Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1962, p. 5

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FACES Ol MiSCilf AT THE ONE larlromrovcrent faces of this young quartet about to erupt into deviitry at the babysitting centre of the Can adian National Exhibition are cted photographer Frank Len non their praaklsh mood matched the spirit of the big show making its best pitch In years for the elusive 000000 attendance mark CP erephoto McCutcheon Involved In Conflict Of Interest Hy KEN KELLY OTTAWA tCPtTa wiiat cx itent should minister of the Crown dlvcst himself of private Interests when he enters the federal cabinet Minutes after he was ap intcd to the Senate and sworn as minister without portiolio in the Progressive Conservative cabinet Aug Senator Wal lace Mcfhitehcon of Toronto found himself involved in the rebirth of this longstanding Is sue in Canadian politics fluid his surprise appoint ment lie hadbecn viceprcsl dent and managing director of Taylors Argos Corpora tion Limited big commercial and Industrial complex He had long list of other directorship nnd presumably correspond inglylarge portfolio of stocks in the milling throng of re porters and cabinet ministers in Primc Minister Dielcnbakers residence the senator was asked whether he would resign his directorships In keeping with ltlr Dleien vhnkerfrsruhllcllrsinhldzposition on assiuning power in 1057 Sen ator McCutchcoa said he would resign all his directorships Across the hall Mr Dieter baker was being asked the same question about Senator ltlcCutcheon He gave the same reply But what about the ministers stock holdings N0 TRADITION EXISTS That replied Mr Dleicn baker is another stroller day or two later Senator MoCutchcon made his position clear on his stock holdings Titers is no tradition by which minister has had to dispose of his securities except perhaps the finance minister and have no intention of dis posing of mine other than in the normnlrcaurso of businessr Did ho considerlheie idas any conflict of interest to hold Ing cabinet post and retaining stocks in companies which might be affected by govern ment policies No he said That depends on the Integrity oi the in dividual As has happened in Canada United States ministers have divested themselves of director ships and stocks on assuming cabinet office Defence Secretary McNamara sold his Ford Motor shares on entering President Kennedys cabinet Charles Wilson and cumbed to pressure to get rid oi his General Motors stocks after entering President Eisen howers cabinet as defence sec retary Thcro have been some notable instances of similar action on the Canadian scene George Nowinn sold all his stocks as well as resigning his director aIilps on entering ltlr Dieien bakers cabinet in 1057 as rev cauo minister lfo invested in government bonds Now as finance mints tor hes in position he sought to avoid In 1957hls decisions might affect his band values GOT RID OF STOCKS Justice Minister Fleming when he became finance minis ter in 1957 got rid of his stocks He says at least one of his pro decessors in that posl did like wise The question of conflict at in terest of cabinet ministers has risen from time totimo in Canadian politics Thcre was an unsuccessful effort in 1le to pass law re quiring ministers to resign di rectorship Those opposing the legislation were firmly on the side of personal integrity as the guardian of the uhllc inter est in the actions minister with stocks or directorship in companies that might be af footedrby government actions Stevens than hack honcher but later Conserva tive cabinet minister said that while man might conform with the technical demands oi the law he would not neces sarily conform with its spirit Sam Benedict Will Debut its New Courtroom TV ==aycmmsi6fiiir HOLLYWOOD AP You cant win law suit in court room by trickery except in novels declared Jake Ehrlich fervently And dont think that any one ever jumped up in the rear of the courtroom and con fessedto murder Ehrlich slight iaunty man its qualified commentator on the courtroom scene He Is San Francisco trial lawyer who has appeared for the defence in some 100 capital cases new series called Sam Benedictthe Ehrlichtypo law yerhas been shrewdly inserted at the head of NBCs Saturday night lineup of shows for an tumn That means that old friends of Perry Mason imooked ovcr to Thursday nights to make room for Jackie Gleasons variety how may still get their lull weekend ra tion of lawyervadvcnturcs Jack Newman the producer hccame interested lnusing Ehn iich as prototype many see sons back when he was in San Francisco making police se ries The LincUp Of course knew about Ehr lich but then started hearing police officers talk about him Newman said Then read couple of his books on law and book about him it seemed to tWeen SHANTY BAY Located on tiii Iiino of Oro Township oil Highway 11 Phone Ore its nivn tiliiEN sinusoid on route scoutvow Hm NETWle ml is has film liLKY war cannons hint llli fill llltlliltllidllfllillt DSTARTS TOMORROW AND CANDLE Robert Mitchum In how his sort of war NAME WAS CHANGED Originally the show was called 333 Montgomery which is Ehrlichs real his office ad dress lhere were numerous reasons for not using Ehrltohs name la the