since their shares are closely Itldlil New Yorkeround 1911 THE EARTH EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST dlriï¬ï¬ held and little trading occurs it where broken dealing in socu would be on unimltlsbte ex itles not listed on tho New peace to have them listed it York Enchange traded them on 5M 51 1de Exchange cuts suit Curb Onli TWO HPPIY For Listing mission on iidiélitlilli Assassin WISH NOTES dgpendjn on the number by 5mm may Mm in mm later become what is known as izcd into the Canadian Stack cfgldflggnfmngï¬thfu ï¬wflgfulflï¬lmï¬ï¬cï¬ outstanding shares or no seated in cities windows above 11 American Exclam Exchange Back To School Now AS it has been nearly month ad ml Inc mist Zirihissi°i°iiigmsmi limos tilelrmvelihgwo1amlantiliesu cm roman7 F0 Shortly alter this transforma slnca tho Toronto Stock Ex METER SHARES mantle past The tarmorigtn Later these 11 tab others will be brehthlng system oi respiration has pmv cm dimmed curb comm had heir on till Line at Ora Township all ml Tuesday when ed to be mam can be lion and only two at the 20 shares transiemd prior to all mrhw it Poona Ore til DRIVEIN strum tiled on it mioatlon lacludi Consolidated controls reopen tor another apphcd immediately but there ï¬nk Tuirmréanmm paw cuwflaï¬ which year liere In lnnlshi with or Is no time allowance tor call my curb mud gantxed recreation practically to the tire department tor the The curb was myan exchangnvlndmmflmdu all this has been hard sum resuscitstor One minute with mum he exchange where upmmdm be mr m°lhmh° length stocks were listed which didnt representative at Canadian br bcen greeted daily with the time bathcon lite and death apply or sun amino may ovation Xhat will we do to Many may have seen the dem meet mnmmen bu wowed Fine or wmwnm WN day Morn Perhaps the castration at this method on TV mm mm um on other chm How SHOWING countymum little with tho and one can only hope that was harm or he 19 mm And annual Curtai eat at recreational sor some who might be on hand at mm he Tom 5m Commie Gum vices even wtth certain atom the ttrno at an accident may to dm and Mining Exchange and mm and mm sionslor day camps and swim member what they have scan the Tom stock gum ileum cm MPH sled ming classes but it was hard it could save bio until the my markers had curb mm on any exchange to tilt in the limo that school oxygen system arrives on the the mm the merge Th shilldrcnmléovc onerthctrmlrnd scene me My 96 as an lib 81mg ï¬assmeï¬arfgfl Ha Romanoesi urng summ cci ssucs or time that could be put to good KNOCK KNOCIED OUT curb an Sp older to obtain trading statis Knock baseball tcam want mm tits and also reduces the mar i5 MgL$ts£mlf dawn to detest last night when Ed in be mm ketabtiity oi the shares in all parts our area could 10mm it the die as 1951 Wm mum on tha unlisted market where sea the advantage at havinga WY 0m their awn district 12 kmiï¬ Â°ï¬fb Tim than stocks will trade there supervised recreational service it memo by Mini SIX 06 rim 55 industrial on no records at optimum or grow lilailltitrliiirltidtl areroommates my gznogï¬nï¬gggilflfl ml mm my will be mlnntcd Aug the number Erotrcrsaddthntsomeolme suows START companies concerned tool that which so many children have diliicutty ï¬lling with constructv ive things to do course tarm children can always be lound Jobs even it many at them are distasteful and the point is reached when the boy or girl decides that this lite will not be for him when he or she gets away tram par ental supervision Farm chlldlt ran need to take part In more than tarm activities and to have opportunities to learn to swim and play under organized supervision These programs could he hundch by Town ship School Board we had one When spread over our school tax dollar this would be less than mothers have to pony up to sand children to shows and other afternoon on lertalnmont and would odd greatly to the pleasure at both mothers and their ottsprlng during the two months at school holidays The School lair SéplT ember 20 will be the next big event in the area NEW TEACHERS in the North lnnislil school area many of tho pupils will be greeted by new taachcrsas some have bccn replaced and other have been moved to dilicrcnt school The Board tools that changing the teachers