Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1962, p. 2

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Fiediick proudly show off ipnicntr whichunr inaa stnve packed stowed away in 14foot ca noe on their paddle excursion equipment includes Aoriecoie beer box two sleeping bags un used pup to pipe tobncc BinnieMuir Families Unite For Games ill Springwater Park Seventyseven members and descendants of the Binnie Muir families held their fourth annual reunion last Sunday In Spring WP The reunion included variety of games contests and softball game Among the prize winners were Mrs George Binnie eld 6t lady Messrs Edward Wib son ill and Watson 86 mtgctatcmcdeflad liarn Binnie longest married cou ple in years and Mr and Mrs Wilfred Dickey in years new est married couple present Mr and Mrs Don Morrison Prizes were also given for youngesttintiy present Carolyn Boyd largest family Mr and Mrs Daddy Wilson with their live boys Scotty Muir who welcomed guests presided at the meet ing and noted with special men tion the presence of Watson whose father was first cousin of Dr Boyds mother who liv ed in Australia sympathies wereexleniied to Mrs Charles Madeline Reed whose husband Charles died sud denly and to Dr and Mrs Run sell Boyd and family in the loss of Dr Boyds mother who lived in Australia At the regular call for the el eclion of new officers liar ry Hurling was called to preside Ho paid tribute to the grit ldthéofli moved they be reinstated and the motion wm seconded by Mrs William Binnie and unan imously canted Officers are Scotty Muir pro sldent Mrs Irwin Knapp hon mideetzdmflm Wat as secretary Mrs Percy Muir and Mrs James Nicholson assistant secretaries Mrs Bert Boyd treasurer Laddy Wihon Mrs Dr mussel Boyd Mrs Scott Muir Bert Boyd and Jain es Nicholson sports committee The members decided to hold their fifth annual reunion in the someplace and to be held the third Sunday in August in 1963 Members of the families ex pressed their thanks to the members of the Springwater Park Commission for showing pictures during the supper 21 DIE CAIRO APtA trailer curry ing it Egyptian children to col ton lields plunged into stream 100 miles south of Cairo Sunday Twentyone of the children and six adults drowned new MONDAY room or in BY carter Lindsay ToBt1rrie Is 1ian anemone Huckleberry clotodor does not use raft Journey and pulled into cabin mart They paddled another cixht he and Nepal employ it le miter canoe They dont come from Iitblentiecpaoutheithuoniylrosn 333nm iii and his an try time around is both of Lindsay paddled canoe from Lindsay early nudes morning cigarettes portable radio flashlight Brian regreu that he had but one style of cloth mg duringhis trip hiswhila bonehcomber outfit and dia nn By Vencléf One Lad Killed Secdnd Critical Saturday evening stroll proved fatal to one West Gwib limburyyoimgster and saw second unconscious and in rrilic piinl alter car ploughed into them as they walked on the shoulder of Highway Bit Peter George Langford 901 IIRJ Bradford in Wat Gwiilim ry Township dead tie nflkxmddtzfltclfi Langford Iom Ernest Harold Styles 17 also of lift Bradford is in Newmurkct hospital with fract ures to the skull injured lungs and sepaiated shoulder He has not yet regained conscious ness Police said the two were walk ing westward on the shoulder of Highway so when hit by car Nick Pocius 66 of BIN lot tenham has been charged with criminal negligence causing death dangerous driving drunk driving careless driving and having liquor in his vehicle Pocius has been granted trait he is to appear in Mngistmtes Court on September 2i kins John Perkins of Brad ford Provincial Police investi gated the matter PUBLIC SCHOOLBOIINDIIRIES Trustees of the Public School Board at the City of iBorrie announced changes in the tentative boundaries for the schools for the term start TODAYS STOCKPRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlap St Barrio annarpnr on sun Dara Found Dom Siam Asbestos Ahltlbl Atlanta Siuul Aluminium Alberta Alta Nut GI BornTar Gt Lakes GIL Pow ing next month Parents are asked to note the proposed changes are Children living on both sides of Codrlngton Street East but not including Vancouver Street and soth Nor Ont NG Mann Corp Mela Pore arhnwiW Pacific Pete Pam Pipe 411V 51 1176 Id 1d J3 to the hay will attend Cod rington School children liv ing on Melrose Street will at tend Steei Street School children on both sides of Van couver Street will continue to attend Johnson School Pupils living on Meirose will attend Steel and reached Barrio the hard way Satinday alliances Brians follies Tyrer former assistant postmaster ln Barrie was recently translerrcd to Lindsay whcrcrhe in port master According to Brian so want ed to end the summer in the best way we could and we de iy ays before