Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1962, p. 12

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ii isaar noncss ammo Department OI Agriculture ONTARIO TELEPHONE SERVICE COMMISSION lh THE MATTER ot Section it and in ct The Telephone Act iRSO 19th Chapter 390 and the petttioru respecting te lepbone senice in the territory served by the Ora Telephone Company Limited APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO TELEPHONE SERVICE COMMISSION HERE BY APPOINTS ltohday the ioih day at September AD 1th at the hour at Two Thirty Oclock in tlie otierooon East ern Daylight Time in the Town Hall Ore Township of Ora 0o terio tor the hearing at all the lcrcstcd persons in support at or in opposition to these petit ANI PERSONS UNABLE TO APPEAR AT THE APPOINTED HOUR may file their submis wrllnn Ilhm cphnn 7v mission Queens Park Cres cent Toronto Ontario on or before Noon Friday the 7th day at September AD IBEZ borne at TORONTO this 17th day at August AD 1962 TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES Township 0i Innistit COUNTY OF SIMCOE To Wit By virtue ot warrant Issued by the Reeve oi tire Townspr ol innistil under his hand and the seal ot the said corporation beerlog date the lib day at itiay 1902 sole of lends in arrears oi taxes in the Township ol tn oislit will be held at the Com muniiy Hall Strand at the hour at trvo oclock in the attornoan an the 12th day of October 1962 unless Ilia taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby given that the thts oi lands tor sale for arrears at taxes was published on the 7th day at July 15162 and that copies at the sold list may be turd at my otllee It the lands are not all sold on October 12 an adjourned azhetdsanOetoberduth at the same hour and place Treasurers twice this the 9th day at July 1962 It GROH Treasurer NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims againslthe state AGNES TODD McKiNNON late of the City of Barrie to the County at Simcoe Married Women who died an the 29th day at January 1962 must for ward same to the undersigned on or before the tub day oi September 1962 after which date the assets will be distth uted amongst the parties entit led thereto and the executor will not be liable to any per son at whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this lilh lay at August AD 1962 BOYS SEAGRAM ANDRQWE 11 lived Street Barrie Ontario I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 1230 pm SHARP JOHN KLEINVELD At let contession Ii Innisiit Thush straight eastcl highivay 27 Auction sale at 60 head at Hot stein cattle farm machinery hay straw grain and poultry Terms cash No reserve its the larmis sold JERRY COUGHLIN Anctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 Note change oi date FM SHARP Complete dispersal at Hot stciri cows heel cows and slackers matched team of horses modern lairri machin ery ler JAMES TRUAX Lot 7E Can Tiny Township At Village oi Vzverley AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD fireworks TENDERS FOR TRUNK SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTIONW Seated Tenders properly marked as to contentwill be received by he undersigned up to 500 pm EDTSeptemlicr 101262 tor the construction at Trunk Sanitary Sewers in the City of Harrie Onv tario comprising the allowing mutant ent Pipe and Approximatelyltio lineagleet of 54inch Corrugated Tunnbl Liner Concrete Sewage Lift Station complete Plans and specifications may on deposit of $1000 noerelundable be obtainedfrom theoltice oi the City Clerk at Collier Street Bnrrie Ontario Tenders must be returned in the envelopes su anyTerider not necessarityiguen STRAUGHAN City Clerk at the City oi Barrie ointment Corporation milking machine All milking 13 AUCTION sates AUCTION SALE Saturday September Commencing at 1030 am sharp ROSS LANG COOKSTOWN 0n corner at Hays l9 and 17 Complete stock at hardware groceries and property consist ing at home building warehouse and room bungalow ln Cooks lawn ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND OLWILL LTD Phones Victoria Harbour some Wesega Beach 459 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT 22 1230 pm SHARP Complete dispersal ol beet cal tle pigs poultry hay grain high class term machinery and same household ctiects lor MRS MEL CULHAM Lot 25 Concession Pics on Highway 36 second term west at Edenvale Bridge Auctioneers ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLttIlLL LTD AUCTION SALE miles north at Dottan mile east of Hwy 50 on No 20 side road Reg and grade ltolsteln cattle tractors truck lull line modern machinery hay straw grain household ellccts ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers Phone Victoria Itorbour sooner Vasaga Beach 459 AUCTION SALE Tuesday Sept pm sharp for Newton Hesse Lot 17 Can Ora miles north at Hwy 11 on line then Vi mile east Complete dispersal Ilotslein cows heilers hogs milking equipment hay straw and grain CATTLE Black cow yrs due Feb Black and White coir yrs calvcd In June setting open Holstein coiv yrs celved in June selling