Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1962, p. 13

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RENTAL TWO NEW OFFICES Available for Lease Size 28 12 each INCLUDES HEAT LIGHT USE OF AMPLE JANITOR SERVICE MEETING HALL PARKING MONTHLY COST $6000 Slmcoe District Cooperative Services 259 INNISFIL ST Contact GRANT CASE to space inl root lull to size on Collier SI Reasonable Illex Telephone PA com to tween son one Home to not space lol two chair barber eho Preicrahlr in Ind of II Dr Weil end lichveo Telephone PA MAST APARTMENTS WANTED TWO NLDIOOM or trim is rvcol artollnt required fmnle ately wth laundry racillllcl Fill and stews optional Preferably West end or central location Teles phone PA lWl ROOMS TO LET MNIEIIIII rooms to not Apply Maple Ave Dorrie CENTRAL Located Dedroonl tor rant Telephone PA oases WitNisiiaD Route Room with rangotlc Use of refrigerator and Dennis Central Telephone PA NM or PA MUM nusmass GIRL residence Fun lvhllhett or unfurnished 4qu kitchen Aflsndale dllIIch in step All conveniences Private eo trancs Telephona H095 ATTRACTIVE fu shed haule lcoplnl room with relilgeralor and stove Suitable for business per son Parsing facilities Centrally located TIlephonI PA sous SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE For SALE LOVELY lmd Setting near Lake Illneoa Almost new cottage with twin room kitchen and two bed room Completcly furnished 300 Telephone PA IIJDl IANDY COVE wonderful beach storey stone house bedrooms dlnlnu room breakfast room livv in room stone fireplace rinsed in verandshi kitchen huffing sshloom cara II End hoIl Lot in 1100 feet Box ES Blrrle Examiner ARTICLES For SALE WE BUYSCRAPTRUCKS Highest prices paid oidVehltlcs or Wredts AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dudlop St West Just across Hwy toot PA 89686 Infleparrfit Wdfrand Forcsts ls olfering for sale by tender loose fbm of mixed hardwood and softwood saw logs located In Duffelin An gus and Dniry County Forests For further particulars con tact The Zone Forester Dept of Lands and Forests An us Ontario Phone ngusite53ift OR The District Forester Dept of Lands and Forests Maple Ontario Hlone Maple ALPINE 72241 USED TVS tall full warranty USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED 4900 to 15900 EPLETTS TV and Appliances I47 DUNLOP ST BARRIE REFRIGERATION Is Equipped etService AllrllfafiesoivTV REFRIGERATION euro wasauss DRYERS RANGES PA c2059 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrle Examiner it you would llksto have re pliarl please call at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we uppot acceme one along fWGlossy Prints $I00 8x 10 $125 plus tar nPLlslE SET of Encyclopedia Lonich for sale Al girls bl cycle llrlood conditl claphona PA E9151 tiflAlIlItit wifer inn soon lam gear bicycle since rcfrlgorl Itar unltcompitsta witalammotAofi BERN ¢Dl1 liialgghdTdildltlohiTelephahrPA H726 NATIONAL BUILDING Demolition Aunts Ontario Special sale on usedl inch lumbsl to make room or additional stock xd slots etc Also sheetingdoors windows pipes etc Open srn to pm oil day Saturday BARRIE IA 86531 IO DAYS ONLY Forums Forced air all or gas installed complete with duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK N0 DOWN PAYMENT Used oil burners from $15 up WOODWARD AND SON PA 60351 OR STROUD 4135 SIROUD Shopping for good used articlcsl Antique furniture elm Try us at ALLIED SALES 43 ESSA RD Formerly Cooke Cartagol gm IRON PIRKAIAN linker for ulc In good condition Tclcphopa PA 5912 FARM MACHINERY ONIWAY DIIC for 191 Harris TciepboneGorwloy IS ALL CHAIJfllI eouhtul If eaie Anal 11 million In gvdrllfi BI Ch ccan tractor Telephone Tm Danie POTATO DfGOlI rectory eiaalk sure team or with one two row Level lied Oiler Nal diner Lal all or at his redaction Nobls loo arm 8min Ill No Klein hurt Onlsrlo OIOVI III gt uplfllfl lore beau Ilda autism Dealers up also one ll Vida or hith beaten DIM lslil ifufry Ifclfea Harvester Ilall Coolstovla TelephanI Lil