rseroemrermnusaunu mofrrIAPtA tenuous the baby Tr Iilb the bay best as itsmootboid bottle so mills Mustang Wmduthwitba intaaeomathreshoorliatar baby bottle Saturday Mrs and was dead on arrival at WW um Phyllis Martin 10 toldpoliea hospital is ésifor7ever Ed Sullivan INNISili Norrs furtherlternarirs OnBricirThrowing RGS In letter received mm the Chairman of the Strand Eng land Brick Throwing Commit tee he expressed the opinion that their team should have thrown tops In the fourplace contest on July let saying all at our team were throwing over hundred rngvpractiey when the contest came and the crowds were on hand the players initodto keep up their average showing that they have to become accustom ed to throwing for the crowd clipping from the local Strand England paper gives this summary of the contest First place went to the United Stntes with 22 points Britain came second wIilr to points Canada and Australia were third equal with points The points system is worked out in this manner the longest thrower gains to points the second longest points and so on until the tenth longest thrower gets one point new record was set up by Jim Christian USA with throw oi 114 feet inches beating last years best effort by nearly four eet The full results were lim Christian USA Its feet in ches Warren Barley Austral ia 109 feet It inches Frank Meadows Great Britain too feet inches George Burgctt USA 107 feet ladies Bey erley Cochrane Canada 105 feet inch Johnnyllonch GrénFBrii 103 feetT es Kenneth Smith USA 103 feet Graham Crosbie Canada 101 feet lhny Dyer Great Brit ain on feet inches IIeclt USA 98 feet 10 inches This puts two Canadian play era in the international lineup with each throwing distance of over 100 feet Iwered call to the corner of th St Johns Road and the 7th line linked on Monday afternoon to attend any scandal vv ssour too YEARS sco OllSi Replaced By iWiiaya out of control The first call was answered by requesting the par lice cruiser to give report be fore the equipment was sent However before this could he replied to second call came from nearby resident who urged quick response saying tirat the fire might get into the WINE No one responsible for the starting of the fire was inund We need to get tough like the rangers in the north who charge the starter at fire with all expenses in connection with getting it under control This may mean the cost of plane trip and run into hundmis of dollars These fires do not just grow without someone to start them The bylaw enforcement is pollen duty Minister Back Despite Wile ACCRA Ghana Reuters President Kwnmo Nkrnmah Monday brought back to his government Kroba Edusei dis mlssedlast April after fierce criticism of the ministers free spending wife Edusei formerly minister of industries became minister of agriculture In cabinet shuffle tiraeikfotllirgvedI the gait last we armor oistac alomratlï¬fla amaffo and the farmer nrlnister elgn affairs Alro Adlel Ednsels dismissal followed over his wifes purchase of $9000 goldembossed bed in Loï¬ion No charges have been laid against the two errministers or against CofieCrabb execu tive secretary tin verriioniPEï¬riEsPartywho detained at the some time But progovernment press has bomb attempt on Nkrumahl grass fire which was burning it of for uyilfjï¬ wearer FCanndlan Press Staff Writers Algerian who cheered in the streets after last Marchs ceasefire agreement now find they may have been pushed from the frying pan into the fire The moraudlng European Se cret Army Organisation has been replaced by the equally Vexntious forces of wliaya group of youthful llfosicm hold outs picking away at the de tacto government at Ahmed Ben Bella Meanwhile Ben Youssef Ben Khedda president of the pro visional government set up at Evian with little military sup port himself con do little but wait for Wilnya and the lien Bella forces to resolve their struggle WANTED IIIGII JOBS Viinya is one of the six Algerian divisions which con ducted the seven years of guer rilla warfare against the FrenchArrny Whereas the other wiinyns were content either to lay down what few arms they had lett ful Battles With Bellas Forces orto Join Ban Bella eraya underColSl iiassnn held out for positions in the government tony governmentthat was to rule the totem Algeria Ben Bella counted the 15000 troops of Wifaya and promptly moved them Into Al tied giers to help keep him in power Col ifassan then turned against Ben Bella and with his yo otllccrs their average age ustarted campaign of vandalism whichled the ple of Algiers to hate and fear wilays almost as much as they had hated the OAS Although Ways probably will fall either by force or per suasion because of their small numbers and lack of discipline and equipment the current fighting between it and Ben Bellas iarces has convinced many Algerinns that any gov ernment by military force is undcslreble Here lies Ben thddas chance Ho and his provisional government are rapidly gaining the reputation at group which could stop once and forvnli the Algerian bloodbatHy peace means CAPSULE NEWS St Laurent Honored KINGSTON Cr Former prime minister Louis St Laos rent Saturday nlght was named winner of tire Cardinal Newman Award given to Roman Cath olia layman who makes not ablemntrihuï¬oa tozcanadlsu eetuol life Dere of Kingston was named president at the Cans glint Federation of Newman Lift Quarantine TORONTO CP Quaran tines on three persons who eenrestrictedto nurse East