open Holstein cow yrs cetved in June setting open Block cow yrs catved Holstein yrs due More Holstein cow yrs due Jeniiary Black and white cow yrs due Feli ruary Holstein cow yrs dtie February Holstein cow dyes due March Black cow yrs setting open Itolstein cow rejebruo Enclosures cow yrs due November Black heifer yrs calved July 25 Hotste better yrs cal ved Aug 25 Holstein cow t1 yrs due February Holstein cow yrs due February Holstein cow yrs due April Black cow yrs setting open Hol stein cow yrs due March two year old Holstein heiiers due December Holstein hell ers one year open Holstein calves one week three months SWINE sows due about November ist 29 pigs chunks Large quantities baled hey and oats One pipeline equipment other articles too numerous to mention Terms cash Farm sold Nothing to be removed until settled for Buy ers tram distance should pro vide identification to clerk ANDERSON PLOWMANAND COLWILL LTD AUCTIONEERS PHONE VICTORIA HARBOUR EOGRLZ Seminar Held For Six Weeks MONTREAL CPIA French Ianguage summer seminar in gher mathematicsat theLtnt versin of Montreal has at tracted 51 students some of them English speaking pro fessors from the United States The language at mathematv ice is symbolic language aid easily understood in any ton gun said Dr Maurice LAbbe director oi the universitys mn thematics department The seminar is six week allair and two at the lecturers are topranking Europeans in the tietdDr Jacques Lions at Frances University at Nancy the University at Brussels Poetry also influenced and Dr Lucien Waelbroek at Death Cuts Oil Thé Career 0i Greet Historian tied Poet noun aransirau LONDON CPL11 death at at Neely to July coded one at the greatest and most Influential traditions in English historical writing Dovetyan who was as once acid It was bta main attempt In lite to treat history as literature and not as science He he tiered history should be read and understood by intelligent laymen well as by scholars to this mission he hoped to allow to the broad tradition at Raleigh Gibbon and his own greet uncle LordMacaulay There can be little doubt he aucceeded lamaua critic re cently wrote of him great historian be Is equally poet history Is to him always the muse each of his books In its ctoseworcn pattcrp and rhythm Is poem and poem built upon tnrth Irevclyaes second Interest was poetry He loved to recite it aloud and much ol the vigor his his toricat approach lie saw his tory with the insight at an artist Iosctnnted by the human drama and the values social and geographical that havc shaped destiny An example at his imaginative vision can be seen in the opcm Ing ctrapicr at his Shortened History of Englend lie is talli ing ol Anglo Saxon Invaders plundering Roman liritntn One trivial incident has intpticntlons that will last 10 years As the items shoot up the pampered cock pheasant im ported by the Home to home his terraces tightened now by the shouting at the barbarom camfn aunties oil Ioto the ares He will there become wild bird of the chase destined to play great part to the social history of the island through many changing centuries Travelyana concept at history was not without critics Many accused him ol sacrificing iacts or style and letting Into ltac aulays sin oi lodging past events with the complacency ot Whig gentleman LEADING HISTORIAN lie seemed at times to be saying that the best thing that could happen was that England should be run by gentlemen with classic liberal views said London University professor In on intervlew shortly otter Trerelyans deatlr But on the whole he was much more honest and loirer thon Macaulay and he managed to reconcile his brilliant style with the scientiil demands of modern scholar Trevelyan received the sc Iccl Order oi Merit in 1990 Two years later his three England Under Queen Anne es tablished him as Britains lead ing historian During the Second World War the popular success at his Eng llsh Social History cemented his desired link ivitti the gen eral rca Nearly 500000 copies oi the book have been sold phenams ennl record for an academic text Trereiyoo gave most of his royalties to charity Trevelyon felt that birth and fortune had left him tree to con centrate entirely on history He grew up in It scenraarid cu uted at neat wintry rm CLARITY PURPOSE The spirit of Intellectual lib eralism that had pcnneatad his childhood dev ant ma tured through Harrow and Trim ity lotion Cambridge He emerged with clarity at pur pose wide range or learning and passion or human tree dam that inspired bl trilogy on the llallao ltbcratar Garibaldi oonstdercd by many to be pork ot renter Develyan brings thetbcrator vividly to tile the descriptions dance with the and testing The historian ts reputul to have visited no rty every maid scene that he wrote about Later and more mellow works Included History at England In the 12th Century and corn ptete History at England cl Among Illa biographical works was study at Sir Edward Grey British loretgn secretary or the beginning 01 the First World War Trovrlyon spent much at