nor i535 Our iTeiephonea For Bummer Want Ads Tide pboas PA Milt The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 66537 local Weather Sunny hol numid today and Friday low tonight High iomorrowto For complete unwary turn to page two cornyu No 214 Poseiornr sass President John Kennedy stands before model of the craft known as The Bug whlth the us hopes to make lunar landing VicePresi Fleming Councrl OTTAWA CP Aclln says this is not time to down grade the National Productivity Councilbut instead to encour age it in its endeavors Mr Fleming was comment lngv following cabinet meet ing on the announcement Wed nesday by Claude Jodoinpres ident of the Canadian Labor Congress that he has resigned from the council The justice minister said he regrets Mr Jodnins action es pecially since the council has been in existence only about ill months and was just nicely launched into its work He said it is significant that MrJodoins er oi resigna tionreceivcd Tuesday after noon based the action not on particular criticisms of the councils makeup but on Mr Jodoins desire for different kind of organizat his letter it was known to him that the government was pro 16 LONDON CP Canadian wheat New Zealsnd lamb and Australian dried fruit came up for discussion today as Com monwealtb leaders reached the committee stage of their Bri ainintoEurope conference at delegates divrded into groups for detailed study of temperate food stuffs Asi goods tropical products and the implications of associate status in the Europ ean Economic Community for African nations External Affairs Minister acmqeresenterismnad the committe foods Austr land oinedinthe talks iv As the conference at Marl borough House entered its fourth day ings of minent counteret tack by tish ministers in re pl to misgivings expressed by v1 men about Britains move into Europe CABINET MEETS The British cabinet met today for the first time since Aug 22 to discuss Commonwealth reac tions But Macmillan stayed away fromtbe meeting Macmillan apparently absen ted himself from the cabinet session for two reasons He was anxious to continue round of informal talks with Commonwealth premiers he still hopes to rally in support of his Common Market plans He was anxious to avoid creating an impression of emer gency in the midst of the sum mit conference of in Common wealthcountrics Deputy Prime Minister Butler presided over the mob rcetin policy has taken ham mering senior British mine ister observed privately but the worst is over and the gov ernment will survive BO on tempemte abs and New Zea there were rumbl THE BUG dent Johnson is of extreme right Kennedy saw the mo del during his visit to the NASA tnstnllaiion in Houston AP Wirepbotol gets Activity pared to consider changes that Prime Minister Donald Fleming mi ght makeihe council more effective liir Jodoin sold the council is barrier to labormanagement cooperation ch are confggn ed by changes thatedfld make the in dustrial Revolution of the fifth and 19th centuries look like comparatively minor affair in history Mr Jodoin told the convention of the international Brotherhood oi Electrical Work ers CLC about this whole situation is the placesand particularly of peo ple in high placesto grasp or admit the deep and profound nature of thechanging period we now are in HERES our etal stlve women or the outer kindlf What other kind Ccib negotiations and the conference also stayed at Marlborough House Lord Privy Seal Ed ward Heath chief negotiator with the Market nations and Duncan Sandys Commonwealth and colonial secretary Tbetwosat in ononeofthe separate ministerial meetings being held at the conference af ter the close of the opening statements Wednesday Macraillanwas luncheon host to Siera Leone PrimeMinister Sir Milton Margai and Jamai csn Premier Sir Alexander Bus TORONTO CPl 3fsyear old woman was stabbed to death early today and con struction worker jumped from the 12th floor of an uncompleted hotelmotel in what police say was murdersuicide Dead are Doneica anendini and Antonio Grossi 53 Miss Valendiui had been stabbed five times in the back Her body was found on Harvie were cocci EWbloeks from her rk Town ship home Grossi jumped from the top floor of the hoteiAmotel on Lake shore Boulevard West some three miles from the murder scene Grossi was one ofthe men working on the project Ml and Mrs Alfredo Cipol lone with whom Miss Valen dint was living told police the woman had been keeping com pany with Grossl but