JUDGE MARJORIE Ham llion kneeling is made Lady ct therkland on Girls ian island at ceremony held yesterday It headband and leather were set in place rihe iaiaudsoldcst resid cnl Mrs Emily Roots The as rarymcrnberlotthc Dead Morning Glory or Benedict Flower better known in court Judge is Named Naming Glory OI Indian Bands By GWYNNE POWER Examiner Stall Reporter The Christian Island lndiIn reserve ran with the blast at buckshot and the slant of Bond members as the tint pheasant bunt season was opened and and Jury were installed what tragic and historical spot the island was WONDERFUL HUNTERS its added that the Human were wonderful hunters but had been gen trotn hunting grounds titunselvu selected this haven tor He pointed out that tho Hur circics in Simone County Judge Marjorie Hamilton and Otter translation ot the Chip pewa name bestowed on Dr Wiltrid Jury were named body oi the island and Honorary Chicl in recognition oi their on Judge was given an lndlan name meaning tiarninx Glory On the lclt is former chiel oi the band Lewis Jackson rk on behait oi the Band REMONIAL DANCE To the accompaniment at lullccrornonial dance by the Band council members in tra ditional costume Judge Hamil ion was presented with the mark or oiiice buckskin headband among you so you are youll have to get used to us can had done much tor Canada in tho War at 1512 He concluded with the hope that he would be able to be at use to his new band in his new capacity Clarence Assence council member welcomed visitors to the island to get used to us And added because the day is coming when you will have to get used to us Before We used to hunt and shoot Today the white man has control We cant hunt without licences but we have to sun vivc have loget on education and or this we have to live HONORARY nANtl mem bers Dr Wilfrid Juryflind Judge Mnriorle Hamilton with Chicl Riley Route central Mr Thomson was master ot otter installation ceremonies ntChrlstian island yesterday Dr Jury was made an hon orary chief and Judge iiamli ton Lady ot the island The three join hands in gesture ot Irlcndshlp and welcome Examiner Photosl ceremonies at the iunctlon and Mr Morrison urged support of the pheasant project in tho ab wlth single feather bytho ldentlfy the man who picked islands oldest inhabitant Mrs them up and took them to Eleven Dogs Used In Search Copaco Members Told Take Hogs New Yards By 11 in letter to the members oi the First Cooperative Pack ers of Ontario they are null tied that ettectivc today the tirst business day in Septem ber the bags at the Copnco agroupswilibcdcilvmed lo the yards at the ting Producers oi Ontario This move named by the directors at the First Co operative Pnckcrs strays from the attitude they have taken in defying the order that all pigs should go through the yards at the producers assembly which is located in the same area ram PERlOD Brings Protests From NDEli By 111 COLLINS Four area members of the National The action at the directors in agreeing to the order at the Hog Marketing Board lsclaim ed by them to be on trial basis and has come utter con siderable pressure put on them by the Ontario Board which did not agree that members at Copaco were immune irom tho general order We have not burned our bridges behind us was the statement at one of the directors Andrew CumA mlngwbb admitted that the big plants were makingclaims orme Borden an District were delegates at the Civil Service Federation ot Cnn ads Convention at the Sheraton Connnught Hotel Hamilton last week They were Morley Hoti man of Barrie Mei Brayman oi Cookstown and Collins oi Barrie and Poole Barrie representing Edgar RCAF Station roomsr so PM Shortly alter the oiiicial op ening the 259 delegates from ntionalStatthssoeiailonsirom across unanimously voted to send Prime Minister John Dielenhaker telegram which read is Go ventian protests in the strong est possible terms the action at the Government of Canada in deterring indeï¬nitely the salary adiustments recommended by the Civil Service Commission applicable to some 50000 civil scrvantsincluded in Group oi the Cyclical Salary Review without any assurance that the effective date oi October 1961 would be kept This action was applauded by standing ovation of alidele gates Among the important guests who addressed the convention on succeeding days were Gordon Cushing Assistant Deputy Min istcr of Labour and the Hon ourable Hughes QC chairman of the Civil Service Commission All ot the speakers stressed the need for research staff in the Civil Service Fed eration at Canada because the concept of consultation now in eltect between the government and their employees has radi caliy changed The Honourable Mr Hughes addressed the 500 delegates and guests on leadership During the convention the Federated Association at Letter Carriers publicly announced that they would go on slow down of service it the pay deferment we not settled soon bFedtvhilcho resigned and in tense election Ed wards oi DVA Empioyc Nat ional Association deteated his opponent Jim Wyllie olNDEA tor the cities of presith at the Federation Mr Vyllic is well known in Camp Borden and is former resident of this area The last item on the agenda ot the convention was the pro poscdrhudgetrtor titebuxt thre years There was criticism and Defence Employees its that the Barrie Cooperative plant was