tartarrlï¬shEraddGnmih W1 houses The Brownie Paekatarta gain formlbe um ï¬rst bio ay Fatima St Pauls Anglican Glurch Any girl years by September may attend VISITORS Mr and Mrs Fred Brady oi Tomato spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Albert Brady Mrs Bill Brady and Brian are spending week In Toronto with their grandmother UNITED CHURCH Unit of UCW met on Wednesday otternoon in the base ment of Slroud United Church to begin another season of meeUngs it was in charge of Mrs Roy Goodfeliaw and Mrs gllarton Two quills are to he quilted In the next month or so Lunch was served by the host esses Mrs William Lucas and Mrs Bill Circus The service at Stroud United Church was well attended on Sunday Rev Fred Jackson used as his sermonthe Dreamer of Dreams group of lo CfilT girls and their superinten dent Mrs Lillian Gray from hiverdate United Church in Tomato East Presbytery were in attendance Gordon Cowao song very beautifully How Great Thou Art BIBLE PRESENTED During the service Bible was presented to Stroud United Church by Mr and Mrs Flre stone and family in honor oi Mrs Adams mother of Mrs Gordon Vnnless Grand Valley who formerly lived in Strand Mrs Adams used to attend Stroad United Church YMCA GATHERING Mr and Mrs Frank Mulhol la and Mrs Fred Mulhol is attended the going away party for Dr and Mrs Harry Holm at the YMCA on Wedy ncsdny evening They are leav ing for an extended trip abroad PEEWEE BALI PARTY party for the Strond Pee wees who won the ball champ ionship was held at the home oi their coach Stewart leisher on Friday night horseshoe nlacoiowliicb erlnnd won hot and ball as prizes About is hoys enjoyed hamburg try and completed an enjoyable evening WIENER ROAST party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Gosney on Saturday evening in the form oi winner roast and cornroast about 25 attending these being the Bantam bnll team and Mr Gosney their coach pleasant evening playing games of hadmio ton and darts were enjoy ed by all the boys These boys Iayed well all summer but not in playoffs FROM RIO DE JANEIRO Mrsfames ACourt and four aughters spent day last week with hel mother Mrs Jack Hunter Leonards Beach Mrs ACourt is in neiro ilbert Dobson and family visited with Bert Ralph and mother Mrs Rixt on the weekend Mrs Norman Neely attended the funeral of her brother Mr Dave Greenlaw in North Bay last week WOMENS INSTITUTE Next meeting of Strand Wom ens institute will be night meeting on Sept 20 at oclock in community hall Roll call is How my life has been in fluenced by teacher Speaker is Mr Morby QC rN HOSPITAL Vernon Ayres is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital unden going leg operation CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Dave Neely on the arrival at baby boy Eric Allen lb iii oz in Royal Victoria Hos pital on Friday night brother for Debbie Recent visitors with the Fred Mnlhollands and Mr and Mrs Pete Biliski and girls were LAC and Mrs Sanders Quebec stationed at Bagotville former friends from Marvilio France DUTCH CLUB DANCE Mr and Mrs Joe Krul Mr and Mrs Reni Ninaber and Mr and Mrs Gerry Krul attended the dance at the New Canadian Dutch Club at Crang Plaza Tor onto on Saturday evening uurran canoeawonnii unseat Unit we or UCW of St James United gathered at the home of Mrs Harold Robertson at pm for delicious potluck supper Four teen members were present The regular monthly meeting follow ed opening with poem read by the unit leader and the slug ing of the theme hymn SPECIAL lirioouerairorrrr enjoy vacuumflesh coflee at 7looorr regiilal price Bill Gibbons Jr and Mrs Man ice Brown were in charge of devotim Miss the lergumo has agreed to lead the Bible Study period ior the reminder of this year James verses 11 was studied Roll call was taken answered by modelling hat made of kitchen Kndgeta Mrs Victor Smell received the prize for the best hat Unit is to be in charge of flowers for the churdi from September to December Ladies were appointed to look after them for September and October The UC Women were asked to turn in their money for the Observer either to Mrs Good Iellolv or Mrs Roberts It was decided to help Cat cater to wedding Nov The treasurer reported that the bake sale held July zo netted Bazaar mas Baking mos al so that she has turned rinse over to the head treasurer this year The ladies decided that they would be agreeable to have Christmas bazaar and tea if so decided Anyone having new ideas please bring them to Oct ober meeting hire Bill Gibbons reported that new linoleum has been laid in the dining room the parsonage Oct will be his next meeting at the home of Mrs Parker Peacock Roll call will be answered by telling of an outstanding trip of your mem ory The meeting closed with tho benediction CHMGVALE LOLVMS very pleasant evening was spent at the regular meeting of fOL $05 Craigvnle After the lodge was opened in due form the altar was draped in honor of llro Vaughan and Bro Morley Gross who passed away quite recently WBro Vaughan received his soyear certificate some time ngo and Wm Morley Grose of Churchill Lodge niiillnted with Craigvnio Lodge few years ago One item of general business was the pinn ning of Ladies Night the last week of October SDYEAR CERTIFICATES The following members were