Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1962, p. 3

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Truck Driver Absolved Di Blame Of Collision WhiéhKilled One Man Toronto truck driver with 30 years to the business was absolved of any blame to ma section with the Aug death at John Dewaty when vehie leadriven by the two were in fiery collision on the Highway 400 extension The truck driver who was piloting tractor trailer loaded 32000 mini sheet steel on the day of the collision war Norrie McCrum Toronto The verdict of the liva man coroocrr Jury was We the Jury find that John Dewaiy the deceased died at mm on August 1962 in Crash Victim Vespre towaship His death was caused by collision on way 400 after following too closely to soothe vehicle head We also find that the drl vor of the thick tMr McCain Is absolved of all blame to con oectioa with the accident Mr McCrum testified before Coroner Dr Frank Shannon that he could do nothing to avoidan accident when he saw vehicle coming towards him to his lane trying to pass another car motorist travelling behind the Dcwaty vehicle and who witnessed the accident said the Dewaty not first tried to pass the vehicle to front thcn se and tried to pull back in um The motorist behind George Pollard of Hamilton said that when the Dewaty vehicle tried to pull back into its own tone it went out of control split second later the coil irlon occurred and both vehle lee erupted in flames Mr De waty hadthe top of his head severed when the heavy load on the tractor trailer shifted Mr McCruin miraculously escaped although the top oi his cab was shoro away hythe flying metal Dr Shannen testified that De waly died from fractured skull and not from the flames that charred hlr bodybcycnd recognition High emcdtoseelhetnrckcomlag roan SARJEANI Sydrjeqnt mirror SAMEAM Brothers Honored At Dinner Just prior to the collisionMr musictoacberinpubiioschoolL GORDON REEVE left is stepping forward to congratu letc Robert MacDonald and Miss Florence While two ion eral Electric employees They were this years winners for the annual suggestion awards Mr MacDonald and Miss Suggestions Pay ThSIgYNER CONTRACT chrCGEWorkersnnazrrrnrr ltilss Florence White and Rob erl MacDonald of Canadian Gcncrai Elcctric Barrio Works were awarded golf watchasJor receiving thc highest marks in the plant suggestion competition This is on annual presenta tion made to the highest sugges tion award winners by Rccvcs Joweliera Tho suggestion plan has been in operation since 1947 Ali liaughton chairman of the suggestion plan sold un der the plan employees are on couraged to submit suggestions which might cuablc the comp any to improve its manufactur ing methods its products and tho working conditions in the tic sol since 1947 employ ees at the Route plant have rec ed awards totaling 521 Mr Houghton introduced Gor dotheevemvboanehltmh Rccvcs Jowailcrs presented the watches valued at $100 each Mr MacDonald and Miss White earned combined total de370 during the month per for his interest in tho CGE plan and in turn presented hir Ro cvc with one of the companys newest products on clcctrici toothbrush Robert Story itcucral manag Ir Small Applianccs Division of CGll sold tho suggestion plan is one way in which the indiv idual employee can help im prove operating methods roe duco manufacturing costs and thereby ensure more jobs and stcndior work in conclusion oi the core mony ltlr Mitchlnson prcscnt ed business forecast for the coming year He said the company has made complete recovery in film when it was ry lo rcducclhc work force by 10 per cent He then noted the work force stands at 612 for year JypayroUof $28mlllionlncom ing orders are at high lava and an evening shill forfhc next three months will be ncc cssary to satisfy customer needs Full employment for the com dock lllltchlnson plant manager thanked Mr Rccva County Children Pass Swim Tests group of Slmcoe County chil dren were presented with Jun ior Red Cross swimming awards recently as swimming classes organized by the Slmctm County Community and Recreation Scr vice and local Community Sum ming committees ended for the summcr Tests were held at Orillia YMCA Bardio Pool and Camp Bordon St Andrews New Organ And Organist Sir Alltlldws wPiesbylerlan Church on Owen Street will soon get neworgan and new organist The organ from Casavant Frcres Ltd of St Hyacinthe Quebec will contain between 1600 and 1800 pipes and com plete casts along With minor alterations to the church should run to almost 580000 Alterations done to groom modate this new organ include the arch ot the front of the church which has been ex tended to include the entire unit The front elevation pulpit and alter have been lowered about 15 inches The organ should be install ad by October Formér organist Raymond Daniels has gone to Cayuga about 30 miles south of Hamil too to teach music in the ills trict public schools Wc are very sorry to see him leave us said Rcv Ross