IUDY CAREW 17 at Lind say 0nt is aided by two St John Ambulance Associa tion cadets as she leaves the INNISIII NOTES 4H Clubberslileei In Count Ooh Ihc judging competition held at the lair grounds of Barrio on Wednesday and which was attended by 4H Club members Irons all parts of the county Wound up with two lanisfil con testants taking home the two high trophies Linda Campbell and Earl of Sirpud to atii Lainscnoi are winners oi the annual trophies tor the South Simcoe contestants Owing to the largo number of entries the North Simcoe up did not get their total Hi and averages computed in time to make their presenta tions following the contests JhaJecistratloas e£anaL eightTthTtioï¬lng any the time the first contest was ready for judging just under 200 entries had been started live surgical demohstralloa at the Canadian National Exhibi tioaa Vetcscope 62 display But while the live surgical de Contests being involved in the collision and seeing the small tnrclr alum sideways into the other vehicle alter sideways skid The other vehicle had been pulled off into the service sta tion lot and stopped Owing to the lihtess of the investigat ing ofiicer his evidenca was read Into the records Also statement from the examina tion made of the blood taken for analysis at the provincial laboratory This showed an al coiiolic content of 23 which was claimed to be such that it could mean danger The lury under foreman Russell Stewart of Churchill decidï¬tithaLn tohlthli ill critical if that an impaired condition can iributed to the loss of control halt nagdilemma which caused 3a anacistasLCnnndaa TV ltEItllSM IS EFFECTIVE hollow to leo television shows of surgeryoa small entrants to the votes voopcliowitalnttheCana leery Medical Association monstration attracts numb er oi viewers their stomachs arent always up to it iCP Iiï¬rcphoto diaa National Esiubitloa are mlly knocking them In the CS In fact specular arettcel ing over at the rate of three during each at the two daily operations To date more than 60 visi tors have been carried or helped out and few have required hospital treatment fiiie warn them before every show and they still keep packing in to watch the operations said Dr William Whittictt Tomato cochalr man of the Canadian Veter We can watch them hrough the plate glass win dows of the surgery and spot them even beiore they ireol OVEI but they do it every time he said TrinidadfTobago Celebrate Fteedomfmm British roar or seam manna APITrinidnd and Tobago has come on independent eouatr who oncopiedged hia lush Caribbean calypso land would remain unequivocally West at the iron Curtain Britains Princess Royal Queen Elizabeths aunt and foreign diplomats are on hand for ceremonies iormally ending century and hail of British Eula over the islands discovered 98 Like Jamaica which gained independence Aug Trinidad and Tobago will re main in the Commonwealth and recognize Queen Elizabeth as Is sovereign Canadas fish Angus MacLenn who or rived hero Tuesday night has informed the government that Elltithbedcadsrde TchMarsths worth $10000 Madman brought letter Prime biirgsltger Dleien can 3min Trinidn no To ngosnits ladep Christopher Columbus in cries minister dAi Rule pieiely capable of rating them selves Britain granted the is emm colonies and built up strong civil service The government ls led by an astute Oslord trained prime minister Dr Eric Williams so anationaiist leader who helped bring Trinidad and its small ward Tobago to independence Williams made his firm dec laration to stick with the West in liltii when Trinidad and To one were part of the nowdead West Indies Federation The islanders are prosperous by Latin American standards with percapital Income oi about $600 in 1960 The Gross National Product doubled be wcen 1960 and 1060 to $435000 ooo Exports of $294500000 in 1960 trailed trnports oi swpsoop lidER long way to go in raising living standards umriï¬ï¬‚i ness in that featured Christian unity house of bishops heavy maio house at with church Bennett of said Monday he that any lords Wide latitudeia saltgovmgfnl aye un enarpnmendulsttl right oi free irecdom oi speech porters Monday in Mr Hitler and Mussolini Hy CARI atoLLms itittoarou om iCPllhe 21st general synod of the An glican Cb urch oi Canada set to lor the ï¬nal session at its eightday meeting after taking significant chip out of the doctrinal wail blocking church uruty The governing assembly skied the tag ends of busi Iegislatlve meeting repeated calls tor wirig oi the synoda upper backed by rity of the lower clergy and layman small but practical entire towards closer relations unified Protestant In India The Canadian church is the in tho world Anglican ducted community to take such action The assembiya bishops di lded to to in defeating Free Speech Right OTTAWA CPI Premier British Columbia is rimmed body should object duMIIfldtpilt7f carter exerclsin speech Thats nothing more than he told re oiercnce to Canucttes statement on his he said was that be ad mired the Soillil port minister is says he is considering Canadian demerit pain copying is system Ltraflinagmd= flaking at congress ol the al unity Synod qupSUpEndsy RePECItedly move to shelve the matter They voted tor the final resolu tion by the some margan The lower house split In to for tho resolution BARRIER T0 UNITY The debate centred