Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1962, p. 8

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ran GtNAItlAN raises av theendIoi arboretumi WW nooslllocltcy lugus regulars 7d mm Detroit oodjl car at Mm will be will Nevrnri 1th $3 STEVE JONESCU are they will be in the render mm York will be one last to set in Immune ampnext Wednesday Cano dleas after it stint in the West CONTRASTS by will pm um me last cénsoo are returning to tho Punch linlach managercoach at Toronto Maple him it the Stanley Curr mm leafs oi the National Hockey League advised his play flammangrpznfihlhmlfll 11 mm mm ers to report to training camp he more than seven Margomm III In Guelph to Vancouver pounds over last years playing weight or else Wm mqu and 60m Eefmoa ltlup Patrick manager of New York Rangers muguggflf mm Emfifmwlm gag III the same circuit has been reported only as asking his Im my Io be was mm old stars to return for more money mud chm um Md ranging angled lam or Hmmm hlaple Leafs won the Stanley Cup and the 313313gImglIIfggig $5 mg mm mm boss concern is weight New York Rangers bareinmade mpIIA 1mm IIb IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII the playoffs and the bossis begging and altering Iound tartanwinger Bert Olm am stead picked up tn the dish Ihi Quile contrast but not Withoutreasou by New York Range and f°$iiniiicnn Flrhliy thcrc is speculation that Kent Ham lmlach need not worry about money Hell have He ran ace It enough trouble with last years members of the champ mum mm It mm W110 id dt in MBERS LEWIS ES OVR FOR TOUCHDOWN Ionshi em Everyone Wm be looking an Imam AfgIItIiIIII IIIin 13ml II back as player only OTTAWAS CONROY HITS THE DIRT As no so Not at will get it or deserve It but theyll be bar gain spot gaining ADAMS LEAVEs words Brower Yukon W19 Works Ptik btdl tikld kththisbl Petmhmd Whatlimit omissionanoint 0n rIiI ght To Finish virilisveteranstharniothotriéi Thats why theyre $5°ik evnropulnr Bulldog nrow To continue being offered big dough to return cr laces YukonErlc in light in on CI Bom ers uccesses to he We Rangers are reported to have offered Doug Har mm Ad in be ad in mm and have accepted the Iederl gov voy $30000 to return strictly as deienceman Most II ernmcnts after to continue the olilclnl capacity By BEN WARD ceded by rookie halfback Whit the Vestem Conference to our Th mu 9m municipal winter works Incen observers believe Harvey is not $30000 dollar year Adams retired train the gen Ung bout as one wrestler mam Tucker who said later he didnt points over Edmonton Eskimos Ml the program or deienceman But Patrick is the guy with his hands on oral managershjob orig laIst BIEIITQXDIIIIICIIIIIIIIII XIlIIIIlIItIEg figfillfihzrl Ingridmifl mam Bah hold hm mm in fiffifi BIDmm IIIIIIII stonnotly the some basis as lost the purse strings so who are you or to complain 50m and coat Sid wit Labor Minister Starr air the Eastern Conicrencc by ye joln Mac and Mun mum display at ball controlI and the ban mm grew Relmuxv IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIng IIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIIIII Ray Gordon and Billy lied nounccd Friday it Iam happy to hear thatJohnny Wilson whomIllke or New York as doubiethrcot mum dd Wm Dilute Lyons la the scmlllnnl bout on This will be the lilih consecu 39c me Ill the protcsiloaal wrestling curd tive winter for the re ram to consider friend has been offered hike in wages men stnr rlghtwilllicr Gordie ggggy IignIIfrIoJfihn unlliywéigfifnrlirrm mm gum In ammo IIImoIIIy GIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII III WWII IIIII III III IIIIIII IIIKI III hhoklgllhiierzollelkiliz J3 gagliiizilistuthgullzailsm as 551mm tawa Rough Rldcrs 2122 in me or the rest or the CE Bill all 00 it who ls 15 tbs 19 Then Roll Lancaster In open 015 110 to 30 Black Hawks and gun 11 game Undcl the rules it club bfllll II II II am much In Inok arm the Rider qfiartcrback 1963 vesu The way hear it Wilson willIreturn to hockey 5310513131 mum crowd of nose mums muffin mm mi Iflalhnm mid Id II 3SI3VIIII1 nItivoIyeIiIrr elegant cant think of nicer mm In SI cmflneh bu biggest Ottawa turnout oi the on ho in own is ii MAIWIWMZMH lime 3a halfmmmm cceves he Bum Myer season gen managementlseheggmgwthe WWW 3° hilt iihtiwiir loll The win rauWtlinlpcgl un Um innit Bobby Simpson and whole world ofexpertence lhera