his mature years at Cambridge and we master of Trinity lrom rm to 196 During his last days he retreated honored nod unchalv longed to htssmolt estate In the rolling mooia oi Northam bertaod Throughout his lite although he towered as on Intellectual Iigore he remained warm sympathetic and approachable as person This reporter can remember him node ring slightly stooped through Trin itys quadrangle and inlnrmattyl chatting with undergraduates FIRE KILLS 20 GUAYIIOUIL Ecuador AP lwonty persons were killed and 30 injured Wednesday to tire that destroyed square block othames in poor section at this port city Seven hundred other persons were lett home less ti thohtuac or Has tr to HARM mummrnmav auousrh use EDMONTON CPI When ever pcmn on television or radio to the West rattles oil sale of numbers tor street address the announcer may in tcrieet Oh thats Ednroetoa Thats because Edmonton has an unusual street numbering system ultra centre or Edmonton is iwth Street and tooth Avenue tha rtreets running north and south the avenue east and west So the numbers can go to any height above 100 to the north and west But to the south end eartthey are below too and tho ty ts running out ol numbers The problem is not immedi ate Frank Martyn director at the Edmonton district planning commtsston estimates Iiywill be 25 yearslbeloro the remaining areas two miles best and thrce mties south are fully developed SAVED CONFUSION The number system was adopted to 1914 to wipeout contuslng and bothersome situ ation says Garnet Kyle arch ivist with the city planning de partmcnb It was haphazard muddle hlr Kyle said Developers would otten stop their names on for no other reason then per sonal prestige Some names at the it it nun octunttyltiist Avenue was uneltcreblc Other streets with wandering atignmcnt such as University ve ue kept their names Roads that trots cited for and crcscents that didnt lit into the purinet system also retained names There are about 100 eeucsronds er crcsccn PUSLVIE Model 06303 chassiscah Al erian RABAT tRcutcrll Moroc can allrciata are keeping close watch on the ooelrued political situation to neighboring Algeria and preparing to present to the new government there claims to border areas formerly adminis tered by France as part at Atv gerta The areas In ruestton along ttbe ittdciined gcrlonMomc can trentler have long been considered by the government hero to be part at Morocco Morocco claims large stretches ol desert over dis tence at some 500 miles be tween iIgolg and tindoul In an area where thelmntter never has been clearly marked Mast maps show vogue dolled tinelrom Figng In Tin dout Indicatingo border But in practice nomads In the area wonder about with no regard tor lronticrs This led to numerous clashes between French and Moroccan toices over oases and military outposts during the 7syoer Algerian war The Robot government claims that the frontier tram Ouiita in northeastern Morocco down to Fignig should continue In more or less straight line tor some 500 miles as tar as Tin selated oastsgsltueted the southwestern corner of Algeria This would bring several in portont localities into Morocco including Colomb Bechar where the French trove rockettest ing rengc ltcnndsa Ahadte and Jctiel Gucltora where large deposits at coal mangean roii on and other mtnc Watches Situation ats bare been discovered Farther earth near liadootq there are to square miles of iron ore deposits at Gara tebtlet where It is conservatively esti mated tbere are more then 4000000000 too at high grade are with on average metal can tcnt ot 55 per cent France at any rate ooosid cred them to be part Algeria and the inhabitants were called upon to role in the Algerian scil determination relercndum on July In July 1960 the late King Mohammad at Morocco and Ferhot Abbas hen the tender at the provisional goiernmen eed that these lrootier problems would be settled bilaterally Ila SAFE ltl CLEAN For Prompt Courteous Delivery Service Call ALLANDALE LUMBER 8r FUEL Company Ltd 49 Essa Rd PA 855 GANADASHAIIeisniucis OIIIIIIIDIIS BIGGEST MOMMAHIS CHEVROLETS UNMATCHED VERSATILITY AND ChevrolcrTruclrs earn their keep in jobs of every description COSTCUTTING ECONOMY MEAN MORE PROFIT IN ANY KIND OF OPERATION THATS WHY TODAY THERE ARE MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER MAKE OPERATING IN CANADA dealer Its story you should hear before you invest one you haul And gt from hecticcitydeliveries to rough offcheroad hauling Chevrolet takes it all in its stride With prover power plants two Sixes four V8s and two Diesels 5speed SynchroMesh transmissions single and 2spc Chevrolet gives you the versatilityyou need for the loads eoonomyaed durability theyve been proven nine and operations in the countryt For thequ story on Chevrolet choice of eight automacic and 34 and edrear axles plus 4rWilCCI drive as for Chevrolets again in some of the largest fleet tucks talk to your local Chevrolet carry in another truck GENERAL MOTORS VALUE AM Chev Truck Debtor

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