harm Examiner Published by Gen1 WIlm mm is Hayï¬eld 53 0mm Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager THURSDAY AUGUST 4m Keep County council System Protects Rural PeOples Rights The county system has been labelled as impractical in these modern times At ertakinga Probably what most counties are direly in need of is more efficient administrative arrangement if cities on Sign Needs Examination By JOSEPH MOLNEII IIID Itl time to ft Deer Doctor You have wrltv More than to your doctor ety he will need ton that very dark or black xraya to gel the mwer atool might indicate blood high up in the intestine but did not explain what auch blood would in tests or what exandaatlon help our health But when there might or should be made is some sign that deserves lap Please do to and anxietypn its tarry black stool that were talkingabout and it is lm no great band at scaring mph Just tor the cake of scar tliem Undue worry doesnt allevilto my out the quicker it is studied the ttar Dear Dr Molaer friend 5omethlng that ought to diath men told me that shouldnt auiiorer ol li bk water soon after meals as least so says brief from the Ontario hiu nicipal Association handed to the logic talures select committee reviewing mun lcl legislation Ihis bogey develops every year or so when someone becomes disgruntled Rectal bleeding such as from WW dull will pllcs or otherc auacsi la red of Mm and 519 dawn dilution course But bleeding farther up li WtM to the Intestinal system permits WWW 5315 Will chemml mm to pm me after meals lint going to inter redblood to this black color diifliitfl Mini load The breedingmay be mmwe cat are 80 to per Ctnt can find advantage in engaging city man agers then why not county managers One wonders if too much time is not takenin committee work which could just as easily be handled by county about the way county councils do things it may be that in some counties there is great deal of bungling there may be such disparity In others of inter ests that the only action taken is that in which the you rub my bus rub yours pattern is followed But in the overall icturo to rid Pit of county councils in Ontario at suitable form ula is available for the distribution of airaadb dingiustice rogionalpromo on and many other and mana or In other words our count councils should be more concerned wit policymaking and leave the administra tion to their employees It ma be too that some counties have unwiel ycouncils Therurai people hav as much right to say in their own aliatrs as have the ur ban dwellers and it would be sad day when county councils were abolished But in the interests of economy Naming Provincicil Lakes How often have you wished that you could collect hundred dollars for every trout lake in Ontario Well the next time you do spare kind thought for the problem of the mapmakers Here in sob er prose is the explanation of Bar nard chief cartographer for the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Few areas in Canada or any other country compare with Ontario which square miles croi 5illiiii0 it takes thousands of islands and innum erable bays streams and other natural features One of the biggest difficul licsencoiinteredi5 theindlscrlrnlnatcuse names of animals iisli fowl vegéilitsucï¬siiccrftickomrnmm ion and terrain given to cographicai fea tures lakes in partlcu ar by persons whose interests and activities have not be local acceptance DOWN MEMORY LANE dilYEARS aeo lN BARRIE The Northern Advanro Aug Ti 1901 Front page advertisements Central Bust ness College Shaw principal with one hundred lypewriting machines at your disposal Bank of Toronto John Lamb manager interest at highest cur rent rate allowed on deposits of one tar and over Coal $675 per ton cash Mickie Dyment Son Ross sport goods and sewing machines Jar ings ru bets fly porson fly paper citrate of magnesia and bathing caps at Robert sons drug store with Webbs Chocolates always on hand Best quality coal and wood Johnston and Sarjeant Voters List Township of Innlsfil Charles Pal iing clerk Voters List of Essa McMaster Township clerk Allandale lots for sale at $35 to $60 on Cumberland Baldwin and Jacobs ier race one dollar reward for information as to who took the collar with nameplate off bound apply Advanceoffice Mrs Hugh McArthur of0ro Medonte passed away iu103rd ea cubic funeral for two Indians living in same house on Rama Reserve Both died of consumption VLake steamer Enter OTHER EDITORS VIEWS CORRUPTION BREEDS IN SECRECY Oshawa Times Reeve True Davidson East York told the Ontario Association of Mayors and officials She does not seem