Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1962, p. 4

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fission fax 83 reported from cent of all foreign visitors to the 000 your UniversilyA Biggmliforitzigaal iliaWest lohfllla soul Publisher nouoav sooner wuu Politicians Need TheiTouéli One of the criticisms of the democra tic political system is that in theory at least arson with virtually ion no nteliectual training and no oth er qualification except ft of the gab andsome financial back ng could had come the head of government fhepcog to who look after our bodily and mental iiealih our education our to al prob lems our personal financial fairs are all professionals products of years of in struction and examination but the people who look afterthenationshealthlegaled to ordinary people and requirements and financial affairs are not professionally trained politician becomes aprofessional only by practising politics exclusively and successfully for number otyear Would nations bebetter governed if oiillcians had to take someprofessional raining possibly at ecial political schools set up at univers ties ABBC panoldlscussed emanation ndunanimously rejected th idea of special university course Lord Mancroft businessman and former cabinet minister thought that politicians were not spec ialists like doctors or lawyers and said Manage Ordinary Matters The principal Job of politician as far as can remember when used to be they could not get away with You dont wanta specialist for this You want broadvmlnded man or women with per sonalit who understands what makes no educai one was to tell the civil servants what the or nary man tickand what he does ntiike and what he will stand for sociologist and author also empha at all the importance of politicians keep ingin touch with the things that matter fact remain ing ordinary peo to themselves They should have base minimum of know ledge and intelligence but they would noiget that by sin to university de srtmentroirpo tic iOfIflrADiOfosiiDr ought it would be ridiculous for the community as whole to bare resented exclusively by university ass he preferred the idea of universities putting on varied courses which politicians coul ifikeifmeylidiic The consensus was that politicians should have the ordinary touch to man age the affairs of ordinary people But one can wonder if so many of our polite tcians need tobe quite so ordinary SuperHighway TollUnfair Mayor Robert Simpson of Arnplior thinks that Ontario could increase its revenues by utting toll on Highways 400 and 401 lihe Sarnia Observer agrees iththe mayonnndcommen year ago Ontario had to introduce the sales tax to keep siren revenue icture in the light of increas ng costs Ve feel that if such fine augerhighways are to serve the motoring pu lic as con venience the same motorin ublic should help defray the cost 0000 cars per month used the highways be tween Windsor and Toronto at $1 toll per vehicle the province would be $1200000 richer at years end its plausible argument but we die agree What they overlook is that most of the people using the superhighways have already helped to pay for the con struction through taxesand continue to pay for maintenance and extension To make them pay still more by way of toll wouidchtulnjuskandsprobabl =seifdeieat3gt= ing since it would tend to drive motorists from the highspeed lowaccident high ways to the two one lowspeed highac cident routes that are already badly clogr OTTAWAThe Grey Cup con god such as Highwa 11 and 27 it is true that al Ontario residents have contributed to the cost of buildin the superhighways and many of them get no apparent benefit es ecially the people living in northern an northwest ern Ontario But then people in southern Ontario contribute to the cost of high ways in the North And the whole prov ince benefits from the results of easier travel DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 10 1937 Fath jcr and two sons reunited in Barrie Citiz ens Band at concert in Allandel Veter an bass horn player John Merrick had his son Harvie home on vacation from China playing side drumand younger son Lewis home from Toronto on visit if was playing clarinet It was 10 years since gthe trio had played=together Mid hurst United Church celebrated golden jubilee with Rev Leece and Roy Stoteshury preaching Present minist or him Cruse SimcoeCoun ty Black Knights celebrated Derry Day at Shelburne Girls at 301 asked to wear navy blue tunics as uniform dress when school reopens US cars re ported flocking up Highway11 Plates irginia to California Bishophad highest number points at Angus Flower Show Speaking at the Kiwanis Club luncheon HarvreW Mer rick manager of Confederation Life branch in Shanghai China commented on continued Japanese aggression against China violating practically every agree ment with the Chinese CNR experi ments with autorailers trucks using both road and rail Buck Jones Barrie Colts star defenceman received of fare from both Detroit Wings and Toronto Leaf Lloyd Delaney track star from of at GAOcamp Lake Couchiching as athletic coach Young brother Bob 301 star training at camp Payettes the harness racer Simcoe Harvester from Penetang won feature race at Mon tleal Miss Mar Shortt achieved 10 firsts in 10 papers Upper School exams Miss Barbara Girdwood daughter of BCI principal got nine firstsand one second Henry Smith of Allandaledivislon named divisional superintendent for ONE at