on the status of the ministryan actr nowledgcd barrier to unity be tween Anglicans land noacpls copnl Protestantsand Its place in relations between Canadian Anglicans and the Church ol South india lsyearoid union of Anglicans Presbyterian littethodists and Congregationab sis Anglican policy has been to withhold full recognition and communion from the unified lie dian church on the ground all Its nonAnglican ministers do not receive their authority opts copoiiyin historic lino through bishops from the apostles The place of the ministry cropped up continually as chat of theological diiiicuitics in any uniiied church rnaclutl bishops of individual di coma in no tocxtendthe privilege on intercominun lting South Indian clergy lats importance lies in its pro cedent scttingeacauragcment SouthernAsia where Protestant groups are negotiat ing union also in Ceylon North India and Pakistan Rt licv Bagnaii at Hamilton bishop at Niagara described the resolution us one at the most slgnlllcnnt enacted by the synod Rt ltev McLeod Mod erator oi the United Church at Canada reminded the synod in guest address that ditiercnces NEWS Woodsworih said in an interview an amendmeatto the cndment sought to and instances of mentally in competent persona being lodged in prison whileawaliingtrlal allowszpo Asks Unity agement by rouih ladian clergy authorizes So ion to any vla movcmontlor church ing to prevent show aid risotto aid in to arnteatai lanthanum THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AllGl0 Ilal Rallies Illegal In Windsor Only WINDSOR Ont tCPi The fact that raffles are being al lowed In Ottawa and Toronto while they have been dtclored illegal in Windsor has been brought to the attention of At torney General Ketso Itohcrts by Arthur ltenume MPP for Essex North In letter to Mr Roberts Mr Rcaume has united for an expla nanon of the situation in the light of the fast that the Canev dlan Criminal Code is inter preted an pmvincewido basis and we are alipart ol ths some province on tho validity and rsrtdsnty at the eier was major block in ncgotlat as during the last two years between Anglican and United Church leaders The oring resolution on re lotions with the south indian church proposed that visiting episcopal clergy from that church should be accorded lull rights to administer the sacra ments in Canadian Anglican diuretics on condition that the clergy did not otficinie at com maniac services in nonetngtlcan churches here Rt Rev Luxbon of too don Bishop of Humn proposed an amendment deleting the pro viso about not giving commun ion Ia other churches He said the condition would he coasldv ercd restrictive and discour whea the Canadian church should be giving such unity Lnovamcnla sympathetic our Most Rev Wright at Arch launched the unsuccessiul move to shelve the ssue by referring it to the Ilouso of Bishops or further consideration outside the synod liennidrintcrhowas uiiisSrc bishop of igoma sion lathe church We shouldnt wash our lincn in public Archbishop Wright said he felt the provision to give bishops discretion to decide on later communion in their own dio ccses wasn dangerous pro cedent Beiore we know it bishops will be given permission to marry divorced persons at their own discretion he said FRIDAY £3EkiWLJgt1I° beef cattle two oi dairy cattle one sheep one swine carcass classes or cereal and small seeds 10 kinds of weeds to be identified and the same tor for age plants and potatociuss Alter being given lecture on what they were to look for and the points that could he made in each contest the con testants titled in their cards endmoved on to another class During the lunch period at noon when the contestants Were supplied with milk and ans planantoenterrthe Euro Ca Nationalist nit here eneelia said there arcrnoirn pornCommon Market That Wtidneaday nightI7 SCNIOIlmlIII mediate plans for strengthening could spell the end of prefer said the death toll on South at trade ties between Trinidad and ential tariit treatment ior ex rlcan roads In one year equalled Cflflidfl but Ihflt Canada hopes ports to Britain the number of South Africans to fastener much trade as The newialand nation ii at possible in both directions and seek to compensate for pom kl acuan mg me see ondWoldW cs tiy with Eastern Caa Bntish markets by increased bands and formal trade with the United States To Stecl drum Another economic problem balls are PM 11 WIND 01 stems from the loot that the is HALIFAX OP Toronto lawyer said the Ontario Mental floini celebration which begins lands importsoper cent their Incompetency Act has loop today iood CONFIDENT 0F ABILITY hole which on at least one no casion has resulted in sane days for examination on whether ihay are competent to stand trial Jailed For Drugs VANCOUVER iCPl yJaii forms totalling 236 years were handed out Wednesday to ill man convicted of drug posses SiOIlydrllg trafficking and con spiracy to traffic in narcotics The is were arrested in Jan nary by RCMP and Vancouver police following months oi an featured at Simone Plaza HWY II AND JOHNSON ST Watch For This Ad In Thursdays Paper And Savei Civil SeTVant HAMILTON OP The ap peal board of the Civil Service Commission of Canada has ruled that civil servant need not necessarily be dianussed for political activity it was teamed Wednesday Lawyer Gary Chertkoli of The