likely wont be more Io squatting all alone on tho aldc have different activrty Frank Mahovllch Mo chum mm touchdown plays to no it up beaten streak of himself no In name WWI mm teams leading pointgetter the past two seasons is the chimp team hm wound only to have Bombers eIdsa 24 ThrlgIhfltzigeltzlwgy bullet drive that Simpson seeking new contract As hlilt Dunnell of The Star lip third last season and was am ml and took top in toyoru scoring run in th Wh shaking off flock ot Bomber putit some time ago if Harvey swort $30000 then osteoby LeaIs clip The IIII IIIth Mew MI mm 1954 Fraigkflivill drawiabout twrce that amount from the raid IIII cm number Tadilermt the gorillas Lea ot shirts in last seasons last ES 11 111 of course it wont happen But its just an example placehnflna towering throw to Tucker an all star in the senior interlt coilch ate League last year with the University of Western On Comm In Internationa has ASSOCIATED ranss game tor on alltime league rec it Wm hi Thovnmjnmomumndztliem urd ans didnt get the yin and 459 it fuel or lubricant that we derive omcml then lost onchtttcr pltchcd ii and been cs cclall dcvclo ed and tested for to par Th lemma Len5 ER another onehitter for seven in 0de dyd dpm II Ip mesh Jflcmnvine mugs He leit or pinch hitter 1th DIclvcaux made it 2020 formance an open 11y in its irna on chm we 33 Frdly during tour run Columbus 01 Winnipeg With hilly pm localityYou can depend onitAndyoucon depend IIMMIIIIISIVIfIWgIIfiImfiIIg night In their first your in my he mmhhh the tram the Ottawa 31yard line on us for that delivery of Tricia hnseballrrmlh CW Crackers Iought back to tie the which Tucker grabbed 20 yards Softball Lo AKRON Ollie ANThe £75 Alter soso practice inund he sen or me mm bemnd mum over mah same it In in in but did hm 9mm IF mailmanenergy whines disiel lusts motor oils 000 World Series of Golf opens Thursday in which Pnbncr was 5315 fludqlmn gagean gfizgugansmr ms in the Walk doll by Tim in The 0th Paints came today and If the title trio plays the only one able to match par Carver and single by Ron on the safety touch when lumm ind clown oiIrsIuII rings at speciilty labiicitint as iiIiIell as InIIivridiIaIyIIs lIgloo or tchIIe Firestone CounIIry Clubs fhf$pfifiifim¥f°m in SENSE the mm for de Egg grid lamb ban oili intimates prac cercun on res erous itsyer par70 50m ml show IIIIIIISIII the IIIIIIS IIIIII IIIII IIIII Ilhc probable rtlng hurlers In other league action tho We lon mlnutesIlaIer at that how many Leafs may lose more rounds bargaining for mm no dollars than they might in prac co sessions It makesnlot of sense too two touchdowns tor Winnl cg lbo Jl mstrong Ior Stow second place Toronto Mania can my and hp gm to behold amazing acid making 19 8pm Ema its an Jfick Vail for Milne Lents swc doubleheader 5Y5 lamp on With Wk GENT James And gt fiffifuggdog IhaIIfIaiIIrwaIvII Interim the 22 year old sing Irom entrain Bisons on and haithackHcaryJanzcn getting TRACTOR 015 UNIVERSAL 10 time ace elter lrom Columbus Ohio Game time is seven oclocL ipltofllestar 41430331110 Plays T00 no we hm James Naked our mom champion Arnold Palmer nh whothas wononly one tournal 5mm mm Im pair comma tionalOpen championruler rhinitis highest the char Jack Nicklaus and peg whim 35 pro Rochester wan th VICmm 9403 an Haliback Ernie White scored national cnhad 3333 and the Chiefs taking the night the two early Ottawa touch Gary Player from south Am 55 think rider his Thurs ca 48 and Atlanta Crackers Jim In 15 mm downs on 20yard pass from ray ltiey were booked Ior is day score dropped Columbus Jets 35 in 11 serious injury through continued 1mm and If Ydld Iholes today and another is so innings mugh play by Bramplon Arm plunge Moe Racine clickedon RR No BRIE Sunday with the low scorer Fla 5552 III The victory for the Suns gave strong in the Canadian Junior our converts picking up $50000 the second me If hfia $2ng The them three game lead over lacrosse final pincer $15000 and the third man $10000 we came mom wmI 34 IIIIII the Maple Leafs With any Brnmplons rough play in E9 prayed the steam go of executive com Hflmfls left In the camping the first two games has been It trio with tour birdies and mittee oi the Ontario Speed Jmsomfle had been assured fidlculaus smd Jay some pars 0i no Worse than lie nnes liable to get badly hurt Palm Association held in The III an In ireIIiIIIouiRg