Capreol Chief Stewart warned Bar rie citizens to check onvaluables in hom es during rash of daylight thefts Ma gistrate Jefis back on bench after three months absence due to illness Shanty Bay fishermen awarded $200 and costs in famous fish box court case against Tor onto cottage owner and her son Boys and Woods acted for plaintiffs with John Robinette acting for defend ants before His Honor Judge Dudley Holmes Margaret Gribble onlyCan adian girl places 8th in big swim in Lake Eric at Cleveland OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SPEND TOO MUCH iN TilE US Port Arthur NewsChronicle The extent of the crossborder travel by Canadian motorists each year into the United States is phenomenon which is hot duplicated anywhere on earth Lewicki director Dominion Auto gt moblle Association quotes from records assembled by the Associations Statistical Research Department winch reveal some interesting figures on the yearly trek to the US by Canadians Canadians form whopping BO er The Barrie Examiner trad as second class mail Tgflgmcs Department Ottawa and for purulent of postage to cash and mommy Holidays excepted mum swimmer wanna rooiunu BRIAN sanlour General Mmager lilcflizffBONlilanlging Editor finances is WADOD autism imam nanny WILSON Adrorfislnl manm JOHN H014an Circulation Manager rats idaiiyby carrfer ch weekly IITTWdTiS Single cop By mail in Ontario snoo year whoairvmont if tliresmontbs 0100 montntlouuide Dntlri 00 or Outside canldc comm Yahoo from athLcsnsilmx Aggggmeggtggvgggggpel lTlcgfdeaceietheklnal The Canadilnirsn is exclusively Inc for re uhllcatfon of paper on lad is it The haulers on in ably the major factor in of Canadians visits to the YorkFlorida and Oregon dation of the understandin relation which has entitled getwé and nearly fourmillion of them spent two days or more in that country during last year It is estimated by foreign exchange lsPecialists that approximately 185 mil ons of Canadian offers are transplant ed into the American economy in an average year and this does not include the many milllons spent by bordercomi muters on their one day safaris to US border cities Records reveal that New York State is the most popular with Canadians and that one out of every four Canucks spent twoxdays or more in that state=Fiorida ratesjsecond place with one in seven average Washington state third with one in 10 and California fourth with one in As will be seen propin uity is prob as frequency US Ontar ioansyisit New York Florida and Michig an in that ordealQuebecois visit New Massachusetts and British Columbians spend their US visit ing time inIWashington California and Thispdtternno doubtf rmsthe foun and coréiial lay the effect orougli as in In didfolio ce sai Willltogcrs who Confucius Say Man With Itchy Shirt iibie To Start arrows REPORT From Scratch FootballBattieili By PATRICK NICHOLSON test Is billed for three months ahead But the Grey Clip battle has already begun in the courtroom of the board oftrans port commissioners to Ottawa The televising of the Grey Cup game has been selected by the Canadian Broadcasting Cor poration as the battleground on which it will challenge the au th thority of the Board of Broad cast Governors What the top officials of Crown corporation say tothe government appointed mem tawa court momia of little in terest to most Canadians But look at it in its true lightlas bunch of bureaucrats struggling to enhance their own the expense of our democrati cally elected government and in conflict with the best inter ester of the majority of Cana dians and we see this battle of the Grey Cup as something of vital interest to us all FOR FOOTBALL FANB The preliminaries to this by no means insignificant battle between the CBC and the BBC are well known In years past the CBC carried broadcasts of Cpnadian football games of lo cal interest and broadcast the Grey Cup on coasttocosst hookup Recently private tele vision stetions have been if ccnsed nndle private network formed This outbid the CBC for the right to televlsa certain Canadian football games in cluding the Grey Cup But so that as many Canadian viewers as possibleshould be able to see this annual football classic the UN private network offered it tothe CBCas wellresvto the private stations The CBC rc jacted fheoffer contending that it is not in the public interest forihc CBC to carry sponsored programmes and the attendant advertising handled by the vai but privately owned net work This is hairsplitting for the CBC has carried sponsored footl ball programmes and their at tendant beer and gasadvertis ing in previous years The Board of Broadcast Governors then orderedall Canadian tele vision stations to broadcast the Grey Cup in view of the nation wide interest it stirs up The CEO then challenged the right of the BBC to issue such an order What we are now seeing is determined endeavor by the CBC to be exempted from the jurisdiction of the BBGth that board was setup by Per liament to regulate therestab iishmont and operation of Inet works of broadcasting stations the activities of public and pri vate broadcasting stations in Canada and the relationship be tween them in those words the Broadcasting Act passed by Parliament in 1956 made its intent clear RETURN TO OLD WAYS The CDC however wants to return to the old days when it was the sole judge and jury ion matters affecting broadcasting in Canada when it regulated the private stations which in cf fcct compete