Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1962, p. 4

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lo Bayfteid Street Barrie Ontario Wills Publisher Brian Elaigttt General Manager russnir sentences no Cariddds Newest Dciily Off To Good Start At Oakville iiearty congratulations are extended to Canadas newest daily newspaper The JournalRecord of Oakville and district it has completed with rooms its first week of publication Monday through Saturday We can full understand the trials and tribulations ich accompan the switch from weekly to dali pub lcntion We went through all that ust four years ago But The Barrie Examiner took the step by easier strides from weekly to twice weekly in 1048 from twice weekly to tri weekly in 1951 then to daily in 1058 The Daily Journnlltecord did it tliehard way like our esteemed neighbor the Griffin Packet and Times from oncea week to slxtimesaweek all at once The new daily in Oakviile is merger of two former weekiles step forward with the times which have seen Oakville and Trafalgar township amalgainate to WhoAre Winners Losers Who gains by strike Figures on this question have been disclosed by smal Ontario trucking company whose operations were shut doivn completely from May 25 to July 10 at the behest of James Hoffas Team sters Union The majority of the drivers were it appears opposed to the strike in the car was doing well its operating statement from Nov last to May 12 showing net profit before taxes of $143798 This was almost twice the profit for the same period year earlier From Nov 1961 to July 1962 there was however net loss of $14 955 Thestriking employees also lost their= wages for the time they were out but this saving to the employers only part ly offset their losses Such expenses as 70 YERSAGO Barrie Northern Advance Aug 25 1892 Bears numerous in Muskoka as berriesripen llfr Hisey shipped car load of cattle from Creemore Ceiling wood tax rate 25 mills Mr Fisher has shipped 100 pails of raspberries each week since season opened Mickie ymehl sonconipiete wmill Severn Bridge Creemore band seren aded village council and got $50 grant Malcohn Leiths new roller mill new runn ing at Coulson Farmers around Mit chell Square aching for plow match Cookstown cheese factory sold entire July output to Collingwood merchant Orillia has developed business of supply ing frogs legs with two cases shipped to Chicago hotel last week Crown Hill Temperance Society is still progressing Thornton farmers about finished with harvest Dr McGregor builds new brick house at Thornton St Georges Church Allandalestarts build OTHER sorrows VIEWS 3L WHAT anxr 1N wovnsr Welland Tribune Has the permanent wave reached the ultimate in perfection or is there some thing new around the coriierll There are two schools of thought one holds to the view there is nothing more to be achieved in cold waving The other expectation is that the permanent may be replaced by setting that lasts per fectly from week to week This would take something like the form of weather proofing such as is employed on rain coats From what top hair stylists say there seems to be no doubt that the modern permanent in at the peak of its curling career Todays best ways giving the hair body is the highest development it is said since the development ofthe ofd wave 23 years ago notable advances The Barrie Examiner Authorized or second class Pelt Office Department Dtt glad for payment of postage holy and Statutory Holidayl excepted BlllAN SLATGIITG ll McPIIBltEON fillnngtnl Editor CIIARLBS El WADE Easiness lillrilur HARRY WiLloN Iidvorflrlns Mllllflr JOHN HOLDER circulation Manager Subscription rote daily by carrier wcckly stun yearly single copy to urn oo year 00 six month 3250 msnth Outside Ontario SP 32 00 your roman us Unlvsrrii live Toronto fife Cathcort Street hfontrcll his cat Ooorgin street Vancou Vel Member of the Canadian Dally cwopspor Filbv lisheir Association The Canadian res and the Audit Bureau of circuiniionr Titrationaloft Press is exclusive entitled to tlie uhlleatlon of all news snatches in this LorThe Auoclaiod run or localnowe puhuober therein rec mootbl use year cuisine danish lied to part of 1962 the company mail ill Ontario ging says opiiievEd bfecome Canadas largest town to point area The lpublisher of the Ookville Record Journa is an old friend William Cot ton continuing in the some oaltlon from the weekly Journal which took over when Thomson Newspapers Canada Limited acquired the ropert several years ago Cotloos first ue the daily is well produced with well balanced proportion of local news national and in ternatlonal and good list of features Photos are exceptionallywell done it would seem that the new daily gives premise at the start of the fulfillment of the purpose of its publication that of keep ng pace with he growth of this spreading community off Lake Ontario lying between the metropolitan areas of Hamilton and Toronto by thorough and objective reporting The JournalRecord is independent editorially its immedi ate aim BIG little newspaper gmpkms depreClation rent and intereit onhor rowed money continue to come due whether the men work or not and complete shut down of operations in suchra company means acomplete cut tingoff of income as long as the strike continues The strike has now ended and the drivers are back at workwith