Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1962, p. 1

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Our Telephones For Mariner Want Ad Tole phone PA Hut 11in telephone ammoniath orEditorialDepttrPAGoarl atria 97trllrnmmuyonpagotwo 9th Your No 206 Russrcr Protests Over U2 Flight LONDON Reuters Russia has sent strong protest to the United States government against another gross viola tion of Soviet frontier by an American 111 reconnaissance piano the Soviet news agency Tar reported today MORE it said the plane intruded into Soviet air space last Friday east of Sakhalinsk situated on the eastern coast of the Soviet in ion north of Japan Tass said Deputy Foreign Minister Georgi Pushkin today handed protest note to the American charge dofiaircs in Moscow lticSweeney Tire note said that accord Ammsllflillllillfllfllmflllflfll the in plane overflow the terri tn ndtcrritorialmtersro or nine minutes ASKS PUNISHMENT it added llre government of Th thc USSll expects that the American government will rig Guerrilla Troops Say Bella Suffered Heavy ALGlEllS AP Headquar ters of muilnous gucrrilla forces announced today that troops of VicePrcmier Ahmed lien Delia were repulsed in heavy combat south of Aumnle joint communique of tha guerrilla lllllayas district and holding central Algeria said there were tons of killed and wounded when Ben Bellar troops attnc ed their defences with heavy and automatic weapons The scene or the fighting was pinpointed in the village of Oued Djenane in the Dbl rangesouthol Aurrrulefa but 90 miles southeast of Algiers The communique said bloody fighting started at am when column at Ben liellns support ers attempted to march toward Aumaie The Algerian public should know that the heavy weapons utilized by the aggressnrs came from friendly nations and were offered to conduct the nails French war of liberationtho communique said These arms ware kept at the frontiers and were brought into the national territory alter independence today they are utilized tragically against fighters who during 7n are fienducted the war of libera on Outgunned guerrilla detach ments took up dcfcnce positions in the suburbsrnf Algiers and vowed to hold the capital Advance elements of Ben Bellas 30000 regulars were re ported intbe Medea area 55 filumnbypassed Orleansville and was reported less than 100 Tb miles southwest of the city on the OranAlgiers highway Some retreating guer tiles blew up bridges and barricaded mnuntain passes in an attempt to slow the Ben Bella thrust lri But mostly guerrillas fled or surrendered after brief encount ers with the regular troops com Freedomites walk oronoiy punish the parsons rc spansible for organizing this flight of an American warplane and will take measures at once to prevent any further viola tions of the Soviet airspace if this is not done the So vlet government will take moan ares it will deem necessary to safeguard the security at its frontiers in the event of new violations The note said the Soviet gov crnment reserves the right to raise the question of aggres sive actions by the United States at the General Assem bly cf the United Nations The be achieved worldwide caloric owing tiresheotlng downciltmcrlcan pilot Gary incrswlrenmefirarfirbngton nvcr Russia in May 1000 Three slnglcaentcr U7s re cently were stationed in Britain cy were said to be carrying out highaltitude weather rs rwhenrhcstriedtodefain man search over the North Atlantic Casualties mended by Col Haurni Ecume dicnne the nrrny chief of staff CHEER REGULAKS Civilian crowds organized by the guerrillas to block the in vuding soldiers routes often cheered the regular army in stead The small guerrilla forces equipped with rifles and light machineguns were no match for the army with its Commur nistAblnc artillery mortars and heavy machineguns Ben Bella told reporters in Oran that his forces were un der orders to avoid bloodshed where possible andthahhls adi vanclng troops had their ri lies on their shoulders and their Lagoon covered with tarpnu Police Slayer Is Identified HAMILTON CPiTbe man who shot police constable in Hamiliorr early Wednesday and then killed himself was posi uvely Identified Saturday as Bruce Griifeti 39 Police had also been scoreb rng for Griffctt in connection with the slaying of his mother Mrs Ilinrthn Griifctt on and neighbor Milton Nelson 56 Their bodies were found in the firecharred ruins of the Griffett am Tuesday Police said they apparently had been beaten to death with hammer found nearby The following day Coast Dn vid Gregory was shot if carrying firgauge shotgun man then turned the gun on himself blowing most of his head away Since then police have been almost certain the dead man was Criffett but positive iden icauon came Saturday after fringerprint was found on jar of paint in the Criifett TIlE ONTARIO Government might be intent on taking the frills out at cducntlonflbut just try removing them from lit