Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1962, p. 10

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TheWaiers Fine Get in the son swan Us 10 THE BARRIE EXAMLNER FRIDAY AUGUST Si 132 ANNOUNCEMENTS pvw WHEN THE common oEMANos SENTIMENTAL GESTURE any in uosr CONFIDENTLY wrrli FLOWERS TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL SCHOOL AREA NO Notice To All Parents Hours of attendance for September only am to 245 part VICE Chairman BIRTHS HAPPY OCCASIONTill birth OI your ehildl gtTn toll hl WC new to friends and neighbor Ibo Darrin hammer CIA Stair are or hear Is your tele phone The day birth lust galaPA 31414 The rail in only DEATHS BLOW Ilbrri Cblxlel At Ill Peneiann General Hospital on Thundl About 30 1961 in bi list Wilbert Charles Blow dt Wynale Beloved husband of this Illc Mildred Che hitter OI Cecil BI Vy ter French of WI rley Wel eta Mrs III Elwood All at Wycvalc rim lna Mrs Wine or Blrrie nesting It the Ilntcs Lynn hincrll Homo litmvoie until noon Saturday September then to Wycvala United Church tor Itin cral service at 51111 Interment Allenwood Cemetery Casket will be open in the church iron pro unul dinner union IN MEMORIAM SUTIIEnLANDln lovlnl memo dear nephew Garry Sutherlen RHINO Iwny Allflnt SD IBSL til him home was His Within our hearts heIlvolll still anlngly remembered by 71an Ken Aunt Pearl and cousins COMING EVENTS EVER Iurnacc To see this attractive REAl ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio Member or Home Dlflritl RIII mold Board SNACK BAR Also handling some groceries near Barrie on Lake Simone ap proximately $1000 weekly turn over for summer months Thll property with its spacious rooms and large Ilreplace has an an tique charm that would lead It sell gracefully tor banquets or receptions Both living rt ers and store are fully Winter Ilcd and heated by Ioreed air all property call Alice Worthing ton 178 DUNLOP ST WEST Large family home In conven ient location close to downtown and schools This home is also suitable Ior conversion intoin come properly Priced at $12500 with substantial down payment For iurther intormallon call Joe Vreugrlcnhll CORNER TORONTO AND GROVE STS Custom built home nicely Inad scaped gracious living room lull size dining room large sized bedrooms two bathrooms den largo heated sunroom gar age and paved drive For in spection call Walter Coutts 40 SHIRLEY AVE ln choice location well main tained 4w asteroi EWING First Iioor hnsytwo bedrooms kitchen lpc bath and living room about 15x17 with fireplace The apartment on second floor has Inside entrance two bed rooms living room bath and kitchen Ample room through out Asking price Slo000with down payment oi $900 For further Information call loe Vreugdenhll OPRORJIIINUTY KNOCKS 000 Genera store In the SATURDAY CABAltET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $2 mimic For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757R Soviet Hockeyisia To Piayllt MLG TORONTO tCPA Russian allstar hockey team will play at Maple Leat Gardens Nov 23 it was announced Thursday but the opposition tor the touring Blisstans has not been decided suggestion that the Rose clans play Toronto Maple teats oi the National Hockey Leaguo reported to have had cool inception with coach Punch 1m lach since it will come within hi hours at regular NHL Sat urday night lame By ANNE ADAMS FALL PLATTER We suggest this step in With moderately scooped neckline for halfsizers who like young trcsh fashions Choose wool cotton Printed attern 4600 Half Sizes IZIz tilt Mil2 18 201A 22 Size loti requires yards 35inch fabric FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coinsth stamps please for this pattern Ontario residents add two cents antes lax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care at The Barrie Examinerl Pattern Dept til Front St Toronto Ont OVER 100 ANSWERS to ivhattowear our new full color FallWinter Pattern Catal at eh al Forster today Hot water hoatln with oil it placean thriving community oi Ivy store and living quarters are in ex cellent condition both Inside and out Business very much above overuse Terms arranged Catt WallefCdtilts PHONES OIIIce PA Mild Brenton GORDON IL COUTlSPA 5727 wALmt IOiTISnPA VOII SANDY cumsPit nuns ALICE