broke off the relationship at their insist ence PolleesaidGrossi walked up the floors to thetop of the rib and jumped from balcony only minutesnfter iliB descrip vlwo other ministers intim vi 1er concerned with the market tion had been broadcast on the police radio in connection with the death of Miss Vaiendinf Oct22byelectfon called on Mr failure oi many people in many in UflAWA CP Canadas stand at the London Common wealth tolks on British entry into the European Common Market has raised political storm at home Liberal Lender Lester Pearson and Douglas New Democratic Party lender both made sharplyworded stntc menis Wednesday nttncklng Prime Minister Diefenbnkers criticism of Britains proposal to join six European nations in on economic and political esso clnllon Mr so opposition leader in Parliament where his Liberals hold filo seats to the governments llo referred tuba deplorable gnngfng up Canada and others at the prime ministers conference which may block Britains ecu move Mr Douglas who heads iii so cialist MPs and is seeking at Commons sent himsclf in an Dlefcnbakcr to make public im mediately any alternative be He also said it was fantns raise the question of whether Canada would be as interested in participating in European defence if Britain joins EClil The two leaders statements TORONTO CPlSomc social clubs in Ontarlnabpva evndcd nesday at his royal commission quiry inio The commrssioner made the statement in an interjection in the testimonyofProvincial Sac reiary John Yaremko who was arguing there was conclusive evidence Liberal Leader John Wintermeyers claim that certain clubs had been able to conduct gambling with Jointive impunifyforo time Mr Yaremko whose depart ment controls club charters spent the whole of his second Absent tnmante who have both taken wait and seeattitude to ward British Market member ship NEWS iii Charred Bodies fierce YAMANAKA Japan sons charred beyond recognition may have to the British plan tie for Mr Diefcnbakcr to and frustrated thepolibcjlifr tl What troubles me most Justice Roach sold Wed Ontario Canada Thursday September 13 62 Pearson Douglas liaise Storm Busvlike Bees OverDieienbairerslitiacks brought Liberals and New Dem ocorts at least into partial align ment on the issue And Robert Thompson leader of the or member Social Credit group in the House also critide Prime Minister Diefenbnkcrs stand in Calgary Wednesdny ltlr Thompson said he was disap pointed tho prime minister had not proposed Commonwealth alternative to the ECM lie sold newlook is needed ot Commonwealth trade policies and suggcsfed the littleknown Commonwealth economic coma miitce be given authority to hold conference early next year Britain has its back to ihc wall on this issue and we should have taken the lead with an ol ternatlve proposal We in the Commonwealth have used Brit ain as dumping ground for years He said the Commenwenlth has both the markets and raw materials which could help Brit ain prosper without becoming ommon Market member Justice Minister Fleming act ng prime minister was asked after cabinet meeting for elaboration on Mr Dlefen bakers reference to an altems tive and said believe iil leave that to him Some Clubs Evade Poliï¬ Justice Reperls iii Inquiry day in the witness box innn attempted pointbypointurcfuta oniier Wintcrmeycrs leg slaiure speech of last Nov 29 which led to appointment of the commission At the conclusion of his sub missionof monotone brief it was announced he will be crosscxnmined later and that it Cudney deputy provincial secretary would be witness today emko was seeking in one down this statement of the Lib eral leader Despite the declared policy of tlietcpygromentzsndï¬hamer quirements of the law these clubs have been able to operate with relative impunity for long periods of time There is no evidence what soaver to substantiate the any curacy of this statement Mr aremlro read from his brief Further the department sub mits that there is conclusive evidence to the contrary No evidence where the commissioner inquired There is certainly evidence before BRIEFS eund AP The bodies of to per were found today in the sine thisasceniezsummer resort nod WStorgotf spokes motel overlooking Lake Onto LONDON Reuters utes after it opened Bomber Crasheh soar BEACH Calif amm 12d peared to be an attempt today in could lead to strike acti rnsnxrunr sr 6000 Russian Jews Two on active duty in Franlsfu arrest Prosecutor Heinz Robert Soblen was adjourn the