AH t1111P 311111111191 Published by Canadian Newspapers limited lo Bayileld Street Blame Ontario IV Walls Publisher SAT URDAV SEPTEMBER Jul With Boat Trailers Cars Brian Sleight General Manager Added Hanard On Highvvoy freak accident near Hanover has given addedemphasls to the warnings about the hazards of motoring as the va cation season draws to close and eople begin to hurry home in time for op ening of school in the Hanover accident five peogle were killed as result of collision tween two vehicles one of them pulling pleasure craft mounted on trailer Reports of the accident indicate that the force of the impact tore the boat from the trailer and sent it through the car ahead decopltating child and crushing the head of the driver Because of the popularity of boating tn recent years many craft are towed step the highway to and from their des tinat on in some body of water Hence inthe interests of safety great care should be taken to follow some special rules that the car pulling small craft be hind reaches its destination without in cldent In an article on the subject Dragging Their Boats Behind them which ap peared at the beginning of the summer in Ontario Traffic Safety some pertinent oints were given about fastening boat Ilo trailer and trailer to caras well as how to drive car with trailer at tached The advice applies equally to this gartiglular time when folks are homeward oun After suggesting care and double check in hitching boat and trailer to car the article points to some important fee tors that ould be he in mind once onegets rolling This howlt put it For trouble ree driving never not even for one second forget that you have something hitched to our car You are now twice as long and manoeuvres in motion require extra care Applied common sense and sanelvdriving are marks of good trailerlst Little things and every day habits to which you may not give asccond though become import ant when towing trai er Here are some points to consider Starting Start slowly and continue to apply power steadily but gradually Stopping Give yourself giant of space Get the feel of the addi ona dist ance required to stop Check any tends ency for the unit to snake or whip if the trailer has brakes apply them first and alternate between tr ler and car Passing Make sure there are no on coming cars when you decide to passBe mg twice as long you need twice the space to get back in line Swing wide and use outside mirrors bothsides to check your position Remember the passing zip nearly all gone from the car and care lessness may mean crash There are other points covered in simi lar vein and it can easily be seen from them as from the above that it becomes doubly important to be cautious when one is pulling trailer The main thing is to put theorylnto practice Need More Junior Colleges In line with arguments which we have repeatedly urged in support eta pro os edjuniorcolleg universityforarea Dr Murray Ross president of York University has urged that junior or lim ited curriculumcolleges would furnish an answer to Canadas future university requirements In sup ort of his contention Dr Ross said be ad grave fears about the cape city of existing universities to absorb the predicted great increase in students with out permanently impairing the charact er of the universities themselves Addressing the Canadian National Ex hibition directors luncheon on Young Canada Day Dr Ross predicted that within the next decade Canada will have two or three timesthe present number of students diipable of benefitting from university education He doubted whether the country can QUEENS PARK Liquor Under ITS GOT DRIVE Control In Northern Ontario By DON OHEARN ronouro Cholrman Alan Ligquirod ox imslenJllthoutCroamanoftha=llquor=€onuol higher education being ven much high er priority in the public purse or univen sity fees being raised substantiallyor the donation of huge private funds or combination of all three New institutions of higher learning would be required and it seemed only sensible to suggest that many of these new institutions should be Junior col leges or coUeges with limited curricula and organization The latter would be less expensive to build and ophrate and might make the contemplated expansion financially feasible Dr Ross said estimates suggest at least 125000 additional university laces costing about $075000000 will re quired to Canada in the next eight years WWW WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Aug 30 1917 Col onel John Currie MP unanimously tenderedï¬onservative nomination for Slmcoe North Barries new public library cost $15276 as against grant of $15000 from Carnegie Trust Foun station New York Onethird of town taxes paid through special dis count of one per cent Mayor Craigs suspension of Sanitary Inspector Hogan was approved bytowncouncil which then promptly reinstated him Nearly all permanent passes to Camp Hoare Borden RCAF withdrawn Of eight architects asked to submitplaus for the new Barrie Collegiate building only four are competing due to strict conditions imposed by Board of Educa tion Record potato yields reported by residents on Peel Street Royal Fly ing Corps Committecfor Barrie or ganized with Judge Vance Judge Wis mer Sheriff Harvey