Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1962, p. 11

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SALE USED TVS coarse morons handles re sole is AUTOMOTIVE WW mmmmumnrussnarsnrrmmcn use11 SIIICOEICOIUNTYIEWS Whflibollartheputieyrweeks Albert sum Istt Wednec its ups oeozrlecoRRIsrou mm mm no rat Released Immogflumém Now Saskatoon Mr and Mrs Jamaln gvaflmfi WI Imam WWI their home in Hensilel this AT arosem carer wees Herb Shannon Jr bu beeu at the Ontario Athletic Commie Milo Ilsa leadership can at Long one none recompenseseahorse inomssnd been muonssea rimrcsemp moved arm turnarounw PERSONALS when use drees In lusonsbte pom rI Herr slurawn WATER em tired times oil or bullfltier Memos PA BI ARTICLES FOR RENT name to hold unpen HIITIOVIIE In picnic rad shelved load cupboardIor loll particulars telephone PA uses ARTICLES WANTED an mm MWII urgent at nmfil alltull enty USEDR GES REFRIGE ATORS TOPQU TY ED 4900 to 5900 EPLET TV and Appartces it RIDGE Mn from visiting relatives st 9y JAYCTCSCEER With High Pressure certificate APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MANSFIELD RUBEER tricktwwalneolt loalhlr WEI armor so male MONARCH REFRIGERATION Is Equipped Service All Makes of TV REFRIGERATION AUTO WASHERS DRYERS RANGES PA 82059 BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prim paid 01d Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlap St West Just across Hwy 00 PA 80666 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner you would like to have re his oi any news pictures ell by our stall photogra ers please call at our Busi ess Oiiice We are sorry we cihhot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $l00 affix lo $125 plus tax Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Ilsa all usch goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES The Showcas ol Slmcoa County SIFLOORS 0F ANTIQUES RVRNITURE BOOKS SHAV ING MUGS GOBLEIS PEW TER FINE CHINA BRASS COPPER IRON OPEN DAILY l0 em to 10pm own or CRAIGHURST our BARRIE PA 8340l Jones Antiques Occasional tnrnlture bric abrac china and glass NOW AT ISI COLLIER ST PA 66261 FREE Year Guarantee on all USED REFRIGERATORS FROM $50 McFADDEN Appliance HIGHWAY 27 NORTH Shopping tor good used srllclssi Antique iurniture etci Iry us at ALLIED SALES 3ESSARD Formerly Cooke Cartage IRON FITTEMAN stoher la nod condition E9210 Telephone PA NBCCIH PORTABLE Sewing Mb chine In nod condition Pit one nrcwmrnne emu snld renta ed repIna Student trentznrnu An about our RentTry then buyPlan star Ty writer Ca ZdlDlmiup St WesthA 50505 POWER Lawn Mowers repaired Redieion cleaned repltrad and recared Plow Hamilton Radiator and Lawn News or Service It Frederick SL earns bought said opened re paired combinations changed It tinting 142w o1 el SEC IIIEE Dill SEW CE ankinl Sate Works 75 Elli ensues ax HORSKINR BAITex Sporting Gnodl names lsrgerc selectlod oi orc armsvcverythlng or the sports rpr Open eve evenin Tel PA Hddtwmghwry 730 El BELGIAN BROWNING automatic 12 gauge shotgun Raised ventilated Additstlhle Polly choke Sheep skin tincd carrying case Norcep oneble oiIsr reiuaed Telephone PA 55 RUIT VEGETABLES Van Der Kony Sons romlp AUTOMOTIVE Ontario Isiephnol Isa DOGS PETS DACIIIHUNDI MAI Oentie tured repellent pets Brown etend are smooth Remand Itsi be seen to be metered Telephone Rodtmln ltmvele rs =g= FARMERS MARKET High grim to per est ces on or ea til horses Igrooved Iron For lest service phone or ask tor ZENITH 01130 N0 CEARCE so hours dagI days we CARRIE PA 07151 collects NICKS DEAD STOCK RR PDmlldp Ontario Licence No 172002 Nlcs Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies It Service Case New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equipmcni 170 BURTON AVE PA 82070 CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 bIINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Miikcrs Vacuum Pumps Vash iaoh Separators Parts ior any mllkcr HANIi BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY ONEWAY also ior sale Iiessey Harris Telephone Gormley alto rortn FERGUSON tractor Ior sale In good running condition Icie phone aseII GROVE sell unloading Iorgo boxes it wide high Dealers 050 also one If wide rt high besters 01100 Bill Marlon McKee Harvester Dezalor Coo town Telephone 50 LIVESTOCK TWO SIIOIITIIORN bulls 01 sale 10 months or age eligible tor rcg titration Rumble IIlIIsdlie Talephnnobloanrtane ZItltJ II BREEDINB was or rele slso purebred Sulioilr rslns Apply Leighton Henson Phone levele 700R POULTRY CHICKS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now ior early order discount For service or help on your poultry problem call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smouoruoun 17 It RAMBLER Viau Motors Limited 17 Gowan Street PA 66488 122 BLAKE ST WHO EISE WANTS NEW CAR Buy ll now with lowcost llie insured scorn PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA mewsreused Mun told mistress PA meal mums mm enor Cameras lets see by caressed hairdresser your one bears er ts eee flea Eunice PA cases Rossini sr AUGUST SPECIALS WIFE ioc rppoinlr or PA womens COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmeot Chartered School thorough training In all bran ches oi beauty culture DERWTN EAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL PA 00903 TUES THURS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS pm to pm QUICKIE SHAMPOO AND SET WITH ROLLERS $100 CHILDRENS PERMS 8000 ADULTS PERMS $550 To $1150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS IZI Dunlap SI PA ll Essa Road PA 09811 No Appointment Necessary IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPER TYPISI Required for accountants ol ice experience prclurrcd 5day week company benclits Write giving Iull detaih to Box Bar rie Examiner SEWERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Work at home doing simple sewing We supply materials and pay shipping both ways Make up to out an hour Piece work Apply Dept 7010IAdeleido Post Oitlce To rohlo Ontario EXPRRIBNCSD dining room wait resses required ior pert time work evenings PA 005 PRACTICAL NURSES wanted ler Ill shitil also parttlfll0 nurse of Mir Ed Siroud D27 Box and Weekends Telephone cn Nursing Home SIRt vnimsssns reoulrcd ior III at rah Canada Ltd mom NED MIN Yon can become specieth IIraln Warns to so cow Ehah Mix it ME on sold at home terms The are onto ont Neiinow Cletus In September lxrsumcso boom vileneed Apply onllllap Autobody Leslie sum cram Telephone asserts SALES HELP AGENTS fiy 1000 company to Berrie ro ouircs ladies oi neet appearance who possess car and an or to work hours daily to at iood consultants Ior turtth IslamIllai telephone ur Morris PA Heat ans to 11 noon le moo company with outlet and plant in Barrie requires am bltleus noel appearing men to act ll salesmen in the Barrie district Remuneretlon on either salary and bonus or straight commip sien your choice our present sleii make over 05000 per year For further Intelmutton phone Mr Liarsis PA All 10 ll to II noon EMPLOYMENT WANTED POSITION WANTED houlebeep er Ior one two adults Iele phone PA 00508 I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE lord Mills It WARN CHILDREN dellgbuui tee was held It the Coven home on Saturday lest to mark svery important occesloouihe term has been in the Como name or it yearn Margaret and Andrew Cowan are the iourth generation COUPLE FETED neighbors and Irlcnds ol Mrsndhlre Grant Allen nee Norrna Bidet gathered at the hall Friday nighLArnid dec retlen oi bells and streamers tirxihhappy couple were prescnlcd Norms also received cup saucer 0n behslt oi the