TllE STARS SAY ESTREIMTA NR TOMORROW Stimulating influences Appre doblo headway can now be mnde inryoorfob studies or other lruerosts lllllci some usual gain is possible if youyun put lortb that little utrs which so olten means the dif temnce between success and failure rut niuruulii run tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that cven though your job and iumeiul prospects for the yeaié ahead are excellent it would no be advisable to indulge in ex travagance or engage in one lotiva venturcs especing during October November on next March Instead try to co solidnte any gains you mane and they should be notewort in September December and January for the sake of future security Personal matters will also be wellaspected or most of the year and you should derive great happiness from your rela tionships with others Romance will be under especially gener ous Influences during Septem ber also in December and the period between next May and August Early rim will he an excellent period in which to try out orlginal ideas and to expand business operatlons generally hild horn on this day will he ccompetent and meticulous and will hand great desire for knowledge Old Tin Plates Make Best Pies TORONTO CPLFor bakirrieg feet ies not ng can Statics lb oldfashloned baked enamel or do pic plates soy Judges in the Canadian National Exhibitions home baking and conning competition They discovered six or the 10 pins entered in the Jillllttl apple pie contest were underhaked All six hadbcen baked in foil tlns lhe shine on foil pans re fleets heat aivay from the pans and this is why the bottoms of the pics are not baked soid judge Torn nirner food tech noioglst st Christlnreod He recommended that foil panszhoplaocdIu themes on dark tin cookie sheet or an iron frying pan to prevent heat reflection Flrst and third prize winners in the competition Penny Pe trie iii and her sister Susan 13 of Pickering Out both used their mothers baking tins ARREST COhIiilUNITS LISBON AP Police an nounced Wednesday night the arrest of number oi Com munists who allegedly planned to destroy the existing national institutions and proclaim pop ular republic in Portugal Io lice sources said the gt or rested also planned to give in dependence to the Portuguese overseas territories into other Wifes Limp Excuses HOid Little Dear Ann London In the nine years weve been married my wife has gained 35 pounds Sheis only feet inches and she weighed 125 pounds when we married so you can imagine what she looks like now She has gone to three doctors in two years to find out why she has gainedso much weight hedlik doctor tolellhcr be has glandular problem but no doctor has been able to find anything wrong with her glands so naturally they are all crazy Every evening at the dinner table she pointstoutthat she eats less than our sevenyear old Actually this is true Frankly Im little at loss to figure out why she is so much overweight Can you ex plain itANXIOUS HUSBAND Dear Husband If the doctors can find nothingorganieally wrong with her it means she is eating more food than her body needs lm not detective so cant tell you how she manages to smuggle the food into her mouth but her weight is evi dence that she is managing somehow Many women nibble between meals Others taste when they cook The tasting iancver considered eating of course Th and the nibbling is forgotten chon they clear away dishes some women eat the leftovers instead of putting them in the refrigerator or throwing them out The body body counts these calories even if the eater does not If your wife honestly wants to lose Weight shell have to put herself in the hands of doctor and stop making excusas Mama Mova Now Dear Ann Im zslyears old and feel the years slipping FIE away Worst ofall fi it my self hating my mother which makerme alternatelyfguilty and furious Dod died when was to ha didntgo away to college he eause Mother enuldnt he left alohe Soil ant to work the Separating Twins LinClossroom Leads To Problems litHome coavoosnugirrsns one humor iutetiigenttban the Over the you have main tained to this cohuun that in stead of dressing and treating twins alike we should try to emphasize their individuality even to baring them in differ rot classrooms at school as rule The following letter from mother makes me doubt utie ther my advice would generally be right about their being in different classrooms INSAth CLASS My twin sons were in the some grade when they startid school and both seemed to he of averaga intelligence and have the some teaming ability However when they entered new school for the second grade the principal lnsuted that they be separated because thoy say its best They were separated and this brought about much dishar one child always had homework and the other never had any The boy who was forced to stay in and do homework almost every daybcgan to hate his brother who was always al lowed lo watch TV or go out and play DIFFICUli EXPLANATION How could explain to the child that ho had to stay in and do homework while his brother who was in the some grade could go out and play To make the matter worse the child who was studying was learning while the other child obviously was not At the end oflho year it was obvious that the child who had homework was much better prepared for the next grade than the child who had had no homework When mentioned this to the school they replied that one is always smarter than the other In the third grade the child who had homework was doing fincond the other was failing Again the principal attributed this to one being smarter than the other started working with the child who had not had home work and with tho help of his teacher we brought him up to the level of his brother SIMILAltiGRADESV Since then they have hot been given homework and even though they Hrestiil separated in class they are doing equally well making almost the samo grades on their tests cant help but wonder how many mothers have been led to believe that one of their twins is more intelligent than the other simply because they have not been given an equal chance at learning EQUAL OPPORTUNITY feel that too much empha sis is being put on the fact that twins should be separated in school for firmly believe that only when twins are subjected to the same teaching methods can it be determined whether eight cant bring anyone home he eause mother bores them to death The house in mean be cause mother doesnt like to clean She refuses to have help because maid gets in the Way She opens my mail listens to my phone conversations and faked arrheartrrattaokdast yeare tolreepmeirom taking va cation Im dying to move out and mother could manage finan cially without me but when ever bring it up she says shes not well enough to live alone Please please tell me what tAanDIKNMS IN MY STOM Dear Knots You know what to do you just want sonieone to tell you to go ahead and do SolIll tell you Move out now while you can still make life or yourself You owe your mother respect She gave you life but its your life and you dont have to give it back to her YOURE NOT GUILTY Dear Ann Im bewildered hurt and embarrassed Pleasei tell me it deserve what hap pened yesterday friend not close but we wark together inst tier mothorz for flowers was absent that ay The next morning went Eutl and bought lovely sympathy card sent it to my friend and wrote on the bottom Im so sorry Yesterday the card was re turned to me in the mail with this note Im telling you as friend This is in bad taste handwritten note would have been proper lsnshe right amnionril consideredxa storehought kind but dignified card is not in taste If anyone is guilty of bad taste and badrtempert your friend Perhaps grie meet interesting people but bl many in the household because office took up collection other My reply to part tuould still recommend IS rule that twins be to different schoolroonis but that they be led to team iirid do early what you have been doing to make make up his arrears congratulate you on your wise ways PARENTS QUESTIONS We are parents of two chil dren two and four Should we have more fear that we might be overstrict or overpemii Dr Spock who used to plead for more pennlsslvenoss wrote recently anccs think it is fair to any cause of overstrictness Barrie Exam win There social fraternal or suggestion an early start isi and 3rd credit urred her judgment sure that it one trails he may Alter making due allow thnt more parents today are getting into Jams because of over pcrmlssiveness than be EgtlldlrStleClijllflbstalES amount of help any contestant ma usiness connections In fact the ladies who seriptions and organizing every possible The Contest Manager has list of suggestions whlch will be passcdon to all contestants Send in your enrolment coupon today then make plans for BlG Prizes Each contestant noi winnin receivecommissioncnfoll monies turnodm courssrwoseiivsism near woren Canadas first woman mayor Ill HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST II II iota and 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