fllE CRAVE is shown it this picture neatly health the caterpillar tractor below it after it reliedbackwards about 200 tect late last night The crancs boom rammed the concrete forms bent the WHAT HAPPENS when clone equipped with 4050 foot boom tr eis backwards unguided by human hands and juls its boom into the walls gof an underpass The reinforc ieinforcing rods caused an estimated 315000 damage in ime lost and repairs and melt consternation as to how he thing got there in thcflrst ilncc Worker are prohibited rom going within 30 feet of ran IARRIE unsounda aaruauav earn no winded Cranelj crashesilnderpass BRADFORD Specialltfayv belt was the chilly night air or the uncomfortable bed it had but crane onfilghway 400 was in nasty mood last night it in reported to have left its position beside the construc lion of an undnrpass bridge at the 12th concession of West gwlifimbury and taken to tear things apart Bradford OPP constable Al Goodyear is reported to have seen the crane tn the excava lloo Reports indicate thattbe the area About half the un derpass will have to be to built Accident Victim Died Yesterday BRADFORD smashivor man Lamb 33 of Holland Landing died in Queen Eliza beth Hos in Tor construction equipment went to work on its own about 10 pm some time after werhmcnrbod left the scene Damage done by blghvipccd cram of the crane was estima ted at between sis820000 Arrongcmcntr have been made to bring another crane from Tomato to dislodge the villain ItoStars Play lit Camp Borden CKEY NilSian willplny doubleheader against Camp Borden Ladies Bordcnetles and Junior Bordcnettcsfnr worthy cause today The first gem is to comm once at two oclock with the ItoSlur taking on thelun ors The second game is schedul cd to start at pm with the NoStars playing the seniors Mayor Lcs Cooke yesterday 60 re ita particular function Mayer In wounended etiorts of Simone Coolie Barrie Emergency Menu 01 ganiaatlon for its part in the search for lhomaslna Baker who was abducted from outdo pond near her home in Bccton nearly time weeks ago Mayor Cooke said it can be made abundantly clearthat any by net or beneï¬t in training experience derived by EMO as result of thh unfortiaiatc affair were not anticipated He said all Ebio nnel volunteered their servcca only with view to assisting in any was possible They were genuinely concc ad for the well being of the child and her faintly and want ed only to perform public ser vice the lfayor said KEY ro SUCCESS The Mayor went on to say that the real key to the success of thLi operation was the public sup port of all who took an active part in the search As has been mentioned in the past EMO cannot function eta ffcicntly without the constant and 1frilill support of meithig and any emugooey is individual ciiiiao who is the greatmt asset it would extjroénelmy brarufl for anyone on scope and define the boundari ies of the Ernergcncy Measures Organization in disaster or time of nccd since every situation would altar to some dogma in night Mr Lamb who fractured skull in twocar coi llsion on lltghway 11 near Aur ora last April had been unconv scious ever since The collision klllcd liyeur old Russ Irvine at Oak Ridges ing rods are bent out of shape and the concrete forms demo fished in this case it resultcr in nearly tivo weeks delay in construction hammer Pho ios hi 1Looks Good has been increased to two and Dre 15 On We After 109 full exhibitionsthe folks at Oro still insist the next one will be the best The next one is Wednos day Norman Stoddart secrer fairytreasurer said today the exhibitions get better all the Th time because morepeople work harder at making it so every iDuck Hunting As result of changes in the Migratory Bird Regulations as they concern the Lake Simcoc District duck season opens throughout the Dstrict ep om Ddfferia County on Saturday Septemb er 22 commencing onehalf hour before sunrise on that datc In flutterin County the sea son will commence at 1100 am Est 12 oclock noon day illightsavia time October dg all By Department officials ex ct that hunting pressure willgebo more dispersed in itho open season this year as ali of the Provmcc will be open except the Southern District which is that part of the Province lying west of the westerly boundaries ofvthc Counties of Si one and Fiat ocal Conservation fficer wrll hematite to give wider cova areas as the Holland Marsh and Matchedash Bay where hunters previously were not per mitted to start shooting before 12 noon Thc bagrlimit of woodduck be shooting of canvas backs and redhcndii will be permitt 5d The number of canvasbacks and redheads in Canada and the United States is m1 era are cautioned