bflde piste glass mirror and ad himseli Grant thanked one and all tor the gills old time and modern dancing was ealoyed and tasty lunch was prov ded Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Don Cochrane on the birth of daughter at Royal Victoria Hospital last week MOVE TO SEANIY RAY Mrs Joo Cochrone entertained at afternoon tea recently In onor of Mrs Rigby who with or iamily have moved to Shea ay Its back to school again nlcs day Ior all the children It would be wise Ior mothers to Saturday sep worn these little Iolka at taking Commencln at 1030 am arp ROSS LANG COOKSTOWN 0n corner oi Hwys 09 and 27 Clearing sale of hardware appli ances and grocery stock includ ing show cases dairy case with new unit store scales meat slicer cash register pop oool er rclrlgerator 11 cu it yrs old deep freeze yrs How var floor pollsher new Realty vacuum cleaner quantity oll stoves screen doors glad irons lsrgc assortment bolts nails piping and fittings glass In assortodsizes paints shovels drains ior sows girls hl cycle eaves trough 3000 iibcb tilc TS and elbows hardwall plaster cement raugettes with oven Ii Ides with or going near strang ers on their way along the route to school Everyone has been shocked at the recently happenings Gall Neléon will he the teach er in our Knock school this term MANSFIELD By EVELYN ARNOLD lllrr Alvin Greer was hostess to shower at her home tor the 4H Club girls their leaders and mothers or Saturday night In honor of Lynda Armstrong whose marriage to Laverne Galbraith took lace at Mans eld Presbyicran Church on Saturday Lynda received many lovely gills large crowdattendcd the Lake chlclllnl returned home this Friday COWAN CENTENARY lorms and transportation Telephone PA on part It lme or iulltlma crcployme electric lamps and points galvanized screen cloth shower ior Mr and Mrs Jack Rates at the hall on Friday nightffilack and Eva IllacFori DEKALBPULLETS rttii°° WOMAN to Inlet housekeaaper with In eIiect AP Milan 0r EIEII SEE sn Ippolntmc or interview RE KIND 0101113th women In the F0 Ansndele area who would like home away day to Ice mother teaches Prsicrahly In old eronosn who would like to be glue tlmlb islephoos PA SALE ASSISTANT Ior IIGIM read to was mustb rergnsonflltl cacaflull or The PA Mi RELIARLE sve ex cri riIIIIIE APDI II women to brtéyelt slly In my home slsrilng alt oi elderly couple sm ich days wee Talc MICI WAITRESS WANTED Good work iblzg conditions Shilt work Must cl and reliable skeview Super Ap In notly op St DII WAITRESS light cooriag must be able to run cash register poriellen supplied it necee Steady employment Apply Sun Icy Restaurant PA III CLERK sleaogrrpher required ior City at Barrie Public Works oiilce moron can FOR SALE week thour day with roll mp oyse henciits Salary schedule City Managers one PA arm or irom home during the alter smsli baby while MALE FEMALE opingsmar snd ebolr director regt RAEW2 riorianéo privllcg on at Oilce barrio stating qualifications anti salary expected slery according to es ePII ngilcrn Church MALE HELP DEALER SALESMAN SnapOnTools of Canada Ltd filoatorsanmatuns points Mpllred BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 62 LASTS AI PIERCE SEE CAR SALES Angus Ont Phone 4490181 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK MOTORS LTD JENNINGS USED at CIiIES SERVICE STATION 1955 EILLIIIAN MINX ior sale Clcin throughout low mileage vE Must SIcrIIIce Telephone PA coon eunnross Ior Ialo Apply 5047 Due to our dealerrllir Hen derson transierring to Port Ar thur we have dealer tran chise available immediately in the Barrie Midland Coiling wood Draugeville area ist of customers and thorough training provided Successful an pllcant must provide suitable ve hicle plus reasonable cash equity against stodr provided It you are interested luvs