xv roux itth on THE BilMPiiGE Five hooded Ku Kiux Kinns men posed tor this exclusive picture Saturday night as they rhumed crossln part at statewide demonstration against racial activities In lLouisiaoa it was reportedly the tirst such mass demon siraiion by thezgroup in the state in 30 years Two at the Businessmen Cheer The News Of PMs Royal Tax Inquiry Ily GREG ItIaeDONALD Canadian Press Stnii Vrller Prime Minister Dieienbakcrs announcement last week ot royal commission inquiry into the Canadian tax structure brought cheers from business4 men The commission is lobe headed by Kenneth Carter ol Tomato past chairman ol the Canadian Tax Foundation and bi institute of Chartered Ac countants ot Ontario Kirkpatrick president at the Canadian Chamber at Commerce said no single re form will do more to restore sense of worth at enterprise and eltort than to relieve the dis couraging ettectot tax rates which absorb third or more at the traits oi every venture He added that it is important that taxation be designed as stimulus to economic growth PERSONAL TAXES FIRST Edgar Burton president at SimpsousLtd said personal taxes should receive Ilrst atten tion tromthe commission and advocated better deal not only for manuincturing industries but tor retail stores as well Langtord president oi Chartered Trust Company said the commission could do some thing lo eliminate wasteial ad ministration where federal and provincial tax Interests overlap Canadian automobile manu tacturers with the exception at two companies swung buck Into production last week after monthtiong layoil due to annual vacations and model change over periods Studebaker and American Motors are scheduled to begin production early this month The automotive industry is having Its best year in both sales and manufacturing tigures in some time and news con tinues to be encouraging DOUiiLINq CAPACITY American Motors announced it will spend 53000000 doubling Klansmen were red robes Crosses blazed in several nortnenst Louisiana areas at exactly iipm AP Wirepho to the capacity ol Its Brampton Ont plant The addition will double the current output at 112 cars day and provide more jobs it will be completed in 1963 Chrysler at Canada announced that Its Chrysler automobiles set record in taetory sales to dealers during the 1962 model year The company said 12447 cars were sold to dealers com pared with 7950 In the peak year at i056 Business newswas also en couraging elsewhere in Kitch ener Dominion Eieotrohome la dnsiries Ltd said it is setting up United States subsidiary to be known as international Eicctmhome Inc The new com pony will be located at Benson ville lIl near Chicago and will have warehouse and sales ol lico NOW AT OUR NEW LOCATION ii Eceias Sthorth lust Around Corner From Arena mï¬Ã© PA 605I2 SEE SHORGAS FOR ALL YOUR NATURAL GAS AND PROPANE HEATING AND APPLIANCE NEEDS ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRESEASON HEATING OFFER EATONS the NEWEST in Compact Economical Home Heating Designed with the ace but WITHOUT regutersl Easy dial control feeds amount oi oil to the burner speed is synch flow at he efficiency of mm exileaswa pipes and the correct DIAL AND PUSII EUTTDNS are top mounted and not desired but at your llnurtips FORCED AIR BLOWER AUTOMATICALLY draws atr trons above and WorstOn Record ran months PRES halite acolde and drown tau struck viciously during the long weekend to give Canada ltd warct labor Day tall unrec ord and the meadow boi iday totality total Ia history At least 100 persons met vie lent death and the lilghwayto tai exceeded thaprcvloux recordotoaonthoLahorDay weekend at last year and Dorm Inlon Day oi 106th The overall toil exceeded to previous Labor Day record oi or last year itlgh marir tor any holiday was on Dominion Day oi low when it died EXCEED PREDICTION The trattie totalitch this year tar exceeded praholiday pre diction oi 55 by the Canadian Highway Satcly Council htuitlpio death accidents pushed the lraliie toll upwards to the period tram pm local time Friday to midnight hion day surveyed by The Canadian Press St persons died in one accident and live in another in Ontario alone The lotolities by provinces with trnlilc deaths bracketed Ontorlo to to Quebec 29 ii British Columbia it to Nova Scotia Manitoba New Brunswick it Saskatchewan it Alberta ti Newloundiand Prince Edward island was totality tree at DItOWN ltvent tour persons were drowne llt In Ontario seven in Quebec two in 130 and one each In Neutoundlnnd Nova Scotin New Brunswick hlanl tobo and Saskatchewan in Ontario one person died in tire and another wa electro cutcri in DC man was found dead hesido railway tracks and child choked to death while eating One person was killed in tail in Quebec Thesurvey does not Include natural deaths Industrial occi dents slayings and know sul eides ELECTRIC SHAVER REPAIRS ALL MAKES Same Service Centre Repairs in Room and Collbrl Lighters 46A IIIIAItI STREET PA 1125 IDiALYOURHEAT