to realize negation Put Ward by Reeves last week that the public is in creasineg willing to accept graft and corruption as normal way at life in extended beyond the periphery of their own locality Such persons have given little thought to the fact that these species of wild life are dndigenous to most of the northern continental area and that such name as Trout can be applied to any lake which is the natural habitat of that fish in Ontario some 96 lakes have been so named at one time or another and 18 of these are at present recognized as offl cialTwentythree of the 110 lakes or 1nailynamed maps of provliliiclialhareasï¬ along with 25 of the 95 to ave een nown as Clear And thesrehare only three otfhthe By TR Emmi common names ere are man crs OilAVA An outdoor cre miIllZilflfll ad DD animosity between Canadians has regrettably been revived In the current issue at the United Church Observer it is charged that our department of citizenship and immigration shows preference to wouldbe immigrants who belong to the Roma Catholic faith Through the years recall prise retired from service atJacksons various special interests criti Point where machinery will be removed CiStilt Whit they consildcrlan ex Breach of promise suit beganin Os arflfllfgï¬ï¬ goodc Hall concerning Collingwood las Catholic Engush Jewysh terer and local young lady who cla ed or sump on category $1000 damages as balm for her laccr vestigntion as recall has atcd affections Full column of news WP that the PM it Such concerning Allandaie Ward No Six the gum 83 railway centre of the future city Bar ries southwesterndlvision withilspleasmgdgll ï¬geggmï¬go alas ant streets tasty dwellings pretty chur of immigrants was being fav clies and its goahead people will entice am or frowned an settlement mtnrronarrow porter Aug18 Scullys house corner The keynote at our postwar Penetang and Muicaster burned to Immigration policy was laid ground Residences of Graves and by will Filmy Bingham damaged by fire At Barrie mfgMn legfihfllyear Market eggs were 1516c butter 1516c be rescribe that as far as chickens 3565 and ducks 65750 pair possible immigrants should be Barrie tennis players Messrs Boys Ste admitted into Canada in such wart Choppin and Andras challenged We 01 ml WEI ml Uxbridge to match on lawn of Mrs Plum ggeflmflegï¬ar imer Due to strike in Pennsylvania the Canadian nation Barrie coal dealers concerned over wint MD beyond Mr Kim 91 SHEPIY 10°31 1311 Paid $35 fine control of course was the num in pohce court for buying liquor for an inebriate about whom papers have been ious races and religions came served to hotelkeepers prohibiting their forward to seek admission into Canada as well as tho number semng to such Person of Canadians of those various groups who slip out our back door But within these limita tions what Mr King prescribed i5 years ago is still practised today if anyone has evidence of special treatment or special In other words Miss Davidson is in injustice it would be helpful to favor of secrecy as long on dirty linen supply that to the department can be washed in private by municipal But withoulcvon checking the orriiwli ripen Rocky and so on And you cant just gd ahead and change name there has to that it is secrecy that breeds graft and ï¬fhouorbsfmï¬grgg corruption If she took the trouble to picture today at once suggests check back over the municipal scandals that its sclIcvidence character business entertainment and sports and of the past five or 10 years she would latte disproves that charge For that few persons seem scaridolized by corruption existing in the provinces municipalities find that the municipal bodtéslnvolved that °i immflianls 0W invariably tried to avoid the glare of 5° Inwahm pneqme °f what it was five ears ago publicity and used all the booty Oldvthat there cannot beysuohaline at number of places it WWWv stomach duodenum colon At best the cause should be ascer talncd and corrected At worst 3t and be sign of something rig Other causes include polyps and ulcers oi stomach or duo denum Lots for example sup isuthutnitixnn blood can result in some degree of anemia and should be cor rectch for that reason alone Why go around feeling tired and dragged out from anemia in stead of getting at the cause it is true that other things can cause very dark stool spinach and boot greens are the hit hlccda periodically Such loss of Dear Dr Molnar ainal most blinded occasionally by lines that look like zlglag neon lights This has lasted for as long as is mlnutci Afterwar feitligbthcodcdisthercanys lng wrong that needs medical altcnllaniiiilts