Adams We considered his leadership with junior choir members to be excellent The new organist is Harold Dempsey of On la Mr Dempsey was director of music in St Pauls United Church in Drillia for 17 years and is Barrie Man Receives Mil Bruce Smith of tits Rod ney atrcetBarric has been warded Master of Arts de gree from Middlebury College Vermont after completing grad uate work in the institute of Soviet Studies at the lllfddlch ury Russian Summer School The degree was conferred Inst beJresident Samuel Ast Stratton at commencemelitex erclses for graduates of Middle bnrysdive Summer Language Schaola and four Graduate Earl New Alan Robertson Jan nochestbr Mia ing winter was forecast by both Mr Mitchinsoo and Mr Story Inatructors for the programs were Lynn Walls aiBarrio Jim Gower oi Mentord Elias and Margaret Drury of Crown Hill Margaret liailctt of Orr Lake isand Annette Raikes of Shanty ay Examiners were Lieui Maine and Sgt Richardson from Camp Borden end the program was under the direction of Mrs Mary Elliott of Barrie The 03 children getting Red Cross Awards wcrci Leonards Beach John Cal vert Mark Hurst Keith Jeffer son Bob McGuigan and Mari lyn Scars Highway 11 fitsdGardner is Watson andSandra Weather all Dblphin Group John Brock Linda Bumstead Denis Brown Frances Draper Frank Grol Bill Grcxton Stove Mackenzie James Blow Michael Jacobs Jimmy MacKenzie Sharon Sib thorpe Marsha Sihthorpc Loan ard Wordell Janet Wardcll Brent Whetham Mount St Louis William Cox Mary Lee Malian John Nichols Alan Robinson Bob Wilson Lin da Cook Doris Hill Judy Nich ols Joan Stewart Carol linney Hazel Vasey Others Larry OHollam Mapleton and Robert Flock of Barrie Wasaga Pclch Jack Hod gins Tcd Moore Ross Moore Teresa McKeana and Lorraine Eberhardt Glencairo Day Camp Lewis Macbie Brooke Parker Robert Stephens Sharon Dodd and Lin da Stephens Collingwood Susan Scott Sue Ford Reid Stewart and Heather Wright Stayoer Heather Duff Mary Henderson John Lather Anne Malhers and Roger York Others RonaldlVatson RR No Barrie and William Gal braith Midhurst wdhrchdaughtcrsfittmeordor DEATHS By rue CANADIAN roass New York Burnett Olcott Bot McAnncy 70 editorial vicepresident of the New York WorldTelegram and Sun of heart attack New YorkJoe Santly 76 song writer and former vaude ville star Whose published songs included Theres Yes Yes in Your Eyes and Hawaiian But torfl of heart attack Kyle oa provincial police court magistrate in Winnipeg since Whiteearaed combined to tal otmo during the 1001M period Examiner Photo LOCAL GENERAL contract for construc of the new post office building in Stay ncr The former Perry home on the site of the new Federal Building at Mill and William streets is now being demolish ed value of the contract on nouiiccdhy public works min later Davie Fulton is 341600 TOWNSHIP CLERK Arnold Meredith has been an minted clerktrcasurcr of West Gwlillmbury Township to auc cced Kenneth hipliag who is retiring at end of the year Mr Meredith former banker who played junior hockey in Barrie one season is native of the township where he has rcsidcd for some years WNVANIS UESIE ceased person came to his death at oclock on the eve nlng ot the 29th day of June l002 at the Royal Victoria lins pitai and that this death was caused by injuries resulting from an accident caused by collleon of the vehicle which he was driving with vehicle oil the travelled portion of the highway in charge of Clark of Willowdulc Tho Prit chord vehicle was apparently out of control duo lo the im paired condition of the decons ed and no other person was re sponslhlc OleLcisaiacaLthoulL HLwtlSJtlSoJufferngJromsfld DriVer At Fault itveman coroners jury rul ed yesterday oltcrnoon that Frederick Prilchardwaa Impai red when he was involved in crash that ended in his death on Highway 11 onetenth of mile from Mincta Point road June 29 Foilowingacoroocrrioqucst at City Hall the following verdict jury gave the We the jury find that the do new the Pritcbard vchlcle com ing straight towards him side ways The Prltchard truck then went right over top of the stop pcd Clark car onto its root and then back again on its wheels Police and medical authoritlcs ifiFetficluTifihitMr Prilchord was sh ed when his vehicle rolled back on top of him Mr Clark said he was about right fact all the highway when struck by tho Pritchard truck The accident was investigated by Court McClure of tho OPP Barrio detachment but is now convalescing from long thy illness The evidence was given from police by Const Shepherd also of the Bob rie detachment Dr Colpltls regional poth ologlst testified that Prilchard died shortly before pm at Royal Victoria Hospital from extensive injuries to the brain Dinner guests with the an is Club of Barrlcthls week at Rob Roy Restaurant were Ki wanlons Bruce Durdcn Charles Sachaudsloho well at Timmins Perry Roberts of Oriltio and Gordon Moltetrlck of London Downtown Club tllTII ANNIVERSARY Kiwanis Club of ilarrio has picked tentative