Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1962, p. 12

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The writers Pine Get roguessurng swim Use Cluesified AdaiPAIOZII urrrr BARBIE ammo sarcauav minds 11m ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORYWrap Ml aaaoumtbabinbolmrs ll na Borne mariar woolen at the antics Irc avalia ov Bah sees has rds In mall sous rods and null than fauna places to all Immersion after birth rail B12 narran Ctuaided IA ENGAGEMENTS LAPLANTlDIWNT btr Ind In Edward lelrnlr OI Barrie anoouura to annlrnlml of their daughter Frances bonito to Mr PRU Yld DrunLnn of Ira and Ina lat Ir David Brunt of wruowerrr tarlo The marriage to tah place Slillrdly Septtmbcr 1067 In St Marys COHEN It ii oclock DDNNELLY RAYTho encase ment lr conducted of Mary Once youngest dau blur of till late Mr and Mn mas Donnelly Chuurchlil Ontario to 11 ha ng son of Mr and Mn Nsrod Ray Derwlch Nora Scotla Tm rarrnsra to tan pisco In St luuu Anglican Church Kentvllla Xeya cots Saturd September 11 196 It 1713 DEATHS CREW dry WIIIfInleISiiddlnly at 110 mean Avenue Toronto on NOBEL August sr 1061 Wilkinson beloved wlla of tha Thompson Crew and math blary Ind IIdIeri Mn II Murphy Resting ll Siecltle hin elli 0111 III wonlay Stroll Dar ria for service on Monday Sept ember at pm interment Dar rlc Union Coma GROSS Moi Mill At the Royal Victoria Hospital BlrrIe Saturday SDPIEIIIDIP 1907 Moo icy s2 Irma or 14 Parksldo Or Dorrie Post Office employer ile lovcd husband of Rose ilassctt drlr father 01 Chrlsilne Idlrd brother at Mabel lrene arose of Tomato rtyron ll of balm Lccli lief Ih id EraserW of Toronto and Gordon of Windsor to his both year Health at tho Iennctt Funeral Home Dorrie Inr funeral Ionics Monday September at Interment dlh Linc Com Innlsiii Special request Do lions to the Canadian Cancer Assn In Hell of HOW would Dd appreciated 10133 llerbcrt At Slmcoo iliannr lscalon on Friday August SI 1967 Herbert Toies beloved husband of Joan Dunn dclr father at William Arthur Toias bath of Barrie and Eva Roryl Mn Ray Writ of Elmvale brother of Fred of Quill LIItc Slain Gordon and Daryl Mn Jack Smith both of Wilhcspari Onlarla Also nine grandchildren in his 67th sea Resting at tho sennclt Puner itome iiarrlc Ianmrvicu Monday September at pair interment Elmvaia Presbyterian Cemctcry IN MEMORIAM TRACYIn loving memory of our father Levi Amos Tracy who psassaoed away suddenly Sept Though loan in our eyes do not gilstcn find our race to not always sad era is never night or mornlbl Buthws think of the other WI Dr lulur hearts you an always are For we love you Ind missed you Al It ends tho second year Ever remembered by daughter Daria and raisinlaw John CARDS OF THANKS BERLINWe wish to express our aiaccxvs appreciation to all rela lives friends and neighbors for beautiful floral tributes cards and many acts of klndneg shown duh in our recent sad bereavement in tho loss of loving sister ana ilicGrath We especially thank Row Paisley Thurnhury ths serr nelt Funeral Horas Doctors shan aan and Grassland and nurse of Royal Victoria Hospital Thn Beciby Family COMING EVENTS BINGO Stroud Community Hall EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT JACKPOT $120 as Numbers cared DOOR PRIZE RELIGIOUS LECTURE Till G110 DI Till SpIiII pm Sundly September I062 YMCA 26 Owen Strcut Barrie Chrisladrlpbian Bibia Students ONTARIO OPEN OLDETYME ORCHESTRA JAMBOREE COMPETITION SPONSORED BY COOKSTOWN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Cookstown Curling Rink WED SEPT 12 l962 AT 730 pm hampion Step Daaciagr Team Andydancing time pcrmi ng VHariy Couse MC DONTFORGET COOKSTOWN FAIR SEPTEMBER 1415 BEAMSVILLE FALL FAIR All the best features of An oldfashioned country fair SEPT 678111 gt YOU WOULDNT TDISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF jDAYS WEEK because you know that goon prospects might be trying to get In touch with you during those riods when your phone service discontinued its the same with your adver tiring People are buying every By 2t busln by becauso your advert one meat Telephone PA 07114 For complete