this certainly sounds as though something is wrong Have it investigated lillityrittdeiicienF uialio another lssamclocni aye dl sease glaucoma being an ex ample Dear Dr Molnar am 14 and very worried about cancer There are lumps in both my breasts Sometimcs they got very soreP it is quite unlikely that its WELL TRY rats ron size room in HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS rclnes containing iron or bismuth tromcl commonest in addition modi cancer because cancer is ext rare at your age may do so But people know Small cysts which can become whether they have been taking sore and even enlarge parlodlv such medicines they know cally are for more common when they have eaten goodly lnlk this ovcr with the doclo portions at spinach or similar both to reassure youraeif and high iron greens Theres no if required to have treatment cause to be alarmed then to card the discomfort it may But it not having such an ex ber in which immigrantsorvarr asscssmcnt ol the qualifications of wouldbe immigrants They readmitted midterm who cr claracier skill and health in tact no statistics are proV pared ormalntnlncd upon the religious represented in our im migrant flow by tho depart ment Canada of course supports no prescribed state worship and we boast the record of being one of the first Western democrac ies to initiate lull religious free dam and absence of civic dis qualification on grounds oi rc llgion So favoritism or also n1 logotlons équaliy would be in appropriate and would obstruct our melting pot effort to motor war criminals 17 years ago todayin loss The tribunal at Britta lira chand Amerlc heard ldcttCeirom Oct 1945 to Oct 1m at which time it of the rricn wore sentenced to hang and tlirce to life imprisonment iicrmann Goering cheated the hangman by swallowing poison in laid 1892 Frederic Newton Giaborno pioneer in the development oi taiegraphy in America died in Ottawa 1an Canada wide strike of 15 railway unions which had tied up rail and lclsgraph services was set The UNc World Health Dr bulld one Canada out of the ganization carried out some 625 many races and religions repre projects in 137 countries during scntedihere ML ha National Survival Hit Hard By PMs Austerity Measuree OllAWA CPiSnme phases tic capacity and eificlcncy or the mummy survival pm However further extension and gram will be stretched out as an austerity measure Defence Minister Harkness saidiuesday hi statement development would be phased over longer period of time number of regional emer ency headquarters were under tconstruction but dates oi these proiects would he completion He said extension of the Ca extended nadlan Armys communication system will be phased over completion dates for civilian re gional emergency headquarters and army target area head quarters wtll be extended Mr Harkness said state ment which appeared recently in the press concerning the ef fect of the austerity program in national survival is mislead my gt Canadian Press Ottawa dis patch Mondoy night said the non tional survival program had been dealt severe blow by the austerity measures and that it was unofficially estimated the $40500000 program for 198263 would be reduced by about 510 000000 The story quoted infor mants as saying plans for complete network of nuclear fallout reporting stationssome liqu of equipment needed longer period of time andthntcm mnmrlsrnntrytaskhad delivered plannilon one notes this tarry CubanDrought CdtISESSEVéie7 Foddorrifacir=+¢ by JOHN utANn HAVANA Reuters slogan not blade or grass uncut has replaced the exhort ation not one sugar cane left standing in Fidel Coalror Cuba critical shortage of animal fodder has led to national Enmpnign to colicct every bit of ay Two factors contributed to the shortage One was the serious drought during the first half of 1962 which withered graaa throughout Cuba and lclt what should be luxuriant green is Iandp parched brown The other was combination ofthe UnltcdStntcs trade em bnrgo and Cubas chronic lack of convertible currency which cut hcr off almost entirely from the normal supplies of imported animal fodder Until the rainy season began belatedly in midJune instead of midMay cattle roamed barren pasurcs with their bones show ing pitifully through their skins The Havana press published pictures at cattle lying dead on pastures N0 CHICKEN FEED On June is the president of Institute Dr Carlos Ralacl the National Agrarian Reform Rodriguez announced that for wall be however that your doc tor will dectldc thatnothlng Embargo would be allocated lo small poultry farmers who were not producing chickens