Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1962, p. 1

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Our Telephones For Eranitaor Want Ads Tele fllonc Pit Hut The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept 11 PA $6537 Local Weather Ihuadmboweie today Cloudy and cooler fuerday Low tonight as High tomorrow 72 For full summary turn to page two 98th Year No Commonwealth Meets For Opening Session LONDON iCPl The Corn monweshh of nations still hold ing together by some mystic ce ment assembledtoday for its largest and perhaps most im portant conference in mood of unccrtolnty and considerable tension Statesman frotn 2t countries including eight colonies nearing independence drove to flailyear old Marlborough itottse for the opening session of meetings that may have it big bearing on Britains ultimate relationships with Europe and the Common wealth After it round of lullllai handshakes delegates ranged themselves nifnbly in order for th the usttal group photograph it ceremony now ritual one oi ihcao family summit meetings lhen Prime Minister Macmil lan bearing the main weight of Britains tormented search for role in European affairs that will not jeopardize cher ished Commonwealth links ex tended formal greeting to the representatives of the iftriiung family of nations DIEF REPLIES Prime Minister Diefcnbaker of Canada pictured by some British newspapers as playing key role at the conference spoke in reply as representing the senior Commonwcnllltcoiin ry On arrival Friday Dicfcitba ker whetted journalistic curios ity by guarded references to an alternative Canadian plan for Commonwealth trade expansion that may he produced it Brit ain does not Join the European nEconemlc Community This produced varied re actions Natvspapers hostile to British entry gleefully portrayed letcnbaker as Macmil main opponent The Daily Express constant critic of the European design says chfeabakcr will lead the Commonwealth cause this week tntwo major speeches one stressing fear that Can ada may be folded into undue dependence on the United States the other outlining the damage British membership in EEG would do to Canadian newsprint aluminum lumbor fish and the big industrial com plex in southwestern Ontarto Other papers are more scep tical about Canadian plans The Daily Telegraph favorable to British entry says delegates are eagerly awaiting details of reported Canadian initiative it says they are unable to see what aitcrnativo Canada can produce other than Common wealth free trade area which or some years now has been recognized its complete non starter CANADIANS ARE MUM One vague report in confer ence circles tvhich Canodian informants declined to discuss was that Canada has it der of meat intbeing sketchlag the broadtoutlincs of TransAt lantic trading area including the United States The conference perhaps the most publicized in Common wcolihhlstory and certainly the mostmomentous in relation to economic affairs since the Qt fawn trade agreements of toll opened agdinst background of unusual complexity On the one hand those who profess tolrnaw the British gov ernments innermost are convinced that Macmillan and his colleagues will make clear their belief that Britain come what may must take the leap into Europe Against this there are signs et edited Sp Saysihr iIs Ideal For Foreign Agents NEW YORK APiA Soict npy whotdefectcd to lh United States describes NeW Yorkas mecca for Communist agents and the Pentagon as one oi our best sources of loose talk about miittnry subjects The SPY former Col Pawei onat operated in the United States from September loss to May told as military attache to the Polish embassy in Wash ington He detected to the United States in the summer of 1959 Monet writing the account of his espionage said that during his mission iii the be made 40 other foreigners all speaking in strange accents is an ideal stamping ground for foreign agent It provides the cover neces iary for spies to meet and pass along information and instruc tions he said Monets book Spy in the US written with John Dille will be published Wednesday by Harper and Row Anyone from four star general toa 15yearold boy can get into the Pentagon Monat oid And once inside the Penta gonthough many areas are ex tremely well guarded to let the joint chiefs the intelligence tannin tunes 1Yugoslav seaman Branko hliloslc chats with interpreter Manny stankovieh in Hamilton staffs and the tapsecret plan ners deliberate in privacyany one can roam the hallways and pause in the corridors He and ids aides went there frequcnlIyaa did military at taches of other foreign coun tries Monot said adding Our purpose was to cavcsdmp on conversations Other sources of information readily available to the spy Monat said include the free government technical publications and congressional loose talk For five cents day itionat said he could get from news papers information that would clistlheTirltcd States millions of dollars to obtain fromwilussia by On railplanesbrreconnais sance satellites HERES ONE Kansas woman ths of go ing to the city to attend cat tlemena convention Determin ed to have something unusual to wear she made blouse and embroidered on it every cattle brand she knew in the hotel where the cattle folks stayed she waited while her husband