being tnvorcd ADDED FEE Until now Copacn has made charge at 15 cents for hands ling the members processing nod payments thn thchogs arc auntiiFihe asicrhblyynrds ol thc Board there will he an additional charge oi 35 cents per animal and the local plant will continue to make the set tiemcnts AUSTENITY At the same date thcFedernl Government has decided that there will be $2 bonus on Grade It carcasses instead oi the 33 which has been paid until now So local hognpro ducers willbe chargédiancstru 55 cents per animal and $1 loss at subsidy even though they send or deliver their hogs tn the Barrie assembly yards on arrival oi the livestock at the yards they will have to walk across to the private yards at the Copaco instead ol unload ing at the usual entrance We will have our man there to ace that our pigs are sent over immediately said ltir some strong opposition to the mechanics and the implement ntio this James than 50 delegates were the most insistent at this group which urged more study at the budget However enough support was tion by NDEA and the budget irom the National Stall Associa tion to the Federation will be Emily Roote The tail headdress tor tire new Honorary Chicl was not scncc at Mr liynard SINCE 1550 The bond the Chippewas oi For Missing Beelon Youngster Cumming when asked how they quires airbags to be sent to the yards Big packers pointed out palms coatsprocess charge oi halt his production being in changc in the handling at their raised despite the strong opposi was passed on the floor Dues would know that all mcmbers pigs came back through the Cooperative plunl It appears that tor long time pressure has been on tho Copaco Board to drop its claim iirul thn5mcmhcrrowncd thoir pigs even up to processing and submit to the order that re Hog Ifroducers Board assembly that this plant was being ex empted irom the order and also there may have been sugges tions that some price ibrlng may have boon worked At any rate the tact that Copnco members were paying as compared with 50 cents chargcd in the regular yards did give some inducement to become nicmbcr oi the co operative plant There have been no new memberships sold but always there are those who have quit tanning and have memberships tor sale Tales are told at big producers who came tor many miles to deliver their stool at the Barrie plonL SOLD DOWN RIVER One lnnislil producer tools it will cost him over $1500 annu ally with the ditterencc in the bonus allowing tor an average the Grade class which now is subject to the 32 bonus in stead ol SJ waspre watch th members hogs andheard the comments oi those making dc livery Asked it the decision or the change had been taken alter poll ot the membership tr Cumming stated that it was purely decision at the Jackson He Joins Premier John no basis Travel and Publicity Min ister Bryan Cathcart Dr 11 ilynard and Arthur Evans MFs errMayor Willard itlnzla ot Barrie and bill Morrison oi Eenetang as honorary chleia ot the Band Senior chief is taken muc of his completed but one was borrow ed tor the occasion and be was or chlci Lewis installed by iorm omson of Toronto INDIANS HERE FIRST Judge Hamilton drcw attent ion to her particular interest in Huronla and tho tact that her tamin had lived in Slmcoa County for 139 yanrsxsha rc marked on the loci that the in discs were the ï¬rst citizens oi Canada and that all white pee plc were in eltcct New Cana dinn5lismuslcharacterize Whit we have done taken over the country completely she said She thanked the Band or the honour bestowed on her and added few words about the pheasant hunting venture She noted that many pcple travel led great distances in hunt and that word at this area should be passed on The Judge drew attention to the tour at the island she had ccremo ny with Superintendent Jim Powless the brunpicst ride of my life She added Mr Powless told me he got lost but take that with grain oi salt Theisland might be rugged tor vehicles but its ideal tor pheasants she put in beioro the more NUMBERS mind to to arcbaciogical and anthropological research in to the Indian people ot this con tinent reminded his audience of board and had not been discuss ed at the last annual meeting even though numbcrcot mem hcrs had expressed their opin raised within the next six months from per capita tax of nine to 30 cents IOli EMERGENCY City Police rs assoc hours in the emergency ward or the hospital th federatione Garssieavesslioad Passenger Iiurt civilian living on the RCAF Radar Station at Edgar suits ered in broken but leg and cuts and bruises to the lace when the car in which she was passenger failed to stop at Tjunction and went bit the road on the fourth concession of Oro Township early this morning She is l7yearnld Maureen Webster She was riding in vehicle driven by William Frank Lewis 20 also of RCAF Edgar Miss Webster was reported in satislaetory condition today at Royal Victoria Hospital Police said the accident oc curred at the Tjaactioa oi the gravel iourth concession road six miles north of Highway li Information Centre Extends Service Midland man drew tour month jail term Friday alter he pleaded guilty betore Magistrate Foster to lorging gov ernment cheque Evidence shwed that on March 1562 Phillip Dcsjardin 22 presented the cheque to an an tomobile dealer in payment tor near and also received $85 in cash The