sales career and wish to own your IESIIIESS this Is your opportun Only those who are interested in earning in excess of $7500 0000 apply Sea all applications div really to SnapOn Tools of Can ada Ltd 37 Morley St Ham Ilton Ontario with your name address and phone number All applicants will be interviewed and notified as to time and place in Karrie Ont pe Chesterfield washing machines window frames and doors Com plete stock 01 groceries and many articles too numerous to mention Property located on southwest corner at Cooksmwn Intersection Hwys as and 2t Consists of main building and warehouse Frame bungalow lo cated on Hwy 27 south entrance to Cookstown modern bed rooms bath Iull basement oil heat lot 165 225 Real estate will be altered at pm Sub jch to reservebid Terms 10 day of sale balance to equal 50 at purchase price In 30 days Owner will take mort gages All other items cash Nothing to be removed until settled ior Buyersirom dis tance must prove Identity to clerk Owner or management will not be responsible Ior ac cidents or injury on property during sale day ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LID AUCTIONEERS Phone Victoria Harbour dofiRtt Wasaga Beach 450 ii Wont Ad Section ccepted tmtll Day botore publication PHONE PA MAI II IEGAL Noncrs TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IalroL notice that the Supreme Court Assizes will be held in the Court House Barrie com mencing on Monday September 10 less at the hour ol 100 oclock in the afternoon the Honourable Mr Juslec Schatz presiding ROSS HUGHES Sheriff County oi Simeon lane at hiverlleld Quebec were married on August at Rivcr cld Presbyterian Church 11on are making their home In Toronto Mrs Clarence uok came home Monday from Royal Vic toria Hos Ital Barrie Her daughterin aw Mrs Basil Cook of Collingwuod is with her David Curtis arrived at Mal too airport on Wednesday eve only caosswoap ACROSS valley poet Woman Co Cu member DOWN Leaves dwelling Insects Chicago Main district residence Blunder or In it Cowering estate 10 Abyss 11 Periormcr emergency Birds wing 25 Like 8Io set 16 Neuter pronoun 11 Container 18Devoured 19013010 trans mitting stations Radio 23 Pertaining to Asia as suly sacrum Brigade poet a0 Ships cell or hplp 03 Dionp MMoLlIer coiloq 301nelincd to lhe haugh colloq SINcat 308preez el 40ioleting machine 41 Circuit circle 42 the ear 43vlandle NOTICE THE aoARo or TRUSTEES or THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS roa THE CITY or BARRIE Illake notice that the day of August above mentioned board at trustees on thcjist 1902 passed bylaw No 13 to authorize the burrow Mm Chlppeil was the hon cred guest at gathering at neighbors at the church sacs maci on Ihuradl evening hire Cbep II with the gilt oi all ver ea service and beauti luleogravcd tray MnCha eli grated theirle31ds lIII bier was manner or ovey Oeklend Hill school has re opened with Mrs Fraser se teacher Mr and Mrs Vernon Cold well took Joan to Iloroato on Thursday and went on to the Exhibition Mrs Juneau and Illtle daugh ler spent Thursday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ed Smith spent the wekend at Timmlne Reid has returned from Royal Victoria Hospital Miss Jennie Aconlc has re turned to IIQIIIIOIIIC hands MINETS noun By ALLEN INGRAM RUYE EOPPYS CABINS Armstrong from Guth rie who iorrnerly owned motel at liothwell near Windsor has purchased Hoppys Cabins on No It Highway lust around the curve to the south of Mineis Point Road Irorn Herald It Is understood the deal in grocory business and snack bar as well as residence Possession was taken by the new owner about one month ago Gasoline miss his many customers and and iricnds with whom he and the other members oi his stall became acquainted with over period at 15 years He has bought summer business