Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1962, p. 3

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JiliCOItiiTEDJZOR run The Beeton Arcna decorated for fair has been taken ov er by police as headquarters for the search of lhomaslna the it old girl who has been ming since last Allisual Champagne Sunday The fair was called off as no one in the area was in any mood for cclcboations Examiner Photo Ch For Ship llt foJlllflgWOOd oouancwooLsminu the trudltlonll bottle at Riv will carry gasoline heat and dieselfucis mid lubrication oil Inasmuch as the shl closed rforoceansmccmdifa hull lied to meet sev ereeicc conditions it can oper ate anywhere in the world The 600Noo tanker tlcoglh ass feet inctm dcpb=fi=faninmidostt it feet alt hadron embodies the most modern advances in navig atio ripment propulsion mu ehincry and accommodation With speed of mo knots near ly is miles per hour it is one minim anglley wbetc width to fgtL sod on axoaptioeatty well conic moment and accommo dation was imposed by the pub llc after the christening aodvcom lonlag Soon alter the last vbitor went ashore the new tanker sailed for Saruta from it will aid in tho oer vice of common Receives redérdlLoan PCT 59 Marina lamina fcd Thokloso la for form of to oral loanIn the amount of years with talcrcat at bliper the consultation treatment l6 Id hero Piggy ofaacwagu rrletoasllstiaccnt coal for pdranatrmcadftlabaaed on total cltimatad was amounts Iha protect at mass ltioioaawfiiauiatlatbo Wage Project construction of two trunk new en located on the Latte Simone atarfront no work will com prise trunk uwczmcxteodi from sewage ump stations attire foot of llama strong1 arty along the Laminate toga Vancouver Street It will consist of Ippmxlnlat inch solnc andstslncll sew aty 9000 feet of 27inch 30 er nd much rower 18m feet in length extending from act of Raid Street to the sewage treatment pleat Made under needed of Til tonal Housing Ilct Ccntr Mortgage and Housing Carport ation my mate loan to municipality for project that lapart of an overall plan nation or rsventlon of water and soil potution For work completed on or before March or last CIIII EPLlsmieropgrmani tho principal am ount of the loan and 25 per cent of the interest that has accruedlnrespect of the load as of the date of completion of tho project Fridays announcement wall made by Haber Smith MP for Sirocco North on behalf of lion Ilglavt Fiiiton Miatfitcr rd spans or opera our CllfifC of the fastest tankers on the Great Lakes and is equipped and licensed for ocean voyages its abovovstnndard navigation equip ment allows it to be operated in ainlost my weather in even the lftthtl crowded Wfitcrs All the cabins which are one or two es berths for the 22 officers and mod are individually alr condit ria4n Barrie COllegiateBcinvd Thrills Fair Audienc By CPL BILL Embraces ecapacltvh at la the Flora of States SEATTLE DS FAIR special The Barrio Collegi mule warms Fm late Band today played two Led by Direct MW Fisher lift the red and while Cast IsSad elad musicians thrilled the Fair visitors with their outstanding LeaVIng Dawson wairaiionssfi YT tCF humrnrrrdtmfdél real comfortable Mr Fisher was congratulat cd byCapi McLeod on the fine performances of th band Capt McLeod who is non of the outstanding band leaders in Canada com married to Mr Fisher on the fine tonal quality of the young mislclnns the band which will continue its western tour left Seattle with the plaudits of the crowds for its two excellent performan ces On its Pacific visit the Rand entertained at Butchart Gard wild William Gibbin ens Victoria BC prior to or Third rival in Seattle From the Fair its northward again to Burnaby Park and IEmpire Stadium at Vancouver uunfi roatlon mans two dining rooms Search For Child Reaches Innislil By Friday afternoon about 50 men accompaniedby two Provincial Police officersand constable from Albionlflownrhip made search of some too acres of in nlsfil on the 9th line Tho search was Collegicites Ncriné Jfiafilmolldessi Who Goes Where eg DAVE MCINTOSH Barrio District Collegiate for Friday of next week OTTAWA cplm Dull tutor announced that students Those students in Barrio who Wlll ll Melt will return to School September will attend Central livo west of Wilma Wall inif