metric Examiner Pubbsbed by Canadian Newspapers tnmited id Hayfield Strce It WsIIs Publisher FRIDAY AUGUST 18mm Ontario Brian Slught General nilnlgsr It in ilgcl Do Your Part In Making The Weekend Sale Enjoyable The summer has rolled on towards the deadliest weekend ofthe year the Labor Da weekend or perhaps it should be cal ed the Labor Day massacre More fatal traffic accidents occur dur ing the Labor Day holiday than during any other long weekend of the ear more drownings occur during the bar Day holiday than during any Canadian long weekend of the year That is the tragic story that the statistics of past years tell Safety authorities long since started issuing their warnings They tell drivers Dont try to pack whole summers fun into one weekend dont risk your life and the lives of others by trying to save few minutes of timedont tryito travel too far too fast dont lose your temp er because other people are also trying to enjoy the holiday and do not want to travel as fast as you do dont overtire yourself dont drive when youre sleepy dont dont dont drink and drive The National Safety Counciipleads Supervise children playing in or near water swim andboat only with compan ions never alone provide each person in the boat with an approved life preserves should the boat swamp or overturn stay with it wait for help or paddle it towards shore About twovihirds oi the drownings each year are not of swimmersbut oi persons fully clothed who fall into the water from boats piers bridges and so on And thats as good way to spoil picnic as any ii you have survived the Labor Day trai filc to reach your picnic site in the first are Day holiday gives them their last chance to enjoy the outdoors in reasonably ele ment weather The Thanksgiving holiday is chancy one and thereafter we have only cold rains sleet and snow to look forward to But the prospect of another Ontario winter can scarcely be depress ing enough to inspire the dcathwishes that seem to dominate the thinking of so madny of us during the Labor Day week cn New Lieutenant Governors One of the lesser tasks which will face Prime Minister Dieicnbnker shortly will be the appointment of new Lieutenant Governors in some of the provinces of the incumbents six were appointed in 1957 and 1950 and the normal term of office lsilve years although there is no hard and test rule The officewas established bytheBritv ish North America Act One section de clares that Lieutenant Governor cannot be removed within five years of his up pointment except for cause While there is no fixed term students of constitution al history agree that the Fathers of Con federation contemplated normal term of five years Few appointees have been replaced the moment their five years end ed and tho overnment has often added months to term Second terms are unusual Since 1867 only 11 incumbents have been given second consecutive term But as the officerbecomes increas ingly difficult to fill those who want to or are willing to stay on are likely to be given second five years sown MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Aug 27 1942 News paper headlincd Raid on Dlep Brings Glory to Canadians Success ui attack on French coast results in heavy casual ties Lieut Clarke Bell and Lieut Bath formerly of Barrie re orted killed in action Missing inclu Lt Col John Andreivs Sappers Gordon and Harold Barnes PteKenneth Ingram Pte Jack Fowler repbrte dangerously wounded Pte Russell Duncan missing Last word received by radio from Colonel Andrews of Bar rie commanding the Calgary Tsnkiiegi ment on landing carrier at Dieppe was am now baiing out Toodleoo Dukeof Kent youngest hrother chitin George Vi killed in seaplane crash off Scotland while enroute to lceland He had visited Camp Borden RCAF Station earlier in year Many citizens oi town witnessed total eclipse of moon South Sirocoe plowmen decide to call off 1942 match will victor bond with fundsat hand Tiiepor ed safe fromthe Dieppe raid were LtWiIliarn Bennett of Toronto whose wife is the former Lois Ryan ofBarrie Pie Robert Ingram Minets Point and Pie Harold OTHER EDITORS VIEWS The reason the office is not sou ht after as much as it used to be is the is parity between the expense and the in come When Mr St Laurent was prime minister be noted that it was becoming more and more difficult to find suitable men who would take the job Then too the nature of the office has changed over the ears Sir John Macdonald and Sir Wil rid Laurier regarded it as one of po litical and constitutions importance In more recent years it has become more pod more social and ceremonial posit on The on charge on the federal govern ment is salary $10000 year for Ontario and Quebec $9000 for the other provinces The provincial governments provide everything except the salary some provide only an office secretary and meagre expense allowance but Que bec spends more than $75000 and Brit ish Columbia $80000 annually on their Lieutenant Governors residences The cost of maintaininga Lieutenant Govern or in provmee works out to about two or three cents per person per year Wright Coulsons Hill So heavy were enlistments at Barrie Armoury this week two medical boards had to be set up Large group of Australian pilot trainees arrived at RCAF Camp Borden New government bonus on fluid milk meant Jump of 30 cents to produc ers Mrs Alvin Webb took to rizes at innisfil flower show at Stroud which teatiued gladtoll itCAEJandat Camp Bord organ on permanent basis under Flt Sgt Cliff Hunt Two of musicians are Arthur McLean baritone horn Bart Simmons trum et Car and garage of Theodore cEnery Peel Street destroyed by fire 26th Army Tank Battalion Grey and Simcoe Fores tersandBCAE played 88 tie in second game of Camp pionshlp F0 Ossie Lang formerly of Toronto Hilicrests coached RCAF while Cgpt Bill