registered not rig oldcattiem blouse the onceover Finally one of them remark ed in loud voice That etit for sure has changed hands lot aint she after jumping ship Friday night Hesurrendercd to im ieelings ti that the government will need steady ncrvcs to coth steady and growing volume of anti European sentiment both at home and in Commonwealth countries Conference sources said that it already was generally agreed that the talks should end Sept 10 Sources said that after his inrmal welcoming statement as chairman Macmillan was to casc in favor of joining the all member Common Market Then he was expected to throw the discussion open by in viting each of the representa tives of the 15 independent coun tries to make opening policy statements Soviet Equipped Ilrmy In Iiigeria ALGILRS APiDcputy Irc mier Ahmed lien Bella and reg ular army Col lfouari Boume cnno were Algerias ntiers to ay andpreparing to nominate the nations first legislature cavity weighted in their favor Boumediennn marched 5000 men of his Communisthuigped army into Algiers Sunday end ing the chaotic seven weeks oc eupaiion of the city by rebelli ous guerrilla forces of wllaya izonol No The regular troops were given tumuituous welcome as they drove up and down the streets at the capital in flagrant viola on of an agreement with wi laya 4s leaders to domiittarv ice the city With roar otter roar of cheer ing the civilian crowds ex pressed bath their pride in their tianal peoples army and LrslithoJcheaLot up resstvewftaya fieiime The guerrilla leaders had run torimpose an unpopular Mos their control of the capital to stall attempts to organize an or derly national administration thinly becausent their fear of being placed under Bournch ennc command Pioneers Plan Canada Move CHICAGO AP Chicago man says he is assembling group of people who will try to get away from it all The moving spirit Robert Van Schalck SI says his party pionecr settling northern At this stage he wont point the proposed settlement site beyond saying that it isnt northof the tree line and its somewhere in either the Kae watin or Mackenzie district but not close to Hudson Bay Van Seboick advertised ra ccntly in two Chicago newspa pers asking for persons to help him settle small portion of the Northwest Territories He now finds himself sifting through more than 300 applica tions The response has been fab ulous Everyone wants togo bcrsai Van Schoick first planned to take group of about no with him Now he says there will be venture in trouble holding the number to 50 mtgration autitoritiov tCP Wirepbotol present the United Kingdoms the city at gunpoint and sought the lem puritanism They also used th willemhatfikflcxtfiplingwnd Summe Ontario Canada Monday September to 62 Viceprcsident Lyndon John son holds news conference in Washington Saturday to dis cuss hls trip to six countries in the Middle East and Eur TAIPEI Communist China reporting it shut dotvn one of two llZ planes the Chinese Nationalists bought from the United States charg today the flight over Commun ist soil was part of US spy program The Nattonalists confirmcd that one of the high rtorpiearty disap peared Sunday on routine reconnaissance mission China mainland Nationalist spokesman said 4s were bought from the Lockheed United States in 1960 and put that department id the the pur approvol but that operation of the planes was solely Nation alist matter officials admitted privately sumcd that information ob tained from Nationalist 11 flights would be turned over to the United States in the normal eource of intelligence exchange between two cities The latest IT incident an nounced over Filling radio ya Thrashed About HAMILTON tCPiTha Lib eral platform in the June it federal election came under fire Saturday at the cancel of the0ntario Association Several of the 50 delegates to resolutions committee meet ing variously attacked and de fended the platform in discuss mg resolution by Jerry Graf stain of Toronto which sought establishment of committee to Young Liberal pDItCtES Among the platforms critics was Dr Russell Taylor of Tor onto who said the 75plank plat form might well have been cut to two or three broad planks As it was he said some voters got muddled picture of the partys program couldnt have been clearer Booklets explai ttg partyth abundant and of T00 SIMPLIFIED Leo Gray of Windsor said New Democrat literature was attracttv ole Was drastically oven pll be problems facing the na tion today are complex and cannot be explained easily Mr Gray sat crature contained policies which cancelled out other policies but it was simple andeasy to read hen man is unemployed it is difficult to discuss things with Mayor Says No To Public Debate TORONTO CPlhlnyor Na than Philiips today turned down proposal to hold public de ale onlrollerD it James in the forthcoming mayoroity cam paign Im not debating with Mr Summerville or anyone else to give them publicity saidMri Phillips now in his eighth year as mayor Mr Summerville announced his candidacy last week tonnsonntscossis TRIP Chinese Beds Down UZ Platte gt Charge US With Spy Plans Formosa AP altitude Urs they haMmJneratiar 11 cly they were con Corporation in the into flperalion in Ccflmtllfttm Th ascs were made with US however that it could be rts dgramxamtncpiirty But Russell