01115 BERT MULIIOLLAND Stroudtiomens institute members he sure to wstdt on Sunday Sept It pin on TV on Country Calendar tor some interesting news of the Gme at tile institutes which now have 91000 members The guest speakers will be Mrs Haggerty and Mrs Lymburner HOMEWARD BOUND Nev and Mrs Lionel Rowe tarmcrly at St Pauls innlstli who have been staying wuh Miss Louie Burden on 10 line for few holidays left on Saturday tor their home in Nawota Sash atchewnn they cnyoyed hnvlug iriends drop in in sec them Mrs Itowe not ieeling too well was unable to get out and see all her iriends Miss heardan was glad to be able to servo cup of tea and lunch to about so before they left VISITORS Mr and Mrs lion McLean Leah Jamie and Patsy at Web ton spent the weekend with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs McLean Mrs Belth Gardiner Mcniord called on her two cousins Mrs Fredandhirs iiert Mulholland 325 this week Mr and Mrs Gerry Kral Joanne and Carolyn spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Lorne Phlllpps and hairy oi Weston Mr and Mrs Wallace Pollack and tomlly of West iliil Mr and Mrs Melville Money and Keith oi ivy and Mr and Mrs Ken Money of Bell iiiver spent Sunday with the Walton iiarrts fnmll Mrs Lillian Crawford at New York and Mrs and Mrs Wallace Gratin Toronto spent Sunday with their cousin Max Goodv year and family Ernie Sturgess son oi Len Siurgess is visiting relatives in Allistan NEW TEACIIEll Mr and Mrs Robert Denney and baby oi Toronto have mov ed into the Mulhelland Apart ments Mr will be teaching at Leiroy WI ASSISTED On Saturday Stroud Womens Institute got call to send food to Beetop In short time mem bers were contacted and had the ionntothaUnitnd arch Lloyd Cumming delivered the pics bread etc along with Marie Goodyear Pam Penny Caryl Cumming and Mrs Pat Smith who went along and made sandwiches for the searchers UNITED CIIUNCII Last Sunday service at Stroud United Church was in charge oi Rev John Roll of Fiesherton Mr itch to brother of Mrs Roy Goadtcliow lovely duct was sung Why Notiirothert by iifisses Glenda Mason and Karen Cooper Next Sunday itev Fred Jackson will be back from holidays CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Bert Mal hollnnd who won second prize in his class of 17 at the Flddlers Contest at Toronto Exhibition this past week and also came ai with 91 TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE FRIDAY nunusr at 400 Tu Zorro so Caravan 030 Huckleberry Hound 6MThrce Stooges 625 News Weather Sports Father Knows heat Dnnns Reed snow ltcdliirxiansbore Burns St Allen Summer Night Parry Mason The Detectives CEO TV News Weather Sports News iliovie Night Has Thousand Eyes IATUIIDAY SEPTEMBER 210 Test Pattern News Weathe Baseball Game oi Week On Satori Bugs Bunny Country Time News Weather Sports Three stooges Some ai Those Days ilnbin Hand trsvs Gun Will Travel CFTO CHANNEl TORONTO FRIDAY AUGUST 01 400 Protessors riiideswly too Lawmsn Mo News VuthlnSpolLb 700 Donna Itecd Shnw 730 Chsnnei Nine Thesuej Hells IInrlsolll 000 Hay Gun Will Travel ono Country Style 1000 Zane Grey Theatre 1100 News Weather Sports 1110 Friday Night Theatre The Wild On 100 Mshaiia Jackson Sings DATURDAY SEPTEMBER Clrtoans Professors Party Sporu Cutters Jungle Edy Cdn Pro Football Wrellllmi 111 Time News Walther Sports The Flintstones Whiplash CARRIER miss you 11 your carrierhas not arrived by pan please phone PA8 opyWiiiaonclivcredrroifnuréo THERE 15 NOCHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI oRivsvouasstr caps AND raucxs 0nd 1000 Discavuy lea Billie also played in his class at 25 years and under but was