Teiford Owen Sound hand le Foresters Another former Bar rie Colt hockey star Harold Red is nettof Thorntonpjoins RCAF lured movies at itoxy Rosebud Russell on Take Letter Darlingd at Gran ada Sonja Home in Sun Valley Seren adcz at imperial Jack Benny in Keep Em Laughing JAMAICA BORN UNDER CLOUD Financial Post Its ironic and indeed sad that the Commonwealth of Nations should get new member just as that organization gives signs of disintegrating We refer to the fact that Monday In maica proclaimed her soverei nty and became the second Commonwea th coun try in the Western hemispherehat the as we Authorized is second clusstmsll Post Office Department Ottawa and intpayment of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted iv nannern WALLS Publisher DltIANSLAIGHT General non AlcillliitEONi Managing Editor ciiAitLEE wanna Business Mlnlgnr HANDLE WILSON Advertising nllnngcr sour uonnan Circulation innm subsoil tlon rate now by carrier are weakly tiara yosny single copy 7c Byinsll momma 3700 year than six men li use three months use month outside Ontario snoo your Dntstds Canada $1000 yoar Avo Toronto on Calliei1 cit disarm strict Vancon var Member at tlinCanadlon Dally Ndwlpnpui Pub ilshnrs Association ThoCsnIdisnPnu and the Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is cxciunlvci cntlllcd to the use for re ilhlicllldn of hit new ispstchss in this paper or tied to It or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local nswz publisher therein know it is undergoin Britains entry into Europe Borden baseball cham gchange because of Jamaica with her 1700000 people faces very urgent problems She needs substantial and regular inflow of private capital for manufacturing industries if she is to overcome chronic unemployment and massive underemployment She nieds large sums at the government love to raise education standards and mitigate the pnsery underwhlch many other peo we With the frayingof the Commonwealth tie there isresponsibiiity and opportun iltydfor gapada For 300 years we have an antial roiitable an liaison with Jamdlga friendly mail iï¬ave very big Istake in seeing Ja ecomea orce or stabilt troubled Caribbean 1y mthe If we want friends where the sun is hottest it SERIOUS POLITICS Brantford Expositor It mayhe evidence that the midi take heir olitics cam lanspt ore seriously than London pub pork pic was hurled at man who said the Commonwealth iii nt matt what are we going to do about Possibly people feel that the Labor Cut It Out FellowsYoure Sull OTTAWA REPORT Like Caesars Wile In Taxpayers by IATtlltlt Nicnoison OTTAWA In the faraway doys when the Caesars ruled the ltoman Empire it was said that Caesars wife must be not only pure but above suspicion So today it is widely and properly felt that cabinet min sler must be like Caesars wife at least in matters which at fcct the tnxpoyers money it is on unflattering sldollglit upon the quality of patriotic selficssness displayed by our big business tycoons and czars of industry that warm seldomtcmmmis epic and himsem hear talk about cabinet min isters conflict ofinlercsts But the recent appointment of Senator Wally McCutcheon to federal cabinet has now aroused such talk In priiaie ilic Mr McCub chcon wos privately considered to be oneoi theiour horse men who really made Cana disn Industry tick As person of such prominence he inevit ably held dlrectorships of many important companies so too did he inevitably ownstock inten ï¬ts in such business undertake gs CONFLICT OF iNTEIIEST But the day Mr McCutcheon businessman became Hon vter hicCuteheon eablnetmlnls ter there immediately arose the possibility that he wouldhava to take part in ovemment de eisions which mght affect one or other of his business inter ests adversely or favorably This is the possibility of con flict of interests which faces ovary industrialtycoonentering oiitics The flight lion ii if Asqult former prime mi ain set out certain rules of ob ligation covering this situation in Britain in general they have been accc ted as valid for Can ry ago Mr Asquith sai The first and the most obvious rule is that ministers ought not to enter into any transaction whereby their private pecuniary interests might even conceiv ably come into conflict with their public duty other rules outline ministers obligation to refrain from using official infor motion for his own rivals pro fit or for that of his rlends and his obligation to refuse any kind of favor from persons holding or seeking government con tracts Then followed the rules oi prudence which might be described as the Caesars wife admonitionnot only to be right but to be abova sus picion of unrigbteousness PRUDENT MINISTER in line with these obligations and this prudence Mr McCul cheon followed the accepted course of resigning from all his directorshlps This hasnot al tways been done even ln po war Canadian history Should alminirster also sell his shareholdings in business That isa more difficult question it in his official capacity he has dealings with those companies yes if inilis official caps city he mokes decisions which might affect those companies or their competitive trading post tionyes The former Liberal govern ment repeatedly came under heavy criticism especially from the then CCFmsmbsr from Winnipeg North Centre Stanley Knowles on the charge that certain minister ruicsrbtzcbligeti The kind of question in ML Knowles mind and in the mind of any others in and oiltof Money Parliament concerned the loci that certain ministers seemed to have acquired inexplicable or abnormal wealth Mr Macken zieKing himself for example the child of unwealthy parents left fortune approximating in every nickel he had drawn from De public treasury through the tears as MP and minister ihr most vivid resentmentcl ilr Knowles queries was shown by Mr