lllfil Toronto street to Sophia street you ll Pill Bil 5ka lll Central Collegiate rcglstra then west of Hayfield strcot to 50ml mm Nlllld tions are as follows Grades 10 the waterfront Similarly thoso Khrushchev says 1112 is is do ttudcats attending via SClllrfll Which is part of the East pat 1520d ma am has from inaisfii Sunnldale and West war oi nerves of Students entering Gradc 18 Eisntpart of the Vlllazo of Au course who haycnat made out timet suit and any student lilklfllt Nowhere has this catand ables and all others who have instrumental music special mouse game been more evident problems are advised to dis commcrlcal or Grade 11 tcchnl than ln the field of North cuss those problems at the cal course will go to Central Amcncun air defence school office during school Students in their final year in October 1957 Khrushchev Ogiidgla welllull and will not be asked to change said The dgc oltho bomber schools is overyou might as well North Collegiate retribution All students in Barrie rcsld throw them on the fire it is Glades 11o 12 ing on Toronto street and cast The idea Mummy was to Grille ml of Toronto street to Sophia 10 at 120 pm street and than Hayfield street itlfilgdealgnlzeétnlgflifllh NEW YORK tAPtA Bronxj widow said Friday mlxup in body identifications at muni cipai hospital resulted in her burying the of stranger she thought was her husband llfrs Minnie Silverstcln filed 000 claim against the city for the mental anguish and shock she said was caused by the ghoulish sspoct of tho tn cident last month in her claim filed on behalf of herself and two children thew wife of the lateifarry Silver steia said she had funeral service and burial for the body of man identified as herbac band by attendants Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx last June prompted and Buck went to search headquart ers and reported that tanner on the 9th line Art fiiffin had mentioned that some time on Sunday night had heard sound like childs cry coming from tho direction of his corn field Inmicdiatoly school bl load of men who had been sear ching in other areas for Thomj slna Baker was sent to Innistil and along with the two Inrllstii men spread out across the area where the report had originated Chief William Brown who was slated for three days leave had returned in the meantime pram ptod by the thought that thcrs musseasofiwsnarurtne sfll area more thoroughly althoughhls officers had aboarhi inspected all old buildings and other possible hiding places The Chief was on his way to search headquarters to offer township services when the search already mentioned was seen to bern progrtss Chief Brown accompanied the officers to the headquarters and has feted to give any help possible if it should be considered ad visable to cover more territory in Innisfil Girl Killed With Bullet TORONTO tCPtA slxycar program Prior to the conccrfs Mr Fisher was grccicd by Ogilvie deputy In isslonér general for II Captain Some of the east of the Broad Ray McLeod of Lord Stralh wayballad mHSlCBl FOXVNLCIE conas Horse Royal Canadians dishcartcncd when lth lust musical director for the Canad saw the frontier tolvn they were tan Tattoo and Captain to play during the Gold Rash Fraser slack lVRlCll of the FESllifll Royal Canadian School of infan Butlwllon they left Dawson try Camp Borden producer of City Friday they cried said the the Tatto liar at the shun Bert thr the Military Tatto will font and townspeople who turned out 550 mgrbars of the camp ill lb Film weill l0 Sill 1th ian Armed Forces and will his X° presented at the Fair during Cast members stopped here Canada Weak from Sept 10 to on their way to Vancouver Thu 15 On its hamawurd journey the hand will play lnPcntlctan and Vernon in the Dakanagan Val ley RC and Jasper and Ed moliton Alberta Claim Soldier Chained To Stake few days later sbu said the hospital advised her she had buried the body of another man The body was disinterred and returned to its proper claimants and Mrs Silverstcin was given the body of her hus band She said she then had another funeral service and burlul for her husband festival ended Aug 10 after seven problcmriddcn weeks but is to be repeated annually and coin in the band said It was festival officials say the prob sure wonderful to meet