Myers MacLaren and Leslie Pte Kell 157th Battalion seriously wounded and gassed in France When 177th Bat talion was broken up in England it was transferred into 3rd Canadian Reserve Battalion which reinforces the 4th and 10th Canadian units in action Capt from gas Clarke Wallace only ofï¬cer who re maincd with the men Cadet Wood Royal Flying Corps on training flight from Camp Hoare Borden to Toronto lostbearings and had to makeemer gency landing at Chatham Pte Joe Desourdie 21 wounded Aug died in General Hospital Carnieres France according to ofï¬cial word from Ottawa received by his parents in Allandaie He enlisted with the 70th Battalion in Barrie nearly three years ago Barrie womens group organized to conserve food Cadet Deed of England sta tionedwrtb RFC at Camp Hoare nose dived his training craft into Kempenfelt Bay and was picked up by Jack Monk man in canoe off Muleaster St Plane was saved and towed back to camp it was revealed that Sanitary Inspector Hagart had been suspended by the mayor because of letter he wrote to the Toronto Star stating that Barrie was wrde open for speeding Gunner Fred ltforren in Lord Derby Hospital England following action in France Pte Hooper reported suffering poisoning More than 150 Americans training at Camp Borden came into Barrie by train for days leave and were taken on tour of town by citizens OTHER EDITORS VIEWS EXTRAVAGANGE IN WASTE Victoria Colonist There isnt household lnCanada that does not throw out items that would The Barrie Exammer Authorized as reclaim class mall Postofflc Dprfment0ttnwn and for plymellt of posture in cash Duly undays and Statutory Holidays ex mNETuVALLSPublisher BRIAN BLAIGUT General Manager lilcPHEflsON Mgnhging traitor Antes WADGE surln bflnagc Joann PnWILIDN Advnillllng ltf Iger touN nowhn circulation Miasu Subscflpfinn rat dilly by carrier 850 wee $1010 yearly Single copy 7c Bib mall in Ontario $700 your 00 six month 83 res monthl Outside Ontario year outstrip Con 31000 mm Dulce 425 University Ave Toronto 040 Catheart Street hfen lluWut Govrgta Street Vancou WOT manorw Canadian Daily in Hand eAssociation Jrho Canad Auditrflutcnu of circulations The Canadian Press is eXclustvekv use for rerrubllcatlon of all new paper etc ted to it IllA pMI entltledlo snatches in this on 9953 be godsend to people in some lands The fancy packaging by atoms of goods alone not to speak of the vast extrava gance tn wrapping paper reflects the high wide and handsome view taken by society in general dealings warth runs Peterborough Examiner spokesmanjnfor getltnternational agreement on can at least besure 4m MM Jim in practically all list heard of Ontario is beaming proud these days Give him cigar in his mouth and he could pose for picture of happy father ChairmanAlnn Hon Alan says he has the sys tem of sale of liquor by licence in Northern Ontario under way When he says it the way he says it you would think you could go on tool right across the north without ever touching an LCBO store And it just isnt so THE LICENCEES When lion Alan broke into his public smile ho had five licen cees live selling booze by the bottle legally The five are all in northwest ern Ontario And all are tourist operators in fairly remote spots One of them for instance is M0Nlriendal oclutlchardson Sagabaga In tlhere would be nobody bet ter in the world to buy jug fromif he would then sit down and drink it with you There are just two ways 01 getting to Jacks fine resort by boat sevsral miles across the lake from US loading or by plane And this isï¬typical of the lit cencces They arent located in any Coney islands OTTAWA REPORT hlr Groasman still hasnt licked his main problem who taglveyems roa wherethero are several resorts ifs now has committee working on it This is standard govemment When you give bad cheque or promiseas the govern ment did with its broad promise of licences saleyou kite it through committee in the meantime you hope you will figure out some way of meeting it avans Mr Grossman who really has done quite good and im aglnallve job in his post to datel must now be taking cautious peek at liquor adver tising regulations Some of the beer companies are out to kill the prohibition against showing bottle in an advertisement by tearing it to death on TV eztyric rom ear to ear carries tray from refrigerator THE TRAY 0F BOTTLES IS COVERED WITH CLOTH As it is in every wellregulated kitchen of course He gets readyfo whisk hit the cloth before drooling guests and whoosha beer label on pears on the screen his all so ludicrous it makes the bottle prohibition appear to rank with an edict against sin practice in Original Aircrali Oi TCAgMakes Tour By PATRICK NI EOLSON OTTAWAA big of top brass from government and civilian aswell as military cir cles thronged our sunbathed capital city airport recently to welcome the years most his toric transCanoda traveller This was veteran of 25 years service to Canadians on show as it journeyed from Halifax to Vancouver with stops at 10 in termediate cities Officially own as CMCC it was tiny lockheed 10A aircraft one of the original machines with which our publicly owned Tr Canada Air Lines initi its passenger service quar ervcentury ago Th inaugural route was the 122 mile hop between Ven