How who died an extremely wealthy man or Inrlinments last day his iosr remarks before his defeat on one was terse Nulsi lilo snrd page 3503 lhen be pro tested Why should answer To which Mr Knowles replied Because happen to be linember oi Ppriinmenl 77 By which Mr Knowles in erred On behalf of all Cons dlsns seek to know if you oro like Caesars wife Youre Specialist in good taste When you choosc the luxury wliisky at popular price Walkers Special Old Good taste good looks and economy have made it Canadafs largest selling popular priced whiskycht time make it point to buy Walkcrs Special Old ying Iin Memory TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aug SI 1052 The Federation of Malaya cnlcrcd the British Com monwealth as on independ ent nation five ycars ago to dayin 1957 The Fedora tion made up of nine Malay states and the British settle ments of Penang and lust acca won selfgovernment despite political and mill crisis spurred by the opera tions of Communist guerrilla bands from the end of the Second World War 1055 The Church of England in Canada changed its name to The Anglican Church of Canada BIBLE THOUGHT There is way that seemth right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death Proverhs 1625 We dare notlean on our own it can bejditiicult to defect ices freely to thcpeople of their understanding toomuch Specialist Anyonc4nfteratasto of Walkers Special Old ro YOUR cooo HEALTH Blackcuts Cause Some Auto Accidents ioszeu Nourish MD lieu Dr ntotur had blackout the otherday and wrecked the family car Noth ing like it has ever happened to me before What could have caused iii am so and have been told by older women that the change of life is worltlos on me and aboyidnt be alarmed over biiciiout Do you advise msiicvcr to drive againiMRB Lets not listen to what the old girls say about menopause tor chmgo of life Too many things are readily attributed to this perfectly natural event Blackouts are not caused by change of life and they are not something to be ignored do not advise you never to drivs again Neither do ad vise that you shouid drive sunposs another hlncirnnt inc currch What do most emphatically advise is that you have thor ough al examination There are various causcs of blackouts it could be seizure involving some part of the brain it could be some faulty rhythm of the heart it could be deficiency of circulation to the brain sudden lwlst oi the neck can cause it With these various possibiiis ties to consider you see why it Is quite impossible for me to say that you should or shouldnt drive again Your doctor however can answer this question after do termining why you blocked out if it is something that con be corrected nnd sometimesit cnnhn may eventually pro nounce you physically fit if it cant be corrected and block oul may occur again he can tell you so and you should give up driving permanently in st igatlon of accidcnls shows increasingly thntthis sort of thing to on important cause not just speed and carelessness So oft you go to your doctor before touching the wheel again Dear Dr iiiolncr What about nineycnrold girl whoposi tlvciy does not want to go to sleep unless she has someone to sit beside her bcdlii cut out lot of detail be cause the important part of this letter is in one sentence The answer is brief too Youve spoiled her in this regard it will take some quiet but firm activity on your part to break her habit of Dear Dr hiolncr What is pernicious anemia is it cur able is it hard to detect What causes itSUSIE Its lack of certain cbcmlcal factors which are neoasaryfor the formation of red blood cells but the cause is not known There is always an absence of being pampered ihe=ioundotion odd to the stomlch but be uuu so many people no tak ing mixed vitamin capsules it is possible for some them to get enough Vltmin EU to dis Iguitso the situation to some or en intsmin hit you see tamed out to contain tho missing elo mcnts neededbefore thlit iv niclous anemia always reourcd large doses of liver or liver ex tract in these doubtful cases one cisl tests such as the use of radioactive Biz helps identify the disease The amount of hi that peo ple get in vitamin capsules never enough to treat the di scus adequately but merely enough to confuse the issue For treatment periodic use of Vitamin Bit by injection keeps the bodys chemistry in correct baianccsnd normal blood forms Untreated pcmiclous anemia can cause great lassitudo and crippling nerve damage We dont speak of curing it be cause we cant but with the correct lniections it can be kept under control for liiclimc Talent Trust Helps In NS HALIFAX CPI unique Canadian foundation is hot lng Nova Section to continue their studies in the arts For the lost is ycnrs the Nova Scotin Talent Trust has made it possible for talented new pic of llic province to expand their skills in music artdroma and ballet They hnvc studied under lcnd crs of the arts and performed in such countries as England France Austria and the lies indies as well as at home The trust incorporated in 1944 is an independent organiz ntion assisted in its operations by the provinces cducation do pnrtmcnt Annual grants are received lrom the provincial government $2000 the city of Halifax and substantial donn tlons from organlznilons busi ness firms nd individuals throughout the province survey of past winners and their achievements indicates that these talented people have proven the worth of the trust says Premier Stuniield presi dent and executive chairman of GRATEFUL WINNERS As the number of talent award winners increases if is most gratifying to iind that they are willing and anxious to show they have received They have done this by offering their serv native piovince TD 1356 CANADIAN RVE WHIEKV ennuinumerouironiuunuwnnmuwmi their appreciation for thcheip