moving service FOUR BEDROOM House for said flat water heating with all tire placa etc REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ii II Next door In the imperial mun 45A DUNLOP ST 110 ROSE $2000 down buys this ranch hun golow with bedrooms large living room and large beau tifui kitchen with outstanding cupboards Attached garage makes il very attractive Cull Marg Moore 60481 Evenings 62174 ACRES WIIII 300 not water frontage on Lake Couchlching City water and sewer This properly has good booth See it by caliing llene Forbes 06m Evenings Oro 1715 DO YOU WANT host city bedroom bungs low with $1000 down Nice largewcllkopt lot Priced to sell on one mortgage with easy payments Call iioppy Mutt Evenings N740 iNCOME PROPERTY With two apartments on Vcspra Strecl Can be purchased with reasonable clown payment and low monthly payments See It now Call Ralph Books 66401 Evenings $01301 PA 66481 llcmbcr of iiarrla and Distrth Rcal Eltlld Board HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE I5 Owen St Barrie PHONE rA assas MEMBER OF THE BARRIE AND MELIIOSEAVE Brick bungalow with living room three bedrooms and fourpiece hath Finished re creation room den and attach ed garage NRA mortgogc Monthly payments $10578 GOLF CLUB AREA With Low Down Payment Brick bungalow with immod Iato possession Lurge living room kitchen and three bed rooms Parliy finished base ment attached garagé NRA mortgage with monlhly pay ments of $102 includingtaxes Low down payment can be ar ranged NEW NIiA HOME Close to all schools Twostorey living room dissing room kit chcu four bedrooms and four plecc both List price 5101100 Carries for $115 per month in cluding taxes NOTE We arrange first mortgages for Victoria and Grey Trustso7r oi value Phone PA B6505 after hours phone Dob ticwclilnd PA users or Paddy MIIel PA 06100 BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION HOMES CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR PLANS NEW HOMES 0N DISPLAY FEATURING OPEN HOUSES AT TOWER CRESCENT AND SPRINGHOME ROAD inspection VARIOUS PRICE Brackets Foliow Burton Ave to William so south nitWilliam to Bald wm Lane turn left on Baldwin Lane and follow the signs CORD SPRI PA 05097 DOUG HOMER PA 04897 LOU IIIORIARTY PA 61715 SUB DIV OFFICEPA $0641 SPLIT LEVEL Two years old Six rooms Re creation room Many extras Overlooking school grounds on Rose Street Low down pay MOVING safer and easier Coil COOKECARTAOE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN Lorna AGENT as Errand asrrIe PArkwayo5575 DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 415111 ESTATE ROGER PA 85568 Says Miles Wit uaa Ir moanTIA cam GA roomsPa um 32 HIGH ST Joan Lang PA 115701 Dc Coin PA 04907 simmer Barri and Balance on one mongag Full price $13200 Brick Bungalow about years Immediate possession lbedrooms 4Piece tiled hath Oak and tile floors Storms Full divided basement About blocks to Oil heating The owner says this home mus any to be the best value to ho meat to inspect now Call CALL DAY Member of the Real Es Norman DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds $0000 full price reasonable In good repair Lot size 50 120 Sheiswcll ioa Lengths PA 60761 Svorott shalrucii Ore 7010 115 DUNLOP ST EAST 200ncrcs sandy loam 5h acres in Sunnidaic township mi Terms Cull Bill News at One and half store to schools Pay $1000 flow at low interest rate Graydou KohlPA 84600 11 Ba Homes by CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET DIST First in Barrio Home SalesForemost la Justify of Service EVENINGS CALLI Imam OUTDIE DISTRICT REAL TATE BOARD so CAMPBELL REALTOR PA 80241 1200 DOWNPAYMENT combination living and dialog roOm Kitchen with dining area public and high sch REAL ESTATE BROKER Ta TIFPIN eraser BAlllliE PA 82379 REAL ESTATE OKER 60 of Value IMMEDIATE POSSESSION down payment will buy this Groom storey home in the west and Every modern convenience and Evening Catt Howard NOXTLI PA Md REAL ESTATE BROKER BILLS FARM SPECIAL storey house from Barn approximately 00 les from Slayner Priced at 510900 80151 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARs in excellent condition Central location Close lliarion RutledgePA 85705 SAVE $50000 BUY NOW Beautiful 3bedroom homes complete in every detail PROPERTY FOR SALE TRUNK LINES Our Photo Plies POSTEDPA CONNLIlvPA 76 PA 60242 Charles head PA 02317 Smith Campbell PA asses District Rrai Estate Board old 061 he sold and topsider this prop lound in Barrie Moire on appoint ROSE Barrie and District late Bootd Shelsweli PA 009613 PA H712 Available interest and including garage Call Norman Jack WIIIsnlI PA 831 Norman Shelswelt PA 80961 KOHL PA 84252 PA 84600 bush 1000 small scotch pines 1th 00 implement shcd ance arranged on private mortgage Bill RawuPA 89451 rosley Bernick including spacious garages and high schools One block from public scar ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Homes Farms REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKE l9 DUNIDP ST BARBIE Phone PA 07236 Opposite and Store BEDROOM BUNGALOW 0n Mary St near Queens Park Large suaroom new furnace and garage 511500 Terms BACHELOR APARTMENT For rent Two rooms Oil beat Private bathroom immed iate possession Near Queens Park REGISTERED PLAN Subdivision 15 acres $5000 cash will handle Easy terms Bargain CHARMING BUNGALOW Living room with fire lace Idl circa bedrooms As ug $10500 or $7500 real immediate pos session In Shanty Bay Norah Elbkfizoritzfim FURNISHED APARTMENT Adults only 570 Central im mediate possession BACHELOR APARTMENT Quiet street Ccntrul 55 Im mediate possession it Hod ges Realtor PA 117236 89 Dun Iop GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY 00 NIGHT PA 87952 Member Barrie and District Rcll iktlttt Board MOVING Dont forget to transicr your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS 113Dunlop Sta102 PA 61001 FIVE ROOM Rolls 01 laio lasul arena nearly new Located in Brantwood 000 cash or toms Contact Wm Schrll Brentwm 71000 DOWN for modern three bedroom bungalow on Dunlap St immediate possession For fun $131 information telephone PA PARKBIDE DRIVE 1110er roam family lining luIl blsnmunt slaw forced air furnace lovely tracd Int Phone Gordan Roll Et éalffilPA Mill alter pop PA 5500 DOWN Private sale had room house sits an acres land oa us Highway Crown Hill close to Barrio Canlro blil find 1111 brand all newly modern accreted fllli prloawyou Pbaua Mr Miller PA Midi PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT llousr POll sale or rent 21 miles from iiarrlaon as and 17 highway ail aonvenlcoccs vacant Svplem her Telephone PA 51100 $0000 BEDROOM bungalow with extra modem kitchen sun room Ind living room with fireplace close to downtown Easy terms one mortgage or rent $85 Avail lbiu September Apply lingers Council Realtors PA 05500 WANTED To RENT or auv FQUIK OR MORE Bedroom House wanted to rent or buy to the vicinity of St Marys Church Write living details to B0 00 Barrio Examiner LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING our on Shanty Nay head mile beyond village over looking hay too or sad good garden land Best offer accepted PA 50317 SAME DAY CANCELLATIONS APARTMENTS FOR RENT zed aad APARTMENT Four bright rooms FOUR ROOM unmmbbtd lower BELFCONTADIED ground floor REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES ibiIiIEDiATE 1511 2nd Mort one Aung 511 PWTIO re YOU NEEDMONEY OTo sumacu on all nutter montage mama ocular dua fame as moment Mop we Ibtla satu PA 60961 Mortgage Funding aver SImpsoosSears in author 31 Member Ontario Mortgag Iroleri Association 2RENTAIS NURSING HOMES An usnt Rossmo aorta Built can wen has and prints roonu bind nursing can load food TI rooms ltllioo Idol tar aatiala lsiaphoaa one HOUSES FOR RENT nanny ttn Auk WPIECHTRM 177 Ar FARM hour for rent Close to Blirir Ali convrnicutcs Telethon PA omen or further natal MW 1111133 bedroom items for Mill with garage HA1 many feat urea Telephone PA 82717 le Tons bedroom home to real Completa with Garage Lo catcd on how Street Telephone PA 82570 ar lull particulars ANIslIs bedroom helm four Plrco bathroom modern Id winterized aunroom Telephone PA MIN 3115 illlt month bedroom rice brick hosted on Blake St Apply Refers and