inquest he had not yet of the fugitive spys death bomber skimmed over rooftops dential area Wednesday then crashed in flames at the navel ti adsnahdepobhereiflhemnvysaidalbumin The dead were reservists from Georgia navysaid Several witnesses said they saw the plain trail ing long ribbon of flame veer to the northeast inwhnt ap mens union is demanding wage increases granted earlier this year to enginech and Fourï¬eunansiirrested dey announced the arrest pects He said one confessed personally shooting at least inquest intorthe death of on ed today until Oct only 10 min British government pathologist raid Dre AP Navy P2V Neptunepatrol of heavily populated resi the by ihe pilot to keep aloft until the bomberacleared the residential area Sees Possible CPR Strike MONTREAL CPt lheCanndian Pacific Railway said message to all employees that the company and the Brotherhood of itan dispute between been able to determine the cause ay Trainmen CLC on The statement saidithe train in excess of those firemen The Frankfurt chief prosecutor to of four German wnricrlmcs sue of the suspects were police officers rt end Hamburg at the time of their Wolff said the Frankfurt city ndministrstion One was an officialiin Worlds Fair Wednesdsybe State The Hive Alllsion Provincial Police still arent too sure whether it was the thief or the victim that got slung For most pcoplo trouble comes often enoughbut two Simcoe Couniy men went out and stole it In the form of hive of bees The bees belong to llcrbert Harris of fill Allistnnbut couple of beehoppers thought they were in clover when they snatched honey and hive occu punts had set out to make quick sale Police said Arthur Furguson ofloi tlolgnie Street Barrie and Cecil Minnlkin of Angus were arrested yesterday and charged with theft Both will appear in Alliston Court on Sep fembcr it Now the hive is back on Mr Harris propertypolice decided they didnt need it around the office or in court as an exhibit The only bees they went around are the few dead they found in vehicle during investigations of to rl hi fr is FIRE HITS CiTY WORMS West Germany ReutersiOno of the worst fires in the history of this Rhinesida city was brought an der control Wednesday after it did an estimated 6000000 marks about 31500000 dam age The fire began large urethrafactor andzseverol other furniture paper chemi cal and other plants were dam of pi Prisoners GRAND FORKSBCCPl British Columbias march ing Freedomltc Doukhobors have renewed their vow to push on to the Fraser Valley and en ter prison at Agassiz Efforts Wednesday provinol =governmeht toforcei the Son of Freedom back to their mes at Krestova appar ently have been rejected by the Doukhobors ta to man forthe group said her followers will march 1000 strong into Mountain Prison if 67 convicted terrorists now locked inside were not released Nothing can stop us now she said We are determined The march will be two weeks old Sunday After covering the flrst1to miles in threeidaye the Sons settled near here and have lived in the rough since in farmers field Observers say their funds are running low and that the group will pool its re ources before ng siz pdssinySaturday The sect has blamed its fl nancial state on decision by welfare officials at Victoria to stop its social assistance pay ments Government officials saidthe cheques were stopped because the Sons no longer have pcrmanentsmailing addres to th p1 to Lb Wednesday to lod llope emitter TORONTO GP Scoring tehstimony of rigged elections and highlevcl slmld the Seafarers international Un oncy committees easy money artery in of Canada was presented tho Norris ship ng Inquiry Former Sill patrolman lil chacl Sheehan spent five hours lling about his personal expe cnces in the Si during thell years he served in the union crnrehy lie was to continue by Mr Sheehan onetime right hnnd moniof SfU president Hal Banks on Ihe Montreal water oni now heads the rival Cn nadion Maritime Union whictr booked by the Canadian Ls brlzr Congress in its ellout strugs ad will Can Tho Liverpool born union to destroy the loader testified under oath that Mr Banks ruled iha SiU with an iron hand rigged clectlons utfed ballot boxes fired dissi dent union officials blacklisted seamen members who caused trouble raised union dues and armed to keep high turn over of union members to add 5250990 treasury year to the Sills tetanus qflfsliqfigri by hiauriceWlgthanyer for the 107000omember CLC and several affiliated unions