not winner Mrs Mulv hoiiand accompanied both old time fiddlers COUPLE EMERTAINED Gordon Mason and Miss Vern Lyons of Barrie were entertain ed on Saturday evening at the horns of Mr and Mn Elmer Prstt by number of irleads on the occasion at their forthcoming marriage Alter ballet supper Arnold Banting ivy wss mas ter of ceremonies tor an eve ning oi tun cilmaxed by the presentation of table lamp to the guests oi honor Those pre sent were Mr and Mrs Mer vyn Plowright of Stayner Mr and Mrs liownrd Constable of ParrySound Mr and Mrs Arn old Banting of ivy and Mr and Mrs Birnle Mr and Mrs John Johnson Mr and Mrs Harold Wallace Mr and Mrs Keith Constable and Mr and Mrs Gordon his all of Suoud By MR5 MONTEITII Mrs MunLToronto spent Wednesday with her parents Mr and MrsrL DAnglo Charles Eowdp spent few days last weekwfth Mr and Mrs Sid Cox oi Hendrle Miss Susan Peacock Barrie is spending feudnys with her grandparents Mr and Mrs it Peacock Mrs Wlf Brown spent the weekend with her brother in Toronto Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Reids were iiev Mr and Mrs Holmes of Nova Scov tie and Mr and Mrs McKay oi Villowdole CROSSLIIND 11y MRS ERNEST DALES Miss Dorindn Delzotlo has re turned home otter spending is couple of weeks with her pater nal grandparents Mr and Mrs Delsotto North Bay Congratulations to Ronald Kneoshawand Miss Pat Dew who were married Saturday August 25 in Egiinton United Church Toronto Mr and Mr Elpi and Norma and Mr and Mrs Peiqu Toronto spent the week at err home here Sunday vrsllors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs William Hunter and Robin MountDennia Mr and Mrs Archie Adams Carol Ann and Lenlle Weston Miss Aileen Gardener and Russell Gardener ond Mrs Er nest Dales attended the United Church Womens service at Churchill Sunday morning and heard spleuded sermon by Rev Fred Homer is former pastor at the Churchill charge Mrs Keith Sinclair sang bea utiful solo Mrs AIIleerty and Iiose Marie of Montreal spent several days with her mother Mrs Porritt and Harold and Fred Monday evening large crowd of relatives and friends met at the home of Mrs 11055 Bell to honor her daughter Miss Doris Bel wif nso Peter Guno too Front Row Centre Selrlmoochs 1100 CBC TV News 1110 Weather News Sports 1110 Georgian Chino Twin Bill Hold Back Till DIWIIIJ ilheï¬c°iltcrsi BUNDAY SEPTEMBER Test Plttefll Comment It Conviction Davey and Goliath World at Soccer World Soccer Country Clienle 2010 and Nawr American Musical Theatre Crossroads Choyorlna News Musstn Hull Ed Sulllvsn Bananas Red Army Chorus CBCTV News Weather News Sports Movie Condemned To Glory aoo Feature lhcstr LlsLCammlrldi 1000 Fight of the week 1100 Saturday Nillat Thlllll txronns 1250 Moltits iselrson Sings SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1110 11 la Written 1200 italiii Thsltia Lao Great Music From Chicago 200 Yflutit and Religion 1100 Around The World 400 Movie 600 nouglss Fairbanks Presents d30 700 Route 00 300 Academy Pertarmsnce Sslomle 1000 Showdown Loretta Young Tom Ewell Show News Weather Sports Art of the Theatre Wrcrtilul Manits Jacluon Sillll 1010 1100 1130 1145 1215 115 2433 iellowing five hnndsi ai features er Doris reeleved mid bustli lui and useiui guts tot Which the lurked III bnuatiiul lunch brought pleasant evas ia close Monday visitors with Mr and anc ErrtutMDaiesu were 11 my Mon and Mrs Russell Drap er Cootstown ustvrou roaruson By LEESON Mr and Mrs Jim MacDonald and Jamie Rochester were weekend guests with Mrs it Rowe Carolyn liaibert visited last week with her aunt Mrs Wigginaat their cottage at Gravenhurst Mr aodMrs Gordon Halbert bill