ngll Continue tBroductien Worlds First Jet Airliner By McINIYRE noon sensor Ctranoel Islands mums customsl death was Ruth Oldbam oi Grl wNDON Production oi the overSanda Lancadthe baa orlds iirst let airliner Bri S°ptivaiter two mvacaiion ebopeto recall outlittle people there andmanynevong lie and hire Chutes Cole CheryiLIml and David on JoyedldlilttheCNEU Congra to Hr and Mrs William goflmop1wtsofldlded Cmiytt Bobble another son sin st in tor Carolyn and Pa binh week day celebration Mrfand Mrs Allen tuner sun was masts snowan nonunionroars come the tint to swim rteiba Comet is to continue Al ready it have been sold Deals Ior another in are being negot lated The inn broke even at ter the ï¬lth plane The govern menls loan at million has been repaid and the treasury her reaped prolit oi scam from royalties MORE HOLIDAY MONEY LONDON The Bank oi Eng land has increased the amount oi money allowed to Britlahera tor holiday travel overseas irom mo year to 3750 tor each Iourne it has also abolished the rue requiring the amount oi money taken ovnrscas to be entered in the traveller pass port astronaut SHACK HANHAM Gloucestershire the is miles be Guernsey HATFIELD Hefliordlhiro Onchneeday evening Aug um employing 600 peoplell and Jersey Her time or the swim was 15 hours 15 minutes Next month she will attempt double crossing oi the English Channel within 30 hours LEAVING LONDON LONDON An engineeng planning to close two lactortea ur the London area and brdld lsctory at Kinga Lynn Noriollr There it would provide employ ment tor oversplll population moving out irom tendon SCARE FOR BATHEIIS CULLERCOATS Northumben land Jellyiish measuring two leel across have been washed ashore on the northeast coast marine laboratory olilcal said doubledecker bus stolen at Kll maruocl Scotland was iound abandoned on the Baraet by pass at Hatfield nearly loo miles away it was believed stolen by prisoner who escap ed irom tall at Perth 0n the way south be picked up sever al hitchhikers and gave them tree bus ride HELICOPTEB RESCUE PUTSBOROUGH Devon An RAF helicoï¬ter rescued lbyearr old Clare alter the had drlltcdout to sea on an airbed at Putsborcugh Several Inert tried to swim out to bring her back but got into dliilcultica REJECI PAYMENT PLAN urwetle oi Hmow thay havn tentacles they can LONDON Icadcra at 50000 art as miscellauewa was nus in the brassy room at the United Church or Miss Jurb Known is being married to Roderidl Cootts oi Cookatown Saturday Sept in Churchill United Church Judy was the recipient oi many bea ttiiui and metal glits She thanked everyone tor their good wishes dainty lunch was sen ved which eanluded very utr onttbie evening Mr and Mrs Keith Sinclair Tomato visited their parents Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair last Weekend Mrs Paterson oi Iirvntc has been visiting her sisterlnlaw Mrswtllam Paloma of this village Mr and Mrs Len Boudreau ol show EDGAR By AIRS hi HAYES was tor little Thoma ua 3er our in on volunteers combedthr bush and rugged country in the northern psrl of 0m township Thelniant scoot Mr and hire Thomas Hayes Whitby was christened Michael John the Hayes Sun so stEd gar UnitedaaurcbuL CitlIlhiIaNtNO PAHTY Sunday visitors at Hayes attending the christening service and supper oi their grandson Michael John were theblhya parents his and Airs Tom miscellaneous alterc er Tha evening was spent in director Saturday morning Jim and Irate started their trip in their new home in Vancouver Best wishes and good look to thorn lrotntheir many irisnda in this community about wr Edgar Womens institute hold meeting at home oi lllrr MHayes Aug withiive members and one visitor re cent Roll call was answered1 by giving one oi Canadas health roles The topic Econ ondcawal given as discussion period by Mrs Howell Motto How does homemalung ranir as Dorothy Elwood Mrs Parks and Linda spears were no oi Air and Mrs Roy ggedth Midland Bond uncanny on on riends In this locality tuna com Friends oi thlred Parr are sorry to know he is patient RVH Harrie and pe be vrnt soon be home or lira Sulioy ls vacationing al the home oi her daughter hire Mills Toronto Congratulations to Mr and ultimo runs CALL FUEL near Pitt653i vocation was answered by lllrr Bailey lhn draw was won by Mrs Hayes Plans were made tor annual chard ï¬nishr $3513 IcheoLJIngtubanaou when my bloke Mrs Hayes gave to birthday Ciowes Cccll Hayes Barrie IWW Th 05 ess serde delicious lunch Congratulations in Mr and Mrs Charles Sheardown on the The September meeting will birth of son Steven Charles be held Setu at rm to at Royal Victoria Hospital Bar hams oi Mrs bailey Roll rle Aug 23 graph call One step can take toward andra rlltlrld