LIVESTOCK NINE YOUNG rill vol old Telephone ll Ora line at cheap and Innsba for tor lslr Telphan aftar pin HARM llmvaie IIOLSTZIN IIEIERIL IS months old en lleuonahleAoply Rea lies Phenom Telephone Dru ill it IfDLSiEfN Steers Isl nil vrelflhlott between seeded lbs Telr piano ritual FOUR OISTEIN hello for sala Caimood vaccinated and T3 tested Telephone rtnl lvy TWO SRORnIflth bulillor Ills ld months at age eflllble for ral lslrelluit Rumble Nlltadale Talcphnrla Moonstone mar ts unaauirm Ewes tor rate also purebred Suffolk rarru Apply Leighton llenson Fergusoavale Phone Efmvaia ldilml REGISTERED lfrrefold hull uh chased at Toronto lluli Rate or irtelrd large black bear Aggy Alvin Johnston RR No vale Telephone mills FEED SEED GRAIN weeks solrlcrs stonesTENT FARMERSMARRET pronouns WWW mm pillow miImsn plans PE Ill afternoons lIADINHn Orton from character coals sad as as all POth fa lint srrla It nourished no calm All auction free Blyfteld mum Phone weMENs COLUMN Shopping for good used Articlesl Antique furniture etc Try ill at ALLIED SALES 43 ESSA RD ffarmerly Coolie Cartsgel In HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP DRUG STORE Applications will he accepted by local drug alert or dung woman for store work ltncwlcdge oi cosmetics prefer Ted Good hours REPLY STATING Previous employment age mar ltalstliue radioisotope numlrr er lo BOX 100 EARRIE EXAMINER neutralnan vented to mind one Ereschool child leI Ill erta or 91 Barri Examiner RELIABLE women to bshyilt daily to my home Sllrllng Sept Irnoer Telephone PA Mm after lso Wu QUALIFIED SALE girl for lIdlII rudydowssr must be fully ex plarleneed full or parlvllmI Apply Lee has Telephone PA dml PIANO DBNCII for Ill lpbrlnmt sire No good rondlti Telephone PA at NICCITI PORTABLE Sewing hia ln load condition Phone PA PLATE GLASS shown for Info long wide and SO high Telc hone PA HITS or PA ram even nlls Two of special communist Central Collegllle texts Good con ditlon TelephonoPlt BUIS hilnr use pan SPECIAL 0178 prices no on lit your Singer Sewing Centre as nuntop 51 Talephnno PA 67869 psircd combinations rhsngsd Years of experience Law over head less charge Prompt service Locking Safe works 75 Blake St PA MEIR nonaoNs Ifwa sporting Goods harrfas largest selection or fire arms everything or the sports man Open every evening Tcio ghouls PA 5635 Highway 110 lib Till SALVATION ARMY Family Welflm Centre cement hloek buiidlnrhehind WCollicr Efreel Used clothing and fumllura to your family needs Open tnrough FridayS it Friday 79 snurd it noon refrltlersinr Like new $15000 Hollywood atyfo twin halls and year old senor ltllcnsn chrome table 500 it Fllrhlnk hlorio uhfngimachtng burners tresdlc sewing machine kitchen cabinet Cell PA HIM for lp poiatmcnt FRUIT VEGETABLES noon POTATOES tor snic Apply Van Der Koay Solis Turnip Palm Highway 11 Currier sth con cession luolstti No Sunday slliss Telephone 1m Siroud BOATS MOTORS 18 FOOT Pclerbnrnugh heat 111 HP Johnson motor and Lone Star trsllcrulill like new Sacrifice for quick lllu Telephone PA Hui It FOOT Poicrhorough Sport About tor sole with iii hp Johnson fully flgélaped $300 cash Telephone PA DELANBY SINGLE scat sportster host Also 1959 like new Ell ILP Johnson motor and 1901 new 18 llP Johnson motor Tclcpllnae IRIRIZ Lctroy or Burkes 6le Churchill ARTICLES FOR RENT TRAILER to hold campers sup plies with picnic tulile lid and shelved food cupboard For Dill plrtlculars telephone PA 56365 ARTICLES WANTED 5KDSUALLOW pump wanted phone PA 5615 capsn roars Wanted Contact hflghton cox 124 Durham gallnu Telupoona Allun Park ensure Tale DOGSEl PET BORDER COLLIE pups from Im ported lira weeks old Tale hone Eimvsle vocal FIVE DAOHEIIUND Puppies for sale twa months old We also fun board to dogs at 51nd par sy Telephone PA Hm scorers Collie puppies for rate Purebred months old vaccinated Telephone Oro 41 or apply Al Hewlrinl White Rose Service Stdv tinn Guthrie REGISTERED golden retriever pup plel lIuntlngand show stock Ex cellent pets