andanrotyn spent the weekendnt 0s TongueLaite Muskaka liaugbton and Donald of liamllton are visltlng Mr and Mrs linughton Mr and Mrs Grenvitli Ilai bcrL Gall Muslim and Miss Karen lieésloh spent last week at thelrjottagc on Call Lake Mutkoka Mr dad visited lilrs leeson day Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Norris Presser on the birth of lhelr son Donny brother for iiickey and Kathy Mr and Mrs Harold Presser and daughter Sylvinane of Dart mouth Nova Seotia are visiting Mr and Mrs iinrry Presser and attending the Montreal Lita Convention at Windcmere shower and re en talion was held in New Lowell Com munity Centre tor Della Coe and Jim Presser They received many gltts and chrome table and chairs Jim and Delis will be married September in New Lowell Mr and Mrs Anderson Pet erborough are spending some time at the home of Mrs An Dean Satur nett family demns daughter Mrs Norris Prone Mr ind Mrs Bowen Ihornbury went Sunday with Mr snd Mrs Harry Presser UTOPIII By MRS ALLEN MILLER PRESENTATION Saturday evening at the Com munlty ltaii Ifr and Mrs Ber den Jennctt and family who are leaving Sept to make their home at Bradiord were present ed with swivel platform rock er and stepcnd table The boys received cult links and Itth nuklace Robert Boyd repre senting the 701 line on the hall board made the presentdtian on babe oi the community and spoke very highly of the den LARRY BRANNON Mr and Mrs Hcctor Tarn bull were In Stretiord over the weekend visitingjn sister in poor health at the present time Mrs Matt Parks and dough tern returned to their cottage on Little Beaver Latte Monday otter spending the Weekend with the Allen Millers and Mr and Airs lvan Speers Mr and Mrs ll saunter spent purt of this week at cot tage at Port Sydney W1 ON TV reminder to Womens insti tuto members and Iricnds CBC TVs Country Calendar will ex amine the historic beginning the growth and accomplish ments oi the WI over the years on Sunday Sept 2at pm Guests appearing onthe program include James Haggnrty of out national president at FWIC nnd Mrs Lymburner otPort Colborne FWIO Doctor and Mrs Mann and three young children at Austra iin who toured Europe nnd Bri tlsh Isles spent two weeks re cently with Mr and Mrs Vlll lam Richardson at their sum mer home Big Cedar Point be fore is trying lor the United States Mrs Moon is ornleee 01 Mrs Richardson Ont president of CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY You are the dealer neither side vulnerable and have opened One Club Partner re sponds One Heart What would you now bid with each of the OQasxus war axes QAQ QJ711 QKd MK QADbZ quQJBSZ M07 MI eon 4mm Three hearts The high cord range for an opening bid of one in suit is normntiy be tween 12 and 21 points Natur ally with range so wide the opening bidder has gar tion to reveal the exac gth of his hand as soon as he can in evaluating his hand the opener counts not only his high cards but lso the distribution givingwmghi to how well his hand the partners responses Thus this hand with only 14 highcard points Is worth much more than that in the light of partners announc ed heart length The heart re sponse raises our hand iromthe minimum class to intermedi ate class The jump to three hearts requests but does not force partner to go to game It shows about in points One notrump Thishand is tithe=niinimum=eiass pa her is so inionned by the sign oit rebid of one notrump it is better to bid notrumpthan raise hearts The notrump rabid announces balanced distribution at the some time as it reveals minimum values raise toI two hearts would be more on couraging and would suggest distributional