at Bonsecoure Reach and will on erate snack bar and grocery there We wish the new owner at Hoppys Cabins Mr Arm strong also the Hcralds evgy success lnttIelr future acilvli SUMMER RESIDENTS With the closing oI the month oi August some at our summer residents whose company had been enjoyed tor the past two mouthsprare retumlng to their permanent homes in Toronto etc Their mesence will be miss Ed and it is hoped they will be with us again next year ior rel arniion and participation in the activities or the re nlzed Mincts Point Residents Associ ation It is expected that there will be meeting at the executive 0i lhe latter prior to the next regular meeting on Wednesday evening Sept 10 20 Erm silien palm 21 Wet 22 Shipl curved lng 31140ch drama 32 Madrid is the capitol 801averns 37 Real 38 Partially 720 Slight 40 Crown GRENFEI By MRS COLE Mr and Mrsfscharlcs Cole Cheryl Laurel and David visited eluded the whole corner cabins service pumps are also located there Mr Herald states he will near users 00 tom 30 not AQ AQJIMI oer QJN hebtodingz South West North Ps Pa 01000 Openini leadace oldie nuance reported in In Bridge World to gs co in tournament North bed dliiicult choice 01 bids to make over tour diamonds and do clded to favor at our hearts despite his holding of only two trumps He didnt like the Idea of being talked out ot vulnea able game Well led the are at diamonds and continued with the queen Declarer played the king Irom dummy and East lulled East returned spade Declarer Itoesscd losing the on con to the king It was the third trick tor the deiense South later at tempted club Iloesse which also lost and the result was that South ended going down one North was properly sympa ibetlc there wasnt anything you could do about It be said You lost two tinessea East had hovo aringleton diamond and besides West had to iind the diamond lead to beat the hand guess should have low our diamonds We would ave gotten them ior three tricks When North had Ilnlshcd East delicately pointed out that South could have made the contract He said South should have duck ed the queen of diamonds at Tumorre An Mannie pley ysr slurs Ry MRS PRAII Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Howard Penny were Mrs sndVMIerouglas siDVEnEIPCD ny and Joanne Hamilton Mrs Percy Collyer and Paul at Winnipeg visited Mr and Mrs Pratt and iamily last weekend Mr and Mrs Collycr were residents at Barrie In the war fears and lived with Mr and rs Nelson hingee PAULEIIES TO MEET The Pauletles tall meeting will be Thursday Sept at 015 pm or Mrs Allan Gord lnere home Stroud icy shower ior missions will be held at this meeting Mr and Mrs Laurie Gregory are on holidays visiting Toron to Hamilton and North Bay Visllors with Mr and Mrs Robert Green and boys were his sister hlrs Oak and child ren oi Laohine Quebec and Mrs Green Sr otAglncourt Mrs Jack Hayes Denise and Merrillee ot Midhurst Bob Ao onlcy oi Crown Hill and hire Hllils Irlbbie at Toronto visited at Pratts last week TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY IEPIEMERR 100 Live dc Learn iii SCENE er usage 000Ihrco stooges A15 Nam Walther Sports 700 Zane Grey Theatre Care Ior Ills Court am Yes Yes Nenctte 050 Singllang Jubilee 000 RoomIor One More p30 Iampr Present 1000 Concert use one TV News 1110 Weather arts News than human ilobla TUESDAY IBPARIIIJIIR Test Pattern News Weather Sports Maple Day To Remember Summcrems Swin IIODR VIM on Time Yogi Bear Movie blusaum News Weather Sports Ben Casey Talent Scouts Comedy Spot Pinydrte Kin oi Diamonds CDC TV News Weather Sports News One Step Beyond WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1145 Test Pattern 100 Popeye end Pals 110 News Weather sports press099 Popeye and Pelr 110 Movie le Deception gunmen syrrvua Vecstion llme Iismsr at the