against shoot iig these species Conservation Offic have zccn given instructions to deal flievercry with any violations in respect 1every other in the area is BESTBIISS Gordon Lowan of Thornton placedflrst in the Sacred 80165 for bass at the Canad ian National Exhibition music competitions rid Fair dnesday year He feels that the trend will continue in the future As is usualiyrthr case few days before every exhibition said Mr Siodd ts almost impossible to est the num ber of entries that will be had are is always big rush the day before Past experience indicates that some 150 entries will make up the exhibition However 1200 entries are expected for the 0m School Fair which runs in conjunction withvtbe Worlds Fair In the Flood years the school fair has been part of the his toric event interest has shown marked increase The youngsters really go all said MrStoddart mnthnsinstmaï¬the boys and girls this year that new building had to he built to ac commodate them Orillia Pipe Band will pro vide extra entertainment for competitors and spectators during the day King Shows will operate the midway feature at this show as at harness racing that after the accused turned ilnto parking spot near the Lflitvrrflaiealicnlmosuimmed lficulty in getting out of the and critically inlurcd the childs father 51gyanrold Morley lr vine Ruled Impaired Man Fineddlflfl ti Juniper 12 of Barrie was fined $100 and $5 costs by Maglerute Foster in Magistrates Court estcrdny after having been found guilty of dr ng while his ability to dnlsor wasiimpalr Last June 22 in the early Iiours of the morning when Barrie City Constable Barry Bradley heard car revving its engine at the Five Points he said ff was just about to cross the street and question the driver Constable Bradley didnt make it however as the lights went green on the driver and he turned the car cast onto Dunlop street Constable Bradley told the Magistrates Court tcrday the corner he sharply pulled ately pulled out just as sharp ly once again to four car lengths ahead and veered tag to another parking spot The policeman then told the court the car backed out of its spot and backed across the road to the north side of Dun lap picked another parking spot humped car in the pro cess and finally came to stop He told Magistrate Foster that when he question ed the man the driver had dif car andhis breath smelled of ROBERT IfODGES Continued from page one the citywith good viewsand because of this good quality can be expected The mayor indicated that ho was pleased to see the negotia tions settled by local men with this as an indication that the project can be carried mitoticeh ployment stimulus once can structlon is underway3 The mayor said that he was assured that potential pardon era will be protected by an efficient control and standard of building The mayor said it would stimulate and develop one at Earrics older sections and could mean continued interest in the development of this area This too is one ofthe last remaining areas in the com muuity that can be developed as large landuse piece of entire alcoholic beverages Camerq Clubbers Meet Wednesday The Camera Club of Barrie isstartiag it 196263 season dogsdayand Limaat some 30 members is anticip After summer of shooting solo the camera fans will be getting together again at Mayor Motel for another season of dlscusstnnrzcnmparing oracles model and still it shooting and constructive criticism of their work Vieeprcsident Grayden Rich ardson speaking for president Fred Tenute said yesterday the club will welcome any new members to the fold and they have hhpes of instituting blackand hits field this year property and indicates Barries The clubs primary interest is color however he stressed liessidtchuhisnffltiatedi with the Color Photographic As sociation of Canada and mom Abers periodically enter their work in nationwide competi tions The club has set of lights and backdrops which are used through the seasonfrom Seplt lember to June tfor work nights still lit model and various types of indoor photog malty Starting Wednesday the club is to meet twice month Though membership now stands at about 30 Mr Richardson said they are definitely on the lookout for more me it lAliESHORE llVlNG MAPLE DRIVE ORILLIA Owners spadouulbyear home on west shoreofLatie ing at north limits of Oriliia 105 ft lake front age House ninerooms white masonry insulated Gar Wood heating fascinating location Large gracious eat mace hall 13 cc ng broadloomed living room 20 30 with 16 picture window and fireplace elled dining room and library with fireplac wall all windowsoverlookinglake reci 20by 40 with bar kitchenette and 16 