ran aaanla EXAMINER masons sear too vote Reg welham It Barrie VBarbershoppers ATot OntIIChamber OutiTo Make History 53m Child the John Koren chairman oi the it has ben announced today bars at Commerce and Bow Society tor the Preservation number5hr committee and by it ll Sarisant President at Trade and Encouragement oi Barber Roy Atkinson chorus director Barrie Chamber at Commerce The iollowiag is complete Shop Qilaltette Sindhi in Arne In mMIon with mm that Reg Weiham sacrel list at olï¬oers and directorsel gt flu SPEBSQA vtll snake bars bmmp my um mm aryrmanagtr oi the Barrie ected tor the current term benhopping history in the com dm mm um Mam Chamber has been electedscc Oiiicers honorary president It in year It It attalns the goal um Retention mm or ond vlcepresldent oi the 0nt Adams president Orlt 151 nights meeting 0mm 91mm which it won arlo Chamber of Commerce elt arlo Climber oi Commerce The Chime held it banquet for 19514 ecuiives tor 1962rol The election president Harvey Johnson lad ï¬rst lamina oi the season Wm direct min ol oiiicers was held at the an secretarymanagor Fort Wili in St Gwraas Aauilcan Hall lble tor brlaaina in the great nual meetan at the assocla lam member oi Commerce on amnion sum est number at new members Mon at big Chlel Lodge 0rl past president Robert Harn um mm by Rep wlll be laliveu the magmasi ii ilton masterymanager King ter Dyer and banquet the as pugm° mm 5th Chamber at Commerce mmblmmmnn no mm the In Amintm first vleopresldent liolly immemtmbmmhm maram ammo termed some years ago is on wood surmmmnmw sud flu or mm mm mu the mm ML William mmges 399 bury Chamber at Commerce MURRAY HALL iinn was set as approximately Marymanagers secretaries mend wwmswem Reg CI To MAKE mm April TI 1m Willr wwi mum Weihsrn ucretarymannger Maia dealsion oi the evening Preparattonr oi the chants and general managers of Cham Barrie Chamber 01 Commerce was To strive to mate bar the mm mew will begin immediately ble bershopping histo rtlcuiora The com tluon will be held siirrimï¬ï¬‚ï¬ifflgugiï¬mrgi ly In the antrte and Murray Hall president oi the at lardloyiliis8 and all choruses tnvnurlnunu and mm In Barrie Chapter in SPEBSQSA are asked to be present CalbornaChamber oi Comin smear sass sponsor SIGN BOOK iiilit°tlï¬l ppm and who Dim H= Dennis manner ot the Ottawa brands flan It Kandahar til slstant manager London Charm Lambert director of Ion Coolie look on For the yesterday on their way to cl Mi ï¬rm moron mil ml beroi Commerce Earl Public Relations at OKeeie past 10 weeks Alberta has North any they signed the earlyl lumenm data no Dleknoether secretorymanager Brewing Co Ltd In Toronto been working as student visitors sleLbookgtB sonaralulated Mmï¬ LIN nd lad rial Corni ShowSiEnliIlibajlsiioiaiWeaflï¬eflcadnm potiyillnlliltlbmowar Pm1W BcllEvlllé Chemoor oi Comm register book while exchange onto lie is one at toil lor presented with series of amassed regret atlosins mmrmfl mm me Dam ppm general student Alberto Alberta sign students working in Can descriptive literalure about had Md barbershooper Member decided to mum manager Oshawa Chamber at 21year old 501ch im 3d in mm and name and 51mm CDMW mg in leaving Mr Hall will pre the show data of Saturday May Doa MeClymont ivmill Di Turin and Mayor Lambert Slapped in 35m milliliter PM 93 hows drug sent tho Chapter special no la and make arrangements to manager Ottawa Board oi WWWme mp no pity to be presented to the ban wnlunctlon with the Barrie hlclloiv score co gmmjmmm lb hershoppgn whose intending Chnntortgiiah Alderman achievemcn horas The show will probably be held amen 3kg Wm Mm heros mopping lirhsriy year is gutlgtaugltonurp oiHCentrill The shed by mm wort recognan men aeNeonsrue on Chamber at Commerce mdwï¬nmmbufldmr away The show will include one lee émnnamydecretarym sorvtccior pits used to ntm boot and can presidents will form commit al quartetts and one irom out rough Chamber OI com Yield signs are being er and on Highland Avenue otCod MM 1mm mm 73 Wm mam in mm wmner aide Thm Will mEdY died Saturday was to be held haaval acted on the east and west nnglon street ad