WORWNGTONTSTILOIIIID LAWRIE HARKEltPA SACHS IOE VREUGDWHILPA 6120 HENDERSON REALTOR lo coLuEn 5mm PHONE PA 82678 BAY DISTRICT Lovely brick ranch bungalow Garage Landscaped suburban lence Near schools beach and shopping centre Vacant Pas session Asking $15400 NHA mortgage Carries for $103 including taxes Owner going to Europe early in September and will consider your reasonable otter on price down payment and terms this weekend Cnop No 361 Call Emerson Swain RUG BRICK BUNGALOW Quiet street near General Elec tric and schoolsCompact nine year old home Walkoul base and extra bedroom Sunporch Paved drive Mortgage carries for $77 including taxes Full price $11500 Substantial down soil Swain to see this more CALL RITA SCANDRLTI PA M835 DOROTHY WILGOM PA 68543 PERCY FORD PA S7930 EMERSON SWAIN PA S8505 Member or Barri and District and OntLrio Ban Estate Bond Fetter lid BAYFIJELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME SERVICE STATION WITH SNACK BAR Located in Barrie Ideal business or couple This listing will sell so dont delay Call Harold WES CALL Doria Nuttycornba PA 37551 Norm Heskotb PA Mold Curly Klaostermsn PA Le Lovomvo AW EB B4112 Members or the Barrie do District Fatah Board STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE VPA 115901 Central Ontarios Largest Realtors OPEN EVENINGS TILL it PM Member or Barrio ra District Submits Board IIarry Slesaor 0m brown 11 Louaneed yner wows Lloyd or Floris Hookloy PA MEL noun BEDROOM Menu for sale SOI ment has well finished rec room payment required Call Emer REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL EAL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Roma SalesForemost in luallty ot Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Save Miles With Our Photo Piles EVENINGS CALLr MOOREPA um POSTEDPA It ROGERSPA mu CONNELLPA was DEFENSEI DISTRICT REAL ETAII BOARD CAMPBEL REALTOR 32 HIGH 51 PA 80241 PEEL ST HOME WITH INCOME On lot 40 110 with garage and combined workshop at rear oi property Complete apartment privato entrance withz bed rooms upstairs rent for too per month Ground floor has ample accommodation with bedrooms living room large kitchen and tpiece hath Full basement furnace Older home in good repair Would like $5000 down For lurthcr inlormatlon call this oiilce PA W241 FINE LITTLE HOME ON QUIET STREET Brick bungalow years old In nice setting with wall kept grounds Living room wthlarge frontwindow kitchen and bed rooms all good size and 4picce bath Equipped with storms and eons Inspection invited call 115 anytime SUBURBAN LIVING Six room brick bungalow very close to city limits on paved read All interior beautliully finished this attached garage Large entrance hall family size kitchen as well as dining room Tiled bathroom with oversize vanity All city conveniences Close to school Low taxes lN VILLAGE or HILLSDALE half acre with nice room homo full basement good well and cistern Wonderlul garden land Price only $5000with $1000 down balance on one open mortgage APARTMENTS Two bedroom apt on Kcmpcnfeldt Drf 91000 per month Two bedroom opt on Grove St $7500 per month Joan Lang PA ssrii Charles Rchd PA son Del€oleaPAs4 SmlthCarnpbeli PA MSW Member at DIrrlI and DIJtrIct Itul Psi uoml GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 DUNLOP ST EAST PA 84252 PA 84608 Graydon KalliPA 04608 Bill RnwnPA 89151 Marlon RutledgePA 35755 PROPERTY FOR SALE SMITH PA 80242 REAL ESTA DUNLOP ST First Mortgage BROKER Pnaasar PA 68742 Funds Available 79 Interest WAYNE hm Elli lolLon in PA sous Ill Everett holawell 011 2010 Nflmgilkl SwhcllllnvIEII PPAA Howard Norris PA 55 OPEN FOR INSPECTION III Napier Street Saturday September Isl to4 pm Interested persons are invited without obligation to inspect this attractive home of approximately 1000 sq it oi all area which contains three bedrooms with ample closets living room and mod ern kitchen with dining area all attractively decorated The base ment is in spotless condition has possiblities for recreation room Lot 55x 130 has shade trees property landscaped Priced or im mediate salo 510000 Upon good down payment term arranged hfrloe Vrougdenhil vendor will be present to turn further information COUTTS CO OWEN STREET PA 82485 SAVE $50000 BUY NOW Homes by