for the gen cral market Another result of the animal feed shortage has been reduced supplies of meat and milk both of which were among the com modities strictly rationed in March In May all Sunday do llveries of milk in Havana worst stopped But within two weeks of the rains arriving to end tiio drought Sunday deliveries were resumed The Communist newspaper Hay appealing for mass pro ductlou of hay and silage said Now we must guarantee the existence of hay tor the cattle next year it urged that even roadside and laneside grass should be harvested for hay and sug gcsted voluntary work will be of enormous importance Vol untary caneculters played large part in gathering the su gar for harvests of 1981 and lilti TO RAISE VESSEL WINDSOR Ont CP EL iorts to raise tho British motor vessel Montrose which sank iii the Detroit River after it col lided with cement barge July ill will bcginthis week it was learned Monday the next so days no chickenfeed The charge is not new one We have heard it repeated every year or so over the past two or threedecades and it is iusl as hard to prove or disprove today as it was thirty years ago rButrsftcr making the charge Miss Davidson went on to say that municipal councils should not washtheir dirty linen in public noon in allhad been temporar ily sheived GIVES NO FIGURES Mr Harkncss gave no figures in his statement but made these points methods of obstructing newspaper rc linat our immigrating offices porters who sought to cover municipal mm mm hm deliberations on behalf or the public WWW Emmi preference for Roman pic imm grants over those The methods of obstruction are known any an religion neg to most councils and boards and are up new is ma and my still practised quite successiuliy in many moving that no other immigrant municipalities In this general area for wouldlzie crpwded out of Cngada exam the is one even pre eronco wore own have no particular admiration at gimme was 11333 103311121 in the processing of another ap gram Development improve rate etc or politicians who yell for piicant ments and extension of the porters the council members sit around page mm WHMLLWWan nothing for gratinn is clearly shown by the hours then spring into action as soon as statistics In the first ball of this The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second clrss mall reporters get tired of waiting for some mum immigrants entered Past DlIlca Department Ottawa thins to happen Another council likes Sama mmlfl in and for pryment of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidnyr excepted be to meet in committee time andplace the it Immmarï¬ numberpi nuclear detonation not publicly announced and then move amounted to rinsetile lowesttheimtlngbI rats had already mm mm mm into open councilits not exactly secret 31 01 any year since 1047 35 55 Shad unrau SLAlGlli General ltlahager The army in the last few ilelllSltsONMsnlrln Editor CHAIILES WADGE Business Manner but only the councillors know whereand When 27 Tim Vim years had been extending and iriiltlw wlasow Advertising Manager distinction i957 saw the post when to attend Elivicliï¬hr 23715 ImMIEBms improving its communications This is the sort of thing that should system and had increased train JOHN NOLDBR Circulation Manager concern Miss Davidson Momcan be cpuncu CHARGE CflAFEs Subscription rate daily hy carrlar tide weakly sima yclriy Slltllc copy 1c by mail in Ontario $709 year taro six month taro three months 00 done about itthan about the morality The present allocation has 05 ï¬gnth Outside Ontario $900 outside Conlda 01 the pubm gt pecially chagrined senior and iii year responslbic officials of the im 90mm SWALKERS GOLD CREST The system to warn of nu clear altaek is not actually at fccied by the austerity pro There were 1pprnkrmntely 2000 nuclear fallout reporting stations spotted across Canada migration department George Eenoiilhedirectarml obtuseHI culiarEasEBerIiners observ iiibnsT varyleaoua 01 CM better do the anniversary of their building ota mm mm WW itll and he one of the most lo and restraining wall by killing an inmate who dedicated autonomous in or 1321ef° mm wasdrying to escapc their communislic mm light does not and actor didl md Sli paradise by climbing over thewall crn tlmoa play any portrljn fl VTsf 1° Eli Clillclit 29221 as Lsnsdlan Dilly Nawsplpr rub Itihcrs Assoclnllon The Canadian Prell arid the Audit trauma of circulations he Cunndlau Press is eaciurivciy antlllnd or reJiitbllcallon or all news dispatchnrln lhlg plpendrc lied to it or The Associated brass or Reuters and moths local newlpubllahor thorcln