new contract running until Sept 30 1965 The employees will not make up their losses in pay for the seven weeks they WEAR were out although the new contract TORONTOft will have to he gives them higher hourly rate and waitondsec whether thoCarlcr of course the company has completely mirth bill for the lost the business it might have had is it gimpd had been possible to stay in operation comm taxation could be one of the No losses in net income however WW mm were incurred by Mr Hoffa or other of Wm ficials of the Teamsters Union Their it could menu great deal to pay was unaffected The Chatham Daily the provinces But whether it will or not News points out wont be known for some time yet 810 More Any taxation study at all of good But there is only one thing really which can fill the real need of the provinces This is is thorough study and realignment of the responsibili ties and revenue sources of the federal government and the provinces Only this could put the prov trees in position where they areghgspcs And until they are such bosses we are almost of necessity bound to have secondrate gov ernment if only for the ob vlous fact we dont spend wisely unless we miss whot we spend HUGE JOB One has to be pessimistic about the chances of the Corfer commission getting into any thinlal fundamental this One reason is that it would be huge lob one that is so broad ing new edifice Some Allandale young men sailed from railway wharf to ig Bay Point in 58 minutes Levi Car ley has finished fine steam yacht for Mr Tait of Oriliia Long raft of logs brought down bay to Mickie Dyment saw mill in Barrie Very worshlpful Broth er Samuel Wesley of Barrie elected Di rectorofCercuionic the villaeonic Grand Lodge of Canada Fred Steven son left town yesterday for Chicago where he has secured good position Dr Morton is home after lengthy visit to Australia and other parts of the world Butter 1416 cents and eggs 1112 dozen at Barrie market Saturday George Reedy local merchant returns from busi ness trip to ireinhd Barrie Lacrosse Club havmg been suspended by Canadian League for professionalism new rein stated James McKee of Barrie fatally injured at the Tollenclal crossing of the Great Northern Railway near Painswlck when his horse and wagonstruck by pas sengermtrain By MclNTYRE HOOD LONDON Within the next two years imported natural gas from the Sahara Desert will he flowing through pipelines from the southeast coast to most of the gas board areas of England Contracts worth about $27mill ion have been laced forthe= laying of 325 miles of pipeline necessary for the distribution of the imported gas Work on the necessary special crossings of roads rivers and railways will begin later this year Tire main stretches will be laid and tested between lifarch and Dec ember next year By then the have been made through recognition of the Achemfstry of the hair stemming from the invention of Mar cel Greteao in 1872 the original wave was actually the soft natural achieve ment similar to the kind women like to day The problem was that it didnt last If you got caught in the rain it vanished All sorts of devices were tried for more permanent methods of curling the hair but the biggest development came in 1905 when Charles Nessler introduced the electriewave in London Its hard to believe but 10 years went by before New York became interested What torture women went through with thDSEScaip and hair burns from overheated wrist The heavy weight of the curlers and the necessity of sitting immobile for five hours were additional plagues The poor girls had to go to bedifor two days to recover Mr Mich ael leading stylist told Mary Burl Baldwin who traces the history of hair wavingin The New York Times salts were requisite in all th attendants ts Improve ment came 1926 with the croquanle method and then came emancipation Morun am with the maehlnolese woveperfected 11 ii 1m This was the big apple 11min travcllln no miles pipeline gave way to the cold wave which emerged in thallium Leon mandala director of the Charles Ritz Bchoolof Hairdress fly the rivers of Babylon there The permanent roooss started like bathtub gin methodpfihlt rtx°tiithi°zlffl and miss Today itls done by chemists mm mm Dent bet thatthe ultimate tins bee More May mi hymwy is in bondage tosln far north as Sheffield Exten sion to Leeds will follow in the first six months of ties The letting of this contract is the outcome of the approval given last November by the minister of power to the Gas Councils scheme for importing natural gas from the Sahara Desert This to port of the fins Councils plan to supply its 13 million customers gas as cheaply as possible llil FORM ohm nillbedmpopleriintoBritain Uiilb will lie ilquc ill blunt at Port Attew fflaleboilndvtodosomo° system will be ready for use as lle an Will Taxation Study Dolley Real Good that some people believe it is almost impossl to to tackle The second is that the federal government Embany wouldnt be too favors is towards true reassessment of revenue fields As the sltuotlon is now it has practically full control of the motor tux fields except real cs late And there would be little advantage to it in having this situation disturbed EVER CLARIFY One wonders in fact whether the present for tangle in Can ndo ever will be straightened Thehandout system from the federal government to the