date at Mon day November at the Em bassy Hall Blake street for the dinner dance and program to celebrate its tulh anniversary year Chartered in 1022 the Bar ric club was one of the first in Clanado of Kiwanis Inlcrnatioa PLAN GOLF DAY Barrie Chamber of Commerce ltir Pritcliord was driving his vehicle in an crrolic manner veering from one side oi the road to the nth saw the Prifchnrd vchiclc Volkswagen pancl truck coming toward him on the wrong side of the road He said he decided to pull oitthe road and either allow the panel triick to get past him or else drive in nor mal manner he pulled right off the road and turned off the key to his late model car and when ho looked up at this exact moment he on witnesses toilif ed lliaT The Willowdole witness said Hog Cholera Outbreak WillCoSt has planned golf day for litan day September 24 at Barrie Country Club when members of the chamber who are also mem bers of the golf club will host 10 golfers from RCAF and 10 from Anny Camp Borden pits four from RCAF Edgar in friendly match FrankHcrsuy and Pete West head the com mittee in charge OBITUABY MRS PEACOCK Funeral service for Mrs ids Aiken Peacock 72 who died recently at Royal Victoria Hos pital following heartcontli UfiitEdChnicli Stfoiif Archdeacon Allan Read of Trinity Anglican Church Ban rie conducted the service in the absence of Rev Fred Jack son Buriat was in St James Cemetery Mrs Peacock was the daugh ter of the late Francis McMul kin and the late Anne Moore Mc Mulkin Before her marriage Mrs Peacock lived at TIoga Aogua and Barrie After mar riage she lived at the Peacock homestead Mrs Peacock held various offices in the Strand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star She was worthy matron highest office in the order in 1033 She was member of the United Church Women of St James United Church estroud and was prominentin church activities She was married at Collier Street United Church in Bar rie by the grooms brother the late RevPercy Peacock in 1816 Mrs Peacock is survived by two sons Parker Peacock of Stroud and Douglas Pa coclt Vyaadotte Michiga Campbell iMuricll Spatton burg South Carolina Mrs Charles Read tlsabell Barrie and Mrs Trask tNOirtlll Tomato and brother Cecil McMulkin of Barrie bro ther George predeceased her Also surviving are 11 grand children David Donald and William Campbell Lyuia Douglas and Robert Read Corolyn Ronald and Raymond Tras uHethAnn and Lindsay Lee Peacock SIGN AGREEMENT HELSINKI tReulcrst Sp vletmchionishnoagatiatora signed leasing to Finlandthe Soviet port of the Siamaa Canal which Schools Abroad 1950 and well known inthat citys sportrcirclca linksthe Gulf of Finland with eastern Finland timber forests an ngreomoaTMoadaf The recent hog cholera out break wil cost the Canada De partment of Agriculture several thousand dollars in compensa tion payments for slaughtered horde according to rcport in The Market Place the monthly journal of the Ontario Hog Pro ducera Association But the Health of Animals Division still considers it much less expensive and more effect ive than the vaccination pro gram and regional garbageook ing reulotions used as comba tive measures in the United States the report states The last outbreaks in 1900 tion was held from St James BIGGER CASH BONUS Anothersound reason to save at Scoiiabank Sootiohonk now pays you on increased cash bonus on all Personal Security Program contracts P5 is Scotiubanks exclusive liteinsured savings plan You set your own goal save in 50 convenient instalments Should the insurance is estate will receive cllt mode plus the full amount of your savings goal plus lhisinercosed cash bonus Ask for details and your free copy of the PSP folder at your local WBHNK THIE BHNK or Dept OI Agriculture Plenty NDVH SCOTIH EatEther fractures blood sample taken to de termine the amount of alcohol in Mr Pritchords blood was Jhc so of the test showed that his tom contained 23 part per thou sand in the blood stream The coroner was Chur chill and the questioning was by Assistant Attorney John Murphy Members of the Jury panel were Victor Sims Stroud Maurice Reynolds Pain Slraud ltfaurcic Raynolds Pa awicky Robert Sinclair and Rus sell Stewart both of RR Churchill and 1981 resulted in compenso tory payments of at test 5555 000 for 21000 bags on 155 forms fSince the last outbreak Health of Animals regulations require that hogs consigned by licensed garbage feeders must pass through Ontario Hog Prov ducers Marketing Board market yards without unloading in additions teletype offer fags must identifyond list the animals as swill hogs Swill feeder have protested loudly about this because ofthe 25 to 50 per cent price discount The recurrence of cholerain Ontario demonstrates the need eecme pcyoble your he deposits you have cotiobonk brunch Pollard testllled that he fumed to his wife and said Hell No Saricant bmlhers Stanley norm vc Dewatyt never make it One of the jurors inquired of Mr McCrum how such heavy ma was