Sullivan of Tory onto maintained the program The NDP lit By THE CANADIAN PRESS highUS government offi cial warned Sunday that any Russian attempt to set up long range offensive missiles in Cuba would bring the most serious consequences Fair Begins Canada Weelr SEATTLE iCilThc Worlds Fair look on the appearance of Canadian outpost during the weekend as mammoth contin gent from north of the border prepared to start Canada Week activities Fair officials said the RCMP musical ride the military tat too RCAF band and aerial acrobatics and performances of Monirlal play will make it ope Johnson said the people he visited view the people of the United States as friendly considerate Americans not ugly Americans in Wire inoto Union protested an Amp tional observances at the six leanpiloted UZ had violated 50 mm WW vict air space over Russi 31 WWW held Sakhalin Island north at RCMP 9mm Wm 1mm Japan The United States ad will Mk mitted that one of its atrol planes might have been blown GO WEST off course by high winds Peking did not disclose the fate of the Nationalist pilot ationnlisloiiieicisasaid ch 7333 NEWjonictAPl Poet Ito rt Frost athis Puckish best returned from the So cd he vict Union Sunday chuckling about at least one statement he made theta and got away with Vto his surprise The will airedpoet said told to Russian people thcywere lhumanizing lit tie down from the severity of theirideals casing off to ward democracy let me get away he smiled 38yearold Frost also offered modification of the grand old Ruttiondeserip tion of Soviet Premier Khrushchev which he gave after visit with the Russian leader should have modified that and said as dr Frostspend =tonri lg the Soviet Union during which he conducted readings of poetry and met with many Russian leaders could altv lt as race ed however that the Communists offered Aug to pay $250000 in gold to any ntionaiist pilot who delivered U2 intent to the mainland listings eff say to Red Chinese pilot who brought Soviet MiG15 to Formosa nn defected last March Tho PekingPeoples Daily of fietai newspaper of the Chinese Communist party charged to day that the plane was engaged fnot in an isolated flight but in part of an overall United States pi program against socialist Communistl countries using Japan as the primary base The paperclaimed the flight tunderscorcd US designs of in Asia and was not ha Formosa of President Ken tarysadviscrEGe Taylor Taylor said charge was obviously untrue He denied all knowledge of the Nationalist UZ flights NEWS BRIEFS Pope Preparing For Council VATICAN CITY Reuters Pope John today moved into his new sunuacr retreat massive old tower in the Vatican gardens for week of private prayer and med ation Tile utlyear ls fihimse at ca ecumenical council opening Oct 11 it was the tme Pope John has used his tower Sobien Hairlnngonvulsions LONDON CP from Reuters Dr Robert Soblen still unconscious four days alter taking an overdose of barbiturates is striferlng from serious brain damage and frequent con vulsrons itwas disclosed today DrC Barnes con sultant physician treating the nlyearold fugitive spy said damage resulted after the barbiturates interrupted the sup vply of oxygen to the brain Iliiempt To Mob Nehru LONDON Reutersl Demonstrators demanding the in dependence of Kashmir broke through police cordon today and headed toward car carrying Indian Prime Minister Nehru But police aftera fe minutes truggle managed to force back the an it alic Approval Given Uganda LONDON Reuters Leaders of the 15 Commonwealth countries meetinghere today formally approved Ugandas applicatianto becomean independent membcr of the Com monwealth alter Oct At their first session the leaders also agreedthat Tanganyika should remain within the Com monwealth after it becomes republic in December con ference sourccsaaid Criiae Hearing Postponed TORONTO OPl Gambler Vincent Feeleys court move to overthrow the Ontario roynlwmrrtraaloh on films today caused the commission to calloifthe days scheduled hear ing and temporarily switch the trend of its vestigatton MrJustice Reach the commissioner commission will proceed illesday with new inquiryythe issuance of charters to social clubs in the pro Vince litsrt Pleases de Goalie PARIS Reuters dattt dc Gaullc hasretumcd home from sixday state vr to West Gonna thatappearcd to have strengthened his hand against domcst opponentsof his policy on Europe De Gaelic in telegr nriits arrival here Sunday to West German PresidentHeinrichLttebitehpmi bounced himselftouchcd to the bottom of whom by th enthusiastic receptions he received in Bonn Du oi Dtt hhrg Hamburg Munichoiid Stuttgart one of the most colorful na taken agatnst To Cast Havana dispatch from Reuters news agency corre spondent told of passing by truck carrying huge rounded case about 30 feet long and eight feet high with Russian lettering on the side wondered what was in side wrote Reuters corre spondent John Bland Sunday Paul Nitze assistant secretary of defence for inter ielevisionaudlencc that the so viet arms buildup in Cuba is of defensive nature so tar but still is of concernbecause it helps Castro to consolidate his position and thereby increases the possibility Cuba could be used as base for Communist penetration of th rest of the hemisphere COULD BE SERIOUS He said if Russia