prey inces and from the provinces to the municipalities has become so deeplyrooted that it is ques tionable whether it could ever be cleaned up and fresh start made There is no question but that between levels of government and particularly between the rovinccnnd th should res of responsibilities Should educa tion for instance not be in the hands of the provincei And there is equally no ques tion that for wiser spending and more equitable treatment of the taxpayer there should be reorganization of re sources But change comes hard in public affairs and with roots as deep as these are it would take major upheaval to alter them Import octane Gas To England from natural gas field at liosal Er ltMel in the Sahara Liquefylng it at temperature of minus 25a degrees fahrenheit reduces the space it occupies to onsetshundredth of its original volume The gas will remain in liquid form in insulated looks through out lts voyageto Convey island Essex where it will be delivered into tanks There the liquid will be restored to form of gas ready to travelthrough the pipe line to the north of England The moin ipelina will run from Convey is and to Apulnl north of Birmingham it will then turn north to terminal nenr Leflilp distance of too mites were Nonnal sink Caesarean Section JOSEPH MOINEH MD Dear Dr Nelson have heard that when one box Clement binh the mother can choose the date have also heard that baby is ready to be born at seven months and the tut two months are merely for developme Because ofthie wonder if it would be possible for mothers to have the babies at seven months in cases where Coe Iorcon section would be neoco cary WWW5 dont know where you heard the things but you dont do any more inferring WELL MEN BACK TO THE OLD DRAWING BOARD Till YOU CATCH UP TODAY iii HISTORY run CANADIAN PRESS Ecpi 11992 Tho Third French Repub lic was proclaimed 92 years ago todayin lilofollow ing the defeat of the French Army by the Germans at the great battle of Sedan two days previously The Republiclike the first and second proclaimed ot the Hotel de Ville in Parissci up on emergency govern ment of national defence to take the place of Louis Nu poieens empire 1918 Canndlon forces broke through the Drocout Queont line in the First World War 192i The Germ diri plated an aroundtheworid trip Sponges Cause Great Curiosity ST WILLIAMS Ont CF Ar offllcial invesligateoserles of curious aquatic creatures found floating recently near the shores of Lake Erie at Long Point Bay Anderson said he plans to take portion of one of the creatures away with him to dis cover what they are Another deportmentr worker district forester Reynolds of Aylmer suggestcdthe crea tures are freshwater sponges but Herbert Lipsll who oper ates nearby marina says he has never seen anything like themrln more than it years Mr Reyuoliis sold Thursday freshwater apoiigcs are prevd lent throughout the Great Lakes although the ones found here are unusually large The sponges normally run to four inches in diameter but the creatures found here are up to two feet across The creatures are brown with mottled grey markings and float on edge with only the rim breaking the surface if on turbcdthcy sink ff coughl in nets specimen is diced through the not by its own weightpThe inside is grey jelly liko substance It kept out of water for any length of time they dry out and become flat rumpled grey brown with leather like skin which is surprisingly tough there The rest of the informa tion you pick up might be even worsol itll scarcely even half truth to any that baby is reody totaling at seven monlhsihot lo the earliest lingo at which in the words of one medical text the infants are fairly well developed and have only slightly reduced chances for survival From one to four weeks earlier the babies have not even concluded their basic de velopment they are loose skinned because they have or cumuinicd no fat they have to be protected with greatest pre cision to live Only little earlier than that they cannot yet iiinsc havent the strength to keep their body temperature steady exist in state that is neither qulta sleep lug nor sometimes cant even breathe in all these cases fund for that matter nmong fuiilerm ninemonth bableol any infec tion is dangerous The more premature the less chance the baby has of combotting germ attacks Add to this the fact that the normal term of dovettipmcnt is not precisely the some for all babies Some develop little more slowly variot on of only couple of weeks can at criti cal stages be the difference be tween life and death Comma births are not pref erlblo in normal blrtholbey are otmpty preferable when non moi birth is impossible or il fraught with scalar rich No not meonibat Canar oon is donch ft is not But any surgical procedure lute utotically Involves some point tlol risk and is not attempted without valid reason Andthis is importanteven if Caesarcen is necessary the intent always is to give the baby or long period of development or possiblo before birth Nature intended it that way Dear Dr llloioor Would you explain the exploratory boon test when air tr infected in it harmfulf How often can it be dfliilisiifld one about inducer ago and now omto have In olhcrD it is called on air contrast study Airmail amount of bar lum such as for colon xraye is used The barium which is opaque for xrnys will show