accused man admitted to previous co ï¬pnsjor reek insisted the Liquor Con tmi Act Alter crown counsel John Murphy read the accuseds rag and Magistrate Foster asked it he had any comment it speaks for itself think your worship Mr Murphy re plied Magistrate Foster sentenced Dcsjardinto tour months to run consecutiVely With motion sentence We are not burning our bridges ion on the matter 13 Itoyal Vietoril Hospital PA 05951 stated and we can always go back ioJourL previous method behind us ELECTRIC POWER lNTERRUPTiON SUNDAY SEPT 1962 All electric service in Alliston Barrie Beeton Bradford Cockatown Thornton Tottonham and all rural areas adjacent to these municipalities will be interrupted on Sunday Sept from 230 am to 430 gt Theseinterruptions are necessary in order to carry out urgent rteconstruction work at the Barrie Transformer Station We regret this inconvenience to our customers and assure you that the power will be lestored as quickly as possible Moses Area ManagerOntario Hydro MURPHY Benusolrll has been on the island since 1050 when it moved there ilom Boausoleii island The tribe had but Coldwatcr in 1016 splitting up to take over Rama and Snake island or wall as Christian island Throughout the afternoon in dies at the islands Homema kcrs Club provided pheasant dinners tor dignitaries and guests 4tn honour ottha new bandmcmbers and the opening or the pheasant season Man Is Charged lifterflBoat Crash ORiLLlA StaitiAn Oakvlllo man has been charged with danv gernus operation ot vesseland tailing to remain at the scene at anarchism connccticn with boating crash on Lako Coudhiching Sunday Charged is Christopher Young as at Onkvillc He will appear in Magistrates Court October 10 Young was charged toltawing an investigation by Provincial Police alter boat crashed broadside into 25lont cruiscr on the lake and then sped oil into the darkness Tbc cruiser was at anchor in Fawn Bay on the cast shore oi the lake when thrcc sleeping men inside wcro thrownvlrom their beds Harry Allen of Weston strip per oi the boat rushed to spotlight on thcflcruiser and the light picked up an alumin um baat veeringabout the lake He watched it pull to cottage Garncthland Police wemhlléd an sib scqucntly tho charge was laid against Mr Young An alumin um bont powered by 25 horse power motor was also round by police They said it was bashed like an accordion Mr Young is in Soldiers Memorial Hospital with severe tacial cuts He spent three LEEETON Staitl Eleven dogs were brought here irom Toronto saver tho Labor Day weekend to search tor some clua in the mysterious disap peornnce oi oyearold Thoma sinn linker who was abducted August 19 The dogs were authorized to search tor the missing young Cets Four Months on Forgery Count The Ontario Department oi Travel and Publicity announced tion centre on Highway 400 at Barrio will ba open until at least October 15 The tamer closing data had bconsct=atScptcmbcr ididriuiu reason tor thc turthcr opening of the booth is because at the large increase in patronage that travellers have given in seeking information at the centre Peter Head manager at the centre said that so tar this year more than 46000 people have sought iniormution Last year up to October 15 there were about 33000p ed intonniiti Fendleys Flowers 11 Blake St PA 845975 BlithOD AUTOMATICACTIUN TOUIHBRUSH iBY SQUIBB helps sale your teeth upantldown action that many in dentists AVAILgsLEnT Yoga at and 81122951 this morning thaliho internin 800 pm Fri Sun or Hot Edenvnle This investigation Ls being handled by Const Ralph Berry oi the Barrie City Police BUiLD VILLAGES BAGHDAD iran itcuiml tn the next 10 years at least 20000000 lraqi diners $50000 000 willrbc spent onvlllngede vclopment in iraq under new government program stcr by inspector James Harris OPP Criminal Investigation Branch Torontovtitn is invcs ttgnting the case HoweverL nothin was lound by the dogs who searched wide area north at the Thomas Baker farm at till Bccton where the girl was last seen pinylngwith tier ihrccycaroid brother Allen woodlot was also thoroughly scoured by the dogs Meanwhile inspector Harris said this morning he hns not placed any connection with the disappearance ot Tommie th Parry Sound reported inks ing over the weekend in Barrie City Polfco are continuing to check leads that could lead them to the man that abducted and mollested two Barrie girls on the some day that Tommie disappeared Several people have beenclose ly scrutinized by police and lineups have been held in the hope that the youngsters could EGION BINGO cvsnv WEDNESDAY JACKaorsso MUST GO EVERY WEEK REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE gt LEGION HA0 71 course 51 rule Effective September 5th 1962 LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY 34111 10 rm 410 pm 215 am To Bracebrldga To Orllylia r0 TORONTO DAILY 510 am 850 am 1030 am 404mm 10 pm 200 pm 550 945 pm Trlp will run Monday October 81h express scatice 050 am except Sun Hot 1030 am 705 145 pm 94 550 pm TO OWEN SOUND 1030 am Fri Sat Only 410 am Sat Sun Hoi 410 pm Daily 745 pm exc Sat Sun is Hol 1010 pm Sun Hot 1010 pm Sat Sun Hal To Collingwood only To MIDLAND PENETANG l030 am exc Sun Hot 110 pm Daily 410 pm Sat Sun or Hot 745 pm exc Sat Sun Hot 1010 pm Sat Sun Hal TO SUDBURY DAILY 100 am 735 pm DAYliGHT TIME TlCKETS AND iNFORMATION Ar BUS TERMINAL