around will improve the Gilliam tional program AJth room will be opened at Straud sunny Erna school and the pupils in Ihis room will he at grade standing The teacher will be Miss Corinne VanDaten Knock pupils will he greeted by main loachcr in tho person at Mr Galc Nelson NEED SAFETY PATHOLS This past but week the child ran along the shares at the lake have spent most at the days in thc water With all these addi tional players hing and pushing 9th athernioflnd on rails and sometimes getting much beyond sale depth there was no swimming place where any authorized protection in the arm or tile guards were about Chances are taken daily at our beaches and fortunaton so tar this year wa have come through without serious mls hop lnnislil Park where there are hundreds ot bothers using thewater has not so much as trained ï¬rst aid person avail able On the weak ends the spccial constable on duty has some St Johns Ambulance training but he is not always available to render immediate aid if child or adult is to need it The at uthtomouth Cir Informs Is Protected TORONTO UP girl gavcpollcï¬ mismgcluc ill their search tar tho killer oi Julian Wolanski has been moved from her home and given 24hour police protection lnsp William McNaeley said the girl has bean moved to an other home in the Toronto area in case suspect sbe tentatively identified should return Composite drawingsof man who posedas board of edu cation doctor last October to get the lbyearold girl to undress were being supplied to all Me tropolitan Toronto detectives searching for the Wolanski girls slayer Dct Majurys sketches in past cases have led to several maior arrests DELICIOUS dwindled to 20 mm through Boiler luck next limo and congratulations to The 3m winch mm Thornton in tho Junior sorios Knock delaatcd Votcrdown winning that round and are now await ing advice as to the next team they will meet in Provincial competition SCENIC BOAT TOURS 0F KEAIIENFELT BAY TOURS DAILY AT $30 330 730 and 830 Adults $150 Children under it 50 DELANEY New and BOAT LINES 5° Govt Dock Bayiicld St PhonclA sans Tour Bani Available For BUSINESS MACHINES Chartcr Volcano NAItOtDitECRIPRESEtiS BURT lAIICASTE AICATRAZ ysummonauthorisva mom Saturday tlornin Ptttill xvvmm jï¬oflflï¬i EEETON wsaa IN MISTER scour MASTER nv crnsiinscana PLUS maroon PROGRAMME PLUS BONUS FEATURE tho IIInull of battle the pride of branroad JERRYWIIUS mom Heniuowavs ADVENTURES ll III lliiiii liiiihiintiiii ill JIIII IIII JMTITI antitrust lllltt 0mm ClittltibyDEllIXE FEATURE TIMES FRIDAY 930 pm SATURDAY L45 4l5 645 930 pdn STARTS SUNDAY WALT olsnsvs BON VOYAGE in colour VHURONIA TitsTuwvoswoti DRIVE1N TIASHTIIACROSSTHE NOW SHOWING FIERYSAND$ ashe SHOWS START ought and loved AT DUSK Travel Xtimas taster than imagination and or EASTMAN COLOR Srwlmcame crass JOHN AGAR GRETA THYSSEN 1m therrpepprneWVHilliilHlilVIITTIITI gives lowcoslfomily motoring at its eelan Victor value is more thin and thrifty operation Its oIVeagerforacï¬on lines icol best just budgetpleasing price measured in the clean sweep in the beauty of interiors and thoughtful appointments plus Victors lively performance that makes long trips as pleasure Thats why Victor is such good value NEW VICTOR SAVES 0N GASAND=MAINTENANCE FOR TOP ECONOMY Thrifty 563 hp engine with Economy Carburetor saves on gas 12000 mile lube interval warnntzpoo mats nsAN ENJOY PASSENGER COMFORT PLUS NEW SMOOTHER RIDE Seats up to in driveall doy comfort Longer wheel base and widetread stance €221 smoother ride surer dlmgi MYER 145BRADF0RD3STREE Whitswali tires standard on Grotto Vouxhall brings luxury driving into its ï¬eld with the Crests and Velox Both models are styled and ï¬nished in manner that makes you anxious to own them proud to drive them Quality of craftsmanship and attention to detail is equalled only in cars costing dol lars more See these value leaders today STYLEPLEASI ARE ENHANCED BY BEAUTIFUL INTERIORS dazzling choice of colors highlights Crests and Veloxs sleek sweeping lines Inside rich fabrics surround you with luxury 113 HP CCYIJNDER ENGINE IS TMMEO WITH CHOICE OF GREAT TRANSMISSIONS Your choice of slick 3speed SynchroMosh or advancedr HydraMatte automatic transmrss ion oOptionol at extra cost V4962 optional at extra cost on other models