with the CBC sto tions it is expected here that we 8iliiiiiiifl barragegaf guide launched by the CBC domandlng yet another royal commission to study rcdlo and television broadcasting in Canada and to recommend rc visions of the Broadcasting not bars of board in musty Ot power at OilayrafiforeGreyGup which would eliminate ihe BBC and hamstring the private sla tions In addition the CBC now socks in place of annual grants from Parliament long term statutory grants from the tax payers pocket on basis which would excuse the CBC from reg ular annual review by Parlin mont Trust brief summary of position Some Canadians Will mm the CBC well and hope that it succeeds in destroy ing its competition from private enterprise stations others will deplore the arrogance of the tax dentiy seek to place themselves oven above Parliament others will Just say that we cannot af ford taxes to finance CBC to do what private stations would do at no cost tothetrcasury The only certainty is that the badlydrafted Broadcasting Act should be revised by Parlia ment so that nobody can have any doubtthat Parliament did not intend to create Franken stein paid for by the public but free from supervision by the publics watchdog ayersemploycos who thus evi the increasing burden of l1 tosses promos ass but onaloismmm In at fraviolci hinp have therapeutic III Elm ow to the logs the the normal condition caiiy Arierlography ixrsylng the Doubt Moises Would you write about high blood pressure in young person any age Laotian expect flowiiyc itlmted for total Hirh blood ammo is pri marin problem of older poo Eleeélof couru but there have some recent improved treatments in tho compsrativaiy few was found earlier In life Onejdeioct ia consolation tor narrowing of tho aorta the main artery leading from the hurtfblliaaoulrkinde vclopmsnlsia that cars blood 1qu il high in the arms but opposite of is can be corrected surgi arteries by first injecting dye into the blood stream has shown that defectsmoy exist in arteries to ihckldnayr Do taiicd study is required to such mes butat timemirh sheep Still another TODAY Ill HISTORY Jilin JIM Br andKsiogg pact all elimi for the renunciation of war was signed by 15 nations at Paris at years ago today in 1020 Long negotiations by Ariatlde Briand of France and Frank Kellogg United States secretary of state had culminated in the treaty to outlaw war Ulti matciy 62 nations supported the treaty but it had no en forcement provisions lll7 Conadasbirst World War MilitaryScrvice Act putting conscription into effect was passed by Parliament isss Wilbert Collin tr year old prospector was charged with the murder of one of three American hunt ersin the Gaspo region He was hanged Feb 10 loss AItE BOOKED SOLID MONTIiEAL CPlSludents still planning to enrol at Sir George Williams University this year are out of luck it was re ported Monday University offi cials said the quota in both day and evening divisions has been passed and no more applications will be considered This means Montreals English language universities are booked solid McGili does not accept applica tions after March 73mm Schools lire using 43Letter Phonetic Alphabet Br rarnicra CLOUGIl LONDON BeatersiA thous and British chiidrun ar lernlng rtu reeds nuewaewith fenomlt anal suksess The new way other free expression experi ment isra fiieitcihphonctic alphabet it is called the aug mented Roman alphabet taught experimentally in seven British primary schools in the lust yelalr withsome amazing re su NH After six months fiveyear olds were reading as fluently as savenyearoids under the old system and previously hack ward pupils were learning to read more quickly than their normal classmates using the not just an atandard alphabet Normaliy reticent education officials described the young stars tactic The alphabet was dcsigncdto helpvchiidren to learn to read inhsit the usuaitime by ironing out complex and illogicalas necisof English spelling Spon sors of the project blame thcse inconsistencies in spelling for the high percentage of semiiit aracy among those leaving school onruonox SPELLING Students read by the new method for their first three years then are introduced to orthodox spelling The research unit of London Universitys institute of Educa tion sponsong tile ncwalpliu hatnow is testing theory that it can alsancrease childs intelligence quotient The new alphabet provides all ways of writing the thodd basic sounds of the English language instead of the 2000 ways which gave to be learned in convca spelling runanvn vanishes The only turbine road vent clesoperiitlng regularly in lufll were fire trucks and by gas turbine engines mentations main progress as fslmply fan it does this by using 14 of the 26 letters in theorthodox Roman alphabetthe and are scrapped and 10 aug ly dlpthongs or consonant combinations There are no capital letters sracmnrryrrz special type is necessary to reproduce the augmentation symbols Theng sound for instance is written as an wlih tiny linked like tail on the end 00 is written like large Ided the in without acmss and the in ch is cion gated Words are written exactly as they sounda voiced as in trees is written voiced as in becomes hard in the middle of word is and soit6 an as in sukseaa strollerva aorulhcwchscrdlatoeenlesgeilcyfisiiennonziv mallties may be Iiliipctable illiyil tumor of the adrenal gland or In tissues lyin directly above the kidney lh can be deter mined by chemical testa