picture window and with fountain pool and ldtche by wood pan with one cation room huge stone fireplace opening ontolak5ido patio rose garden Custom built ll over looking lake Two bathroom plus shower basin and two dressing rooms for swimmers Outside fireplace Garage and bonbhouse attached to house and aateLGco un Sincntai ï¬ffrait trees Wide whole length of property concrete breakwater As owner is ding smaller home furthernortiv Lake Joachiching this great family home is now fined for sale less than cost Will consider taking other property as part payment Owner Maple Dr Oiillia 3255619 Hugh Grant JbidLMLW GEORGE DAVIES $3 MILLION HAN pressing needs to annex more land for future expansion City Council some months ago gave approval tomaking the property into subdivision and since that time the prop erty has remained in its pres ent state awaiting development Mr Dames caheiLitJnuL lv FARMERS MARKET The market was unusually good this morning with some light frost reported in some sectionsof the county Good pears sold for 65¢ hus hel apples 60c to tide Ripe tomatoes were plentiful at 50c basket Green peppers do each Everything in the pickling line was plentiful and sold rear soaably Fresh honey soidwell in as sorted containers Roasting chickens sold for 40¢ 1h Eggs ranged from tie to ï¬ne dozen Baking sold well with malty regular customers arriving early There were few aprons and knitted sweaters for children offered DealMute Drives Awes Magistrate OTTAWA CF Magistrate Carter expressed amhze meat in police court Friday that deafmute person Accused of failing to remain at thcscene of an accident had been able to obtain temporary drivers er mi Lucien Albert Martin 21 of Ottawa was fined swzyand costs after pleading guilty to the charge last year nitbhdmh any scale operation involving hund reds or thousmh 04 Mile competent body of key person nel fully trained in martial The area of the search for the loyurotd girl extended into four comfiu and covered an area of approximately 1700 square miles The area was scardicd from sinby car and by people on foot covering ditches culverts foam and sideroads Reports show that shoulder to shudder search was made of an area of approximately 150 square miles surrounding the Baker farm VOLUNTEERS Ray Atkinson ï¬ncrgency Measures Organization coordin ator said in this type of alt uatlonwhere It was ootdc dared disaster by appropri ate authority the Emergency Memes Organization acted in volunteer capacity Personnel involved wen covered byicoms porsatloo booouse the operation was called an exercise be said Mr Atkinson agreed with Mayor Coolie that all EMO per sonnel involved volunteered their services in whatever capacity they could be be used it de veloped that EMU and the train ed personnel connected with it were invaluable in the operation articulnriy as th sea MORRISON the largest home construction undertakingsia the history of Barrie When completed there will be more than $3000000 worth ofrreal estatciln this subdivl sinn he added Mr Davies firm alsoStlias homes on Ottaway Avon 5c btreethvleirosetivcnuernndat the Vince Crescent subdivision adjacent to Shirley Street He hopes to have some of the homes completed by next fall and construction will con tinue until all the lets have been used The program is being planned as five year undertak tng until completion Directors Choose Gene Longevin WASAGA BEACH Specialt Gene Langevin was elected president of the Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce for his fifth term at meeting of the board of directors held here last night This was the first meeting of the new directors since the re cent election The election was made des pite protests from Mr Longevin who has repeatedly stated in recent weeks that wanted 11 own ro tghest chamber office The directors however persuaded Mr via to remain in the chair at least one more year be cause of the many undertakings that are contemplated by that chamber in the coming year Mr Lnngevin then consented to this request Prezio also of Wasnga Beach Mr Langevlnserved three secutiva years as president their dropped out for new only Wdfï¬hiixiiierytroi The vicepresident is Samt ciuds EM For Search Efforts to include approximately two Pei ton thl ii an operat people unfamiliar with Sam practices noulre leadership and mistance from groups with this knowledge and it was to this one that EMO played useful mlc Mr Atkinson said one of the functions of Etta was to supply additional communication sys tems enabling the garioushsgtardi parties and peop wor in tbcfleldtnbehidlrectaadooa itanlmataot with the Ontario Provincial Police headquarters eventuallypesfabllshcd