lllany champions in pedigree Also innit pup eight months Telephone PA aosot FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK esiprices paid fendeador pied cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone aLasILfor ZENITHTSTIIDTINOC ROE It hours day1 nay wsss BARRIE PA 8775 teoliectl NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Formcad Ontario Licence No t72Ird2 Nica Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLESZCHURCH Farm Suppliestz Service CoseNewlloliand avid Brown Realty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA H373 CASH TRADE TERMS 13 INCH HAMMER mill and in that halt in new condition Telephone PA fiUid lltlES bought sold opened re FOR SALE ll ctr It ColdIIInt llldi rel newly upholstered extra large 013R Roby carriage GENESENE WIIKAT cleaned Ind treated for allr Also We mull belts or straw Stacker cattle or rslvor wanted Telephone Russell New hilneiing fat POULTRY cuchs DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems coll Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS sracuo PHONE 77 lotl news for role year old lay lng wall Telephone PA Biilnl AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEE VfVlAU FOE RAMBLER Viau llfotors Limited 17 Govon Street PA 66488 PA 61321 BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW dh VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS AT Pl ERCE MOTORS LTD 1954 CHEVROLET for allo Mechell sound Telephone Stroud 1958 RENAULT Dauphlnc for slle In good condition 5495 private sale can ba 5ch at Pearsons BJI Station llfl Dlake Silent 1135 FORD Fllrllnn I00 door cylindcr automatic with custom built radio Telephone 24R Bfroud will TRIUMPH IIvlllil radio Ind whitewnlts new condition 700 May he seen It 177 Duckworth after MERCURY four door sedan owor steering Powcr brakes red Low mileage Apply llfnifyna to Dunlop St West on onxsitnufihdcluxef la rear seat speaker windshield washers Al mechanically Priced at ease Telephone PA eoirs rose FORD inlrlsne for rate Auto matic power steering radiofn 1de condition m0 Telephone 1954 AND 1955 Fords and file can No down payment Only $22 per month Sprouls Supertest Hwy 27 one mile south or Thorntonfefe phone Ivy illltl less ZEPHER black custom radio roof rack gaodruhocr body and cnglne Af condition tile or best ortcr Original isoeo relies Private sale PA R4075 1951 PONTIAC coach deluxe with Chevrolet motor Excellent tires Allo snow tires Ve reliable car lonesome ilest offer ciophons PA St 1959 OLDEMODILE Picsta dtltiuil wagon completely equipped with power steering brnkus windows antenna and wonder bar radio low mileage excellent condition PA NIT TRUCKS TRAILERS this FORD pickup truck in Cunningham Thornton Ont or Tolephonn Ivy IERIDI zMOBILE HOMES MOBILE lioTl in at Two bed rooms and bath Kitchen and liv ing roam combined Completely furnished can he moved or set up anywhere Apply 99 Victoria St or telephone PA N174 PERSONALS 93 STEEL GUITAR pldyct accordion player or electric guitar player re quired for countw and werroro band Telephone PA Mics between and lei etc by certified hairdresser to your own home or hospital leer gloss7 Bernice PA sears or PA Oil DEBT FOOT Iorwardl Figure ldfii trol posture visual polio groom lsltsup personality confl Group and private classes Telephone fA out BEAUTY SHOPCoidwavoeSetarv EXPERIENCED dining room WIII Tassel rcqulrod for part time work evenings and wnkends Telephone EA HEM PRACTICAL NURSES wanted ICI all ahlfil also parttime nunc tor Mr Elton Nursing lfomc lit Slroud WAITREIRBS required for art tlulI or lulllime employment nl terms and transportation supplied Telephone PA costs RELIABLE woman to ban all daffy in my home Starting epts ember Telephone PA SEMI altar 630 Thin CAPABLE GIRL or woman for mothers helper lee in Central Toronto home Telephone Orlllll 3155071 collect gt SUPPLY TEACHER Sunnltlllo Road tor ocdaslonal osoyrttung while Emil teaches Telephone Plt RELIAIILE WOMAN required in look llIer 3V1 year old child