tle girl on her first day at THE WONDERFUL world of learning opens anew for an Ontario childfisn trekked their way to school this morning home To New Territo THRUMS soft chant se=iato=ih tenay Valley Untlring children scampered around the fields The aged shpped cit their sandals and nursed weary feet The women cooked borscht on pressure stoves while the younger men put up tents it seemed like poor mans church picnic as morethan 500 Sons of Freedom Dnukhobars settled down for the night on Nrck Kabaicffs form aitertbu second leg of their planned so nule march from the fireblack criedshacktown of Kresiova 13 miles north of here to Agas srz in the lush Fraser Valley to the west There near forbidding fed eral prison the Sons call Can adas Bucbenwald where many of their menlolk are servia orteirorism tb Doukhobor plan to make new home The Freedomite marching party which indirdes about 100l schoolage children 75 infants and at leastluu elderly persons somehilnd partially crippled dden set out from Krestova Sunday soars canny martyrs They made seven miles the iirstday six miles Monday Mast walked in 75dagree heat along the winding block ped road in rubber thongsfllrnes wrth elevated heels or flimsy sandals Some carried infants some pushed carts and baby buggies some drove assorted cars and trucks loaded with wa ter food and tents One elderly Freedomlte hobv manger At least one woman carrying baby fainted during the march Another asked whether she did not think some of the babes in arms might collapse from the heat replied if they die they die thats all ELECTED Ross Anderson Mackimmie of Calgary was elected pre sident of the Canadian Bar Association Saturday at can cluding sessions of the or ganizations annual meeting in Haitian Mr Mackimmie native of Sydney Ns suc caeds wonont ice Wirepdrotoi are in US dollars this means craiooooo from summon recent years major gain in exports to the United States Canada rolled up trade deficit of $119300000 during the first half of the year more than 50 per cent higher firsthali 1961 Total experts for the six month $301770111 year earlier due entirely to 244percent gain in sales to the United States the Dominion gureau of Statistics reported to ay But imports climbed even more rapidly rising 136 per cent to $3139100000 from $2 762900000 The total trade of $6151900 000 was firsthali record and the bureau said the higher lev els of both exports and imports are due in part to the reduced exchange value of the Canadian dollar At midyear last year the dollars value declined from premium above the US dollar to discount and since May this year it hasbeenpegged at 92 its cents Since most ex cit Va import transactions higher values in Canadian dol for terms During the AprilJune second quarter exports rose 191 per cent from year earlier to $1 The bureau said it was the high ésl secondquarter sales total in Second quarter imports reached 91669000000 11 127 per cent from $14014 0000 This left trade deficit of $51 490000 compared with $53900 000 in the accordquarter of loci in June exports totalled $542033 school and someone is in trouble Dressed in their first day iiacry these Youngsters renew old acquain once and do some dircwd ending more than two months or summer respite School officials in Barrie reported =difficrtlfifi1hisiriorn ing and confusion was held to minimum These students surplus for June of $10992000 slightly smaller than the surplus or year earlier Detailed trade figures for tho JanuaryJune periods of this than the $91700000 deficit in year and last in millions of dollars Exports 1902 1961 se 124per cthoMeiStateaflmufitfii mg om 4294 4307 other melN 1494 1640 All others 0325 6992 Total 30127 26912 Imports United States 22122 19799 United Kingdom 7399 3137 Other melth 1432 1299 All others 4929 4394 Total 31391 27629 The big rise in sales to the US for the six months resulted mainly from big increasesin iron are aircraft woodpulp lumber petroleum and nickel Sky Shield III NORAD Benefits COLORADO SPRINGS Colo GPAP Mock air battles waged at supersonic speeds over the North American cou tinent will be of lasting benefit to defenders of the United States and Canada says Gen John Gerhart commander lnchief of the North American Air Defence Command More than 1609 aircraft can ried not the grim makebelieve warfare Monday in Operation Sky Shield III while virtually all civilian planswere cleared from the air from EDT until 030 pm it was the third time in as many years that NORAD has matched its intricate defences against the might of simu lated aggressor employing fleet negotiating with at the Prince of Wales Public School are typical of the lot gerothers wa nfew whoiiETrg tenedat the prospects of this new wori Examiner Photo the clam lists to find out who it would be best to sit hear in the classroom Examiner Photo an 3min Ontario Canada Tuesday September i962 oacx roscaoor AGAIN local Mishaps Injure Five Five persons were