first place the Amer ican Bar Association is fu about things like that the law yer said Its unethical to andy around the name of awyer Secondly there were problems of legal actions by people who thought we were us iog their stories Ehrlich has financial lnter in est in the show and makes ire oucot trips to Hollywood to check over scripts Despite the marked physical differences be heavy sat Edmond OBrien who plays Sam and Ehrlich the peppery counselor says he couldnt be happier with the choice He gets right at the meat of the thing Ehrlich said ad rruringiy lle portrays good solid trial man in that every tlmaihe moves it means some thing FRANK retirement DEVihAr doesocic min littlllit an anti ttlitll Willi 0am Plus Color Cartoon Ponchos Attempt to Kill DeGdulle in mm sun Writer The latest Masonite at tempt to murder Tell dc Gaulla shows that the habits of vio lence bred in Algeria die hard The fanatics of the extreme right take lot of Ratliffif Deprived of privileged test lortemrism with the end of the Madam wséyfor Indc coco eynow to Iransp bladitry and sudden death into France They will fall was they could not accomplish to Algeria despite the complicity of the European population they will have less chance of achieving In Franco that is steadily turning its eyes to other horiz nernarso emis Thls sold the fact remains that handful of desperate men can exert great nuisance value and keep dart corner of French political life To many outside observers it will seem incredible that the latest bid to do Gentle Is the fourth plot fight daleI preiildent of the rcpu Layers Whoicrflho mcnwho would seize power by force They in elude remnants of the rag mented European Secret Army organization and their paid kiiicrs some among the nearly 500000 embittered European refugees flooding into Francs Fri fmm Algeria politicians of the incorrigible right provincial nobles down on their luck and few chauvlnista Their cause is increasing derided Le Figaro rightwing Paris paper originally sympa ihctic to the aims of Algeria Francois has sharply criticised thebid to bring to France the regime of gangs ruling by menace murder and esacttou In an editorial Just before the eilgmotrtp kill do Galina few coloneis who ihoot hospital patients and thorob banks traitors to the nation whose Irma they use batch their ots with the blind 32p damage npluralistic au WITNth fission being an obsessional trod of do Goalie F038 FROM RIGHT 0d diy tourists many of do Gauiles most vehement critics come from the traditional lift In French politics milieu to which the president himself he longs Virtually every new appoint ment bear the presidential seal is ti ed person or one an sure ag old ariuoercy Noting this tendency some observerssay do Gauilo is fecl ing ids way toward monarch icai regime to be installed after his departure One candl date suggested to the Count of Paris the French pretender Five Arrested prompting Derailment PALMYRA NY APlPo lice arrested five young men day npd accused them of placing wooden railroad tie across tracks 35 minutes before New York Centrals Chl cagobouad 20th Century ltndted sped through here Monday The train carrying 200 pas sengers roared over the tie at 00 miles an hour it was miracle there was no derailment said Lieut Ev erett Feel of the New York Central ad policy Fceioy said the men returned the spot after the train passed to see if it had jumped the tracks NewtExplosive Now Developed Is Being Treated Carelessly By JOHN BIRD OliAWA CPl The federal pm governments explosives divi also says new detonating agent known as ANFo has caused revolution lathe ex plosives industry but warns there appears to be lack of respect for the explosive The divisions annual report in 1061 says that ANF04ammon tum nitrate blended with fuel oilis an explosive within the be ht tit meaning of the Explosives Act regardless of other designations applied to it by the trade or by any other agency ANFD has detinite ddvaa foges that must not be pmmiscdfihy7csruiessnets handling and use the report says Th relativsleseasittvity tro of ANFO gbidsTiercato lack tired of respect for this explosives Developed in 1050 itwas at frat considered useful only for large drillholes In openpit min ing operation However it now has been developed for use in smnildinmetcr holes making it suitable for undergron min ing BUILDTNG LEVELLED The report says justification for the divisions concern about the way the explosive is being handled was demonstrated Dec 21 test at an explosives plant lrginla Workers at the plant used an oxyacetylene torch and electric arc welding equipment in budding containing about so tons of the new explosive and 20 tons of other explosives fire was started and huge explosion levelled the building leaving crater 100 feet in diameter The report is highly critical of companies and individuals re sponsible for abandoning explo sives Last year 46 cases of aban donment were reported to the ltEhowe division involving 4791 unds of dynamite and opts etons Tiia potential hatard ls ob vious the report says in most instances it is not possible to trace those responsible for this appalling carelessness or thoughtlessacss DUMPTNG CRITICIZED report criticised an un named Toronto firm which assets