Council broilers PA 30568 amoun On the lib Concession miles In lovely home rad grounds Six rooms Partly furnish edlnguire ll Uncle Gents store for Mrs Wass Reliable lennaats plcasa Milli HOUSE for rent Three miles from Barrie Oil heated raaida convlonces Your bedrooms Ml manlhiy End milk if desired for winnailcr cow Tolapbono PA HOUSES WANTED URGENT bedroom house or apartment required in Barrie or Mllndlp1aillpbnnd PAKSDIIB tween 1100 and pm and all for Mrs Budd Cabin UNITENT Two to three bedroom hours required in Darrin by bus Iasss couple and family Reliablo tenants References supplled Telephone Mr Ronnie PA 35067 DELUXE APARTMENTS New Building PHONE PA 68040 PA 83186 HEATED FURNISHED lplflmcnt for rent Hydro and water supplied $50759 mouth Telephone PA and bath Heated Privatu catsanon $55 ADI AMMUIII Elrd Essa Rareme durifx lapaglmlrinthtiill bSratIén On one srce eta 1st Telephone PA 84510 two bedroom apartment Central location but water heated garage Avltiabie immediately Talephana PA 87067 otter 5pm llithlIT clean unfurnished two bedroom apartment in west end SeveralReady fur Your tlan room Less than Origin sun THESE Keith Marshall rm ETATEBROKER PA 87592 is OLAPPEETON s1 BAittlIE FRANK Hm PACMB KARL MARSHALL PA 1111917 LE POPE PA 61501 Mulan Barrie and District llcai Elmo Board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7B Tm STREET BARBIE cool DAY ON EVENING PA 82379 Number of the Barrie and District Real Eslato Board Emory REALESTATE BROKER 232 Tifiiu St Listings Invited Coll Day or Evening PA 61081 Mombur or Barrio Ind Donut RoalEststo Boards It MAIIION Crescent Threo had oolrabunnainw two years old Ill landscaped Iiniab nun cuAL Isiug ta discontiuucd gt Telephone sonar ll Clapparton street Ill PA owdown payment Owner movo 00161 DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $99500 Phone PA 82670 or Any Real Estate Office for Further Information HOMES NOW JxL CORBY REAL ESTATE Broken Phone PA sons 93 Dunlap St aligned Moody Available MARSHALL OWEN JONESPA P27907360 MURIPJ IEFPERYPA 00361 CARL WODDWAEDcrecmorc 13117 W13 HARRISTA 02543 DEIDRE JERMEYPA M057 BILL SUTHERLANDCIBRM stroud HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA ssts ovrnvmos OALL man scANDhm PA class noaorrrv Ivncosf PA oasis PERCY roan rA aIaso encasou swAlN PA aasos Mombcr anonr1 nna District anfl Ontario Real Estate Boards HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANv Realtors 90 BAYFIELD or PA cuss ammo EVENINDS CALL DblI Nuttcamb PA 07057 Norm Hes nth Curl Lcs grave bicmbors or the Norrie or Real mu 06117 District Board MUST as PHONED IN aurwnou ran and am NEED MONEY If you own any property we have private individual clients who wrii loan you money on our recommendation to con soiiduterrnii ayour outstanding accounts with monthly meals as low as $2500 They will loan you money for home improvements or any useful purpose For prompt confi dential service call ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PA 81071 NEED $50 TILL PAY DAY Ir cosrs ONLY 47c EORTWOWEEKS Ask For PayDay Loan CALL TWO BACHELOR Iplitmenta ROOM apartment unfurnished pay aorta rOTt Rm smm apt Private dry facilities UNPURNISHED APARTMENT UPPER COMFORTABLE tbrce room apartment Thruo piece bath Heal water and light supplied Queens schools Telephone PA 04201 UNFURNISHED two bedroom dII plul separate auntsanon bladesa conveniences lads Borden Reasonable Telephone ivy 51111 Also one bedroom apartment com plolcly redecorated utilities cup plied Telephone PA 66515 vale entrances Completely reno valcd and uchv decorated Apply Kinzie PA 56501 between it ms and 17111 atova and refrigerator if necessary Central location Clean accommo dILIon Telephone PA RISBI DP Ip DIY nt 17 Mchbnid Street FURNISHED hndsIttIng room balls and lcllcbca for rent near bus atop IsaAIIJnrlalu Rent 655 mantis iy including utilities Telephone PA entranrn place bItII Hunt and water supplied Also ItlifiISLcd housekeeping room Central Phone PA 60701 dwo BEDROOM Apartment elec tric slave and refrigerator lava Ceatrai location Janitor scrvlcr immediate pass esaion Toiephnuo PA 