Publisher Want Ad to PA mu The telephone warbertocaii or Editotlal 90th Year No 204 orlbe Business is PA 65511 moron LES coonc was on hand at Barrio station yes terday to lodge civic greeting By amiioscncivzm TDliONTO CPIThe federal shipping Inquiry will take question of the labor relations making decisions about ps pickoted in Mr iiustice goodlook at th United States board Canadian shi American ports Norris said Thursday He pare argument on the question which arises 11 gonadian labor dispute to the The Seafarers International Union of Canada 1nd has ao cuscd the Upper Lake Ship ping Company of lockout be cause is bo swit ed to th hier rne Union eting has been prevented in On tario are dian ships with thelrCanadlao crews PORT OF SPAIN Reuters Some 20000 islanders danced and sang to calypso heat into the early hours today celebrat ing wealth partner after 165 years as colony Light showers fell before the midnigh failed to dampen the high spi rits of 72000 children gathered Tr to fling and danceat huge Ar Aiiew flagblack and white diagonals on red fieldwas hoisted at midnight over the Red House the seatvof govern merit to symbolize the occasion Representing Queen Elizabeth at the ceremony was her aunt th Princess Royal who wore nk evening dress and diamond tiara God Save the Queen was 200 Qucirantined Suspect smallpox NEW YORK APlTwo sus pected cases of smallpox which causeda quarantine of 200 per sons at idlewild international Airport early today were diag nosed later as most likely chickenpox Extensive tests were con tinued at Bellevue Hospital however The diognos Mammal WHFEt he lied until their baggage reported by ley Go stein night supervisor at Bel levue Hospital few minutes alter two children with had re on were in Phil imin group whicii carte toldl earl Asy soonyas the rash was dis coveredt public health servme officers imposed smallpox quarantine order on the planes 122 passengers and 10 crew members and on many airport employees who had contact wrth those on the plane warned counsel to pro from the export of contracts were th mericon allies of the harassing the Canaz the independence Trinidad and Tobago gained at midnight The two Caribbean islands be came Britains 15th Common ceremony but the rain plane from Brazil on the reium of the Barrie Collegiate Band from its Pac ific Tour From lett itiayor Cooke chats with Alien Other deiaiisof SiU pressure were entcrcdintn the inquiry record Thursday CLAIM DOYCOTTED No Goderleh Ont ants said they had lost business for supplying Upper Lakes They said the SiUhnd forced other lines to boycott the pro visioners Alvin Cransion said his vol ume was down perhaps $10000 He had continued supplyingglo cerics to Upper Lakes boats Cooks on vessels owned by other lines had placed their usual orders lhcnbsckcdvd on grounds the stu would have incrch ranston Cranstonsuid SIU mom hreatened to heave one big order over the side it he attempted to deliver it He had can traded as hedroveabotif town he said played and then solemn trum pet notes rang out as the Union ac symbol of colonial rule was lowered eatening cheers KEEP BACK CROWDS The spontaneous roar momene tarily drowned out the playing anthem Police had to link arms to keepback the joyful crowds Church bells rang out over inidad and the neighboring small island of Tob orirsbutdï¬n 1th and iting warships from eat Brit ain Canada the United States The Netherlands and Mexico oomed out salutes Trinidods famed steel drum ands hammered out the beat for the Indian Chinese Span ish and calypso dancesthat showed the multiracial nature of the islands The Mighty SpallOW bea Doctors gave vaccinations at the airport as those quarantined lined up it was reported unof ficially that vaccinations were given even to persons who had Bertificatcs oi recent vaccina one sooN ascension All the passengers were re irom quarantineby was ftimigated The Pan Amer oiic World Airways ict on which they arrived also was fumigated male airport employee Wil0 had unwittingly escaped the quarantine was found short later and given yaccina He had atepp car rying 15 of tho planes pas sengers which left the airport for hfanhnttan before the suspi cious rash was discovered The bus was intercepted before it arrived in Manhattan and sent back to the airport with its pas sengerL Fisher rt ht director of the hand as men ice for the bond looks on Marine Probe Studies US fiatiiieootiegiro board not their rto him John Staph iti anPerformlng Arts Worlds tch supplier said his volume perform was