on the luies function of oh is sometimes required to hop tiring outcer tain details of the exact con tours of the bowel This causes no harm whatsoever and may safely be repeated whenever re quired Dear Dr Molncr How many calories in slice of diet bread One lclly bean One piece of hard candyfltl Ordinary bread sliced half inch thick has about so colors fcs Diet breeds are sliced thinner so say 50 calories jelly been can range from four calories to many times that amount How big jelly been do you meant An ordinary piece of hardcandy Vi inch square would be about 30 color ics Whether its hard candy jelly been or some other kind sugar contains lot of calories in small space OTTAWA across National Deie me Is Target For Economy By PATlllflf NICHOLSON OTTAWA Theclamor for more housewiiely national fi nonclng with less flamboyant budgetary deficits has been picked up by Ottawas sensitive political antennae but the some circles rccognitc the argument that any increase in our taxes ralready burdensome and often inequitable would cripple our struggling economy Aoptinglhnx$twbifi¢ll it was inevitable that our govern ment would seriously endeavor to prune lio expenditure And what better target for its arts than our most costly govern ment departmentnational de fence With an estimated bill of $1675 million this your that one department of government absorbs grotesquely dlrpro portlonate onenuartcr of all ex penditures by theiufedéral de parlmcnts and iii government boards and Crown corporations and other major agencies DON DOCKED DOUG Just one year agovlho then finnnccsmlolsterprudcntDo aid Flomlng engngcd Dcf Minister Douglas llarkncs the toughest fighting our armed Tallies have WWW ihllv forces have known since their victorious return from Korea Mr Harknesa sought an in crease in the manpower of the three services from 120000 to 185000 in total as well as the purchase of some exciting new hardware Mr Fleming ni reody budgettlng for $850 million deficit grimlybntltcd this suggested $500 million ad ditional bill for our costliest de partment of course com promise was reached But now comesths vindica tion of lfr Fleming Defence Minister Hsrkness has an nounced cutback in man powor by about8flliu and the scissor ro nNnicu Locks cos At Coleshlil near Birming ham the West llfidlaudaGns Board iSDlilidilll Lurgi plant for extracting gas from home mlncd low grade coal This is development of root import ance to the coal ndustry The natural gas from the Sahara will housed to enrich the local product The entire pipeline system will distribute about 90 million cubic slorlflc mai units per cubic fan This is about double the treating vel ue at which local gas is norm ally distributed Hfi SOBEE TEAMSTERB WARSAW Poland AHThe newspaper irybuneLudu says no member has been found drunk at work and drunk driv ing accidents have decreased face temperance union was founded two years ago to en courage sobriety among trans port workara deferment of certain capli pondltures= =erl iiiiil mutual aid gifts to our al cs Thus lfr llorkness has re shaped his defensive team but has shown no belief in more Important and overdue meas ure which would be to change the rules of the game Custom curries its own mo mentum We lazily accept our snatlonaicdefencein itsrtradltion of form and refuse to consider whether=any changes would be beneficial But according to the top brass thinking here if we were to survey our present defence needs and draw up from scratch blue print to meet those needs we would emerge with defence setup very different from todayaac tueiity Thinking around Ottawa for example frankly admits that our whole national defence is in many respects nothing but costly government make work device an emergency for nth but have feared to take the politically unpopular step of correcting it by diach rging the surplus soldiers on bureau crsts and ending the pointless armaments contracts WHAT OTTAWA SEES First our forces are top heavy witnbrass Then they oreunjustiliahly extravagant in retiring expensively trained brass before it reaches its men tal prime and pcneloning it for nnethird of its normal working lifetime Then there isthe anomaly of oncesfit highlytrained fighting men wielding office pens serv ing as unskilled taxidrivers and working narcleaning women in this capital And there is the cumbersome Dtile den of needlessand largely idle civil service army in nu ilonul defence which is larger than any of our uniformed serv fees This great horde of well over 50000 civilians does not lost replace uniformed moo it proliferates to button on the taxpayer and is surely some thing which the Olnesco com mission on govarnment admin istration will criticize savagely But morh basically so do fence experts here askdoes oucprcscnt eyoarn aniu print offer Canada the best de fence Some brass consider that we should merge army navy and air forceinto one do fence force hence sloshing our tripled overheads Should huge naval aircraft carrier ho mantaiiieo with no ing to car ryt Are not on wortefully expensive it would be more roelstic soy many for us to mnlnton one small highly efficient self transport oblo complete fighting group which would shine in the only league where Canada could coontslsmplng out brushfir were for the United Natio few units

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