Capt form will be overcome Fraser To see someone from aursono England tCPtA llseldicr in static on lonely Alberta mm l°l llllco hours court martial was told Fri rjd the first time in Barrios day United Appeal history the Boy Company Commander Maj John Mitehlcy said the unu Scouts at Kern nfelt flay dis trict will be inc uded in the Un said method of restraint used ited Appeal on Pie Ronald Hodges 18 of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers was necessary bccausa there was no Slogan and objective for this years United Appeal is Seven Sevens or tn777Tl building available for usa us guardhouso The budget has been approved as follows on the scene and has sent load it is not difficult to imagine and dill SUPPllBS ytlllll Wile his state of mind chained like needed Agency budgets $5940000 Campaign expenses $335000 do in his kennel and brhod Tllfi YMCA has opened its club his mum punishment mm as centre lgamml said defence counsel Lieut Ar Admimmfion expenses mm long point for collecting sup mule wadehnuse contingency meme plies packaging and loading that campaign objective W777 Kcmpenfelt Bay District The nutcragencles included in Boy Scouts has taken group of the United Appeal are budgeted older boys under Scuulmaster Merritt Butcher to help in the as follows Canadian National TRWCANADIANPRESS instituteforA tthBlind s7100 search vltilajrgoim GiiieSplléehflhcSalw vaion my in on csceiie and all 050 T591 $23133 gfiafgfiioffiifi has been helping since the HPMlEl 92 lolmerMOIllTedl and District Association for Re search legit ll mu mm tardcd children $l5000 St itnkinzle said today it is Jng Film 13 rum John Ambulance $1850 Vict essential that we have organizt or on orian Order of Nurses $5000 rations that can rise to an aura Whitby Ont Rellred Group YMCAYWCA $21500 Canadian men like this and know cxaclly Captain Duncan Clive Mae Mcntai Health Association $1 what they are doing And it is kenzic Hume 7ft former board 750 Boy Scouts Rompenfclt Bay through the support of the UnitA of the Air Cadet League of Can Distrlct the figure ad Appeal ttiafsuch agencies ads who in 1939 opened the Willard KInzrc campaign canbepleparod for such cmcr RC trainln AFs technical chairman said fouroftbe aloe gancies school at St Thomas Ont llalcric Westman and Ruth erris who play flute and pier Students in Grade 13 who and east of Bayflold street to bomb llave notmado out their tlmc the waterfront and students at tables or all others who tendingAviaJchongbus speciabprohicinfircmdfifidW Vefitba and Ora and the see Mr Brydges in the office Village of Angus will attend any morning Monday through North Collegiat Children Complete Red Cross Tests No Red Grosstrsis have been Thursday morning at Bardia hold for boys and girls of the Pool Camp Borden cllildren of Advanced Classes of the Simooe the Tottcnham lnnisfrl and Stay County Recreation and CorrImuIi ner groups bwtructed by Joanna it Service Ono hold atthc Orll Anderson Shanty Bay Lynne lia YMCA tested members of Walls Harrie andIJLm Gower the Orr Lake Class instructed Meaford took their tests the by Elaineland Margaret Drury of examiner was Lt Harry Mayne Crown Hill and examined Those ohmmg the himm1 SISSC Jack Savage Md Sgl l3ill iatc Red Cross Award were Richardson of Camp Bordc more Amman Jana Jilthivlloms oblalrUl Has agofldtienham and Dis lnlermedtate Red Gum Award the lary ricrladdenoiutopia Bob Baker Judy Bannisall N0 Rodney Hare of Pats iidmett Bob Ingicton Bradford Dawn Tracy of Was Joan Ritchie Judy Stone Joan am Beach up Kidd of Ehnvale Mar at Whitfield of Elmvalo and dis °iui No be induces Rider Catherine Dur Sllellfl OMS of VCraigltlllSl once Diane Rice Gary Cole Em New °f HUSdaleifl 530 0am and Edle Pm value of the bomber while glor Stcven Watson of Barrie ML of Lake Sinloos Robert Srriall in SW ck NIL may 11 mm ya to eson mi rn following obtained their 1° ales litrefollowin ubtained their Senior Red Cross Award 39mm Red an Award But CotGen Fyotr Braiko John Archer Richard Vamps Lyme Ham chief of the Red Air Force said Edwards on ijake Katlm Judyfiaines Hem Manna of last week Russta is pressing the similar Barrie no No Bradford and District Jamie d°V°l°Pm°lli mllllili Plane Nancy iraia Hillsdale Willum Shapiro Norma Heiling and and thatmkelcarmncivmb