Jungle glam eyes as II lom Ewell Show Bachelor lather Dennlsvtho Monroe 010 Theatre Sight Line Hancock cac IVNm Weather Sports News Interpol Ceiling THURSDAY Hm 1105 Test Patten 100 Pope Ind PIII 1I5 News Walther Sports 130 Movie hero 0n Ihe Run 500 Summersme 000 The lens are Vacation Time DIcIt THC Charlie Chan News Weather Sports The Flintstones Tho Iicsl McCoys Womens Conierence My Inrcc Sons Ghost Squad Country Junction lien end the Challenge CBC IV News The Weatherman Todeytn Sports CommunityNews The Untouchables 3=2 8388 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY SEPTEMBER 400 Proteuor Hldssw 600 The LlwInsn 010 Sports are 045 700 lit IMO 1030 cet Mcorsw To Tell The Truth Jack Benny 1100 News Weather sports IIJ0 Mshelie Jackson Sings TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1015 Mehllil llama since 1000 Domino Free IhdEsey channel Theatre and For Each Othti News Proleaaots Itldeswsy Th Ll New Bachelor Father Channel Nine Theatre Four Poster Checkmate Tombstone Territory News Weather Sports hinhIIII Timon Sings WEDNESDAY hIIPTEMBRR 1025 Mahllll Jackson 5101 1030 Domino 1130 Free and Em 200 Channel Thcitre Beyond Mombasa 05 News 7400Pmessors an arts Weather News 100 ovte Feature 800 IIZIIII 000 Theatre At Nine Prisoner Ioso he Detectives 1100 NEWI Sports Weather 00 MIIIIIII Jackson Sitlfl THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 102 Mlhnlia Jackson slugs iiJ0 Free and Easy 200 Chennel Nine Theatre Little old New York News Soprts Closeup Football Forecast Football Pater Curln News Wuuser Sports Pelldlum Idshslls Jackson Sings UPHOLSTERING PA87433 65 BRADFORD ing oi money by the issue and sale of debentures oi the said board the principal amount of $8000000 to 70 ried Age 22 to 05 with Grade any or Esme 1° EIIUDHUW APPLY I0 The amount to be borrowed is $0000000 on the securitydi the MR BROWN said debentures which shall be charge upon the school house Mr and Mrs Ray Money at Sundridge on Monday lie yr with her brother and slstcrInlaw Mr and Mrs Cluughley Congratulationeto Mr and MM mm mm mm can I950 mums Herlld radio and of trustees cesslon Innsill No Sunday sales pro Ishastrou III co so hard Flnr MOTORS up as heir fig Is soon Peterh rou be In ILP Johnson mntgr aridI Lon Star €135 mm trailer All like new Sacrlllca Ior II your carrier has not arrived by pmplcase phone quick srle Telephone PA 01125 it FOOT Paterboraugh Sport About terrain with so hp Johnson In aggraped $300 cash Telephone WRECKING 5e Pontiac psrts will It Chevrolet Also good tires and W006 lilill set snow tires etc 252nlbla Phone Allan at PA SUNSHINE UNIFORM SUPPLY CO 148 JOHN SI property and premises and any oih veggd in the said board at trustees ra er real and personal property and upon the separate School Mrs Maurice Baldwiclr on the birth at ason Sunday Aug 26 The United Church Women will meet Wednesday Sept at PAR2433 And CopyWill He Delivered To Your Home The debentures are to be drited the 1st day of December 1002 and are to be in the denomination of not less than $100000 each land are to hear interestat the rate of per nnnum payable annually on tire that day of December in the years 1060 to 1067 both dates Inclusive James Clyne SecretaryTreasmer 0010 Ior Want Ad Section accepted until pm nu ca PHONE PA THERE Is uocuaaea sea This SERVICE home of Mrs Russell mm Lorne Spark has returned VIIIII Ile tC IIIIILII Chflititgom HEREIN not DRIVEYOURSELF AND cgae Wednesday morning Sept ll TWO MEN wanted to train as IIII time Real Estate salesmen chance to cam up to 310000 to 511000 Ear DELANEY SINGLE eeet lportstei boat Aim 105 like new 50 HP Johnson molar and 1052 new HP Johnson motor Telephone IaIRII Leirey uI Ilurkos Garage Cburchlil yesr Apply to Box 02 barrio eminer to

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