Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1962, p. 4

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soon tit6151111111 Published by Canadl an Newspapers limited lo Bayfleld Street Barns Ontario Walls Publisher Bnan Sleight General meager SATURDAY AUGUST 15 dun Restore Old Cemeteries Decent Order And Honor Barrleman Neil McBride has launched crusade which is worthy of attention lfsomewhat unusual it is his contention that throughout Ontario there are large number of abandoned cent eterles which have become ever own and ruinous through no loci so the they appear extremely unsig fly to residents and visitors alike and are mark of dis respect for the dead He suggests that concerted effort be made to restore all suchiburial grounds to decent order by grabbing out under br binning victimisatith tomhfionifi and doing other necessary maintenance work He suggests that sign be placed over the entrance to each cemetery giving its name and the date it was founded it is his contention that in this manner the province would do honor to its early loneers who are buried there and at he same time would remove an unsight The best drivers are usually clever pee pie according to study by Professor Hans Eysench head of the psychological department of London University heck less driving is not only stupid in itself it is often thesign of person of below average intelligence Tests roved the professor said that eopie wit an intelligence quotient of to the average is between 100 and 110 had many more accidents than with higher IQ He felt that considers la caution should be shown before granting licences to the dullest 20 percent of the population Dullwilted people prefer to conceal their deficiency as rule But when driv peo le gt ly blemish upon many roadside His sug cation is that the road maintenance section of the Department of Hi way could best undertake the task an do it efficiently The idea is not without merit as any one will agree who has ever impacted some of the older cemeteries on Ontario ruralroadsides litany of these are of obvious interest to the traveller but are so overgrown that he hesitates to enter them and is unable to decipher the in scrl lions on the faUen moss or dirtcov are stones if he does LHFUWEFGEUEUFWUE e=on=the1 Lawrence many old tom stones have been preserved and built into the walls of type of openair crypt They are fource of endless fascination to the via for Hoiv much more interesting might this sort of thing be if the stones were to be restored in the original cemeteries as Mr litcBrlde advocates Driving And Dim Thinking ing they often advertiselt unconcerned yPerhaps the standard of driving on the roads today would rise if society as whole treated bad driving as manifest atlon of subnormal intelligence Too many people glorify reckless aggressrve behavior behind the wheel To some juv enile minds to drive dangerouslyand sel fisth is to show courage and strength of character This sort of courage never impresses those who have to eal with the after math ot traffic crash police ambul ance attendants distraught relatives Whether or not brains and good driving always go together says the criteria Safe iy League there is no doubt that reckless ness is always mark ofstupldlty DOWN MEMORY LANE 15 YEARS AGO lN DISTRICT Barrie Examiner Aug 12 1937 Large crowds attend Slrncoe County re foresiry field day when tours of plant ations wareyisited onPeterWHee nan minister of and forests veils cairn at llendrIe Forest and paid tribute to Hon Ernest Dru sheriff of county and former premier Ontario who was called father of reforestation in the province Singled out were Arthur Richardson in charge of Ont ario reforestation Adamson sup erintendent at Mldhurst Barr reeve of liiedonte county chair man Two Montreal men convicted of robbing liipwells general store and ost office at Bond Head got long terms til reformatory Howard Allan Churchill farmer suffered injuries in fall from beam to floor Rev Vau ghan of Bradford told Barrie Kiwanlans that Hitler was deterred from starting war by fear of Stalin and Soviet Russias might Simcoe North announced that Coiling wood Shipyard had contract for construe tion of new minesweeper Elmvale de feated Moonstone to win the Tanner Tro phy for North Slmcoe softball Al though mild outbreak of polio reported and George hlcCuaig KCMPior Dr Norman Rogers MOH said bay had not been condemned for swiminin Mrs Mitchell Hepburn was guest hon or at Igarden party held by Barrie Wo men berals at summer home of Hon Dr an Barrie play in the league baseball finals and Lyail Si Jen nett crawled home with the winning run as Barrie won 65 in the 10th inning The game was delayed by some argument which involved Barrie player Sid As bury The story relates Ashury streaked from second base to third Meafords eat cher fired the ball to third Base umpire Norman Johnson ruled Asbury safe but Elsie um ire Clyde Johnson son of the see ump re came out and overruled his fathers decision calling Asbury out Steve Garside and Charlie Puncher clean ed upln the Newmarket Scotch Doubles lawn bowling tournament with three wins No further word on the fate of an Allandale widow Christina McKenzie since she disappeared after marrying George Roediger now held lnStoney Mountain prison