992 rooms baIII pityto entrance heat water parking suppuIsd close to schools liarric Plaza No objection to children AVnIlablo immediately Phone PA 37711 Pork district Near shopping Ind Pleasant surround te Barrie and Camp Availabia Immediately ONE AND TWO Bedroom Aplit PA eO2OO Crescent Finance 26 Dunlap St aARRm MORTGAGES gen Ind residential man leaned on existing mortgages Barria More ran Brokers PA 01300 menu for rent completely self rontaiuad stave rfrtguratnr tan itor service From sac monthly Telephone PA 111070 MODERN one boarmar unrumlrh 1110111 in take case of rurpandrng ad healed apartment selfcontain ed with laundry and parking in cilitlcl arar buo ilu PA ossaT Telephone CONVENIENT casi end location Madaoi ltwo bedroom apartment Cnm av IIITIJIIMIS ciiltiesatayo refrigerator Tula phone PA 02029 or apply as NaplesStreet nutnmnllc laundry RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT WOlmlilm urn la four moor lad floor apanaraa Avail aoia September ccraybcil Arcana hlaphoaa PA mm Iailtnniataod mm mm Iplrtmaat for Oh Availabi lmasodtaleir Doualaa arcs Tai options PA mil WINIIUID BACHELOR Iplrb maul Laundry farlllliaa can free stunt Ve central Tel noaa PA W61 PA Hm railin In DOOM finished baatrd apartment Cnlrll locliioll Pri vala earraaca Available immedi ately Apply at Daymld Strut UNPURNISHED apartmrnt Central location Living room kitchen bed room sad bathroom itant per monzh Telephone PA 010 rumours mass room apart ment Living room bedroom and kitchenette Parklol spars Mod aralo not laicpboae PA ltd mrconramro spartmanl for real Slovs rcfrilerllnr heal Iat as and light sup lied Available immediately Ovar lar Queen at flea Telephone PA ms TWO BEDROOM unfurnished IP partrncnl ground floor separate entrance belted Close in West PM Pllullcuoaahlrraiaparraa TILL7061K IPBVITEEMITSL Imam rprrtmru lam rooms and bath Clean heated near Post Office Service couple or teacher prefemd 06500 Tole pboaa PA Hui or PA 61706 UNPUILNilflID ground floor apartment three large rooms and bath Varands her and dryer Parking Telephone PA cm or PA $1011 TWO Lbedroorn apartments un furnished heated salfcoatalncd ground floor new decorated upstairs centrally outed new vacant Tolophnaa PA 35100 MONTHLY including beat and hydro Two bedroom private bath Located on lllgbwa ii at Gaso llaa Alloy Tulcnhpnp PA sum for further data leNlBllElJ apartment two lane front room newly decorated con traliy Iocalrd near the hospital and atom Dow rent to adults on iy 115 lorry Slrrct NEW AND modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking rcaalo Kcmpaaieit flay lioat wa ier parking and lanltar servic iaciudrd Automatic washing ciilliea included PA 007 UNFURNISIIBD heated lplclnlll immaculate bright apartment largo living room two bedroom bath and large kitchen Central Park ing AdullL Telephone PA 67150 UNFURNISHED three bedroom artmont on around floor com grisly aeltcnnillned tub of mement for storage Possession Aug Apply at so Pcnctllll Strrct Telephone PA 37104 BAH END at bus ata Two bad ruoru apsrtmoat Avai abla Septem her Also one bedroom apart mcnl available immediately Laun dry andparking Stoves and re lrlscrators Telnphonl PA H151 ONE THREE ROOM unfinished modcm Irtmfirltl main Hflarr Slave relr gcrltor drapes supplied Ccnirai location clcaa leifcon talnad heated parking iclephuna PA B4561 or PA 01700 THREE itan artment could ac comadato chll rep also bachelor apartment and large bed sitting room all furnished Central inua biota diffstreet parsing Amos EP FURNISHED Pour rooms and bath Ncwly dccoralcd clean roomy privan and quiet heat bydra and parking Ample IInrage Available Immcdlltu Adults Telephone PA NB ONE TWO AND THREE Bedroom Apartments Refrigerator and stove washer Ind dryer iaaltar Minion New building Close to all family facilities Telephone PA 01352 BXCBPTIONALLT Ialld five rooar apartment available immediately in new modern building Very closa to public and separate schools Automatic laundry mainlcnauca service Stove and refrigerator ap llflnII PAVId parking facilities For furtth Information taiopboaa PA M50 or PA 035 BUSINESS 