down and neers aboard riako boats had told him ih oilcrs and tion it they dealt with him as usual ifeancth ships chandler minister last phono caller and his truck the bottom of the continued to su UpperLakcs my an ALuuGESoiionnsse hAs result em replaced if they dealt with make petty complaints rival Canadian Mn hissuppliesstiddeiiind credits to repI faulty eedom known of Trinidads calypso Singers sang an ay song with appeal Part of it The new flag was raised to Wealthy Pound for pound well beat ew York City Lovely beaches and lovely oi the countrys new national hotel fOur nation aint secondrto anyone Products are mostly petrol eum and asphalt products so arnlum4andcoeoa pay their way with suchchores ups and forecast weathera House committee was toldrThursd Tires satellite point the way the glitterha ona To File iigains said Thursday he will damages from the Briti thalidomide Wight will file the case bab loaders lefthere Thursday to inhabit their lonely Atlantic home after 10 months absence The tiny community of 260 had to evacuate Tristan Da Cunha 1750 miles west of Cape Town eruptions shook the island emitter Barrie Ontario Canada Friday August ll 19 fBaméCoiiegiaie Band Back From See WCollcgiute Band music dim or it to Bar his stu scd by Allan Fisher returned rieycsterday pmud of dentsand most impres what westem commute tiles are providing in the way of cultural facilities Towns in the west smaller than Barrleare providing cul tural facilities to far greater degree than we do he said And no one seemed to think this unusual silt advisory com that to your him worded that chief engi ey Would lose their firemen by SW ac Hamilton wrote the prime Year when teIel warned that he would wind up at the Welland Canal Elliott tap Oil EYE vcsscl with food memo he said the st the ilin instructed ship cooks to eaus ace goods alleged to be Mot along filled up for the threeday La gt disease eimc Independence builtin tourist may be smiill but we capital as iron mm Pinellhs County rcported =10dsnspccted cases of 21 and necttons the 6th Petorklo cultural that he stand up and cheer if he had activities had admit school band tidid ptayhalt astveli as Mr Fisher also biought with tribute from the organ izers of the World Fair in in note addressed Fair said of the bands of sleeping unusual disease to and nerv tem has hit this Florida as resort area esa formally called en cephalitisfand say they susr out eight th byi Publicity about the illness has brought repercussions the gulf coast beaches say they have received numer ous reservation cancellations although most report they are her Day weekend Dr Harry Dard director mg countys communicable division which is re sponsible for fighting the epid resigned suddenly Wed nesday without comme St Petersburg or Troops iidvance From West its Telegraph Connections Cut ALoinns Ari Algerias awaited show of force today and possibly fighting Seattle officials have hotel operators avabeen Vih toholdbiihk inf itie Worlds Fair rim lite and 301 iegiate Band was without doubt the flncsthigh school band to perform here at the air We have had over 100 high school bands here this summer The note added that the dir actor of the Worlds Fair band felt the some way about the group and had taken tima from bisown full program to hear boiti performances by the Barrie studean ltir7 Fisher said weather had been disappointment to band members and were washed out in part or in full by rain He said in both Victoria and Edmonton where rain interfered many exBor rie residents had travelled for considerable distances to hear an The weather howevor wris Fishers only regretthe uallty of his students playing of consistent high stand concluded Sleeping SickneSS Blamed For Deaths in desert iirea ST TE it BURG Flu An outbreak sickness an that affects the Sources close to the situation said Oard may have resigned because of pressure put on the health department by business and tourist interests in the county Bollard health depart ment director said he has re ceived numerous telephone calls critical of releasing figures outbreak toncwsmedia ut he added No pressure that know of was put on Dr oimniion on the encophali epidemic Sleeping sickness is marked by nerve cell destruction mus cular weakness and lethargy Health officials say it is caused by the bite of certain ransmittcd from one person to another The mosquito gets the sleeping sickness virus from in fected birds that were cut late Thursday night Shortly beforegEuropeaa settl ers had reported