while mother worn in exchange for room and board in Barrie home Telephone PA 913 RESPONSIBLE girl or woman to live in and look after two children and do llahtnoulelvarlrrrsstand district Telephone Pli M574 after waterless light cooking must be portstlon supplied it necessary Steady employment Apply Sun VnI Iey Restaurant PA SEMI jMAEHEIP YGUNQ Man To Train As SPORTS REPORTER The liarrie Examiner has on opening for young man iii to 23 years oi age to train as sports writer Must have good knowledge of all sports particularly local sports Tile man we choose will have good background in English grammar and spelling The job offers excellent opportunlty for advancement for young man who wishes to makencws papering Ills career Apply The Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner ROUTE SALESMAN Steady position for man en es tablished route Must be mor ried Age to 35 with Grade 10 education Apply to MR BROWN SUNSHINE UNflORM SUPPIJIGO 148 JCTDI ST Friday morning Aug 31 LETTER CARRIERS POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT EARRIE ONTARIO For lull particulars as to resi dence qualification requirements ers on disple at the Natioan Employment service and Post office Apply before SEPTEM aen 101562 to the Civil vice Commission 25 St Clair AvenucEast Toronto Ont Quote Competition tilT655 ASSISTANT MANAGER Required for large sporting goods department Good oppor tunity to right man Approxi mately 21to 35 years of age Apply in writing giving fllll par tlculars new XAMINER EXPERIENCED haakhoo ope ator required Telephone PA 35011 for further Interrupting EXPERIENCED bodyman licensed App lltllliiithl Auto body 01 Iunstrest Drfilfs Telephone rl YOUNG MAN neat appearance proferabiywlth Credo is education arcs nqulrel kind reliable woman able to run cash register Trans Dl quhcmcnts mnybo obtained irons and application forms see Post th tnndltlnnrfor sale Apply ian MEI pulp raves sullng on is lo HELP WANTED VWM ID columns and IADOLIIIPI Vlisl ed interested parties report to old Woolmew titan Dunlap it Illed heraqu W0 MIN wanted to min as full time Itui laxat sslaslosa sham to sum it to closer 19 pills yasr App to Box so am DELI Household Produrla to consumers WI help you Good profit for hust No experience needed to start Isanhsrollllgitlgllglflpe for sy so IL 08 Richelieu Nautical EMPLOYMENT WANTED POSITION WANTED II housekeep er tor one or too adults Tolalt Phone PA cuss an LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS ih TllE ESTATE OF MARGAR ET ISABELLA ROWAT late of the Township ot ifedontc in the County of Simon Aliucrsparhavingfeieln agsinsllhe Esieie of Margaret lsnbcilo Rowoi who died on or about the 19th day of May tool are notified to send to the un dersigned on or before the 24th day of September test their names and addresses and full particulurs of their claims and the nature of the securities it any held by them Immediately after the said 24th day of Septcmher 1962 the nssets of the said dcccascli will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having rcgard only to the claims of which the Administralrlx shall tilen llnve notice DATED ille 24th day of Aug Hill 1962 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Wilson fiullding Barrie Ontario Solicitor for tho Administratrix Ma 12 TENDERS Hotrillth SEWAGE DISPOSAL LAGOON DEPARTMENgflg LANDS AND PROVINCIAL PARK SIBDALD POINT ONTARIO SEALED FIXED aim TENDERS properly endorsed onlomlr lup pllctl by lho Department will be received ilytho Tcndcrrsllerctary Roam Elli Elsi Ele Parllemunt Rlllldlnga Toronto Oh lo until 800 pm IEDT flit MONDAY EPIEIIDER for tho conifrucllnn of Se go sposal Lagoon for the Depart ment of Lands and Forests Pro vincial Park II Slbblld Point Llitfl Slmcoc Ontario Plans specifications Tender solnu Tender envelopes and Contract Rev or viewed at Room 701 gunner Dcpsrtlncot oi Public Vor East Block Parliament flulldfnlts Tor onto Ontario Telephone No 3654079 and may also he viewed at the lidert Exchange