Crosley Bernick Beautiful 3bedroom homes completeinevery detail includingtspicioiibgéfigés lonslilock from public and high schools SEE THESE HOMES NOW DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $99500 Phone PA 82670 or Any Real Estate Office for Further Information rose REAL ESTATE BROKER 7B TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrio dDlstriot Real Estate 30an Keith Marsha II REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89592 ll OLAPPERTON ST BAlutm mama NELLZS PA asses mm MARSHALL PA spell LEs roar pa cisoz Member Burn and District Rell Eatntl Board OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 201111 Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bates IRWIN BUILDERS PAINSWICK ONT Custom Built Homes Cottages Garages Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St Listings invited Call Day or Evening PA 61881 Member or the rri Dishl run no Lila Homes Farms Businesses REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKEB 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone PA 177235 General Remodelling 0mm and SW BEDROOM BUNGALOW PA 609I4 On Mary St near Queens Park NEW NHA HOME Large sunroom new iurnaco bedrooms colored tile fixtures with vanity in bathroom Fully decorated Storms and screens Recreation room with largo pic ture window and entrance to rear yard at basement floor level For information phone builder and owner Bud Allan PA 84231 CIIFPSETGIFSIIES Telephone PA All ing PA and garage $11500 Terms BACHELOR APARTMENT For rent Two roams Oil heat Private bathroom sip Immed iate possession Near Queens Park HODGES REAL ESTATE PA E7286 MARION Crescent IIlrea room bungalow two year old fully landscaped tinished recrea tIo art To men Owner mov loin REAL esiare CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Pneumonia BSDunlopSt UNEXCELLED VIEW OF BAY SHANTY BAY RD Prestige stone home with lar gar than average rooms Na tural iireplace In living dining room combination Magnificent aundeck overlooking the Bay and nicely landscaped yard with lily pond Walkin levelbasement Charming rec room with aa tural fireplace Also patio under sundeeli Attached drlvodhru ga rage Largo trees enhance this beaulllul home FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE 310500 Less than live years old Within walking distance oi downtown Modern with oil heat ing Very complete cute home REAL MONEYMAKER Modern semidetached Five room In each Compcher rc modelled recently Low cost heating Close to schools church and shopping FOR RENT Beautliul stone home just out side the city lower five room apartment furnished Sellcon tained upper apartment consists at four rooms unfurnished Sep arate entrances School stores and bus service at door FARMS We now have salesmen specia llzlng in farms oi all sorts Beet pasture and dairy farms Mountieslire Mort litl Mona AVIIIIOIO MAOELEMARSIIALLJA ciao OWEN JONESPA atoll MURIEL JEFFERYPA our CARI WOODlVARDCmmorhm w1n HARRISPA new DELI IERMEYPA HIGH HILL SUTHERLANDJBRIA Strand Next door to the lnlparlll Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST ROSE than down combinationnun galow with bedrooms large living room and large beau tiIul kitchen with outstanding cupboards Attached garage rnnlres it very attractive Call Ilarg Moore csial Evenings 172374 ACRES With not toot water frontage on Lake Couchlchlng City water and sewer This property has good beach See it by calling Irene Forbes Milli Evenings Oro 1715 DO YOU WANT neat city bedroom bunga low with si000 down Nice large wellkept lot Priced to sell on one mortgage with easy payments Call Hoppy 65401 Evenings 83743 INCOME PROPERTY With two apartments on Vespra Street Can be purchased with reasonable down payment and low monthly payments See it now Call Ralph Boake Mini Evenings 60003 PA 66481 Member at Barrt and District Real EJhto Board GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIIE AICOMPACT wellkept fiv roamed frame bungalow with all modern conveniences on an extra large shady lot just out side towh Immediate possess ion FIFTY ACRES llali hardwood bush and hail clear with older llroomed house in Al condition Full divided basement oil heat ing pressure system and septic tank Situated on road that is beingpavcd miles