thiskiwiowhishcrc We had notified many at our friends said Bruce but ap parently they had little faith in our protect or rather in us Both boys said their parents agreed they would dust off but they were leery as to how far they would get y21eltLTridso oclock meadramming First leg of the trip look them wiat along the Scugog River for WWW WEATHER Forecasts issued by the onto weather office at nan Syrians weak disturb ltiotluricirednlfihower netin is forecast to continue slow eastward inotinn and shpuld range out of the province by to ng Lake St Clair region Wind sor Clearing this morning and becoming less humid Sunny1n warm Winds light Lake Erie Lake Huron Ni ngnrn western Lake Ontario re gions Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with few showch lng early today becoming mainly sunny and less humid this afternoon Sunny and warm Tuesday winds light Eastern Lirch Ontario Haif hurton regions Ciauding over this morning few showers and chnnco at lhundershower this afternoon and evening clearing overnight Tuesday mainly sunny little change in temperature winds light Georgian Bay limagnmi re glans North Bay Sudbury Cloudy with few showers and fog patches early today clear ing during the forcnoon Sunny and warmer Tuesday Winds light today southerly 15 Tucs day Algorna Sault Ste Marie White River Cochrane regions Sunny and very warm today and Tuesday Winds light today southerly 15 to 20 Tuesday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor 60 SB fill SR 58 Iii til 60 58 6t Wingham Hamilton St Cath Toronto Petcrborough Trenton Killaioe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Knpuskasrng White Rive Monsanee Timmins Sault Ste Marie msunANcE newer inn is DUNLur sr MAIL arreunoufmnennf Registration offlpupils new to the Barrie Public Lotto thu 1he boys cheated at the Rose dsle locks We talked pm rte boat owner into giving us low for mile or so Into Balsam Latte said Bruce We started cm the like width is Almost tho miles wide said Brian and we entered the tram Canal following it for about seven miiu into Itlrldmd locks Me the boys ro sourcelulness oorno handy as they were inviled to sleep on the deck of houseboat arrived athka Shamede six in the evening This step was where most of the adventure was provided Bruce said he lboirght it was lodge and so did Brian After we docked the canoe Brian aiASJIMQMS time overnight All of sudden Bruce said whole hunch of girls yelled outallatoaoo That Thursday nlg girls last night in camp The boys had barged in on the Glen mohr Presbyterian Comp the di rectors feared the girls might be bit wild said Brian and we decided to sleep oul that night Alter ranch speculation as to what other events might take lrinsLIhe remehdennt trip the boysset out on Lake Simeon There they countered fourfoot waves one of which waterlogged their portable radio for couple of hours and added about six inches of water in thyelm My shoes floated cilltcvsahseim£=idznm Friday night th managed somehow or other said Bruce to sleep overnight at Watts litur lna in Athcrly Then on Saturday morning they left for Barrie Where were times when we were quite concerned about on decsion to make this trip Bruce and Brian both dded But they finaly reached Barrie around four oclock Saturdays icrnoon weary tired and blunt Alter travelling almost 120 mil es they look back on it now and agree it was wonderful exper ience We never knew what was going to happm from one min utc to the other said Brion Brian and Bruce are staying at tho home of Mr and Mrs Tuck on Steel Street until lumen row when they will go to the CNE They will return to Lind sao Monday with their parents 1th is the remains of Dunlap Street garbage hln indexation time on the Weekend No youngsters were seen mount EightyFive Students Compete Annual ilnneville Horse Show More than 600 people watch the horses through their pace at the eighth annual Anncvills Horse Show yesterday at Powyr Bid Hoylcaudllsrh hmLloyd runs the school said the an nuat horse show was originally held on the Anneville farm un til it not too big so We re tained the name Annevilla Horse Show RESULTS Results otyestcnlays show weresssrfotiows Class Equitation Bar barn Caston Ann Baxter Sus nnTnyior Kathlina Quintin Pn uinlin and Diane Mara tied for and testis Houklin and Pamela Kled tied for 3rd Wfim serve Kathlinc Qulhlin Flag race winners of the three heats Barbara Cnssnn alone Mara and Leslie Houl IL Equitation over jumps Belly Byers Paul Hargreaves John Pearson Sonny McClellund and Elizabeth Hargreaves tied for Obstacle Race Betty Byers and Rosemary Hobson Eliza both Hargreaves and Pamela David Larmour and Janet Mchlsrtin tied for 3rd Pony Express Barbara Dun who are coming to Barrie to get them Huck didnt have relatives to help him but then he didnt have to put up with Lake Sim ooe