couvr and Seattle ltwas open than Sept 1937 with twic doilyflights each carry ing passengers CFTCC will repeat thatfiight on Sept 17 or to celebrate the 25th birthd of TCA Thel rolherhood of the air is clo knit circle of dedicated and co rageous usersrsome lost lnleldUaTlS oi Canada And carried its first pas month 1937 flying was still an unce tn adventure Thus it affection and proud thatlold tlrne bush ttteol Britain pilots odorn fjetlioc end their sisterstn ervice stewardess fFTCC when it touched down ere The world Canada and TCA have all gone long way since 1937 but perhaps in air travel as exemplified by TCA we have made the greutest strides When the $100000 CFTCC first took to air at cautious 135 miles an hour itrcarrled 10 passengers strapped into hideously uncom fortable seats and wearing ox ygen masks to cross the Rock ies But todays airliner is four times longer 30 times heavier carries 10 times as many pas rangers at three times the speed but costs 60 times as much as that 1037 babygairliner Looking at baby CFTCC newlypainted gleaming white and proudly flauotlng the TCA crest one could not fall to ad mire the workmanship which could create such tough baby It was purchasednew by TCA in 1037and flew 200000 miles in1750 hours before being sold department years it cane many VlPs on topsecret and most important trips between Ottawa and Washington and other hey centres Between whiles and alter the war it was tlsed for range calibration work to assist the development of our crossCanada aids to navigation portflag it covered some 000 000 milesvin 5250 hours Seven years ago it was sold to Malone Air Services Limited in Que bee where it is still giving tip ton service with flight record in its to date equivalent to Maturesm th gleaming back in 10000 flying hours ahosttlccrinsrh Need Vaccination smallpox Enter 118 By JOSEPH MOLNEE 310 traveler from Asia reports the magazine Modern Medicine Irrtvrd in tendon then became ill Smallle Within three weeks it uses of confirmed smallpox oe cuned Six victims died This to the wholoanswer to the complaints people make about having to get smallpox vaccination befcrogoing abroad Well ctrictlysposkhrg TO EDITOR Barrio RR Ont Aug ao 1962 PROTEST ANNEXATION BY CITY OF BARBIE Dear Sir Thank you for space in your eudlnenews ereme taxpayers of Vesprs which the city council wishes to annex in Barrie protest against this an nexation Why the council wants only half the concession taking in the two schools and promising new school on Anne street No child has had transporta tion within the city of Barrie no matter what distance to the public school or the collegiate The townships pay for transpor tation for the pupils from those townships The people have be on misinformed on the school subject and other promises The part of the concession which Barrie does not want has large number of new homes CbUdlenTwohld he depriVed of school near their homes That would meant the township hav ing to transport the children to schools in Vespra who will axes gain would mean still higher taxes as every child has right to be educated Barrie pays the lowest to wards the collegiate but who asked whyillarrlecouldnol pay equal to thetownships it was hinted that Barrie could take over the collegiates Has the council forgotthe grants from the government Why do the council want only half of the 7th concession Because the parcel of land the council bought from the taxpayers money is what they hop to use as city dump If they use the landfill system which is not new to people in Barrie we still remember the dump behind Dunlap street with its rats mice and smell while the city used its landfill method Dont forget the Barrie dumpin Essa Township We the taxpay ers of Vespra remember the dump on the some parcel of land which polluted the water way lt passes through peoples property the two schools into the Kinsmen swimming pool and you can go abroad without the shot but you cant get back into the United States without proof of having had such vaccinaa tlon within three yearn People often say But We been vaccinated for smallpox can show you the scar if they only know how many adults show take they would change their minds For immunity gradually wears off and having been vaccinated as child doesnt mean that you are still safe when the re pooled vaccination takes it is proof that you were not im muna any longer Many of the notions of Eur ope and central Asia have spore odic cases of smallpox Yet the United States has not had con firmed ccsc since 1019 This is not because everybody here is immune it is estimated that perhaps as many as as per cent of our school children have not been vaccinated How many adults no longer are immune is question We are being protected by this rigid regulation porntilting no one to enter the country with out hnvlng been recently vaccin atcd We are so for successful in not letting the disease come in If is case did get in it could spreadl Tire World Health Organiza tion is devoting great effort to keeping track globally of cases of nonlinear cholera plague tys pious relapsing fever We on today oaths brink of new vaccines for vrrua dluucl tho polio vaccine and the flue Vlccines being it now nouns forontnners of others within the