pciawcc graphd iubhlcI to Mr hnd Mrs Sheardow at belilrelhe rocking vlsltedhiruand Mrs Doan It mg mom and no in mm new sundy gress Mrs Strnchim Fires The anniversary services at note this meeting is held one Edgar United Church will be week earlier than usual railway workers have rejected the Sriiish Transport Commis sions plea to pay compensation to menklalld oil Theyhsnld the Mmen ere were on 1L7 mega flogging my had Singhampton were Sunday visit on with Mr and Mrs ANGRY CANADIANS Presser MANCHESTER Nearly 70 liirsl Smith and Children and angry Canadians on charter bliss Diana Harper at Hamilton night homo to Canada had to spent low days with the iar sleep on coaches at Manchester mrrs parents Mr and llirs airport because the departure ol Harry Wbliesldcs their plane had been delayed Eric and Susan Sauntor are Iot ii hours They stormed the home alter spending two wecka airline counter demanding why at PiuucetvCamp an InterVar their plans had been delayed ally Christian Fellowship Camp and were told it had been requi located at Port Sydney sltloned tor military mission Mr and hire It Hoynlon SON SWEEPS DOABD SEVENOAKS Kent Present ing the prises at school sports meeting at Sevooosks Cairns handed the championship trophy to his own son Calms He was iirst in all the events he entered and captain oI the winning house rnea son swans an aaoans Noriold An Hayes Whitby Mr and Mrs Edward Barch rd maternal grand arentat Gary Philip and lost budgerlgnr tnlkcd its way home sites being away for it days On being lound at llan hunt by Air and Mrs Edward shoot out 20 yards They gave bothers lrlght as well as slinging like ncltles FEARED TRAIN SPEED NDNEATGNWarwlcklhire wcn Doyle oi Bolton who stopped two express trains by pulling the communication cord told the polce that the trains were going too that and that be was irlghlcrted lie was lined 30 with $37 costs for the two oilenccs WASP CAUSED DEATH GUILDFOIID Surrey man travelling on the back of lorry stood up in it while trying to land are sending buyers to kill wasp lost his balance county Their aim is to im and tell over the tsilhoard llil rovc their llocks and build tip skull was tract ed and he died meatproductlon in bospllalAth Canadians Attend Festival Tattoo Niagara Falls spent last week end with their parents Mr and Mrs Russel Stewart 61 Newlnnd Road Vychwuoti it was promptly returned to Mr Lewis who its owner SHEEP FOII RUSSIA ROMNEY Kent Kent breed ers oi Romney sheep are ilndv lng new market tor Ihclr unl mnls in Soviet countries Russia recently bought rso Romney shccï¬ irom iDKcnt iarrns Now cc oslovukln llumanla and Now AT our NEW tOCATION Ecclu St North Phone Just Around Corner From in ens0512 SEE SHORGAS FORALL YOUR NATURAL GAS AND PROPANE HEATING AND APPLIANCE NEEDS ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PREOSEASON HEATING OFFERMM EDINBURGH Scotland The name at Canada rosoandcd in the cars oi 6000 enthusiastic sphclators at the opening pcr iormancc oi the Edinburgh Fes tival Military Tattoo as two ayed perciiï¬riar show prescnicd on the csplan ade oi the ancient Edinburgh Castle Over irom Germany where they are stationed with =rarrfltlllrnegimoui1i Queens Own Rifles at Canada was given place all to itselt on the Tattoo program Toes began to top on the grand stands as the Canadian music ians burst inlorthe arena Play the medium pcch bands they marched at the same speed They amused en thusiasm when the broke into appeal has gone out to Norlolk Broads anglers asking them not to leave discarded books on riv er banks but to bury them This plea was made when ans were iound with book tnrlhelFIhroalFanddlnerihang ing irom their beaks CITY EDITOR KILLED the tune Biay onRnces LONDON The city editor of lhomson Allied Newspapers Arthur Jenkins was lulled and his wlie Vera seriously in lured in an automobile crash near Calerham Surrey They were returning rpm wedding when their car crashed into the Canadian Army Brlgnde these were the drum and buglc bands of the Queens Own lili ics of Canada and the pipes and drums at the 2nd Betta on the Block Watch at Canada Along with bugle drum and glocken spiel comhlnlnng in splendid pcrlormnnce Wlth precision the band broke into ranks which marched around each other in bewildering circles with the lndlnn Cavalry and the hands at the Sikh Regiment Irum lndla they added strong Commonwealth touch to this years version oi the famous drawing do ed applause motorised caravan irom the crowd In starslud dcd program this eriormnnce by the Queens OwnpRiilcs band Iail3 Ofï¬cials For Bomb Attempt ACCRA Ghana Reuters The progovernment Ghanaian Times says two cabinet minls ters and top party oiticlnl ar rested