Manitoba Movie features Clarke Gable and Myrna Loy at Roxy in Pprnell Edward Everett Hor ton at Capital in Oh Doctor Robert Armstrong and Irene Herve atIm in The Girl Said No penal OTHEEEDITORS VIEWS SAFETY MEASURE Guelph Mercury Pedestrian crosswalirs are considered anfleff fatalities but they are not appreciated by all motorists It is nolv expected that the Provincial Government will recom mend to all municipalities to consider the type of crosswalk system now in effect in Toronto Transport Minister Leslie Rowntree is in favor of the crosswalks Peing adopted in all Ontario communit es There are some pedestrians however who take an unfair advantage of the pro tection that hasbeen given them throu the crosswalks They run out onto roadway without bothering to see what viv The Barrie Examiner Authorlrcd second class mail Post office prominent Ottawa and for payment of portals to cash Dally sunny no statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher UflMN EDMUNDGoblin Manager cl It htciHERsoNotanIrinlsdlior CHARLES MD HARRY WILSON subscriptlopvrlto daily by carrier the weekly afiomr ginflaég 7c Iat mo in Ontario ma duiiian ostnu of moo yur offices no soul bionic rcr timber or the Canadian Daily New Pubn Urban Annotation The CI rlfIn 25115 thl Audit Bureau Circulation The Canadian Press is exclusively ontlllsnfoiht um for Johnrattan oI all on dispatches Annals super are ited to It or The aim Ifcd Press or colors and also the local news published tbmin aSure toreduce traffic aorglr sheenVulcan motor vehicles are close atihand Some also slowly cross over the street as model would across stage in theatre SPAIF FLIGHT No tlimmlns Press It is said that Scott Carpenter was confused on his third whirl around earth The rest of us still are In February the first United States triple orbit went practically as planned Yet with quarteryears additional pre paration the Carpenter flight proved dismaying antifclimax to JohnGlenns feat First as he neared the start of his final trip Carpentersshl Was feared running too low on fuel to ieep on That was surmounted by orders to operate manuallymore Then his space suit prov ed defective so that he sweltered in 100 egreehe Finally he overshot his landing zone by 250 miles the distance from Timmins Waite North Bay and radio blackout left his fate in doubt nearly threequarters of an hour The faulty finish is now ascribed to his confused state caused by fatigue Thatmay well be so The in efficient space suit alone would drain his Vitality and could explain why he was late in responding to signals to start his descent None of these defects can detractfrom the spacefrontier heroism he new shares wrth Glenn and with their predecessors Russian astronauts Gagarin and Titov But sadly they demonstratethat the Free World as led by the United States still lags behind the Russians nets in ornshMursrlMa Orrswa across Union Nationale No Longer Quebec Fewer by IAlliitli NICHOLSON iUSowned corporation turning huge profits from natures OTTAWADEE med in bounty in Quebec told me that hecs longtime Warmer till his com has rule that ice Duplessieromihe wont Quebecsgrsrwmay not be pin avalanche whlcil filliCilil 5m meted above certain grade tered his powerful Union Na my emu mg tlonniPHliY slonol Englishspeaking Cana Thls lr the inevitable conclu dim have commercial ab also from many talks with fly to fill lop echelon posts in virlendlv and politicallrmtllre New Yorks opinion French Cflhadlflni will senior government olflclnl 120omlle tour of rural areas of mama that Guaml yardxuck La Belle Province is slmiieri obvious Out of as Things are changing very alga senior civl service posts of the nlficently in that part of Canada equivalent rank of deputy min where time long stood still Tho ister French Canadians fill paternalism and patronage of only three while their popula Le Grand Chefas his admirers tlons proportion would bo it called Iii Duplesslssuddenly in such ways Quebcokers fool become outmoded in their that the rest of Canada fronts place Quebec wants those ideas them as secondclass citizens fob til lhlndlnltht yo te rcalQuebec certainly Liberty Equality and Ernie makes the rest of or third class 1in citizens distinctive and en strangely enougll although loyabls cuisine vigorous art no Quebec turned away from the forms close family life Chi conservative government of the strong reUgion respect for the Union Neilonnl it has not found individual mentality which what it south among the often does not retreat from conversa ultrasocialist policies of Liberal no inn the may Wham premier Jean Icsare hence tillage Quebec can boost one might deduce the recent surprise triumph of Socl Credit candidates in Quebec SEPARATE UNREAL In Its most utreme form this new mood in Quebec hit the headlines under the title of sop sratlsm But the ideas of the lh is conflicting separatist movements have made bttle im pact outside university student circles certainly not among the better informed and maturely reesonahle nkersi1ihese ognlze thatthe new it epen en mmnw 00D sterilisationstsrs backward Africans but that it or is fragile Impermancnt and not LONDON The Trades Union viable within the framework of Congress has launched its most ilhe modern world mite attack onnthe Igtoveinnaent But ust as