and camp directors at girls camp either can and Allceuiape Susan umbull Heatherand Row ary Larmour Bobby Brown and Rick McFadden Junior Jumper Mary Clare ticdfor in Nancy Campbell Flag RaceB Bobby Brown and Carr Kathy Taylor and hichlurtin Kathy Hinds and Rosamnry Larmour Heather Lnrmour Potato Race Lynne Milne and Carr Heather and Rose mu PEFFEEIiun Equitation pairs Susie Wright and Janet Ritch Ann Davidson and Richard Woods Jackie Waddeil and Sheila Sweeny Janice ltlclllustcr and Linda Bennett Lindn Bennett Ann Davidson and Richard Woods Susie Wright and Janet Bitch Jackie Weddell and Sheila Sweeney Jliruy Drts Nancy Woods Mi chncl Woods Julie Waddellpnd FrankPearson tiedfor lsl Junior Rescue Stakes tarry Pope und Robert McMnrth Peter Lucille and Graham Woodsan Byers and Deb bie Wade Normle and Sun Ferguson Equitation Margie Wright Willmott Woods mour Heather hlilnes Equitation over Jumps Viel Matthews Geoff Matthews Margie Wright Working Hunter Tim Gordon lon Matthews Dot Shaughnes sy Nancy Campbell High Stakes Cln 31156 David Lari END 01 RTRIISH CitN story on pare time than or Pinto Popelntlry Byers tarham oodsNormin Ferguson Hunt Teams Shirle Mason and Heather Inna Do Shrug hnuxyrlMESnojerruson Jen Matthews and Gmft Matthew Robert Mchinrtin and Vic Mntthcwvtiedwrith firm in don and Maya Sarmssy for 4th CROUETTE WARNS Continued from page one However never sold Hit ler and Mussolini were my po liticol idols the article said Mr Caouetto was oskedvho are your pm liticol heroes of history llv him as replyi Mussolini and Hitler on then adding Fascism like socialism and communism Is dictatorship Social Credit seeks the liberty of the individual admire Mus solinls quality as lender and Waman 35 Efluifli fimmamrm finomirrrdfiiuerhirmnomrcr reformund consider that he employed for war instead of peace the Ideas which he had At press conference follow ing the convention Mr Cuou etle satrl thotif asked today to name his political heroes of his tory it would be neither Hit lcr nor Mussolini hut William Aherbart the founder of Social Credit who was premier of Air berth from 1935 to 1943 and Pope Pius Xi who put out an cnuelieai which was the best charter of the rights of man ever published Both Mr Thompson and Mr Caouette denied any possibility of rift in Social Credit party ranks Said ltfr Caouet We of Quebec stretch out our hands to the western provinces not us FrenchCanndions but as Cona diuns SAVES TYOU MONEY sencrnnvnnues eon rrrrs weer BIIFFLE BAGS STURDY CONSTRUCTION WITH STRONG ZIPPER CHOICE OF COLORS SPECIAL 18139 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM REG 119 ARRID restrooms CREAM SUPER SPECIAL SALOTYN TABLETS Indicated in the treatment at 5GRAIN ASA Headache Neuraigia Rheumatic gt and Arthritic pain Neuritis and Cold in the head 100s REG 33c COCOANUT on SHAMPOO ron HAIR mm 1602 43c 19 Give Quick Relief 11 ANTISEPTIC KILLS GERMS FAST 802 REG 125 unnov EXERCISEBOOKS 4s 89c 69c JllMBB SPIRAL EXERCISE BBBKS SUPER PlENitMliiS FREE OFFERS 49c Rllifi BIIIBERS Plnrtli hing won hnnrtcr Am arm Schools will take place at each school on Bk at Mont Bonk oi N5 Bell Tel Brmllsn II 011 power Cdlllmi BItalm Cdn Brswnr CPR Cdr Cement on Chemical Cm 011 Cnlgnr Power 7an ln asrn Con Paper Conruniers Cu can iiy siri 14v an 470 REG REG 78c 4262c GILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADES Krrnra sacs Hardeo Farms Harm Pit 11am OIIA lIlId BI Min Imp To seen 1an Oil In Accept Inland NG Enter Nickgll ntcrprnv Jockey Club Lilhfltt Lakclanfl llllc Paw Riv Massey Ford Norlndn Page Hersey Qua Nut lek Siddan Bathmans Royal Bank Salads Shlflitr Simpsnn Shawlnignn steel at Cal FRIDAY nueusr 311962 zrlt mi 23 l1th and 200330 pm 47 iai s4 Between therhours of lC0IJ 1130 an1 Union Gas Wltker GkW Each Principal will beta the school olfice to Wish MINING gm mgr come and enroll the new pupils to that school Dill llolllngcr KernAddison Lornnqun Lorrdo tifnrttlmer 500 10 955 1140 550 140 131 25 EBB 12 ran 90 101 55 Oncmlskn qucmont title Aireorn Shcr Gordon Sinepilnck United 011 Wllroy Cln Devonian Camp can Cen Del Rio Clipper Rand Give You Important Vitamins FREE 36 DAYS SUPPLY 198 wrrH 7ZTABLETS sum PLENAMINS ruNion can our AVIN rrrrruTAaLETs Including incur in minerals nailing wmr TABLETSL 498 rm iothKs SUPPLY rare in DAYS SUPPLY 359 JR Ll UIa BBBI Iran with True le Concentrate In lingll tchirt rm t8DAYS SUPPLY wrrn zoo TABLETS won TABLETS 00THR IBEJLDAISQLLEPLY with or FREE or Nnrthlntn pm more active aracxr FALL ream SEPTEMBER 1962 or one am Cg Bell Telephone Latin Amcrtcrni Newnorlh Plrcn Gar Minors aomonas new roan av ass 1M1 dn 42 run up or Utllllle dn iconomo sraes nxcriltwas mnsx this up JU Brush 011 on as 1601 JR LIQUID with or FREE annals PUBLIC SCHOOL sedan

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