Wednesday were in volved in the recent attempted assassination of President Kwarna Nkrumnh andshould hanged Dismissed irom their posts and Jailed in the interests of the security oi the state were Foreign Minister Alto AdIel In iormatlon Mlntster Tawla Ada maito and CoileCrnbbe executive secretary oi Nkru mahs Convention Peoples Party Thencwapapersoysin aned itorial in reference to Adams fio this Saul turned Paul over night Did he think he could pull last one on Ghana by his false condemnation and hypocritical denunciation of the bomb at tempt on Nkrumahs lite earlier this month when indeed he Alto Adjoi ColicCrabbe and their von top marks The buglers air so had the honor at playing the opening taniare irom the castle ramparts In the course oi the evening mingled with these Canadian bnndsmen behind the scenes at the Castle and inund that they represented every province at Canada irom Newfoundland to British Columbia All of those to whom spokchexpressed thelrdcllght at belog inVE burgh to take part in the Tai tuo and considered It rare privilege They had come to this city irom their stations in Germany on August and spent two weeks in gruelling rev hearsals or the spectacle being presented ior the whole three weeks at the Edinburgh Festi va VISIT T0 BAHRACKS also visitedthe Canadian bands at their living quarters in Drogborn Barracks very line barracks which had been built in ms in the first world war There met Captain Alas lair Collingwnnd whole in tattoo Pride oi place in the massed pipes and drums ol slx regi ments was given to the band at the Black Watch oi Canada it was placed in the centre at the massed bands and its drum mnjor Michael Phclan oi Ed monton Alberta hnd lhe honor at being the leading drummade or as the pipers and drummers marched and countermarched 19 inn the castle osplanade Cap tnln lack Niven at Montreal hero iii charge of the Black Watch party was given the duty of commanding the mar sed pipes and drums for the three weeks at the tattoo Un dcriipefhialor John Stewart who as native oi Edinburgh was quite at home at the castle the Black Watch hand gave splendid account at llseli The bugle and drum band or Mr Wont Attend The UN MOSCOW lheulersl Soviet Premier Khrushchev has no present plansio attend zlbe United Nations Generaltssem bly session opening in New York next month Thnrrtact ing UN secretary general said today He also told press confer estate that Khrushchev said he would like to meet President Kennedy again it the occasion demanded Thunis statement ended cur rent spaculatiun that Khrusb planned to attend the Sept opening in the wake oi Soviet space achievements Thant mat with Khrushchev Tuesday at tho premiers vaca ion resort at Yalln Thant told questioners be had uggestcdio Khrushchev out other meeting with Kennedy charge at the Queens Own Rif les Band and Captain Jack Niven of theEIack Watch They spoke in the highest terms of thc scanner in which the hands had been welcomed by theBritlsh units in the bar racks and oi the excellent an commodation and food provid ed for them The men are comfortably housed in large dormitories and have ample recreational facilities and other amenities At the close of the Tattoo the Canadians are being given three days leave and gather ed that they will be scattering to various parts at the British isles They will then return to West Germany and will at once go on 15 days leavo lil tlng reward for the strenuous training they have undergone comrades in evil had hand in theoutragei police spokesman said the threeirtilcialawere=arrestcd ti der Ghanas Preventive Dot tton Act which gives the re gime the right todciain persons for five years without trial The arrests were regarded by observers here as the iirst open sign of opposition to Nkrumab In his own party tPlANNING novu You can always trust Cooke Your Allied could be uselul 0WfflEID£¢ He had made the suggestion the context at Kennedys re ï¬WflPflSlIflm tstatemcni at pressvcom DETAILSIMPRESSION Khrushchev then had an ant the impression he would ketomcot with theUS pres dent if the occasion demanded Sate prompt Insured moving Warehouse stor agetnollitles at your acr vlco OOKE CARTAGE 8r STORAGE rvow as unvarer sr PA 61863 Your Friendly Allied Van Lines Agent ihanl said he and Khrush drev discussed the German question but not necessarily In efcience to the United Na ons There was noindica on that Khrushchev will put he Berlin problem on the Gen cral Assembly agenda Asked ii Khrushchev saw any prospect of settling the German Tbant replied He gave the impressionl that be gt to ovawaywlth the antigen of he vast wa as BARR ECTRIC morons AUINOIIZID OEl MOTOR SALES SELEIIACLD PA82206 Si OWEN it