Ouehee Accents to years or ea ers days irend towards one world it met With Reginald Mahdi it demands the corollary of one 18 it new Chancellor of the citizenship other Canadians Eflileqller they announced that Quebec complalns treat they would have nothing to do French Canadians in many With the thflspli National in ways as second class citizens my Commtssghn which they Scratch separatist and you 9mm as inlmfliure on will find erushin inferiority Whittle complex let FrengchCauadian The 81 fitment of the blow off his to and beneath it THC leadership was gt you will notepa chip on in Had the government been genuinely concerned with the gamblernot entirely umustl Elem of the Illntilon Him toa surv vs uebec today enloys less of 0W Pal theo material advantages of it WW have 590nde 00h trucllvely to the growing public gfizgguusmggnngg19312me demand for policies of expans ion instead it is casting about Canadians consider themselves to be regarded by diwuiiellimiwmg diapers of other Canadians as backward ievmlilsmfglll Incomes children to be humored but to my and it efloating Itself from the spreading disapproval EEDddomlnated for their own or mm En ltsb speafilllgmanadians havegeommitted monumental PDLillLAL lSSUE blunder of public relations We The determination of the uni are Innater shy so we refrain ill 1mm i0 mks this lfflflllll from attempting to air our cer political issue became obvious talnly modest capabilities to In the discussion with in speaiehrenchvbutewehaveperr huffingHe askcd=them mittod Jacques in Quebec to you limit like theNatlonal misunderstand Ontario Jacks 00 collimation What aller not sh mauve Bis arrogance surlng expansion without infla tionl Tell us and we would be QUEBECS GOOD LIFE prepared to consider it The second part of our hlun Labor leaders George Wood dcr is perhaps closely related cockand Harry Douglas prom We refuse to recognize the un plly replied that this was saith3 questionable worth of Queb or theme northe place for classical education with its vol them to melre suggestions They unhle products oflogic and In had not been invited to discuss teliccl Because educated Que alternatives they saldlilr beckers have classical degree Douglas declared later but note baccalaureate of Com We have plenty of Ideas on mercc ugh our materialistic national economic policy and civilization pushes thorn aside they will be revealed In due This is very valid com course h1aint Ill governmentlandln to spit ibuslness Quebecllcrs are not given an even break An Amer head with the appointment of lcaubuslnessmao headl big theNlC in an effort to ensure opposition native do you suggest for en government will still go it Icllruatronlrbllng LETTERS TO EDITOR canon accounr or sllle ammo Dear Sir Reference the CP account on page 16 of The Barrie Examine er Aug 22 last Captain of the Ship Nnbob discovers her after iii years wish to point out an error In this account which says that UBoat sank the destroyer Hills Kempthorno The ship that warsunlr or which rather was so badly damaged that she was later torpedoed by another Iirltlsh destroyer was named HMS Bickcrton HMS Kempthorna accompan led the Nabob in her fiveday trip back to Soaps Flow was serving on HMS Kemp tliome at the time of this so tlon JONES BIBLETHOUGHT Great hnnor belongs to him whose faith lmpcls him to move and go places in the service of rs in the year that king Unluh died law also the Lord sitt ing upon throne high and lifted up and his train filled the templcfsnlah on REPORT mounts Union Criticizes Government Policy that Incomes do not rise faster than national output And the chancellor will be meeting the Labor leaders again He has not yet appointedthe members of the eomrrlission or decided on its final terms of reference CLASH 0N SPENDING There are strong differences of opinion within the cabinet on the subject of government spen ding and these may before the end of the year give rise to clash between ministers The Cbanceller Reginald hleuldllng and the Treasurys chief recre tary lifr Boydearpenter fear that there will be steep rise in government expenditures un less they can apply strong brake These two men have been at their posts for only month But they have already seen en ough to convince them that most of their ministerial collea gucs will have to chop drastic ally their estimates for the fin ancial year starting next April rooar IN HISTORY rrnni common ensss sup as 1932 United States president Franklin Delano Roosevelt visited Ottawa to years ago today The visit in this was the first official trip to the Canadian capltol by can ResearchGoes in To believe Asthma sossenfo homes no mom certifynon called medal of Pennsylvania the Unlurd to to out what will or to asthma attacks The macbllu is in fact climate wntIol chamber big enough to live In Mr icesIla cirlaracco ta lot leeksinltilym my Doctors can militia kind of climate tbgy coma dry molrt moi warm high or low American president Roose velt had lost concluded meetings with ritish Prime Minister Churchill at uebeo where full agree out was reached onfuluro moves against the Axis 1m French forcesgfn Folt Frontenac on Lake One tnrllto surrendered to in rendered Paris to the Al lied miles of liberation barometric pressure the flow of air even the ionization of thoatrnorphors