from Five Points This property has good prospects for the tuture FOURROOMED older bunga low on Blake Street all heating modern kitchen ipiece bath on large lot with two buildings large enough to be turned into workshops Must be sold to set tle an estate Twoooou FARMS one bun dred acres one hundred and toy acres TWO PASTURE FARMS one sixtyseven acres one bun dred and ninetyseven acres Easy terms on both these Iarms it necessary and water in good supply on both TELEPHONE DAY OR NIGHT PA 37952 or Plddy hitter PA 55100 decorated IuLl price sea lREAL esrars PROPERTY FOR SALE HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen St Barrie riioiul PA oases HUBER HARRIS AND planner DIAL MAT BOARD MELROSE AVE Brick bungalow with living mm three bedrooms and fourpiece bath Finished re creation room den and attach ed garage MIA mortgage Monthly payments $10573 GOLF CLUB AREA With Low Down Payment Brick bungalow with immed iate possession Large living room kitchen and three bed rooms Partly finished base ment attached garage NIIA mortgage with monthly pay ments oi 8102 including taxes Low down payment can he ar ranged NEW NHA HOME Close to all schools toostorey living room dining room kit chen tour bedrooms and four piece bath List price $16100 Carries lor $115 per month in cluding taxes NOTE We mnr ilrst mortlller for Victoria and GMyleOWfi at value Phone PA asses mar hours phone nob FIchIIIDl PA Noll BARRE SUBDIVISION HOMES CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR PLANS NewrloiilesoNL DISPEA FEATURING OPEN Houses TOWER CRESCENT AND SPRI NGHOME ROAD Several Ready for Your Inspection VARIOUS PRICE Brackets Follow Burton Ave to William St south onWilllan to Bald win Lane turn left on Baldwin Lane and tollow thosigns GORD SPELG PA 85097 DOUG HOMER PA 84897 LOU MORIARTY PA 61715 SUB DIV OFFICEPA 60641 SPLIT LEVEL Two years old Six rooms Itc crcatlon room Many extras Overlooking school grounds on Rose Street Low down pay ment Telephone PA 117184 51000 DOWN or modern thrca bedroom bungalow on Dunlap St Immediatenomlslna Enrsmr talEeIll Information telephone PA PARNBIDE DRIVE Lovely Ian Iamily homo iIIII blscment new torrid air lurnlce lovely treed lot Phone Carson Rell Eb tote PA SSABI liter pm PA H161 ssoil DOWN PrivateSill bed ronm house sits on new land on 91 Highway Crown Hill close to Barrie Contra hall plan all heated All neiva modern ml and OR Phone Mr MIIInkPALSMBI NINE ROOM red brick house gap age Includes three room apart ment modern conveniences new oil firmness and llroondliinlllng Oood leoatlon It Goldwater Lang evln Real Ethic Phone 170 Cold water Mrs Williamson COOKSTOWN DIIn to In lmmeil all business mnVo this modern solid brick rancher must on sold Over 1150 sq It of living lren Double garage Low price and low down payment Apply Nichol son Asams Cnokalown PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT MOUSE FOIL sale or rent hailed from Barrie Dir TS and 11 hIgIIWIy all conveniences vacant Septem ber Telephone PA SIIOR MONEY AVAILABLE REAL ssrArs MORTGAGES FOR Consolidlttoa oi Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at 56Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and so month gt to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT PA 66477 l4l Dunlap St MORTGAGES llt Ind 1nd bought sold and ambled Cenmierelal and residential money leaned on extolled mottom Borrie I1an lu Brohrc PA Hood FINANCIAL NEED MONEY Classified Ads PA 82414 RENTALS NURSING HOMES All ERIN NURSING IIan WLIW this lulb TI and ran UM nun ea nod toothT room station do outings To when use not HOUSES ton RENT HOUSE or rent In Forndlll A17 allyI Clmlmn IA Vern SIX ROOM home or not Oil healed Three piece bllh Daub llfln Telrpbnno PA ams FARM IIOUSI for rent CIOII in Barrie All conveniences Tole on DA WW further dellI NEW THERE bedroom homo rent Itlib tulle Hu inan lub flnl Telephone PA LOVELY NEW three bedroom home or rent ttu loony Icalulel Avail able immediately Pic1e apply at it Pratt lid on lrlflly or Saturday NEW TIIHEB bedroom how rent Complete with Gore 10 rated on Rose Street Terphone IA INTO Ill Illll particulars ANGUS bedroom house four piece bathroom raodern kitchen winterlred lunroonl end game Telephone PA cola If you own any property we