When Murray Hall leaves for spots on this show uirelels milligram atilxazfldci Ontario Sid Kayne at 51m in other business Council oral lTllrlniull liiiiriialJtvnilllellrguiil Tilidmm vial inimiin omwn Chnma Kelly band In bang mmmrem Chamber of Commerce Street to allow trnliie movtng med buck mm study gm Union mum flail 91 Vlmplelglgeiflibuym Mk 0V In lutura meetings will begin unmitivomm managen jun north on Daytield street lrom mammalde the plume Mflhplm mm Mam fgélléegmtridmzrelï¬ren fight to 8pm and maular pro REGCiiELiMM adlan Chamber at Commerce the parking lnlon thehwcst side gigs Vgics in 188 at strand my 13m cf mm Veltch second vicepresidenty inflicï¬itiiniiimihi ndtollEPCan Winmamcro or This decision was reached last on um my side ton Avrnuo United Church dmgh mind sunningd mud by WSW35 mung night in City Council based on ot the city Hall be asphalted She is survived by bar has Wm room In The mommy my the recommendation oi Aid using the tram committee to band Bentontin Edi Fisher of had more members by Christmas Earle Williams and his Fire and setv or the purpose 311M Skeet Barrie and two 73 51 PE The Barbershoppers have re lratiic Committee Thonpproval dausnters Mrs James ile mi°9fd solved request to appear at means change in Bylaw 2251 gmniw Wm55° bride Catherine at Home mnriilah 59 Elmvaie tor the Fall Fair tor which was only passed Barrie Branch Boyal Canadian and Mrs James Little Elm up to 9p ono servrco es went 15mm mew The Chaplet weeks ago Milli in 110 11 annual 508 or of Toronto and anon lllnr and mm i0 wllidaoiriaotalatermaedng not derby September at viniBildloiKeswlclr fwmvvireesdnibemv0M whether it will be in she to No city cmpioyaeslastnlght The mayoraiso praised eolur 10 Ens 39 WWW 230 pm ration of Canada in mm accept 35 gï¬gcgï¬ï¬ismspaissigwnï¬ $11912 sitidnmï¬pgfsfggmm is ï¬iflï¬jï¬ï¬‚ï¬w it decided to otter the De 55 Mr PETERS ation with its Barrio atlillate thnthe business at the that The twister interrupted throeyear municipal training tire administration of the com to trailic on the Reid street hill ailment gagmflï¬eï¬uflffl 352 downpour which was soaking Chisflï¬tmmfï¬ $33351 guttaliiglgérdgglgegï¬ninwilimlda Nurse munity This was also brought on Marlon crescent at Wellington 5m dwm mat Saturday at we deorglan Man the areaaltar its passage rain 3g Sept 24 Pym at the pracuce on some old 1mm The presentation was made out by the people who headed strectftlo allowwthlcu right oltwa gaps énrefl 011 is Penna om was he tell again Embassy Chit await ï¬ï¬gimigï¬i the mum to an mu situated in the Grove street at The Lady oi Assumption Elsewhere around Lake Sim The 5mm new Church Brentwaod atio am NB Winds lowering skiesand an my mm hiiioi2isqltionfliitrfymti than planer gas in st interwar ggwlgewegfnayvq willfiihoniw ELECTRIC aa emee orrie it out par cno Durins the Presentation MHY 391m5m We wait pet gym by Lands and Forests seed plant Gerald Vandezonde business Cm mulled mm mm 8L am sister Mrs Jeny Lame New at Angus reported only 29 th agent said the speaker will nmflennewgctgocrï¬tligyt aghglgm earn ll Cuba May Release we and two brothers The she or rain in the 24 hours discuss many questions of in mommy damage was neglig odoro and Henry Holland ending ates am today terost to all worker on important part in ii plo grass course was conducted Nor out AKE Moon cm Mela Pore NEW YORK tAPlJomcs University at Kingston and was gorilla PW DmvaDmdmnd night um sponsored by the Municipal at Cuban overnmeat may be per Clerks and Finance oillcars lludeo Farms lgem Roiin suaded to treeon purely hu 95 Barrie Asï¬clatlljoinr ollt Ontario It £3 05 flk gang manltarlan groundsthe more SEE am mm ung New am now in course Wnï¬ll and as Mln Rathmalu than 1100 prisoners capturad in under msmmuon Freud Provmdal Styling or to orru svrumss on omwav Ava at curious STREET SW cm like number of lessons whirll in 01 51 5mm Repairs to Reason and FREE PARKING so no in line at Simpson 5km ul iii £335 2Mtitti° dualism ataxia 3min Donovan New York run 03 am IM The academic level at this mi interprov no Tornnm as 10 mm WW mm on MARY araaar mm me