includ ing the Gnomemher CMU as DeukhObors Want Freed lfiffey return the wel re department will issue food vouchers if family has chil dren in need but no cash spokesman said the ruling was made because it was felt the Freedomitcs were migrgg wronguseof welfare payments The government cant be any tougher than they are now be Mrs Storgoff said in re o2ths oov king it now meeting was to be held here today for decision on fu re movements Mrs Siorgoff made it clear ere will be no more walking We will load up some 50 peolt at time and drive them camping ground on the will assemble before going mi Agassiz is about soo miles west of here Mrs Storgoifs demand that all released appeared to be some ing new The Sons previously said they wanted to be near the prison to reestablish tiement there set iioo Lauded Eyen In Rain SEATTLE iCP The Cana dian military tattoo scored second triumph at tbeSeatiie dazzlinga capacity crowd with periormancethat sparkled de spite steady downpol of rain Defence Minister larlrness was one of the l7 or more persons who watcléecinlsmtheczr 591le BEE EEG as no new history unfolded at the fair stadium to loud un stintlng applause The responsive crowd tilled every available seat in the sta diurn and lined railings atone end several tiers deep The other and ot the field was eovr cred bye glantrfaeada through which theivarlous military units made their entrance Rain beat down throughout the 29 hour performance which includes the RCMP mus re some regimenta and four bandstwo from the army and one each from the navy and air fare Princeton highway on near to Agassiz as we can Not Merl Noitifcon finned his onemon investigation of waterfront union violence and lakeshipping disniptions lhe Sill will crossexnmlne Mr Sheehan after he has com pleted his direct testimony Mr Sheehan charged that hfr Banksandl Mohegan of Canada Steamsbl Lines in major Canadian pping com pany are veryufricndiy and communicate by telephone fre quently He Banks calls him by his must know him first name Roglo so The former SiU of Mr Banks told him 1957 strike against the co Sicumshlps Company that he would never settleeven if 50 ipcrsccntipay raise was offered Wcil pbt those bastards out of business and well never signliir Sheehan quoted Mr Banks on saying after meet lngwith CNS officialsx He said Mr Banks told him at the time that Canada Steam shlps was interested in entering the deep sen business and wanted to buy three of the CNS ships The CM line eventually went out of business but its ships were sold to Cuba deal still under court litigation Mr Sheehan also testified that he was present with one other SlU official when Mr Banks rnlsed his own salary by $8000 year Heres how Mr Sheehan de scribed the episode lfeiBanksi said Ve lm going to make motlonthat lifr Sheehan suggested that an impression of union democï¬ rney was always given in the Sill by holding membership meetings to elect committees to supervise nominations votes and negotiations But be said the elected com mittee members were quickly shipped out on vessels and re placed by beachics whom he described as scamenwhohung around the SIU hall rarely sall ng aboard ships Says Canada to Bankrupt MayBecome SecondiSihena LONDON Ont GP Karim thousands t2er become he beria of North America were expressed Wednesday by the president of the Canadian Mun niaciurershssociation Carol Pollock of Kitchener told meeting of the Purchas ing Agents Association of West ern Ontario that tariff sur charges imposedby the govern ment may save Canada from the brink of bankruptcy Despite all the natural re sources and thepotentinl the country has Canada is nearly banknipt he said 5We were ing money where we were going Mr Pollock who is also pres ident of Dominion Electrohome industries Limited said the sur charges wllllhelp promote Ca nadian manufactung and re dl ckimports iFor country so far from potential industrial development as we reducing tariffs would be the kiss of death he said Without tariffs Canada would be the Siberia of North Amer ica Manufacturing must be in creased and the flow of value ble people to the United States must be stopped if Canada is to survive Canadas borrowing from the United States the United King dom and the international Mon etary blind will not save Can ada from the brink of economic disasterr We are still in trouble he said The only solution is to put our domestic house in order and make this country better place in which to 11Ve nndworlr