rookie of possibility But it wouldnt hurt usto keep in mind the older vaccines to take stock of our individual needs and be rovaccinated Vacdnallon nglbiat smallpox was the first vaccine tobo dis covered it has been called with considerable reason the medl that has saved more lives any other site glo one Smallpox can still be fatal unless we maintain our vigi lance Dear Dr Molnerx am and want to have my right eye straightened it has been turned in all my life want it cor rected more than anything in the world but could the opera ioln endanger my lilei PAT This type of surgery roles or minor and is not dangerous it is Just about possible to guaran ice that the eye will not only look better but see better too Dear Dr Molner Since hav ing cold have not been able to smellror taste anything is this serious condition or can it becuredtMRSLP it is not too unusual following flu or hard cold and the sense of smell returns when it gets ready to do so Notmuch can be done to speed it up Dear Dr biolner have friend who eats chewing gum just like eating candy from five to is sticks day tell her it will kill her She says she poets it to settle her nerves No it wont kill her Why dont you find confirmed al eoholic to worry about and stop trying to frighten the guru out of your iriendl till discovem 11K Refuses Russian Plan Forllncoiliiolleidltlofaitoii GENEVE AmJoseph God ber British minister of state told the Geneva disarmament talks today that Britain and the United States will not accept the uncontrolled moratorium on underground nuclear explosions proposedby the Soviet Union Godbcrpralsed 05 President Kcnnedyfor his qualified ac ccpianceol Soviet suggestion that all hucleor tests be sus pended by the end of this year ArthurDcan chief US dele gate told reporters before to days sedslon he would formally propose cutoff on all testing by do 11963 but onlyoncona dltion tilt the Russians agree to the ritish proposal for on site inspections to guard against underground tests 0tktszISmditinnfassurodï¬osi rejectlon of the proposal In pro posing the moratorium the So viet deputy foreign minister Vasily Kuznetsov insisted there should be no provision for international inspection REQUIRES NTRO Deon had previously pro posed alternative test ban treaties Onewould ban testing only in the atmosphere under water and in space it requires no international controls The other is comprehensive test ban agreement including provi sions for international emails in BIBLE THOUGHT man both loy by the unsw er of his mouth and word spoken in due season how good is illProverbs 1523 Speak that kind word while it may be enjoyed later my be too late into the baylhechlldren have enjoyed the privilege to swim in metro near their homes thanks to the Kinsmen Of The lifeguards have been very thorough and friendly pleal sure for the children The County of Simcoepassed bylaw forbidding any dumps ing which would cause water pollution We are as you know part of Simon county if we were annexed to Barrie the council wouldyfreeze our land for two years and we could not vote for two years As Mr Downey said we want no part of Barries dump mans homeis his castle and free country We love the country that is why we live here But remember our money is spent ln Barrie It has always been farmers town now city we are not against progress ion but there wouldhave tobe alot of money involved Heavy machinery water and sewers We the taxpayers would be Ctheones to paywlth no re turns You say you have lot of land for commercial use Thatwas the answer to the tax air land he zoned as commer clal As for work for genera tioostocome why should we gay higher taxes when our nmes areas upto date as those in the city There will be other city co by that time Thanking youagaia or vssraa rnxeaven payers when they requested Under the department of trans th spectlcn of suspected undan ground nuclear tests They can have either test ban treaty by Jan the com plete ban or the partial ban Deon told reporters Ono thing is clear We shall not accept an uncontrolled moratorium on underground teata Godber told the meeting that all three nuclear powers should redouble their efforts for an agreement to end all or part of the nuclear tesishecause both sides have suggested the same deadline to suspend test explo sions the cutoff in one of the two treaties the western side proposed and the Soviet Union rejected TODAY IN HISTORY ayaupncauanrau bans Sept 1562 Five delegates each from Nova Scntia New Bruno watch and Prince Edward lund met at Charlottetown EB years ago todayin last lo discuss political union of the three Maritime re gions interest in the Chang lottetown Conference was in creased because the govern meat of Canada asked 1702 mission to send representa lives and the project blos somed into the Quebec Con ferencea month later 1535 Jacques Cartier visited and described the id callly now known The provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created corn with loser 13 ided Germanyland Ber lin ersist as focal pallitilJL the Cold War The west nonhuman 1th of cupalion Berlin and in three rrldorl linking Weat Germany and it estuherlinp iMap shcwssrr on of Germany and the an access routes thBerliiL IIIIf anover and Frankfurt OP Ne mapl