of defunct Quebec mine and dumped 3000 pounds ol dynamite in the St Lawrence River about 1000 feet from shore Such method of disposal lwsysleava king=posslbll may cause future she for example during ging operations There are only two sure and safe methods of destroying nitroglycerin ax plosivesburning and detona on During the year 12 persons were killed and 06 injured in the use of explosives compared with 11 killed and 145 injured in 1060 There were no deaths last year among children with homemade rockets The report said 1001 was bad year for detonatnr acci nitroglycerin dents The 30 injured by deton stars were children and many of them were permanently maimed were caused tors left lying Most of the accidents by children play ing or tampering with datana aboutitlegallytiy careless or thoughtless persons sinnernotions reasons together they conquered the wilderness and the heart of proud man writ aisles Tulmtoobo manna waters Piiiitihrillltli me man mpmmsr spouse on SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS nonsense By EVELYN ARNOLD FIRE DSSTROYE EARN Mr and Mrs William Bar ber altered great loss when their barn and mutenis was doe troyed by fire on Sunday oven lag Aug is The Barbers live an the Prince of Wales Rood bout Ill mil lioneywood lira Barber was the tamer Josephine Manor of Mansfield The barn was one of oltbedrywutherihlsmmme thugdgralayieldbcs been very SEEK avrowzn NEW DELHI chutsrstIn dis is negotiating with for financial and technical us slatace in building pm 100 megawatt nuclear power station it was Intimde lion day An official government on nouocerneat said the reactor would be the CANDU 119 de veloped in Canada using as turai uranium oxide as fuel and heavy water as moderator and coolant money by the community Don niecodloyce arcilvia in Basement RETURN 10 TORONTO The holds and itermodu and children have returned to their Tomato homes foil mum owing loge dochidyilotbcvtl cant By AIRS ARMSTRONG the finest in the neighborhood llr and Mrs Pete Adams and lost with it were 55 also of Ottawa who returned re two horses to calves thresh ccatly from spoadtu three ing machine the Masons bay years in lfldlllf0lllllld and and what crop they had in Switzerland were recent visit long with many other articles or with her sister and has iann equipment Cause of the band Mr and Mrs Rix Heard the is Idem hire noy Hill of Drillio is wow NEWLYWEDS visiting her daughter Mrs Glen large crowd attended the Jh5°° shower for ltlr and Mrs Dan Donn Denney has returned aid Thompson nee Joyce an to his home in llomepayna alt kcs at the hall Sniurd evens Wilding Slimmer With mg 111 we Mimic Wm ltlr and ltlrs Everett John vacuum cleaner and some 50 Harvie Middleton of Toronto spent few days recently with ltlr and Mrs his heard to see the tonic Bigsyngmm iiiiaitmit V3150 end Mr and of Dr Wilfrid Jury noted are Havana Synge adian archaeologist and ntstoo Avmp cp3nemy Mr and Mrs George Vivians Wf cover fang filengm gm melted and dammed say on Sunday lor her mother Mrs mm 51231 cral buildian In western Alice Johnston who was ccie Havana suburb Friday innit bratlns her 79th birthday fiifleijgbflgcfi am PM cm harm narrator and educational authorities rs ir card and grand éuvglmflf gggoggpgtgdmftygg daughter Heather and Mrs 0r Itx only short drlvo new and cowardly attack on V3 dAEmfIlmé mfhefiylm mama and auricuumyn he chm In on ow ties at commmique Coutson church put on by ltlr Armed ships We made and Airs Melville of their trip numerous malibrc cannon lir Em and om mu tags attached the suburb of mm mm sum hitramar at 1130pm EST the Threshing will soon be over 5° mm communique id in this community and in itc Car Stolen Sl CAlIIAllINES CF Several shots were fired and police cruiser was damaged la collision Friday during highspeed chasetbrough city streets car reported stolen earlier the day was spotted and chased by police at speeds of up to so mllesen hour The car struck pole while turning corner and the cruiser collided with it Plan Launch cane canavn grin American scientists planearly Sunday to launch Mariner spacecraft toward Venus to probe secrets ot the puzzling planet powerful Atlas Agcna rocket is to roar skyward to start the mpound goldand silver plated payload on an in TOURS START DAILY AT 230 330 730 and 030 pni Adults tine Children under is soc DElANEY BOAT llNES DOCKFFOOFOPSAYFIEEDiTFPA HTS TOUR BOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER tended 182000000 mile WP across space He is convict yet in his achieve ment in his fierce independence hereflects the ideals of the coun try whose laws he shatterreol For43 years this amazing man vvas kept in solitary confinement Héoliolfiidflifeak bread with an other human being He did not see an airplane on the ground nor sit behind the wheel of an automobile He did snot see television set No newspaper or radio broadcasts reached him But they have not been able for breakthis man They have yet to bring him to his knees or black out the fantastic brain that work ed miracle To this clay he is unbeaten unbovvecl unconquer eel They call him Man and he is the most defiant man alive BliflTUlllOASTEll BillilMllil OE AlBflTflAZ MimicWillith JMEERIM

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