ITS THE ANSWER TO Seventysevcnycarold Mrs Helena Gruebnnu who passed irom East to West unmoiestcd through Berlins anl showed this expression as she arrived at Detroit airport into the arms at her daughter Mrs Marg Michigan tell you its the answer to our prayers all these years Mrs Router said Mrs who went to visit relatives 15 years ago is one oi iew allowed and charm nu one are kind andlovtndpee Ion one with mot charm to tectonic An trauma lemon meld be based on theatory at jammesnutouuyusngm As you Lhasa thebotement coogotaellmpaoiahoslsnnd lloral with Mrs palm nrct heater at Grass Lite free exodus from East Ger many since German Commu nists built Berlin wall ycur ago She came to the US under an EastWest agrcement which permits pcuninn of mm tiles AP Virephoto Prime Minister Must Name SOme LieutenantGovernors liy iAitltiEit TiSSlNGTON OTTAWA Special Prime Minister Dieienbaker will soon lace the problem at appointing new lieutenantgovernors in some at the incumbents appointed in 1057 and wait Nor mal term or oiticc is five years although there is no hard and fast rule on this The olilcc was established by the British North America Act at 1867 One section declares that Lieutenant Governor can not be removed within five years of his appointment ex cept for cause While there is no iixedlerm students oi con slitutionul history agree the Fathers of Contcderation cnn templated normal term of live years Few appointees have been re placed the moment their five years ended and the govern ment has ottcn added months to the term These extensions from tow months to as long as year usually cause little comment although there is solaetlmes criticism lromn as pirants who are anxious tor the honor Second terms are unusual Sinte ti67 only it incumbents have been given second con Esirimos Want landNamed CAPE DORSET NVT CF Eskimos at Rankin inlct on the east coast ol iludsou Bay have crossed up the linguistics ex pcrts searching tor name tor the eastern hall at the North west Territories Following the decision to split use was chosenas the name tor the western sect northern department picked to Eskimo names tor the eastern half and polled the resi dents of the eastern Arctic as to their suitability The poll showed that the three most popular pants were Nun assinq the beautiful land Nu namarik the home land and Nattililt the land ofthe iarl seal Rankin Inlet Eskimos sur prised everyone however by rejecting all the names and proposing one of their own innit Nunanaga the land at the Eskimos NOT ACCURATE Their argument was that all other names were not truly de scriptive ol the area Sam the land was not beautituland was in tact untnhabitable Some names were too regional wiar seals were not found in land However no one could deny that it wasthe land oi the Est tbey=a The Northwest Territories council atits summer session was better point tor having themselvos rather than by white experts secutive term But as the ol lice becomes increasingly dilli cult to fill those who want to or are willing to stay on are likely to be given second live burn was elected premier of Ontario be publicly asked the Chief Justice to swear him in so as to bypnss the Lieutenant Governor Governcrnment tlouse liaiflï¬ei alflslheullownnca The oiiicc is not sought alter as much new as it uscdto he The chict reason is the dispar ity between the expense and the income When Mr St Laurent was primo minister he noted did that was bccorrdng more and more diitieult to find suitable men who would take the job Then too the nature oitha oltice has changez overthe years Sir John hlacdonnld and Sir Viitrld Lnurlcr regard ed it as one or political and constitutional importance in latter years is has become more and more social and ceremo nial position cral government which makes the appointments is the salary This was set at $8000 year for Ontario and Quebec and $7000 for the other provinces in tEG7 In 1872 thegavernrnent heéding treat all pro vinces raised this by 52090 and it has remained at this figure since The provincial governments provide everything except the salary but the extent at this tinancinl support varies widely Some provide only an office secretary and meagre exp ense allowance Hut Quebec spends in eess at $75000 an nually on its Lieutenant Gover nors residence and British Col umbia spends over 500000 on Government House in Victoria with its spacious grounds and gardens UNDER FlitE The oitice has been under fire tram time to time While there has been an ment inucto amg haverrndvoc ated that be abolished out right The Progressive party or western Canada declared in the Mills that it oifcnded their de Thc only charge an the fed sharpinFdiiconTbli tlï¬olhc rcmnined untouched year lat er at dominionprovincial con ference iiepburn proposed the abobtlon oi the oitice but he in actual luct the cost of not receive any support maintaining to Lieutenant Gover nor in province is about two or three cents year ior each citizen TiiE iNCUltiiBENTS Present Lieutenant Governors and the date at their appoint ments are Prince Edward island Walter Hyndman ltiurch 195a Nova Scotia Major General Plow January 1958 