by telephone backing Deputy Prei th or power advanced from west ern Algeria Telephone and telegraph con tweenvttieeentraland WeslTn part of th new nation NEWS BRIEFS LEOPOLDVILLE APt Belgium States have jointly told President Moise istLKatau tion plan LONDON Reuters Three rks or was The hope WASHINGTON AP Weather the runoff expected from and Britain and the United Tahombe of secession gapmvinceithatthe United Nations Congo concilia is the best settlement he caniaow hope for UN headquarters here announcedThursda Want To Open Bards Grave prominent Britons suggested Thursday that William Shakespeare Avon be opened to decide whether Shakespeares collected wo successful literary imposter tains written tributes from contempora Satellites Usedior Weather satellites are beginning to as predicting ice pad break grave in rStratford on the bard really wrote merely historys most is that the tomb con ries of Shakespeare was well as helping ol Representatives space sub ice observations from the to saving $1700000 annually in St Lawrence red atmfliellite centre iesttiie LONDON AP The fatherof ing test Eduard Satheriey 40 also on behalf ies were borndeformed cars TOWN Reuters Twelve see if tDrug Firm baby born without arms case in the sh company that markets the drug high court for Isle of of ViOtlil families whose slanders Go BaekHctme Tristan Ds Cunha ls heir people can again last October when volcanic med Ben VBeiias quest th Countries Laud UN Plan of the eavy convoys of Algerian regular troops armcdwith viet and Chinese weaponswere moving along three highways toward Algiers and wereiabout 150milerfromtheapitai The regular armys chief of staff Col Houarl Boumedi enne dispatched the units in obedience to an order from Ben Bellas political bureau to bring Algiers under the bureaus au ority The motorized units apparen tly were part of the 12000 men Algerian regular army stationed in Morocco during the war with France The army has Soviet and Chinese weapons in cluding ii and some or mor Food Stolen From Market STROUD Staff Thieves last night entered the IGA Market store here and escaped With an unknown quantity of groceries but were foiled in an attempt to find cash The break was over this morning by George Young the store managers are presently taking stock to estab unkan Entry Tiaavapparently made by cutting hole in the roof of out two concerts Oard tumult01 ype of mosquito it cannot bar bartender from the Welling ton Hotei pleaded guilty in iting tstrates Court today to unlaw fully keeping liquor for solo and told the court it was for my own purpose and had nothing to do with the hotel The barman Victor Allan Bower added im sorry it happened City police constable Barry radley testified that he had entered the bar on the second floorof the Wellington iiotel on Wednesday evening having first noted the serial numbers of three 32 bills With one of the bills he said he purchased drink of rum and coccole He said after making the pur chase be seized two bottles one containing rum and the oth er rye He said the bill with which the drink was paid for was found in the till The premises is only licensed for the sale of beer Bower was fined $150 or two months by Magistrate Foster Method Reported To Bid Strontium MONTREAL tCPlA Finnish scientist Dr Kai Sotsia Thurs day reportcd discovery of way Juli 113 body at strontium dné of the dangerous elements absorbed fallout The technique developed ex perimentally on cats and mice is to have the radioactive matc rlal secreted in saliva and sweat Dr Steala professor of path ology at the University of Hei sinki reported it at the inter national Congress of Radiology Strontium occurring in both natural and manmade fallout lodges in the bones Dr Setala said it is neces sary to get strontium out of the ody because it cannot be changed or rendered harmless within the body The problem in this vital area of research had been to get the strontium out without killing the patient HERBS ONE ewesttTexanpulled in trot of plush Houston hotel in cruiserlength car He fished tendollar bill out landhaiidEdiï¬o denim Take good care of the car he said patronizingly sure will answered the through radioactive Sunny warm Ind Saturda stamp for tomorrow 08 Local Weather and humid today Chance of tonight so High See page in Not More Than 7e per CopyI6 Pages OTTAWA CPJ informed sources say the publiclyowned CBC has been asked by the 000 capital budget as part of the austerity program However the sources say the corporation feels it is unable