It Darrin IRtI Drillll Ontario SSNWJID Did Bond and Illfll Performnee Band will he required In encclllcd Tenders will not he considered on less mode on terms supplied by the Dcporlment of Public Works 0n taria in accordance with the fcrms andcondltlona II In lnrlh therein De oslt $7500 CASH OR CERT ED CIfEQUE Wilde payable to the Treasurer of Ontario will he required per set of tender doc untantr which will he rorundcd if documents are returned in good COMINan within thirty days of elpv closing date otherwise Ian The lowest or any lender not nec eunrlly accepted Parliament anllslnp Toronto Ontario August 27th 1952 llflflIr Deputy iilnlstor Dcplrimonl of Public Works Ontario TENDERS WANTED Tenders for an addition to SS N0 12 PUBLIC SCHOOL TINY TOWNSHIP WYEVALE 0N TAlflo will be received not later than 500 pm DST Thursday is September 1962 at the office of Salieryand Al ism nClappErtleStréetflfi sic Ontario Plans specifications and farm of tender will be issued to gen eral contractors by the Archi tects on or after Friday August 31 1962 ompanled Plans and specifications will be on display at the Toronto Con struction Association and the Barrie Builders Exchange The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted SALTER AND ALLISON Architects so Clapperton Street Barrie Ontario May Point Teeth With Fluoride Mix TORONTO CPI United States Navy development to curb tooth decay may replace proposed scheme to fluori date Metropolitan Toronto wa ter Metro residents vote in De walllnlreclrsmyrm dentists in paint anew fluoride compound on childrens teeth was tested on 700 children over three years and only 70 devei oped cavities Dr Robert Morrow of Spokane Wash said the com puund will soon he released dentists Aid Joseph Picclnlhtli cIla man of the board of health said Wednesday that althoug FAMOUS GROUP The Royal Society British association to promote scientific required tar warehouse position Write in own handwriting to no Dorrie nxmntner advances was first lncorpov rutcd illiz xl New mane to sell lawlollhl lea intents SblrthSirhébeEdsfebdii Final League Figures or pine ooe Baseball Loam schedule show John Wnlhrocke and Bob Mecllulllo both of Cree loose al bsttlugl sryld pillchlfil on respect to to loops north section and Low Morrow at version Ind Doe Shannon at Knock topping do some categories to the South group Weathroalle finished with 500 merit to duplicate his wul nlng etlort of woe Following him was Nick Owen of Barrie at All Dull Duchampi of Midland 414 Pete Peasgabko oi illdlsndlltl and Rob Eurgt ion at Orillle ttitl Rob Moclfullanc pitching rev cord was made up of nine wins and one loss while 6on By ment of Midland Ll Howard at Orlilla each had lll merits Lew llorrows south section hailing pass and three Beaten pfa rs were next In line McGee at 389 Don Letts st 153 and Wayne Carleton at 357 The Souths lop pitcher was Doll Shannon elfKnock who had an unbeaten record oi 6t Chnslng him for honors wus Doll Johnston of Thornton who had on mark The latter has previously been the lee guos top pitcher and In tool was also the top hnlsman with 565 mark DOUIILE WINNER Besides Illsbatting average lllle in the South section Lew llforiew also paced the lenling hottcr compctitlon which is based on seven boiling cale gotten in this latter respect polntsaro awarded on 3H basis for high average most hits runs homers triples doubles and runs batted in In these seven divisions Mari row amassed 13 points to beat out teammate Merv lirolcy who had to Next was Gary itlaw of Knock with 45 ilfar row led in three categories and was second loltwo others The North section ballerwualtarrlcs Nick Cwon whose 95 points came from one lead spot tie for first and two seconds He edged the batting average lender John chstbreelre who had eight points on two firsts and two thirds 0lhers with respect able totals were Ken Ifipwoll of Orlllla with seven points and grey Mcrklcy of Midland with Seven pitching categories are also used to determine