islanders living just of the Venezuelan coastgeneraliy beverages to eat with in lunch brought along they had an op portunity to meet neighbors from all parts oi the county The lodges and officials were volunteers some of them from outside the county others whose work brings them in close contact with such activ ities including government Inspector from the department of agriculture who supervised thcjudging of pork carcasses dinner arranged by the department of agriculture ol llce in Barrie was held in Essa Road Presbyterian Church hall where about 40 otiicinls dined ey were back on the job at tcr the meal to sum up the tuornings work and have each member of the competition give reasons for the answers they had put on their cards the same time the various contestants were placed into the pnrewinning group prize money was d1 ded among the winners besides the trophies already mentioned The contest was open to farm boys and girls under 26 years of age however most of those competing here were teen agers gt INOUEST 0N ACCIDENT The inquest into the accident which took the tile of Fred Pritchard oatlighwayy 11 near the Minets Point road last June 29 was bold beiore jury at lnaisiil men on Wednesday alternoon resident who had come out bathe highway from thePoint ust prior to the Pritchard car old of having acioso call at paneling IS FUN PA sissT Hamilton who acted tor woman taxation clerk dismissed ior running in the June it fed eral election said he was noti iied of thehoarda decision by mail The board ordered that Mrs Rose Cooksoa NDP candidate in Lincoln riding be reinstated with full retroactive pay to her job as clerk in the St Cathar ines district taxation oiiice She was dismissed when her su periors teamed or her candid acy Mr Chertkoif said revised Civil Service Act was iatro ducod last April Whereas the former not said civil ser vant shall be dismissed for partisan political activity the new not says government cm ployee is liable to dismissal SAYS ACCEPTS 1he appeal board accepted my interpretation of the word ingthat is that civil ser vant could be dismissedriot political activity but that firing was not mandatory the law yensaid Since the official who tired Mrs Cooksoo did not know he had discretionary powers in the case the board ordered her re lnstated He said the government can still dismiss Mrs Coakson but it woldd have to start over agsiathrough normal channels Mrs on one dismissal became an electionlssae and NDP Leader Douglassaid it was apparent civil servants canine secondclass citi ZEUS THE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 588 BLAKE ST deride Kempview Bowl canouers MEETINGS PARTIES CONVENTIONS WEDDINGS NOWSHOWING mists The Rock Called Alcatraz They Tried To Chain Volcano HAROLD IlciiTPRiSOfiS BURT tANOASTER MAN are eonlident they are com PORT MIN Ont CPI Canadians resent foreigners it they dont speak English in pub lic places says Protessor Frank Valiee head or the department of sociology at Hamiltons Mc Mastcr University He told the second annual conference on intergroup rela tions Wednesday that Canadians on the whole are tolerant of ethnic groups who follow their own CIIIIItllIaI activities that they expect immigrnns try speak English in public About 75 delegates are attend 11 ing the weeklong conference sponsored by the OntarioWei are Council the citizenship di vision oi the provincial secre tary and the federal department SHANTY BAY when twinnest NOW SHOWING PLUS CARTOON JorrMcMillan who fiddlhi Minister Relums To Congo Mission connwau CPiNev Hec atrifetom Congo at the height oliriats two yearsngo has set out with his wife and six chil dren to return for another liva year term in the Congolese mis sion licids He spent the last two years as missionary at Three Hills Altn and at his natiVe commu nity oi Avonmore 25 miles north at here Mrs McMillan and ribs chil dren are going by plane from Montreal and Mr lilrlilillan will leave Montreal by ocean Ireighter with stake truck he is taking to The Congo to aid mission work er McMillan spent isyears in The Congo before the riots forced him to leavealter inde pendence was declared two years ago Located on 4th Line at Oro dehip on Highway ll Phone Ora tit SHOWS START AT DUSKY NOW SHOWING fie tombi of baitembarrass laerusm OFAZ UNGMIAN liiitil inn lain tun liiili Iltilll IIIIE IIIIIII Illl IIHII IIN IIII ill IIiliiiiiilll tram mwsoaornoeuin PLAYER IIIHIII it FAMOUS of manload HOMiNGWdYS VE FEATURE TIMES raccoons mm HII ï¬erson being committedrby po it no to mental in It SCENIC ercover work among the sus TOURS HOUR Toua or KEMPENEELT BAY TOURS ESTART DAILY AT 230 330 730 and Adults $150 Chil DEIANEYB GOVT DOCK FOOT OF 830 pan dren under Site OAT lINES AYFIELD sT PA 664l3 TOUR BOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER use Travel times taster thanimaginationand STARS JOHN AGAR GRETA THYSSEN Also LAST TIME TONIGHT HO ByAlfred Hitchcock Adult Entertainment SAiNntY SINNERS ONIA DRIVEIN STARTS FRIDAY sums HISILIIMINGSWORD insuiorcrossua liiitlSAltDS ton brand loved his way back to his AMIDAlli merchants Show Starts At Dusk Barrrostrum FEATURE Childrens LUNCH PAILS COLORFULLY STYLED IN STURDY METAL OTHER VALUES INQLUDING THERMOS 705359 THIS WEEKS BIG SPECIAL narration nears nusms i2 FAST ACTING TABLETS 49 Compare ai$l75 Bitho Professionally Launderad