work Cement mm Club Trans Can rent negotiations with the gov 3y rsts in had was dgmandlngu mid gymuh hug emmentotPremlerFidel Cs 13 CONSTEVGTIONCOMPANY LTD PA $2521 Ira some prisoners release soMalsa naslool ExslusivoaanlaocaasouPA 66481 Mm cm Cdguliflnlgsvg zo llroynrvrov violoarinou was not question of are 88M mm wm change not question of ran tl ma England acts ones on at trl Can Dyan va coco tunes onendsh Can slipsqu Na cuminr apmflit Donovan explained that such Synopsis Light rain or driz 33 ï¬gmgygm Sh 5m release might be eitected zie is forecast for all but the Can Dal alo aoo Lamaaua Stoop Rooter through his eltorts because in lower lake regions today Grad Corner Rm Lam United my case represents private uol clearing is expected during ggghï¬lbm 152 flï¬ï¬‚fï¬uï¬ humanitarian group the afternoon and evening lol Sullivan 1oz Nometal 231 Falcnnbridgo an Nurthgnt are The lawyer who earlier this my sunny weather ma nos acrrvs saocss year enacted the exchange at Lake St Clair Lake Em alolr Nealon Newslerth lfurdexrcan Oil U2pllat Franco Gary Powers southern Luke Humm Niagara Dowlows wars snaa avnaaass tor Sovrohspy Rudolf Abel ls Lake Ontario Emmi Windsnn industrial up 41 mu down as litllittes down on working without too or the Cu London Hamilton Toronto soaouao sauna axcanaaa moss in Emu C0mmm ISSUE 0F during the afternoon Mainly MM $150000000 has gt ii on NATIONAL Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Mainly cloudy and cool today Occasional rain this morning day tinds northwest 20 to 30 becoming light tonight ASPIRIN TABLETS mg 93 83C year 6month4inoneallable bonds duo Aprll11865 Eorecast Temperatures interest payable April land October Ir 48 70 Denominationsii000$5000250008100000and31000000 Wham ï¬g 33 DODDS Kidney Pills reg 79c 71¢ and Toront 50 72 Kiilaloe on lntelestpayahleAprillandOctoberl W501 DISINFECTANT no 74 05 Cloudy and cool today clearing leans down no Golds down Metals down on down so libera at isonera oi War Tl Al iiiflrmimiiii BRANDS GWERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS clwingmmEmï¬mmym if In Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions and not quite so cool Wednes PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SEPTEMBER l5 gt uh 1° to b°i559d MPH MIN mm Wde COL Issue price 91Ylaldlrlg abouty1555 to maturity aim 33 ii GATE Dental Cream reg 98c 79c Hamilton on 72 St oath nes 72 lAVORiS Mouth Wash reg 125 $105 6ycar6month noncallable bonds dueAprlI11969f degroug LUSTRBCREME lam reg L29 $115 Issue price 99 50 Yielding about 553 to maturity Bothnewssues no tedO do 1962 no te if in td pl CO an WI Earl Yes for NC After Shave and interest are payable in lawful mchey of Canada Principal is payable at any Agency of Bank of Canada Interest is payable at any branch in Canada at any chartered bank of Magrle5la reg 69c without charge Bonds maybe registered to principal or as to principal and interest Paï¬nlhge bonfis Will to available on tar abohut ttlctcber i962 and tdhereatter in mg arms carer orm wit coupons attar is orm may be registers as to principa Lades Hairdressing reg 98C 79C and fully registered form with interest payable by cheque Bonds of both forms will be in the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to denomination andor iorm Of reg 51C without charge subject to Government transfer requirements where applicableli 5M5 The new issues are authorized under authority or an Act of the Parliament of Canada CLEAN LDA and both principal and interestare charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund at Canada DEPENDABLE Proceeds of theoï¬eringrwill be used to retire at maturity 567516000 0i 53 Bonds maturing October 1962 and or general purposes of the Go ernment of Canada Subscriptions subject to allotment may he made islands of Canada Ottawa ALLANDALE DRUGS LTD En throillghfly énvestimont dealer allgl to to not as primary distributor or through any on in am CALDWELL DRUGSLTD660unlopSt Paszoos mbnoï¬soflhelolnwillcloseaIGUDomEasternDrillshITiinaï¬epteniborfl lmmmm LIMITED SLOAN 1291 Parisian Street ransom Jo F3522 aoss oauo sroaaangm 4495931