ii ColltarSt sulieaor Wilson Goldwater Kathy Rice of Lake Slmcoe Ed Elis or thliJ litackbono of his son vces om power ward Ruscband Robert =Nsiily FA 675563 at Gilford Heather May rf whom do you believe Wasaga Beach RR THEBARRlE COLLEGIATE sANo onATEFuLLv ACkNOWLEDGES THE roLLow INo FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TOTHEIR PACIFIC roun EXPENSE Levlts Electric Stove Ralfle Sun Oil Company Ltd 20 1050 Prime Mina lsterDiclenbaker in announc lflJFRCCURUmflfAhC4UDCF sonic Arrow interceptor said in recent months it has come to ho realized that tho bomberl threat against which the Arrow was intended to provide de fence has diminished in July last Russia publicly displayed huge new delta wing bomber codenamed the Blinder few weeks before acting partly on thabosls of la telllgcnco reports Mr Diefen baker announced acquisition of the American supersonic Voo doo ict interceptorfor the RCAF groups included in the United Appeal have played major part in the search for little Thommina Baker The Canadian Red Cross So clcty has local rcprcsentaiive lfe sdldRussla has large and effective fleet of bombers and that the widely accepted vicws military staffs lathe Wcstcrn world that Russia was completely replacing bombers with missiles had not been borne out The problem has come full circle in recent weeks Khrushchev has again been deprecatlng the old girl waskilléd by bullet from her fathers Bticalibrc po lice revolver Friday in the bed room of her home in suburban Richvale An inquest has been ordered Barbara Huntley Youngest of six children was killed when bullet struck her in the eye Police said the girlsfnthsr Metropolitan Toronto Police Constable Donald Huntley 02 and neighbor Charles Chris fish were inthe house when the fatal bulletthe second of two shotswas discharged The two men had been together earl ier in the day and had parted hortly before the first bullct smashed through bedroom Wall Mr Christina returned to the Huntley house at the request of 13yearold Linda Huntls PCS Nominated In Byclection INEH AM Ont JCPl George McCutcheon 39 warden of Huron County Friday night was nominated Progressive Con servative candidate in the prov incial byciection for thc vacant Scheduled for early October is to fill the seat of John Hanna who held the constituency for the Proms sive Conservatives from 1943 an tllhis death last moath Liberals will hold theirnom lnation meeting here Monday night TO STAY ALOCF KINGSTON Jamaicn Reut erstPrime Minister Sir Alex ander Bustomante said Wednes day Jamaica has no lnlcntloir of establishing diplomatic rain tlons with Cuba But he told re porters Cubas consulate in Kingston will be allowed tor maihprovidcd it docsnhlintor fare in Jamaicas internal at fairs BIGllllot cavangr you your out tho new linbraltal ltomrotnlm Policy for your floors and propri ly Vou can hm perfect struts when ltrdro trouble call It BENTLEY AND COMPANY it Vliellow Employees To Honor Man HorvayL Jones supervisor of stores for this area Liquor Control Board Ontario is rctlr ing at end of month after many years on the staff He was man ager of Barrio stare Collier street for some years prior to promotion to supervisor and be fore thata store gel StaffsoiliCBO stores are tendering him reception and buffet patty tonight at Kenny Lem number of LCBD ex axulivcs will be present FIX II Dontdiseard your broken down appliances send them to as for afast foal repsirjah Tonys Appliance saicvrcr ca eiilz Mia Norman Sprout Mr Clllf Lockhurt MI Pnulltt Stephens Stores for Manon oys James Lynn Funeral Home II ruin oc Frank West okoTlSZC and Noll man VI SCHOOL OF MUSIC Etior Mazzolcnt Principal FALL TERM OPENS SEPTA PIANO ORGAN Votes sraacw ARTS THEORY OPERAoncrissrnALrNsrauMaNrs srsCIAL COURSES FOR TALENTED sonENrs LocalC can ranting paranoia oaktoo of the car walk ed away but the trailer ho was hauling and the car it self were badlyzgmashgd mm The driver righted itself on Highway 400 near the Highway 22 over pass pl yesterday afternoon south lanes Vernon Charles Reynolds 41 of ZitDeland liarbour Michigan was tlllV vehiclcscndcd up In the log the car Examiner Pho tnedlan between north and oral band return in clal3tat over then or tho car rolled

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