to reduce its capital spendingall of it paid for from the federal treasuryby so much because of contracts already let for sev crï¬i projectsa in ma counterp sal to the cabinet on which decision has yet been made The corporation declined to re veal the preclse mount or na ture of its own suggestion but speculation here was that its proposed reduction to around $4000000 Meanwhile the budgettrim ming moves by the government as part of the emergency steps to bolster the countrys ex change rescrves have had no di rect effectyoton CBC pro gramming and operations novanrisinciishrs 0n thiaside of the budget about twothirds of the cat OTTAth CWThe resttici tive trade practices commission advised Thursday against lagoi potionto break up series of box industry since 1045 in report made public by Justice Minister Fleming the commission found that the Combines investigation Actas interpreted so far by the courts isnt strong enough to break up the mergers between box manufacturers and manufactur ers of paperboard which it said had closed off opportunities for independent companies to set up in either branch of the in dustry The commissions raport crosefloln an inquiry begun in 1953 by MacDonald for mer combines investigation dl rector in the justice depart ment in his statement to the com mi on dated Dec 31 1559 Mr MacDonald made allegation of mergers against five com panies and allegations of fixing arrangements against 25 oth panics try one individual and pri vaiecompaoy which provided cost information to the indus nckeL try commutes NAitiao The five companies named in the merger allegationsinvolv doorman own one myself Food Employees the stock room at the rear of the large store They then ran sacked the office furniture in an apparent search for cash The merchandise was remov ed through back door and the thieves left through the roof openingSome boxes were loud in field still intact with their contents An electric clock in the office ofrlh store was stopped at 1030 pm caiing to police that th rwa when the entry was miide The bi kin andfheitvis be ing investigated by officers of the mutant Pollcobepartmeat Hereswhothap nedycs terdayoa De bodgavfree wayswheh the car inure mid die of fthloutangla entered the freeway and the gasoline truek ing 12 mergers between 945 avoidwo swung his tanker up the em bankment striking the pos scnger car in placing bio and causing the var lira tiniroatotlit sher government to halve its $10572 that mergers in Canadas cardboard Li Undue Vciertzeciaa Beiieveddiboutrttltiillion 000 parliamentary grant and the rest of the 01000000 CBC op erating bill for the current year open April was to be sought from advertisers chiefly on TV Coneeivably the government could ask the CBC to leave part of the grant unspent if it seeks more of cut than the corpora tion can make on the capital tide So for any program elimina tionl madeby the CBC this summer or planned for the fall schedule stcm not from auster ity but from general belttight eniitg due to drop in its ad vertising revenues With this decline corporation officials said some programs may have to be erased on TV The cuts if say would be in Canadian produc tions on imported American shows the CBC ace tualiy makes money in any event the programs affected would likely be those on some local CBC television stations or on regional TV net works Nntlonal network pro would not be continuing grammtn spending is met by $74004 touched except as lastresort None Of Mergers Is Breach Of Act ï¬nd this weie ltiacltitiian and Bioedel Limited Vancouver since merged with the Powell River Company Pacific Mills mited Vancouver now Crown Zellerbach Canada Lim ited Canadian International Paper Company Montreal Bathurst Containers Limited Bathurst NB subsidiary of hathurst Power and Paper Company Limited and ltfinas Basin Pulp and Power Com pany Limited Hantaport NS The commission found that on the basis of legal interpretation of the Combines investigation Act in two 1060 merger cases none of the 12 mergers would constitute breach of the act in an earlier report naming MocMiilan and Blocdei The Ca nadian Press did not mention this finding of the commission The Canadian Press regrets is error and apologizes for any embarrassment or in convenience censed the com pany inthemaiority of these gers Mr MacDonald alleged that an excessive price was paid for the companies ac quiredF value of their assets and that this saddled tbemerged busi ness with onduiyhtgh overhead costs which to be borne by the public