alyce Watson and Mrs Charles Fos ter who is supply teacher for Mrs Arnold on leave at nb senco due to poor health rosmrmnSs nononnn Miss Grace Lomrnon posturi stress at Creemore was We commonsense ay JAY sacral South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NOBN use yxsoo oxos hasrs IIAB Anna Siii 23 who JKQIDL waqsso once is Ihsbtdtnsg South West North Pass It Poss lira Pan Opening lead monds One ploy trequentiy ov erlooked is the one known as dummy reversal it is actual ly not dlltlcult play to exo cute the reason it is missed so often is that daciarar simply does but see it South is in six hearts and West leads diamond Declar er takes it with the ace and leads club He hopes that West has the ace in which case he will be able to discard his diamond loser on theklng However the king loses to the ace and East returns dim mood No other play by East would matter Denialer wins the return with the king and ou ass DAILY CROSSWORD aoaoas DOWN 11m Liflalms Health resorts nst uNonaecaee Booed slang Bettorn alaba mien mans used or mach blending Western Hats axhihltiu chicks ï¬lms ariundes aespoo ll Some ram Childs stout Mm frieze madam nï¬uasian Joanie cltysm Black Sea 213roozy 161 in flEoIdnw voting Out Ionian LAWN HIWHIII wailInn SIIIIVASIIIIVAVA HIIVAï¬lllflï¬ï¬‚ now embarks on dummyre versal instead of drawing mys clubs inihis handnnd in 1IIB=Iiilleu iaclr oi dia Simeon corms seated with tho swear talthtul service pin by Green ares superintendent on behali oi Nu district direct or of postal servieas last week the pruenas at the postal stall Miss lemmon island the stall at Creernoro as years ago Has ovoatually was made uaistanm to postmaster and 1561 was promoted to cum tress to succeed Cecil Hayward who had cetiied BORN AT COLLINDWOOD Mr and Mrs John Thomson have announced the birth oi daughter at tho Golllngwom hospital Mr and Mrs Keith Brown have announced the arrival at their son Bobby brother for Lynn on Thursday Aug 80 at tho Cotllngwood hospital Mr and Mrs Earl Rowbotb am havoannounced the arrival oi their chosen daughter Jul lo Edith Doreen sister tor Dale EASTERN STAR BAZAAR Dont torgot the annual hairs salerten andbasaar being held in the town hall on Saturday Sept 15 by the Creemore Ecst ern Star Mrs Douglas Mclsallan and children who have been boll daylng or the past two months at Brockville returned horns on the weekend Mr and Mrs Waiter Dalgie and itaniilyzspo nt vibe past month holidaying with their re spective parents at Chathum New Brunswick Mr and Mrs Mervyn Talbot have announced the arrival of daughter at tho Colllngwood hospltol Fred Weir spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Delbert El lis at Detroit WESTERN TRIP Ilir and Mrs Clam Penalton and Mr and Mrs Ernie Pcne lion left on Theodoy tor mot or tnp to Saskatoonyand other western points Dr Earl Hunt and iamlly oi St Catherine called on his other Jock Hunt and Mr and Mrs Frank Here this week lUuEl JONES lARRY SHANNON DQNALD DUCK BLONDIE Mu iusvtaLAnNema SIEMDwGETEVEiWITH NENJDMIHTHEHELPOFW Hit LAWBYRUNNIWA Munroesou may WGHTTUMAME HURRICANE AFTER BLONDIE humps at this point which would seem to be natural he with club He then plays heart to the nine and trumps another club with the dock Alter entering dummy with heart to the king he then rolls the lost clubwith his lost trump the ace The client at these plays is that he has ruited three ot dum tbe process of going back and Iorth he basalso extracted all but one oi the outstanding trumps South now plays spade to tha ace and caches the ten of hearts drawing Wests eight at the same time as hethsposes of eree era last three cards are the KQlo of spades which he leashes to make the contract When the play is examined it Is foundthai South made twelve trickspeonslstlng of tour spades sbr hearts and two dia mantis When the play started he had oniyeloven tricksan sisting nt tour spades live honrla and two diamonds The trick gained came trom what is known as dummy re versal Usually the declarer obtains extra trump tricks by rolling his losers in dummy in this case South reverses that procedure by rolling dommya losers in his own band The re suit is that hagaina the all important twelfth trick Tonsorrow The opening bid In SEQ 3m GENE BEETLE united Teslaï¬g All withon Millergo bearing Eerfln cherry 565 or haplemonts heavy guns School 37Play on donoe words sacrum 29me antelope horses ï¬lialrow talented auz SAWYER muses AND SKEETER bdNi FORGET THE CLASS HOPTHlS rr endows 5W BfliN HM M1003 MIA0HR Kit iN MIND scoot WKOBLE BODMBAHS DOORHEPIIEHELL WORDSIWD tilV UFWAIID WIT TAKE HIM iNMFOllilllï¬ WORD I5 LIKE TO WINGM IT WAS ALL MY P00 MY FAULT FOR KNOCKING FRIEND lTS SLFIN DDLL NEW MATTEROF BOARD Wdliliultl AND wtsltio APOLOSIIE were ODMES FEEWEE staterooms moon WITH ï¬iNï¬iNG Bl 100 BUT KNOW ELFIMAS ATTACHMENT TO HERDOIL WE BOUGHT HER INOTIIEIZ ostracith Mount aso OMS Eiit NO WtillittWAllbliMM 0M CAT LOSS Hi5 THE TRANélA iON NOPEI SHE WAS JUST TRYIN TGET HER MDNEIï¬ WOIZTH CRITIC OFK All AIM mtottPooiti chains on one SURE DONT GET DRSAME BUT HERES TliE HAWSCLISA DIVER YOU WANTED M010 FETCHIIIM ALL