have private individual clients who will loan you money on our recommendation to con solidate all your outstanding accounts with monthly pay ments as low as $2500 They will loan you money for home improvements or any useful purpose For prompt conti dentlal service call ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PA 61071 Ask About Low Rates Tlepnone illsebnTnonr nationston Elfin he Ianc on plate St on Ill flflll GI PA was to THREE IIEIIROOAI house Sulllbll ior small Irnilly Possession Sept ember lSlh Can bu seen It Santord St For intormllon tele phone cum strand LARGE MODERN home with II plco Spacious Hound oil lur nrc Attached garage miles from Camp DorrieIi hlmlslled or anlugnlsncd Telephone 158 Win one Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA SMlt TORY By Month or Year PA 82414 WATER PROBLEMS WELLS Deepened ORepalrcd Tiled OQulck so SAND POINTS IOur specialty Pumprebuilt Water DURO OWaicr softener Ilvaicr Puritler Olialcr Pumps nd Filterszrz for IRON SAND KEN WINTER 133Bfadtdrdbt PAS CLAY BAD ODOR Home 0702 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 TONY USSELMAN APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes PA 84690 DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING SERVING SINCE 1056 sort APPOINTMENT AerlMls PA 643551111 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoedor hlro DENNIS MORAN Anna Street PA $2907 GRADINGBACKFILL1NG All Types of Bulldozing JOHN KEY PA 82503 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or backiilling Dnzer work and trucking Good top soil deliv ered or loaded on your own truck Phone Stewart Construc lion PA 37321 HAIRDRESSERS Barrio $9000 BEDROOM bungalow with extra modern kitchen sun room and living room with fireplace Close to downtown Easy terms One mortgage Or rent $85 Avll Ibis September Apply Rogers Cantrell Realtors PA asses WANTED TO RENT OR BUY POUR OR MORE Bedroom Hous wanted to rent or buy in the vicinity at St Marys Church ertn giving details to Box in Barrie Dramlncr MORTGAGES iMMEDIATE lst St 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere Member Barrie and District Roll Estate HolrrI MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you aeedextra coverage at any kind WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILOR TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY ON consolidate dents Ply loll exIaUnK mortgages lOr mortgages coming due oflomn Improvement Any worthwhile collnl PA 60981 Mortgage Funding over see srrszsoNs Duniop SimpsonsSears DUNLOP 11 Member Ontario Mortnn Brokera Association CLIFFORD HA FASHIONS Indivtdual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 INSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwaol THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR AirTile Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free Estimates Guaranteed Work INVISIBLE MENDING ALL Turns or Invisible Mending 101 further information telephone PA canto PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PUMP REPAIRS PA 89461 PAVING ASPHALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHERS LTD Barries oldest manuiacturers and suppliers of asphalt have opened new paving depart ment to trike care of expanding business and will be pleased to quote on any paving lob largo or small in town or on the farm Plant and oitice at NORTH BAYFIELD ST BARBIE PA 68332 PA 114839 EVENINGS PA 83375 PLASTERING PLASTERING AND REPAIRS STUCCO AND STONE VENEER Free Estimates SAM CRYER PA 61675 STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAIS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOEQUIKERI Phone Al Smith Leiroy 60M collect PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Servieo Since 1920 RR Barrie PA cross Painting and Decorating Bates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINTERS GARRY VAN GENNIP Phone PA 07001 anytime REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 83 Clapperton SL PHONE PA 114561 WELL DIGGING WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 133 BRADFORD ST PA 60707 WELLS DRILLED PUMPSINSTALIED or Licensee DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES lCOupland Drilling PA 87646 an aaanrn

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