hurt in two separate singlecnr accidents in the ienetang area during the weekend All are still in hos pltal Four residents of the Christian island reserve suffered injuries when car driven by lliarcel Sylvester slammed into tree on County Road six half mile north of Pcrkinstlcld early lliondoy morning The northbound vehicle ran out of control on curve swerv ed off the road and into tree Mr Sylvester Fredrick Jack son and Donna Sandy were all detained in St Andrews Hos pital in Midland Another pas senger identified only as Miss King was taken for treatment to Toronto General Hospital Saturday evening another ve hicle slammed into telephone pole ball mtlcsouthof Pene gt long and HaroldJaoics Kelly 40 of Midland was delained in Peneteng General Hospital with multiple injuries Police said today Mr Kelly was reported to have cracked pelvis nndhlp bone bruised chest wall deep lacerations to the back of the scalp and var iety of cuts and bruises Police said he was flung through the windshield of his car after the impact itir Kelly told police he was forced off the road by car travalling in the opposite direc tion He said the other vehicle did not stop By MOHSIN ALI openn Common Market LONDON Reuters Com monwealth prime ministers be gaa arriving here today for theirSeptriosumniitfeanfair once to discuss the Common weallbs future lathe face of Britains plans to Join the Ear many and just behind Japan anqdcr Trade Deficit 50 Higher This Year OilAWA CF Despite 496000 Thisprnduceda trader The tookssmiper cont ynhrmmwen andJneggmer of total Canadian exports in the period compared with 534 per cent year earlier The share of Canadian imports provided by the US rose to 693 per cent Sixvmonth exports of Cana dianmade goods in Communist China mainly wheat ins asJfios nuance and the un came Canadas fourthlargest market ahead of West Ger Anioug Canadiansourced ex ports newsprint remained in first place with exparts of 5302 000000 down slightly from year earlier Wheat sales rose to $29400000 from $274900000 while sales of lumber and tires her jumped to $191600000 from $19920000 and exports of woodpulp advanced to $195300 000 fro m3169000000 bombers and mythical intercon tinental ballistic missiles Never had NORAD and de fence department officials made known their highly classified evaluat ELBJi they say each of theS snrenfl operations has led to the de velopment of new techniques and electronic devices that lm prove the defence posture of the free world Gen Gcrharts statement came at the end of ohoar exercise yin which US and Ca in iaierceptora directed from NDRADs headquarters here rose to chollcngesimu lntcd attacks carried 1out by not and Bi7ibombers of the United States Strai Air First to arrive was Keith New Zealand Australian Prime Minister Robert Mamas and were flying into London later today The Australian delegation also will include Trade Minister members of the New Zealand The Australians Make Film mlmsm 0i and New Zealnnders whose economics might suffer if Brit nln joins the Common Market Nigerian Prime Minister Alhan are sending hyghpowmd we Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewn mums when tliundershowers on hvwmwbsfmw Not More Then per Copy12 if DANiSFAHAN iran AF Weeping workers dug bushy after body today from the ruins left by irnns worst earthquakes in to years and hurried them into graves to counter the threat of epidemics The official death tall from the tremors that devastated about 109 villages in northwest lran Saturday night rose to more than 4000 The lranlan Red Cross sold the dead might total 10000 and that thc num her of infured were beyond counting Premier Assadullnh Alarn Monday placed the toll at 20000 dead and injured The Westem worlds govern ments and relief organizations ssembled aid shipments for air transport US forces in Ger many mounted an airlift to transport 10099 blankets 1000 tents and loobed hospital unit within the next to hours Thousands of soldiers and voi unfeers dug the bodies in the wreckage of mud hula scat tered over 23000 square miles of northwest iron Trains buses and trucks took the injured in drierfiowlng dist ct hospitals and to Tehran ONLY 700 LEFT Tire three savage quakes hit hardest in the oasls town of 11 Dnnislalran home of 1100 per sons 150 miles northwest of Teh ran Oniy 790 persons were left alive As the suncllmbed in the sky and the temperature reached 100 the stench of death became almost unbearable in nearby Kiovan only 95 per sons survived from population of 495 Most of those still living had commanvrealth PM Arriving In BritainPrior To Talks Minister John Marshall Exter nal Affairs Secretary McIntosh and Deputy Secretary Foss Shanah TEETscountry conference with certain colonial territories also representedwill last 10 days it is the biggest in Com monwealth history Canadians CANADIANS DUE FRIDAY The Canadian team led by Prime Minister John Dieien baker due here Friday Etc Harold