values that we do not have so other tiredness Four hearts This is strong bid and an indirect slam try it states that ten tricks can probably be made even though partner5 heart response may have been based on just points it would be wrong to bid only three hearts because Eartner could properly pass It had minimum values or his first response Partner should not be given chance to drdp the butting under game One spade The heart rel sponse greatly reduces the orig inai evaluation of the hand However it would be wrong to bid two iniglitcausepartner think our hand was at the dead mini mum ciass which his not The spade bid has the advantage at showing indetermin ate values and is more apt to induce iurther bid tram partner The Inennoy of the two suits is ignore in order to make con structive rebid Three notrum Partner is given no apportunty to let the bidding die under game iiere also as in the third hand above partner is told that even though may have responded with only points game is in the bag The jump to three notrump shows at least 20 points Tomorrow The substitution of laser onuv crossword 25ound or cow 8Gives aa suborder LTV award 03mm center flawed from execution Illino covered thfrpnniab ACROSS Master at ceremonies dCnrpooi companion 115panious 12Cnti forth 13Rlver Franco 14Yearned tor 15Exelaman tlon 101rovidou with sustenance ILArnha meat 10 Cud 20011010 adversely 22Waspyam 25Whaei Spokes 20Markstablo price surname measures recount Iiowiy 31 app 323 noun suffix ï¬llinpieaaant collnq adult home 37 Once more 38Natlvea of only 08npptelt merited 10Corn munista 161llakly neodcose Measure of land Girls nlclmuno LWaita upon Ingacan DOWN taunt 35 Shows 18 Smite 19 Trot born 21 Yes Sp 221aynhi atrial 235ma11 sweet hh rolls 241leasia 27Ex presaion or protect 80 Little child 31Putverize 385mm 11111 34 To aye atlJiIobaihead golf club 38 Wrath 89Respecttui term at address toExclarna blon to attract attention MWEEEHV Elï¬ll JULIE JONES DONALD DUCK BLONDIE 3UZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER LA 011 5015 M10105 VEVlLOVATSIIT l9 PEEP II iii REP Ni BELIEVE 700 Al STRAIGNTEN WINGS Otli AID GET ON cm NEWANYSTDIELLSDU ABOUT ELLIDONTGWE WE TKAT PHONE CAILANDWHYNE LWSONS AT THE HOUR AIISWEflED WU 9O COLDLY 0F COURSE lFIOt INTERESTED CQCKTAILAPPLE AND anew wears FOR LIJNEH sansr KwtrH were Norvsrryuumm APPLE AUCEAND BAKEDAPPLES APPLEJove THINK vaun awascmrs ms was tF sou HADTDGO tris NO USEHWHEN HE HAS HIS Mose BURIED IN THAI may rte DOESNT mo lM mawaow 1M TRVING 70 SPEAK no and DUMPIDYlmS iii 00K C07 REES Dam vrwcgs A070 013 HELPS GAME on SEASON Will LOT 050s 1M7 use SAVING IM NOT iNTE R551 ED iN OXYGEN COME IN ALL can say some GIRL asrrso FALLN LDVEWIIH HIM neat binary ODD BALL Go To THE Hop WITH iuwcsslz WORKING 160T srucgtlt 5W RIM ASEWï¬iwass all EVUHEINNT in cinnutvray mt rm corpora new re one If VEAH SUPPOSEAGOUPLE BhAOiï¬vï¬ï¬EGANA FEW MIGGINTEETH YEAH BUT SHES GOTA PAT ANSWER FOR EVERY THING 3111 NOW DOES 511E EXPLAIN CLAIMS SHE SAWTNF NER HORN TOOTINGIAS LANDSLIDE COMING IF SIGNALING To SOMEv AND TOOTED HER ONE TO STARTA NORNTOWARN 115 iANDSlJDEE HAVE TIIE HIGHWAY PATROL QUESTIONEIJ NELGA AEOUT THE LANIJ SLIDE THAT ueLevauavruu ooln TELL M5 yours was to aligntome your iNTEKESTEP F02 oceanth room YESIHERE5 ass CAN LEARN SENE ONW tinnitus DO MAKEA FELLEI KIND DIFFERENT IlEltc COMMANDER WERE OWINCEDWIS NER iMMEDIATELV WOMAN ilELGA 15 RE590N51BLE FOR iNE LANDSLIUE SHALLWE HOW ER tiNiiLWE GET oenr even LET HER man we susrsm Juno WtitliZVERSIIEE man we wear T0 tAiCH HER INKlNE ACE stirrsevecvvsa 15 maniac sun WANT TO SEE new we WRDiiS H15 FAMOUï¬ moms eALLll