which appurl it have distinct effecte on poo Div We know good deal about utbnla of course AUergy in its basic cause swelling timer and conitrlctingths air pamgu for breathing We have convincing evictch that emotional disturbances liters attacks buL wa knowwbal physicalcbla nectlon wallets We just know this happens We can ease many asthma cases by finding out the things to which lilo patient is allergic and teaching him or her to avoid them Some drugs enso attacks of wheeling Dr Eugene Hildrclh in charge of the cllmnlron work remarks that some cases of asthma are simple to under sland and manage For ex ample patient may be sonat tive only to ragweed pollen and we can give medication prior to the season to provost or minimise the attacks For others there is no such clearcut factor Attacks can be triggered by almost anything from laughing at comedy scene on TV is stepping from hot room tolhecold out doors heavy atmospheric day bothers some Is tblr because of barometric ressure orbs cause smog an more densely good many different kinds QUEENS PEEK is CNE Really Worth The Cost By Don outcast TORONTOCon the Hooch in quiry get wound up by this full Most people hope so and this is reported the aim of the com mlssioner utéwhetlierlthlrlusilcc IW Roach can make the target date is still open to question There are still large number of witnesses to be heard and the report undoubtedly will be difficult one to write The government fervently hopes that the commission com pletes its business before win ter however And this not only because its proceedings are source of em barrassment to it More important than this is the fact that general election should be held next year and planning for it should be under way now But this really cant start un4 til the crime report has been presented and it is known what political issues may rise out oi The Ontario display at the Canadian National Exhibition Is more elaborate than ever this year The government building was given thorough renovating over tho past few months and there is more effective pres entation of the exhibits There still is the same old question about the Ex however How much dons It cost And is it really worth it Nobody it seems can come up with even close guesses to the total provincial outlay on the ONE It certainly runs into hundreds of ousands of dollars And it is highly argueable whether the outlay lr war rented it Is one thatprobably will lha of silicate no tested before smug to sin to enlarge but awry scrap of information will add to our totallbliityiocontrelarlbmn it should be of interest to on float to realise how much one can differ from another hope It will Mot some com fort aod encouragement too for them to know that research unannounced in medical centres Dear Dr Molnerl have neur iiil in my leer The doctor flat out some pills but they only help little In there any cum horn ALV Neurttla comes from nears meaning servo and till meaning inflammailon or lili 60M Nstursll there are different es Shaffer being vlnir action nerve is one form of neuritis Bells palsy or paralysis of facial nerve lsanotherselailea stemming from pressure on the sciatic nerve sometime from dam aged disc In the spine il still another Alcohol and certain chemlrnlscon cause neuritis Passing infections usually clear up by themselves lvilh the use of medication to help over the more painful period If pressure is causing the pain then the pressure must be re lieved by correcting whatever has gone wrong Dear Dr lilolner Can per son have borderline can of diabetes that would not show up in the usual urinalysis If so how would it be dlrcov ercdtWlh Yes it can hopper usually in people over so In whom the urine may not show sugar al though the blood sugar is too high In case of any suspicious sign blood sugar test is al ways essential for positive de termination of diabetes it till result is doubtfules can hop pena sugar tolerance lost series over span of several hours during which glucose is administered gives the answer continue to go on and on of course Once government gets into an affair such as this it is almost impossible for it to even break Bram public sentiment il too GREAT NORTHERNER One of Onlllllos most colorful figures was lost with the death of LtCol Reynolds The former chairman of thc Ontario Northland Railwoy was devoted booster 9f the north and his contribution to its de Velopmenl was great Like other men of big affairs however he often could be very trying to people here Col Reynolds had firm opln ions which be freely expressed And he believed in living in style fitting his positiondo splto the fact that the railroad was owned by the government and was open to political criti Clsml He couldheo them in the side of various people but there is no question about his coat button InjuncliOn Is Ordered Oil MARQUEITE hitch AP US District Judge Wallace Kent has ordered anfniunctlon against the Seafarers Interna tlonsl Union dissolved effective Oct Kent acted Wednesday on motion filed by Victor Hanson of Detroit SIU general counsel The motion was based on finding by national labor re lations bonrd trial examiner that the Sill was not polity of unfair labor practces as charged by the federal govern men spasm

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