maintain fldiriimolcnst Jromeonstrueflomwithr stands hl ans runncrrcs Just simple turn ol the dial gives you the beat you want and this Siegler model will that temperature AUTOMATICAL gh temperatures Etllcient silent burner and builtin blower Choice of Dial spreads heated air at lloor level INNER HEAT TUBES take air through the heart of the tire tor the hottest possible hut SWEEPING FLOOR HEAT 50000 BT Slowly moving lowers distribute heat evenly acrosstlie floor MRiI FURNETIES Price eaeh 77090 one Pricertcach snow aha Clean Iversnti Provides tag at PRICE Each Control 0R Wall Thermostat About 29 33 20 339 InsLheatlnl le full house beat low low mat to you Gives low tire on mild days and high one colderyeah TOMATICALLYI nus side vents completely Gener eud front heat side and rear outlets can be ducted tluoughwails to heat ad joining moors Wintone Cordovan Brown and De sent lian 85000 BTU Price each scene one Price each ONTARIO DEAD =htanrim Hall ol Brant tord killed to mow coi linen on Highway eight miles cast at Ktneardine JambNorxworthy Bl struck by car near his Hamilton home sitrm Frank Halos 67 and bin Kathleen Marki 35 both at Bumsviilo killed on the Queen Elisabeth Way near Oakvliie wmhgg car collided with their Theodora Kuwaitmic son at Mr and Mrs Joseph ltoiwal ezwlr attention Ont struck by car on Highway near Lon on Amy heah daughter ol Mr and Mrs Allan Reah ot Pelee islandihdrownedl flunk shot tell mm gangpa at the island Boiesiaw iniowski as at Toronto drowned in Lake 011 lario near Trenton when he stepped into water over his head Mrs Louise Heisey as oi Kitchener killed in thrc car accident on Highway ear Kitchener DIES lN FIRE Lloyd Edwards 23 in tire that heavily damaged the inte rior at his parents home at Pembroke hicKinnon 35 ot Intu ries saltered in twocar col Iislon onliighway near itin cardine William llugh McLean 40 ct Prescott drowned when he tell mm boat on the Stlaw renoeltivcr near Prescott Claude Robin 29 and Diane Desrochcrs it both at Smooth Rock Falls and lirinn Pnouin Vivian Pnouin and Ern est Nesslor 24 all at Timmins kIIIodin two cor collision near Tlrnmins Wilfred Roberts 717 ot Car tharines drowned in Lake 0n tario near St Catharines when he tell train boat is Best For Iieating its SAFE Itl CLEAN For Prompt Courteous Delivery Service Call ALLANDALE LUMBER FUEL company Ltd 49 Essa Rd PA 9558i or EATON an Iaawcu sronsa Bureau more Cari liaaeny ll Eduard Haloaey l7 and Grant Lati rner i1ii oi Kemptviils killedwhen their car went out at control and crashed Arthur William Lloyd 37 and wile Grace Irene as at Ketv ticby in twocar crash on Highway to near Newmarket Marcel Murray 24 at East view near Ottawa drowned Sunday in the OttawaJtlver near Orleans Frederick Plawnnakwot 86 oi Sudbury drowned in Whitson Lake near Sudhury Robert mouse 17 drowned when hevteii imm boat into Sand Latte neor llevna 60 miles north at Kingston hioadny Douglas Parkinson 17 his tister Brenda brothers Roo aid and Daniel 13 their cousin Thomas Shoehotlom 15 and Bruce itionteith 17 in headon crash between car and light truck near London 20 at Qua Lorno it Sawyer 0nt killed near Qunde deviile ville about so miles west ol Ottawa when his motorcycle went out at control Charles Lukacs lit at Kitch ener drowned in Nottnwasnga Day at the southern end at Georgian Bay James Johnson 26 oi Fern dnie hitch eiectrocuted when the steel mast oi sailboat hit high tension wire at beach 20 miles south oi Windsor If Youre TIRED Ale THE TIME nd hen anybody ell Ills and any he boltcud bacteria Perhaps noth lngmioxu mar coodiiionrauudhy bladder diaromievt ah Dori Kidney Pills stimul the hidoon to relim this Indan which any alien nun barb ache and tired telling IM you Incl batter not better loll bellu Gal Dodrh Kidnuy Pills now look tor the Hun her with Illa red had It all drug renal Iou can degeadoa Davids 59 scoot There no safer heatingfuel than Essa Furnace Oil It wilInot ignite orb until atomized and safely inside your furnace outside the furnace th actuallypat out the match Not very ex moan bi 5W heatingfuelavailableL ran assu mouse mam LctborovsDeath French 55 Anne Laur ent shovel as charged Sat urdsy witi assault with gladly sea in complaint iied by Ar urlloew Jr heir to in Lima liim fortune mm handy snilter at him rcqulri stitches in AP Wirephoto moving Warehouse riots alga million It you len co CitittiEl STORAGE now an no more ss PA 61863 Your FriendlyAilled Van Ltnu Agent to Oil is Canadas most popular heating fuelOver 54 of all Canadian homes are heated with oil and oil heat oumumbers all other automatic heating systems four to one Negother heating safe dependable Esso oil heat yes you nee system gives you such complete carefree comfort as enever you Want to know about home heanng just call your local Imperial Essa Agent or Distributor for ice solve your home heating problems advice Let him halo you in Barrie Call PArItway 82763 wintef inthe wonderfulworld of interfaith