York house for days because at last months smallpox score were lifted Mon them with last months Bl They are Rev James Orr whose son contracted smallpox LEADS DOUKHOBORS ON 500 Bearded elder Zakar Barb soft 72 leads march as more than 500 Sons of Freedom Doukhabors leave Kootenay community at Sboreacres to continue trek to the Fraser SULLIVAN GOES HOME ROCHESTER Minn AM as television mas ter of ceremonies was released from Stltiarys Hospital Satur Valley where canyieted Free doniite terrorists are held In federal prison Doukbobor women carry banner with quotation from Canadian Bill of Rights Wtrephoto day two weeks after undergo ing surgery tor gall bladder condition Mayo Clinic spokes nao said he was in good condi IUII susuwrir oirrvrrri tum WwammW Recommended as Ailllll Iiilit NMINI THE APARTMENT is J3hirizynï¬zzhine Fred MecMurray smutruin and Mr and Mrs Ernest Hans ney with whom he was stay ng Opens Road navassroros ac err IiighwayJrsvoliarsrplenienhalay where Prime Minister Dlefenlt baker and hostot others re corded history The prime minister tamped symbolic piece of pavement into place at the summit of Rogers Pass Monday then declared the TransCanada highway officially open to trafï¬c HONG KONG AP Hang ong today launched major undrarsing campalgn far the relief at more than 50000 needy residents left homeless phoon Wand located on 4th Irina of Ore annslrlp off Highway it Phone On its snows START AT DUSK sea amnesia DETROIT AP The auto momenta are continuing to add feature which mean in maintenance on new carseven though they arent lure yet how such Icatures af fect sales Chevrolet one of the last to loin the tread will adopt l000rnie interval between ma lor lubrication and all changes for the new model year And it says itsexhsust system will last at Ioasttwo years iitnmhler guarantees Its mul tlers for as long as the original Mexico linoulled Lorens Marriage HOME APlSophlo Loren titled with emotion said hfonday of Mexican court announce meat snnolllog her marriage to Carlo Pontt Its the most wonderful news ever receivedmore wonder ful even than the announcement that won an Oscar Wordof etho Mexican iwort action reached Miss Loren at Tlrrenia on the Italian secoast near Pisa where she is working with film producer Ponti on new movie The Condemned at Altonn Font and hits Iorenmarv by proxy in Cludod Juarez Mexico in 1957 face bigamy charges in Home Pantl was previously and di vorced but divorce Is not recog nized In ltaly The Mexican annulment does not automatically erase the bignmy charges In italt which could stillbring Pontl and Miss area to trial depending on the decision of the investigating magistrate and the state prose cutars in the light of the hiss lcan annulment Ponti is married the 27year old ftnllan actress after he was divorced from Guitlans Fisstra an Italian lawyer Finkbines Given Quiet Reception PHOENIX Ariz AllSherri Fiakbfne who went to Sweden to abort the birth of baby she feared would be deformed re turned home Saturdoy This Is the quietest recep rtlon Ive ever had she do clared after handful of per sons mostly reporters met her at the airport MrssFIakbine flewhere from Lawrenceburg Ind with her school teacher husband Robert and daughter Terri The 30yearold tar at local childrens televrsr undermotors senor den Aug 18 about month alter she learned that thalido mide drugshe had taken was being blamed for deformities of thousands of babies The Swedish doctor who per formed the abortion said after ward the baby would bava been deformed DELICIOUS CHINESE Lraft=uaivcrul3aint andvrosr WITH RICHARD BURTONAï¬AROLYN JONES have one or more cars with lubriustlonlntemis of more than soon mitts Cadillac lust tells owners to forget it po moregrease lobe Ford slender lathe Iongllfe ï¬eld figures it will cast an owner at Gsluie some $50 year less tor maintenance during the first three years than cost an owner of rose model SALES MINUII FEATURES In the imrmodel year Chev rolet set sales records with al most none of these special long ltfo features and the old 10 mile lubrication Interval It was understood Chevrolet was considering sonoorrure In tervals ormare on grease labs for 1068 but llris was cut back to soon Dealer inspection plays prominent part in the new five year or 50 miles warranty on certalncomponents of Chrys ler products starting with the its model year This warranty covers the en gine transmission propeller axle And it is in addition to the standard 12raonth or 3000 mlie warranty which covers all new domestic carsr To keep this nnw warranty valid the car must be checked by Chrysler dealer at least once each 0000 miles or six months In between times the owner mustchange all each 4000 miles or two months and be able to prove it conference table wee lyrwcotoua HURONIA tAST TIMES TONIGHT rrrusor Mtulousinr STARS JIMMY CLANTON STARS DAVIDMIEAN STARTSVWEDNESDAY ICE PLACE IN cotoun PLUS FEATURETTE BLACK FURY IN COLOUR COLOUR CARTOON inches erh Bells CALL DIRECTOR up to five people can attend meeting withoutestingiheirown desksa builtIn SPEAKERPHONE can be added for bandstree talking letting your aacrstaryteko notes Tha CALL DIRECTORtogetherwlth compiete internal iceilans systomztsilcredstoryourneeds by Bellsaves time andmonaylnmsnymora way YHE gig SOURCE FOR EUSINESS COMMUNICAIIONS hsiull story call now snowruo MATINEE WED pm EVENINGS AT 700 AND 920 EXTRA rwros nnnsrn noose mm or resents Disney saggy itMtlllS ItAIIIIS littitilit