held securcoo the Mr McOrum answered that wasnt absolutely sure in this particular case but goo erally such heavy loads were nodhcidtvvlthratcol Assutanthcrownirllt nay urp on uir wh lllr McCrum didnt kiiow if thi was done in this case The wit ness replied it wasnt his job to inspect his food and in tact wasnjt allowed to since this in apcctton was supposed to take place at the landing terminal Members of the Jury were Lloyd Spellflqchiidhttlsif David Miller RR Barrie Summers RR Barrio and George Bu RR Ban Area Student Gels Scholarship John legs Septemb for most rigorous precautions to guard against possible spread of the scourge alFlr soroi and Mrs Hunter of RR No Stroud has been awarded one of the to $1000 OAgI Alumrtilimrgundation Schol ars ps ntsrimandculta millage ion The sdiolarahips are awarded annually to Grade 13 students to Ontario High Schools whose av erage is 75 percent or more The funds for the scholarships have been provided by OAC graduates to encourage students of high calibre to study agri culture and its related sciences at the Ontario Agricultural Col He will enroll at the one in the lidmgresliion that holg prices wuu re resut of pan icinspirod marketings This is George charge highly unlikely fectcd herds will tend to reduce the totalnumber of hogs avail able for purchase in the coming months fall season The report further some press stories have givco In fact the liquidation of in nominal volume of market ing has been forecast for the through heat2d pens until they were able to stand alone and survive at liberty master General Edward Day raised to 350000 Monday the re ward offered for solution of the $1500000 Cape Cod mail roti hery rewardof 52000 pre viously hsdhcca alfcrcd of Oriltio and Frederick of harne were officially retired at dinner honoring them at Carters Sundial touran Stan Sariaantvwasi si pros dent of the Sarieent Company and Fred was past secretary Alter dinncr history of the Bari branch of the company Alarm 0i WalterSar Jcanttfoltndcr at the company in Barrie Following Mrs Ann Slrongs address Mrs Carleton Robinson presented brief his tory of the Orillia branch of which her father Samuel Sara cant was head William Saricaut of liar rie president of the firm oil icially presented Stan with no marks Mr Sorjcant cited that Stanley Sorjcant had served the stop ashore at Christina island for the first pheasant shoot to he held there more than 3000 birds will be soltlcd into acres QUSleuIMlSillamUMhLisiaodLL interior Much time work and money has been invested by members of the Indian band inhabiting the islandthe Chippewas of Beau soleilbut if everything goes ac cording to pianthcy will have cslobiishcd gunmans para disc The first shoot is set for Sat urday and if succcsslul than will be hunt every Saturday until the and of the year STARTED IIATCHERY Starting with fewer than hundred birds the bond super viscd the building of pheasant hatchery developing the birds Harvie Copcgog and his mu INCREASES REWARD WASHINGTON AP Post engraved goldavatch ln hisle compony for 50 yaars it as pie sidc Competition lie is charter president of the Ys Mens Club Bruce Saricanl ot Barrie improsldenkofttheorgaain presented Fred with an engraved gold watch to his ad dress Bruce said that Fred had been company secretary for 30 of the 35 years he served the firm Fred lich ln Sonic and is an active member of Collier Street United Church in his youth he was an active sports man and is still active in curi ing attendance at the presentation dinner Christian Island Will Hold First Pheasant Shoot Saturday lowestmafia mume archerfair no cd all and on atthe site burlding extra pens and taking tcgire of the many jobs to be done era MW band council at present headed by Chief Riley Roote and the Indian Affairs Department ro prescnlcd by Indian Agent Poirless Andy Patterson from Barrie has acted as an advisor to the band in matters concerning the birds and has had great deal to do with the way the scheme has been setup Hunters will be required to take guidefurnished by the handwith them to ensure they do not get lost in the rug gcd island terrain and to limb out the birds from the grass and woodland rcireois inland 510 permit must he obtained to shoot two birds but Slti per mit can he bought which guar antees two birds whether the hunter is on target or not Guides cost $2 per gun per day if hunters travel in four some Ofii to agree that this year the not is something of an experimentbut if it comes off gunmen throughout the county will have an ideal site for days TIME FOR sirens School ahead means busy feet And busy feet need Savage shoesthe correct shoe for children All Savage shoes are expertly made of the finest materials over conth lasts See them at WALKWELL in wide selacliou of the latest in will be properly filled at our store attractive styles for children And you can be sure your child Flirty llirce ncoplewcrc in

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