la Booted While the full raponslbility and direction of the operation oamedeer the very competent OPP officers 8th supplement ed through its own staff and fa cilities in the communicaflons department OUTSIDE HELP 0n the final two days we re celved coopeootiori and mutual aid assktance of Metro Toronto MO and the EMO groups of Guelph KitcheneroWatcrioo and Perth Coinilics llfr Atkinson said with the wonderful response from priv ate industrywe were able to have 38 mobileradio equipped cars operating They were tied into four separate systems to Binbllsh walkietalkie conuuuu icatlons between various groups to utilize public address cyst cuts in the area OPP to enable them to conduct their investigation without de lay or interruption in short Ellto was able to provide sufficient communica tions and personnel to effectiv ely coordinate all phases of the operation and all services involved Mr Atkinsonsald in the matter of services it should be mentioned that great many local organizations contributed their personnel and manpower adding skills to the operation Again EMO function became one of coordinating these ser vices so they could be used to the best advantage with min imum of overlapping and con fusion lh the dayainfjhoop erdtmnl When the control of the search was established at the Beeton Arena the Barrie EMO Auxiliary Police Officers who had assisted in various capaci tica during the early days of the search became the traffic control body for the area im mediately around headquarters EFFICIENCY Several OPP officers com mcnted that the efficiency of the HMO Auxiliary Police equ alled that of any regular pol iceofficer Ed fschirbort chief of Bar rie City Police and also offic er in charge of the garrlo 1mm proud of this group and the re cord number of 333 hours con tributed by them in the oper ation Mr Atkinson said Mr Atkinson said it should be noted that the Barrie Elllf Auxiliary Police are volunteers and while theirappearnnce and bearing is that iiiregular pol ice officers the group has only been established and uniformed for two months It was necessary formerly of them to get pgrmissxon to iiuiriiio CIEITFUEL DEPT rti 6653lf to bounce be into he TREMENDOUS OFFER nouns COMPLETELY iusrannno Your ciioica or ii cannons MODERN cameos rmSTALLATION anew anaconda ADLILOO Rug Size Also Available At bow Prlc snrraiisan iour iiiiic undid time all for this purpo WMMEI ll cutter st leave work and most employ rrs were generous in my be said many companies re leased men for other key post tlons in Elfo and we in EMO take great deal of pride in the accomplishments oi our on their coolribw tiun Mr Atkinson also praised everyone who contributed to the operation In this regard it is unfair to point out anygroup or In dividual So many contributed so mucbrtflld the public port for miles around was is itself support foi the searching parties he said Women of the area as well as women from Barrie and otb er centres did tremendous Job solving the vast feeding problem Mr Atkinson said We in this county are in dccd fortunate to have bad the cooperation ofthd armed ser vices An Air Force group pro vided men to conduct large Portion of the search No army groups from Camp Borden 250 soldiers helped in the search and con tributed hot meals from their field kitchens lift equipment used was re turned to the owners in good order in short It renewed our faith in humanity Mr Atkinson estimated $100 000 worth of communications equipment alone was used in Mr Atkinson said while Ellio In no way used this an fortunate happening to further its own objectives nevertheless it was an invaluable experience for 15th and all personnel in volved it was in fact remark ably useful training in analyz ing the entire operation throughout the week EMO was able to play art important part in coordinating and directing services and personnel under the Ontario Provincial Police We have gained valuable ex perience for future planning and organizing for the use of the entire community As result of the operation Mr Atkinsonsaid he has concluded that EMO should be compoSEd of small individuiLun should be apabie at moments notice on the smallest reasonable scale These units must be built through mutualaid assistance and liaison with the ultimate objectives of me These are complete coordination and um izatinn of all services departs mentsand agencies of com munity into large efficient well trained body he sa ante for your homo no prop Irtyt ttew llnihralla Homeowners Potter give you perfect coverage Maori rains trouble ball as today BENTLEY one COMPANY soiieaoz mosses ate for 11 ports business taxes aeodnrfinstallmént