Bmmmn keepint IIFI er the muscle of the piayo pic ure We out in pay acrosse Latrobe 17 Feb and were the dates things have two Prepared for the trials hm lam easel 1th bfiwiiwyawxe or our tpnckah pay see Mike Sangster or II IgI IIIgIOIgIcgsggIggeIIgggIggg manner FEATURING as the remaining two rlhu handed out 190 FOREST nlLLsI My mph III holes and wound up with Slut be he name games will give Rochester the eiendiag champion lioy Emer minutes in penalties in the two dates are In Play berm opening games 105 minutes to son of Australia harnessed Mike Mgr at single deuce graced the Egg have bemsem to RéitIifinIta iIfifIIflgmaracoIheud of 3mm The rugged Ontario an in beat the sturdy Englishman in some 00 municipalities in On for two in the eighth and tour cons game including live MOIIIIIIy September 10 Player has won about 344000 tario stressing the revrval of Juli dUEl 46 63 64 011 in the north on five hits walk at for quarterfinal spot Ill 19 Mime sliced skating interest and lor and Richmond 8mm to wrap figsha tank um of III nauIIIIIII IEIIIIIII champion laus is in the $33000 bracket matron of new clubs up the pennant Tm v8 ills N0 TIME LIMIT waéhprgmic skating clinic bank in the boitofi of ihe IJfiépii$£iy ninth but Wynn Haw he at th seniorseven Minta Cup Tthe my mall 15 ex future mew mil be hem 19 relief 19 scaricseat one game each with pee ed to lace Chuck McKinley by the local club to discuss the in Jim oi the United States in the moments and the winter OWgINI PIP evb resounding 237 Victory semifinals to see which gets mom limgram mmem 1°25 Brampton Won Whats the dubious honor at trying to BE Iaingm hit opener 1310 Vflrdd liIod Lovers bid for National League sgvenangg II Snunuaéd Third game Will bentayrcd gran earn AII l1 gotsibesecon ln ralel Saagster who bangs the hard wwfimimfl$mfinfir II as Denis Menks broke on at cm BLAME sost tie by getting the winning run Coach Lhrry Kendall said Fri gIaiIe himerson 5qu battle of home in the ninth on sacrifice day his players have only them IIIS arregIlIiIitcaiites ltllfgalfilyihem IiII SI 53911317733 ny selves to blame for the one under IIIE uncanny marksman 539 84176327 NEW YORK APtINew York The Red Wings jumped off II II II km MI II sided lass gimbthe Itelnm wouIId gt1 or cos see pi ng or ive runs in irs on he cautions out tug hen mp of the Australia nuke lamem help for their American pennant oi the opener as Busterharum less penalties during the rest of in the first set Emerson mm mm hT Davst drive purchased Hal Skinny ran his recordItorm witha the series slcrs delivery XsT Dam 196v Brown rightheader from sevenhitter 1n the nightcap You lust cant expect to IhimfeiiI maIiIuly onII 3e DoublesRobinson 44 Baltimore Orioles Friday or ItIIllelIastiIIIaceChlszs brziIlIreItIiIig kIeeIp taking Ipcnaltieds lelggfii sleug I0 is un erspin the waiver llce or $20000 Iain Wl re going upIgoas sai en hand which was sending bullets efliwviihigh Brown nines been in the Broke douhlms home the wine But think the team realizes down the line or clean passing mI American League for more than her it sown shalse 12 among He has won Bab Vcale the ILshardluck Officials said the possiblth it the womens division on uhmys Fm 1031mm and an ERA of burler added another chapter adding third reicreeItor the Vicky Palmer of Phoenix min cm 42 this lifetime major mg cal to his heartbreak saga IVeillIe remaining games is being eon upset the conqueror Thursday Sm bamwllsr L05 Al reer record is 7765 W11 Shrunk 22 me 10 MIL of Wimbledon champion Mrs 39 92 Purke American League All 111311 Plunnelssriao 4171 has Steinem KC 525 solos atc Ensicm Conlcrellcc Mia has 39175 can 11 Apr Iggyva 77161409 Ottawa loans ASSOCIATED PRESS 65147308 Hamilton 113 757 Mnteal 2111031195 anttlngElll aneroslti Pl 10f°° Angilfif Toiorito to 50110 ratehs hlItII1 31 grand slam hIomer In oi inning snapp rig is 11zfia Pittshiir was An tory over L05 An Winnipeg 0151 9610 geies that trimmed Dodgers Edmonton 0111129 National League lead to halt TriflesClinch Kansas 1129144 Igamevover second place San 14 31112102 III 1mm mkxméhmvm 2491011 I4 Exhibitions of strength and FrarIi SIM II ncsotatl7 uh Pichng 05 science Authorized by Ont dia agave up anlllahiu caigflezrh CASH AND CARRY LUMBER ario Athletic Commission vI If wit Mimi it MB III II or AKE so JGIBSLJI 1733

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