presented with their 50year certificates Bros Tom Cook Alex Bin William Lucas life Stewart were not present Bro Lennox Black had thn honor of having his son Blythe present his certificate WBro Hammnn Toronto WBro McC it it Post County Master oi South Simroe assisted in the present nilon DEDICATE BANNER The new banner which was purchased afew years ago was dedicated also further strip of land around the hall was do nated by WBro Herb Block and new deed drawn up giving the lodge sole possession of all the land Bro Hammond gave short address complimenting the lodge on the progress they are making Shoit addresses were given by Past Masters and others Past memories were recalled and some oi the staunch mem ken oLiiLlormer ye nson es Black William Latimer Samuel Reynolds William Reynolds if Armstrong George Webb James Booth James Latimer and others Visitors we Thornton Toronto and Egbert Refreshments were served and another protiiabie reeling was brought to close CBHIGHURST Mr and Mrs Laidlaw oirtor onto are spending week with Mr and Mrs Cnme Baldwin hell of Barrie is the visit ing minister Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen and family spent their holidays in Toronto and St Catharines Mrs Whitney Quick and son of Trout Creek spent theweek end with Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider Miss Betty Caston was home from Toronto for the weekend SCHOOL OPEN School has opened with Mrs Martin and Mrs Beck the ST Pgugs By MR5 mun Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Michael Sheridan on birth of their second dang Sept at Royal Victoria pitaf nnmansaowan represent from Robert Green were eohorteesu for bridal Shower for Miss Eileen Sweetie who will marry Wayne Hill ln Emmanuel Bap tiat Church Barrie on Sept 15 Miss Sweesie received many lovely gifts followed by lunch Sorry to learn Wally Barber is confined to Hospitelin Barrie Wally has not been well for some time and will undergo series of tests Mr and Mrs Edwin Wench North Bay visited Mr and Mrs George Stunden and family on saturdey Mr and Mrs David Sloane and sons have moved to their new home in Meaford where flavld has been made manager if Mcniord CovOp social fraternal suggestion is an early start ï¬nd 14th eredit The Coolest Manager has list Send in your enrolnient cou no CORNWALL VISTI Mr and Mrs Arthur Gawain and Ari iett for Cornwall this week to visit their son and family Mr and Mrs Dennis Gowen GAGETOWN POSTWG Sgt and Mrs Mae DeYoung will be leaving the village shorta ly for Camp Gagetown NB where Sgt DeYouag has been posted with the Cnnadinn Anny Mrs Edna Orr has returned in her home after visit with friends at Newmerilel Toronto and Niagara Felts Mrs Patsy McCall Toronto ii READ How To ENTER conresr AND WIN The campaign is simple All that any Barrie Examiner at the regular subscri win There is no limit to the amount of help any or business connections scriptions and organizing overypossible of suggestions which will are 5200 contesianthas to do is to secure no he passed on to all contestants pon today then make plans tor 1st $500 spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Nisan Caro line St at In Mr and Mrs Mark Whitney of Exeter were Sunday guests of lift and Mrs Jack Steed Mrs Bert Walker spent few days last weelr with her daugh ter and fondly in Orangeville Mr and Mrs Bill Stewen Torn Dunstan and friend Bert Heard of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hamid Dunstan Misses Karen and raiiiciii Corban ct Barrie returned kl their home last week alter spending the last two weeks in August with their grandmother REALTOR AGENT Lloyd Freethy former owner of the Crest Hardware has be an appointed local represenla vs of areasz Usan UNITED NATIONS AP The United States lemming Soviet complaint eganst us TIE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY 53 file iiulneanuu use at carried out such testaduring an Soviet ouonimnlun Just you as delegat The Barrie Examiners 19629 MORE coNrEsrANrs instance ANyows MAY curse Some new $3ltoe Iie 5th $9100 Eecb contestant not Winvnin one oftheeash prizesv Will receive commission on human turned in to their copiesr new sear or not All subscriptions sold count for prizes and renewal subscriptionsvfor The ption rates fair Lield and he favors and thebest five contestants will contestant may receive from friend In fact the ladies who show the greatest ingenuity in means to help them will be the ones to neighbors relatives gathering sub the contest The most important winning campaign Simply call on subscribers or non subscribers outside whether new or renewals Enrol are CASH PRIZES In securing subscriptions eonteslantsare confined lopar folder terriionesf City of Barrie towns where The Bnnrie SubsciiptionsTma in their district covered The Barrie Examiner except the be solicited anywhere Subscriptions by mail in towns Villages or delivered by auto boys or girls in Examiner maintains carrier de livery excepting the City of Barrie will beracccpted and points awarded as shown on the schedule according to the amount paid All rural coupon rooAv cAsu swoops Tcourrsr THE BARRIE EXAMINER canals ouraaio GENTLEMEN use provide me with details of The Examiners Cosh Awards Contest sn Phone Number rFfEFFHFEi INFORMATION co It uPone