Hlot while the otherternal Affairs Minister Howard delegation are Deputy Prime Green will accompany the Ca nadian leader NEWS BRIEFS Students Tossed Into iail NEW YORKiAP American youth had its fling mm hollda weekend of the summer but in seaside resorts sides if the continent police had the final thmwMore than 200 collegoage celebrants were tossed behind bars in the wake of riots in Seaside Ore Ocean City Md and Hampton Beach Neutralisi Bloc Tavors West GENEVA AP Tire neutralist bloc Monday supported Western proposal for continued threepower nuclear test ban talks during the iortbc6ming recess of the 17natlon disarm ament conference But at least three nonailgned delegations clearly errpmsed themselves in favor of threepower mora torium on underground nuclear tests from next January 10th Pugwash Parley Opens LONDON CF The ioth Pugwash conference opened here Monday bringing 200 scientists from all countries together to discuss unofficially ways of reducing world terrsron and encour ag disarmament Thecnnfcreticesfwlrlclllluva been taking lace at intervals since 1957 are named for the Nova Sootia birthplace of industrialist millionaire Cympaton Voters Approve Malaysia SINGAPORE Reuters Singapore deters SEIIEOVCIflfIlZwfiPlIlfiliCQlllliV Maiaya and the orneo terri on tion of Malay entry Weekend voting in the merger strongly op sed ieftwm opposition groups who petitioned the United lliltloosbyagninst Ire move had 39762691 Singapores 615000 registered voters approving the merger Mob ProtestsOverGames ssrans led by aboutl00 uniformed arrears Indonesia Reuters Some zoom angry indoor but unarmed soldiers Mdn in arts ked the indian bknbassyin demonstration var banishing ridden Asian Games being held here The Violence was aimed Asian Games ment to change 01 not abs Sondhl thobidian vicepresident of the liedeaationpwho is occtrsed of leading aulm Games because been sleeping on the flat roofs of their mud huts to escape the beat The government rd re mourning and cancelled all ma sic on radio broadcasts Special rayero were said for the deed fit all mosques Reports were still to come in from man villages for off the main ran Thoexact tollrprobnblyncier will hoknown Premier Alam alter iourlng the disaster area with tears in his eyes sold The cotns tropbo is enormous The disbrr tor is big the misery indescrib ablo it is beyond imagination Allah help us In Telunn the US armed forces TV station broadcast warning thatfuriher quakes were expected early today and fhousnnds of frightened persons poured into the capitals streets An American source said the station had received the warn mg in telephone call purport ing to come from the Tehran po llcc The whole thing appears to be hoax the source said The govornment radio reopened after midnight to broadcast re pcntedly that the report was false and the people should re turn to their beds Today US Am nssador Jun us Holmes apologized to Pro mier Alam for what he called thoughtless warning The Canadian Red Cross So clcty authorized $10000 cash grant to iron and said it Lepre pared to provide more assist ance if requested Canadians In Iran Reported Unhurt raanarrrari CBiiutllns working in iron were outside the danger area of the earth quake that kllied more than 4000 persons Saturday night the Canadian Embassy re ported Monday spokesman said there were no reports of any Canadians having been injured Six Ca in Co mission working on project in Ahwoz southeast of Tehran were well clear of the disaster area About 190 Canadians are reg ron Shiraz andAh an embassy spokesmansal The Ontario workers are in iran under longterm contracts signed with New York com mission is private agency that arranges aid for underdeveloped countries They are helping to set up power statinnraterez Children Left Orphansby Crash Five children were orphaned JLPwfllwwhlimadsldbwl sron near Newmarket early yes terday morning after which their parents Mr and Mrs Ar thur William Lloyd of HR Kettieby died within an hour of one another Police said the Lloyds vehi cle was eastbound an Vivian sidcroad and crossing Highway to when it wasslammod broad side by souihbound car driven by James Girllng 54 of 51 Wayland Avenue Toronto Mr Lloyd 37 died willrln minutes of the impact while his wife Grace irene 39 died in an ambulance an the way to hospital Mr Girling and his wife Dor othy were admitted to York County Hospital but their condi tion was not considered serious The five children of the dead couple are tel 51 Mrs Libyds parents CribSets Record 0ver 3Mrllion RONTOtOl tvwas record year seriesoi firsts stringofgreatsand it at treated the largest crowds ever packed into Exhibition Park The 8009000th paying visitor entered the 01th edition of the Circadian Notional Exhibitionat 747 pm Mobdny and more persons foilowsd for atota1 at tendsnce oi 9009500 Lorie Kunnlngi of Toronto visitor NE lsteied Iran most hiTeb

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