lead ing pitcher winner and these turned outfo be Gord Dyment Midland in the North and Don Johnston oi Thornton In the South This also is on 321 basis in seven sections most innings pitdlcd most wins least de fects and taken on seven inning average least runs al lowed least hits most strike outs and least free passes Dyment led in three categor ics tied for first in another had second and tie for sec ond and onelillrd for 15 points Rob Macllfullan with two firsts ilefor first and third total led 85 points George Derat nay of Willa totalled six points and Bob Hendrickson oi Mid land 55 gt l5point total was also amassed by Thorntons Don Johnston in the South section lie was first in three sections second in two and had tie for second and thrd Next high was New Lowells Gary Par rish with eight points on two firsts and second The high average leader Don Shannon had 75 poian on first two seconds and tie for third Dunc Campbell of Knock total led flve points with first on least hits and two thirds Records of the battlll wpitching leaders requiring 45 official atbats and 40 innings pitched ly are as follows North Section Westbrooira CL Owen Barrie AB II PC 74 65 Panagabko Mid 56 Burton Orllia so Greene Mld 72 Wilcox Mi 55 Reates Orlllia 77 Meikley Mid 7i Holvalvl Oriille 59 63 leading respectivel W001 ldld as Weirnsley Cwood at 17 on Ron Orl st 833 Gown Cree at so on Edgar Allister is is so Graham Illihton as 21 314 Runs Dotted Io Boater so Rlpwell 2i Westbmoke 20 bendeux it Ross 18 How ard 11 tloadrickeon 11 Pansgahko lo Edgar ll Greene It Descbslnps is Scott Cr It Wilson Cr lt Parsgher is Patterson ll lll Gowsn IJ Burton is Wilcox 12 Melli loy t2 Owen is Storey All t1 Wardie ii in 1ch Runs Hipwell Gowun Bottles Burton Ross Greene Lemfeux little Cr Westbrooke Rush Triples Owen Merkley Whimslcy Gowen Doubles Owen West hroolte ll Lclnieux West brooks Or Scott Parker 01113373035 iilllpweiF Cameron All oyd tin ham Vslmeley lferkley Deschamps Burton Wi cox Leonard Call Pattersond South Section AD 11 PC Morrow Thorn 77 31 403 McGee llcc 59 23 369 Leila Eeclon 41 17 362 PITCIIERS North Sec 11 llfecflfullan Crsemors 73 ls Dytnent Midland 7013 Howard Orlllln 43 23 Hendrickson lifld is 23 Dorstncy Orlllia 57 Its Tinkliu Allistan 27 Blanchard Cwood till Gordon Colllngwood 70 Werdic Barrie Mason Alliston South Section Shannon Knock Johnston Thornton Banting Cookstown Camplicll Knock llughcs Cookslowo Nelson Utopia Parrish New Lowell Schaly Thornton Walkcm Beeton Crawlcy Tottenhem 44 23 IP 59 13 83 13 57 Nil 51 13 76 23 AnyImus one 6823 Carlton Breton to llutchlnaoo NI to is Entity Thorn 12 15 347 Kenwell Utopia 50 i7 lto Compiled Knock 57 is on Laycock Utopia l7 Gertlan Ni IS 821 Brent Berton fot is in lforrll Thorn 53 t1 Maw Knock Ellis Cooke 7611303 Ruos united in Morrow 17 Sollell N1 is Johnston Th ll Parldih NL 16 McGee is Droley it Brent Berton Tot 13 llulchlnran I2 Rawn 111 is Jim Pendelgest Tot if Difi fey it Laycocil 10 Mill sap NL Shannon Sutherland Bowling Co Roll Co Rutledge Co Carl tall Eliist Walkem lice fforners ill Brnley llor row Robinson Th Triples New Johnston Doubles Sillherland Mew Ell not mom Notice Shannon Morrow Rows Kent Tot Carlton Roll Dowi ing Storey Co Sehaly lllarlln Gartlarl Timmons Th ti Thompson Til Drolcy Th Laycock Dunn it re III as 19 to is 17 45 so so 61 75 so 79 52 as is 52 it it lo 42 21 so 51 44 to as 42 st 22 so at so so so so 79 71 BB 27 l9 19 Ill 13 12 12 15 28 22 EB 19 22 56 1d II iii 21 13 18 27 SO Ell so at 77 ll as 61 5a to so 7a 129 at is or ll too 61 as 51 it ll mhbquawkuorqmqahNeqfi PROTECT YOUR cars RESALE VALUE Build garage now with complete assistance from THE BALL PLANING MILL Materials and labor for onecar about $2600 armdntlil NO QWN eat MEN garage cost Call for trained estimator for every home modem small from company you KNOW you can trust lzlng or remodelling lob orrectPriceFor can won We no matter how large or how

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