143 RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT at MODERN unfurnished tum Ml apartment with tour pim hath rocos to month Includes neat and laundry lacttl located on Peatang strch Illepbpuo PA HM two bananas aaileontaludr nurse aarumuhrd Ipsrtmnl Ideal location for teachers our Oalicy rm School and North Col legiaio off street parting rrIu pbpna rA Moat POUR 1100M ground floor unfurn abed heated apartment laundry rrrIuIIu parking am can to St llrya Ind ankley Pub schools Soil contained IVIIIabIl pow Titl phone PA moo EAST Dill Two bedroom II film labcd apartment In beauliluil tit aalao aparrmrnl building Hell water refrigerator Ito laundry facilities storage inclncra lau itor service and parking Tllepbopl PA 61157 MOST COMFORTADLP place to live In Birth Mbdlrlt IRIS bedroom apartments auiiabia no to brand but punditrs iocatod in lovely residential district Vary near to Toparala and public school Parking flat water sup plied Refrigerator and stole tinnIL sanitar service Reasonbe rent ABPI IdIIbi 5161 Strut Junie telnbona Aloysius DImivrlflluill proTani ROOM BOARD COMFORTABLE rooms 600d 100d Illindr Abstalnera Apply 10A hlppcr St am Alitstoo ROOM AND board available Home cooking Lunches paehad Near Eieltrid Apply Ill IIrld HRIGIIT FURNISHED bldwnm Centrllly located board vpthnlI For further dctllia telopbpnn PA user BUSINESS GIRL or student Wills3 lag exchange evenings babyslttlng and light hausehsrplng for room and board In cntlll Toronto burns Telephone OrIIiII III5071 toilch ROOMS TO LET CENTRALLY Located Bedroom for rent Telephone PA 064 FURNISHED Housekeeping Room with rangctte Use at reiriscrptar and Bradlx Central lalapbaaa PA 350 or PA LYDIA FURNISHED bedflitlnl room for rent on main floor central loca tion parking faculties AXply 10 Mary Street or lslcpbona Hill BUSINESS GIRLS residence n11 rushed or unfurnished lquipged kitchen Alianlille district It til slop Ail conveniences Psi lranch Telephone PALSMS APARTMENTS WANTED SMALL APARTMENT wanidd innit have stove and refrigerator with in 10 mile radius of Darrin Wfltl Box Barrio Examiner OFFICES STORES RENT oyster SPACE for rent well 19 calcd an Collier st itcasanabla rates Telephone PA 05534 b0 twasn orn 11111 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE POW LOVELY Tread 5011 um lel slmcoc Almost new cottag W1 living samukitoholldeJPlo rooms Completely furais IIOD Telephone PA 5939 COTTAGES FOR RENT corroar for rent Balm Beach All cnnvcnidnccl DH bcalcd AilD yards from rIgIrtnhvly Reduced rats for September icigrhoaa PA Mild ar apply if can Igroa so == ARTICLES For SALE WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS iiighust prices paid Old Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlap St West Just across Hwy400 PA 80666 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Tolcphone PA 32414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 54142 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOPSOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 20 Anne Street Barre PA 02007 INVISIBLE MENDING ALL TYPES of invisible Mending for further information tciapbnha PA bacon PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PUMP REPAIRS 8946I PAVING ASPHALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHERS LTD Barries oldest manufacturers and suppliers of asphalt have Opened new pavIug deport busincss and will be pleased to quote on any paving job large or small in town or on the forth Plant and office at ORTflxBAPPlELDfiTvrv IIBARRIE srucco AND STONE PA 65332 PA 04839 EVENINGS PA oasTs PLASTERINGM PLASTEIIING AND REPAIRS VENEER Free Estimates 5AM CRYER PA c1675 STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Pres Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Smith chroy 60M Collect PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA M950 WELLoIocINO WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and iasloiicdf KEN WINTER 133 BRADFORD or PA cam WELLS DRILLED PtiiviPS NSiALiED BY LICENSED DRILLERS mdLESTsMArPs Cbup and DrillIng PA 87646 anaaohnm

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