tries to set up long range offensive missiles Cuba it would have the most serious consequences sharp rise in the flaw of started in July and included not only economic help needed by the Cuban regime of Premier Fidel Castro but also large amounts of military materiel Vaniers=Ta Sl BENOIT DU LAC Que CPilt was busyWeekend here even for Benedictine abbey The visit of GovernorGen orsl and Mme Vanier was the focal point ofthe=weekond And the appearance of large seg ment of Ottawas diplomatic community as well as numer ous Friends of the Abbey of St Benoit du Lac commanded st tentinn sary celebrations Since iota the monks have cleared much of the 600 acres of land raised meat howeverand established themselves Visitors iiso=iTteiudcd John Quinn of Halifax an obtain by monkmarried with twu chil drenwho arrived Sunday night for few days of meditation His home monastery in West minster Abbey in Mission City BC LISTEN TO VANIER As the monks listened from benches General Vanier rc fiected on mankinds stries tll science and apparent neglect of contemplative activity simple Christian who re flects on the situation in the world is zed with anguish study the means the more they forget the end JOHANNESBURG AP English language newspapers here predict new stephouse arrestsoon will be announced in the South African govern ments campaignto silence po litical opponents new antfibfifimw empower Justice in Balthazar Vorster to conflncpeopleto their homes for specified number at latewh people would he showed to con tinue their jobs it these were not considered harmful totho state The caseragalnsl them is ported to be based on the dencics undermine the security of white civilization and aid in trlnes Premier Hendrik Verwocrd Vorstei and other government officials joint in recent spec that is the smalls munis Cr es of the anti abatagc actjelalm that it vlolatestra dittoaal civil libsrtl TAKES DRASTIC scar Undertthe Sabotage Act as so far Placed national security affairs told deliveries from the Soviet bloc The arms appeared to be th They were invited to the she boy as part of its 50th anniver pigs andcattlethey dont eat hmsaidrflhcimorsnnetr ProvisionscoL SouthA ueh Ai charge that theirpolltical teu the spread of Communiotdoea Eromulgeled ast uly Vorstcr 10 mainly earlymodel groundto air missiles and electronic equipment About 3500 Soviet military technicians also or rivedpossibly to train the Cu bans in the use of the new equipment Senator Kenneth Keatlng tltep NY said Sunday that reports are circulating in Vosh lagton that horse trade with Russia in Cuba and Berlin may in the wind SUGGESTS DEAL In television interview he said that reports suggest that the Soviet Union may want to put Cuba and Berlin up on the auction block together for diplomatic deal that would make some of our most hard boiled negotiators blush In brasstaclts language it would mean that Premier Khrushchev has told President Kennedy You lay off on Her itn Well lay off on Cuba But if you press as in Berlin then we will put the screws on you lfeating said the US mus make clear to the pooplooL Cuba and the people of West Berlin and to people every where that no such deal is in da ePart lit ilbbey In 50th Anniversary Plans At dinner Saturday the ab bot Dom Odute Sylvallt trashed General Vanlers hands tended to each guest TIIOVVOIDIOHIBIS2WICI General Vanicr attended solemn eon Ventuni moss Sunday in the an finished church of the abbey It was celebrated by Msgr Se bastiono Baggio apostolic dele gate to Canada and in effect the Vatican ambassador to Cana dian Catholics and sung in Gregorian chant by the monks GUESTS DRINK CIDER Also present were Protestant polltanlttitenadoraa oi the and ate at buffet some tak ing home bags of apples or slices of the roguefort and Swiss cheese the monks make Highly educated Dom tava Darils whose duties clude the Christmas card bu naas keeping the locks in order and guiding visitors found it an enjoyable weekend when he wasnt running the elevator or racing on an errand It gave us chance to talk with thesepcople about their home about faraway places like Japan the Japan ltendcdlp is said Dom Darjis whose home town ls Bonnyville Alto H9useI Arrest Predicted Soon more titan half of them while under ban of silence raids and arrests against sus peeled people and organiza tions Formally outlawed the motif 1a alga pm Temocrats under the Suppl clan of Communism et 19 congress went ttndcr the ban which previously hit eouthAf ricas Communist party and two riean organizationsthe can National Congress once headed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Luthuli and its offshoot the PanAfrican Coa 3105 MAY stunner ALL The Johannesburg Sii Times says It is CODCEIVtbIB tiiatin order to shear Com munists and agitators more for minister Varster to silencej the entire nation The Sunday Times and So day Express complain their tors were turned away to nly Itfriknner reporters wero admitted tits big reception Sat urday nightin nearby Pretoria honoring Verwoerd on his oral birthday Admirers tirenenled vs nerd with an eghtsided ibtrthday et eri brn atop supports fn deraot common gesture of humility err andJewisirctcrgyand hieiro Authorized numerous police effectively it may be necessary To in

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