and byamoihodoirxray outline of the kidney by process of air injections Still another cause is the use of silmuiottngdrugs which seems to be pastime for value other than lanai til labia will asfo to mhguiich amp as ou rvis doctoriFW The effects are sueniia the same as from ordinary ight Exposure to either deserves die the bestrule is Emmet rop cough to tan if on it dont burn dine Io get the darkest ten itber because exces sive tanning even when you no longer burn is hard on the skin Youve perhop noticed that pimply akin blemishes tend to disappear in summer months To that extent guesstyood call the rays therapeutic Dear Dr Molnar The drug gist gave me powder for my burning feet but it did not good vlive tr cd different shoes inner soles baths rubbing walking and tried not walking nothing helps hesitate to see doe ior for fear he laughed at hiil5 Ili0S Lsughed at noti it may not be an extremely common complaint but it is far from unknown Different causes include flat feet incorrectly fitted shoes disturbances of oil culntlon lanthatlagsgandr feet and sornls mineral or vitamin deficiency An examination may produce clues to the cause in you case if is certainly no laughing matter for anybody m0 Whilikiiil l°ll£xmlileiearDrlilolncrl Please cxr ii0W long rson plain strangulation In hernia feet to live Youre asking on Can hemla cause high blood pressurefRHL mponderabls question if the gh blood prosaurcis from one of these causes that can be as certained and the flaw can be corrected there is no reason why the persons should not live rfectly normal life spanif doesnt getrun over or ed in collision or de which is much than youthful lood pressure more common high QUEENS pass When loop of iiitcstine is gradually forced through the hernia or rupture and then the circulation to that loop is shut offits strangulated hernia it causes severe ialn end since it can result quickly in gangrene it ragui me it has no effect on high blood lpressure or the circulatory syn em Municipal People May Get Trip Overseas vsy OON oabanN TORONTO You may have noticed that historic plaque is to be erected in eastern Ontario to the founder of the ilfclntosh apple This isoniy one of the usual happenings of history to be so honored by the government since it started putting up these piaquosa few years ago Another recent one commem orutes the first regular bush fights out of northwestern 0n ro Some people might say these Iare very minor events of his cry When you compra them to the feats of the Champlain and the Simcoes they are But they are all part of the provinces heritage And locally of course they are very im poriant MUNICIPAL TRIP The department of municipal affairs has been working on trip overseas for municipal People Thc idea originated with the municipal association and the department has been helping out on the organizl While these aifliirs can turn out to he practicallyuselsss iunkeisit appears that this one wont be Andif the people find out bit about what othersinthcir fieldare doing it could be valu able One of the continually stari llng laclsoi life to tiiegpolitical writer isvtha insuierityoi maid of our branches of government Agprohlern of firstlmportpnce will arise andyou will ask senior official or an minister what has been done about it elsewhere Wordswhichcdnfuae bpglnr here are rationalizedonce be comes wuns walked becomes waukt six becomes slks done becomes dun Unnecessaryuse of the letter fe ls abolished horse he comes here lived becomes iivd IMPROVE READING An approximate example of the augmented Roman alphabeb goes like tilts The augmented lloemsd al febet is not tw reform our speii ingrbut tw imprwv the lorning of rceding Iv Iflit izintended that when the beginner lies ncheevcd the ini siial suksess ov flwensy in this spcshally eczy iorrn hi1 fuetuer progress should beetconfiend tw reading in the present alfabets innd spcllingrov themoenly if yw hnv rod altars this the nue mecdlum wlil have prwvedtw yw several pointa the moest important ov which that yv at say raet hav cezily maed the chnenl from the ordinary lineman nlfnbet with konvcnshonval spellings tw nug manted lineman with sisiar rnatiil spelling King shone World richta reserved lind commonly vihcre is blank stare in return We have not had the habit until recently of realizing that what theothcr fellow does is worthwhile Rather we have wanted to do evcrythingon our own THALIDOMIDE IGNORANCE This was well illustrated when the recent thalidomide outbreak occurred in the first stages nobody seemed in know just what con trois there were over such drugs Most people didnt have clue just what powers Ottawa exer cised or what other jurisdictions did infact most people werent zoo suie just what Ontario could It was only days later it her came cleartliet actually the even ban axdnig and that the only qualifications it received were statements from manu facturers And this was not an extreme 0359 Most certainly government couldnt Except in those departments where some exceptional people are at the MB THOUGHT flow henuiifuimpon the moun tains are the feet of him that bringeth good iidingsthatpub iisneth pence that bringcih good tidings of good that pub lisheth salvation that aelih on to Zion My God relgneth iaainll 527 really is then we will see our own sinful condition diminsllih IDOL top such ignorance of other jurisdictions is typical When we see the Lord as He

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