New Leonard OBrien Newfoundland Cam pbell htothcrson December 1957 Quebec Paul Comtois October 1961 Ontario Keil icr Mackay December 1951 Manitoba Errick Willis Januarv Sasha hewnn Fran Bastedo February 1958 Alberta Percy Page December lose British Columv bin it Pearkes October 1960 All 10 have been appointed since the Dicienbaker govern ment took ottice in 1557 Five were previously active in polit ics twooi them Messrs Pear kcs and Comtois at the ederal cabinet level ivycasual loner 0WGOSTgt mocratle principles The CCF and Social Credit parties have both spoken in favor oi aboli tion in more recent years in that when Mitchell Hep nan Fencing materials to been tity your home hproiect for every home owner that will also keep chi ranzimsand dogs=oltt The couhcii decided to circu latest new poll asking eastern Arctic ï¬residents to indicate whether they liked inult Nun anga Nunassiaq Nunamarlkurr Nattllik tor the new territory which it is hoped some day will be province lnuit Nanango hppeared to hatle mind the most favor among council members and Capo Dorset Eskimos Anne Street South pa noose iligh ensylohnnri Walg onlyiapauntiu oan tVyon ï¬lter as surn morn complatl itltrotlon Only element needs raptoelna one Your own rrsrzon HOMEIITE ZIP SOON PARTRIDGE RACTOR SERVICE itilt Barrie Ontario Phone PA 8275 pumpkins to Hallnwcen arranla meats Driitwood and Japanese union Lorry Whitby oi Barrie had the link at Judging the i6 ent ries Some classes had more than seven entries Cacti dob lta was the only class with one entry Mrs Peonall won the cup amlcson runner up Mrs ti Campbell had the most outstanding arrangements and reetevod prtro donated by Mrs Bell Mrs Caldwell donatoda price or the most outstandirur bloom and this was won by Mrs Ptikeywlth single petunia Wt BUSINESS MEETING During the busness meetln letter was read tom the Sm coc County Museum thanking the branch or no donation The institute will be respons iblelcrihc moneyiitho agriculture co encr nnd the teachers wish to have school flower shows Mrs Caldwell was appoint ed assistant club loader MOTH COMMENT The motto it you plant seed of character in your homo it will bloom in your common ity was commented on by Mrs it Cnnwbcll The thing parents say tltd do in the home are usually repeated by child in life as he goes to school and out in the community She spoke ot Nnoml the pleasant displays as well to at color test verso ot Rudyard Kiplioga Min When Earths Last Plo ture is Paintedz And only the Master that praise as And only the Master stroll the And no one shall work for money And no one shall Fame But each or tag ice cream and as were served tor rolrcshmen litany thanks to him it Hell apricot tune coovencr and her commit work tor at work Ieo tor the eificlent and cap ante handling of nfwonderiui oy rnlza usi Wlnners anwnn the it oxhtb item were Single Petunia Mrs Bell Mrs Caldwell Mrs Bird Mrs Pearson Ruined or onion Petunia rm Pllhay Mrs coma MrsiiarsaMra item Panaicailirs Caldwell Mrs Pulley Mrs Poorest Mn ii Jamleson Sweet Pena Mrs Pcaraali Mrs Jamieson Mrs Cald well Mrs Campbell Nasturtium hire l1 Jam teson Mrs Bares Mrs Pear sall Mrs Bell vltstcra Mrs Penrsall Mrs Piikoy Mrs Sanderson Joinicson1 Snopdragons Mrs Jam icson Mrs ampbcll Mrs Pllkcy Mrs Jamlcson Zliinias Glitat MrsPcnrsail an can one an inland Airlun um Pil ticinner Mm Pearson Minimal French Mrs Jamiuoa Mrs Berta Mrs Gunman Mrs George Cald well Roasts hire Pliltey Mn Caldwell Mrs iii in mieaon Mn Bell Dahlia Mrs Jamteson Mrs Gilchrist Mrs Burrs lira Geo Caldwell Cactus Mrs lear Gladtotus oaa spike Mrs Jamieson Mrs Bell Mrs Sanderson Mrs Campbell Gladiolus Mrs Gilchrist Mrs Pearsali Mrs ii Camp bell Mr George Caldwell Aincnn Violet Mrs Jamleaon Mrs Pitkay Mrs Sanderson lira Burrs Collection oi iloure plants Mrs Fearanllitira Geo Cald well Mrs Caldwell Mrs Cameron Corsage Mn Sanderson Mrs Cameron reminders ANNIVERSARIES HOSPITAL FLOWERS oil rcNalevs FLOWERS 74 Blake so an ems Mm Geo llldWlii Mn Miniature lrranlemeauMra Bell Mrs Pearsall lira GWi Caldwell litre Caldwell Driltnood arrangement Mrs Caldwell Mn Bell Mrs Geo Caldwell Mrs icarlalt Dahtla arrangement tire Geo Cnldvrett Mrs Jamie aon Mrs Peanali lira Sanct emu ilnlioween arrangement ii Campbell Musikii itirlsl Pearsall tin Cald Japanese arrangement Mn Caldwell Mrs Bail illra Pcaraaii Mra Geo Caid well Silver wedding centrepiece Mrs Bell Mrs Caldwell Mrs Goo Caldw Irr Sand Largest identity in indie 1h Tate iron ind steel works at Jamahedpurtaiithar lian owed in I117 iro sonar as iitlitittii Miliflltit vobn cnnrown aooor ï¬lllclt ILNAUil VALIANT Deanna noratom Minna um PROTECT YOUR AWN against wnlrsenuaonlnnec WINTER KILL in lune inns thin lion My Mum remit out Salinunarlln ayltttitlllolil III lintu victims us with Mil that Will Attllltt ittlillvpoxltin out onto urn llmu shown H9 Dunlap St man ma linu at or II ID will VIN WW Wm ltiiree Labour Daylast chance for summer pleasure And RedCap Ale caps the for vvith unmatched satisfying fullbod edflavonr Wherever you go whatever oudo this Labour Day weekend makesureyou snapper cappa liedCap Al in THE cA FtLsllu BFtEWE Rt 525