PM it tridpieiiï¬tpiosioni Reveals Inadequate Saier WOODDRiDGE Ont it An engineer from the Ontario fire marsheis ofï¬ce told cor onerr Jury Friday that safety precautions at the Sumter Pro pane Limited plant In Maple Ont were out adequate violent explosion there Aug could have recited in many more deaths said Itemy Jor dan The inquest lebelng held late the death of one man in an explosion which also des trayed tour houses ondruined NAVYENTEETAINSBABBIE COLLEGIATEBANDZATVICTORIA Members at Eerie Colleg late Band are seen boarding harlnrr craft of the Royal Coo ldian Navy at IIMCS Dock ynrr for trip around Esqui malt llarbor Vancouver ls land Picture was taken on the day when the band played concert at Batman Gardens ns Victoria BC IdealCom mander Itormald RCN stuff officer said in letter to Bill IIlaIn of Van couver former member of the Repeal Proposal OnposeeDougla VANCOUVER tCI The president of the Burnaby C0lt quitiam Progressive Conserva tive Association says he ap preached the Liberal and So ciai Credit organizations wrth suggestion they name one can didate to oppose New Demo 1crnlic Party Leader Doug as Lewis said Friday he made purely personal and un official approach iiis associa tion issued statement saying it had nothing to do with it Disclosure of the proposal was made Thursday night at Liberal meeting at which War ren Clark was nominated Lib cral standard bearer in the neighboring riding Erhart Regicr who won lire riding handily in the June 10 federal election is resigning to make way tor ltlr Douglas defeated in hisRegina riding Mr Lewis said his idea was to run one candidate agreed upon by the three parties against itir Douglas Three candidates running against Douglas would have to get three votes for every one of his and this makes it little harder Mr lewis said in an interview Ron Fielding president of the Liberal constituency asso ciation rejected the proposal WEEKEND EVENTS MUSEUM display showing the devel opment of man from 2000 BC to the present Museum week days 11 am to 830 pm The museum is live miles north of Barrie on High way 26 adjacent to Spring water Park BOAT CRUISES Onehour cruises on Delaney Boat Lines leaving Barrie dock at 230 pm Saturday and hour ly beginning at pm Sunday DRIVEJN THEATRES At the Shanty Bay tonight all cincmascope rand techni color ASKANY GIRL with David Niv9n and Shirley Mae Laine SADDLE THE WIND with Robert Taylor and Julie London and MILKY WAY At the iIuornia tonight the winner of it academy awards tremendous revolution BEN HUN with Charlton lies on THEATRES fALUILanV RIF1115 said my wife fought their pub band now with Canadian Gen erai Electric it was pien snre to have the Barrie0ol icgiate Band with is and we ware sorry they could not have spent more time with the Navy You have every reaso as did Morris Perreit president of the SocialCredit Associa tion Rene Camacho has been nominated Social Credit candl date ior the byeieclion that has veLtoJ flflmaï¬anConsorI Vallveshav yet to name candidate Frank Crowley vice prcsi dent of the Conservative Asso cioli said no offer of deal with another party has been made by the association In Ottawa Allister Grosart national director oi the Conscr votive party said the party has no knowledge of arw proposed deal it was never considered at any time at the national ievci Twains Writings AntiReligious SAN DIEGO Celif tCP lilnrk Nains daughter Mrs Clemens Samossoud yielded reluctantly to pressure to publish certain essays writ ten by her father considered anti religious her husband said Friday Jacques Sarnosseud 07 lieation for 20 years Eight to be proud of them all They reflected great credit upon themselves and their organiz ation The band group was taken oniimpectlon of one of the new RCN destroyer escorts thCS Nailed Royal Oanad Navy Photo Best Home in By Gags Truck runaway heating gas ruck abandoned by its driver oilcr bursting into flames crashed into rest home Friday setting off an inferno that killed three elderly patients It was just like ighted torch spewing stream of fire in the frontdoor the rest home operator said of the hue lane truck that slammed into the entrance About 35 bedridden or men tal patients in the Hilicrcst Haven Rest Home were run cued Ono suffered slight injur es Three perished in flames that swept the modern one storey structure and caused an esti mated 5100000 damage Electra is city of about 000 located 20 miles northwest of Wichita Falls in aortir Texas Waiter Blevins coowner and operator of the rest home said he saw the truck coming down the road l7 others Mr Jordan said pressure relief valve on the companys meta storage tanks on tanker truck Indloa tank car which blew up bad insufficient pres sure capacity More vigorous testing of ex ecu should be required he said Its recommended that future pro pone storage tanks be bistelied at greater distance from in duatrlai buildings nd homes cahuor sav Several witnesses were called Friday third day at the inquest flow valves on the trucks But in mm are the pilot ilshta not Wm Wm amp Ill me will here drifted down the load into nearby bounce An explosion than eordd have gilded four or five people be DecideTo Begin Curriculum iund BRACEBNIDGE Oat CF The Ontario Teac Fedm tten ended its annual meeting here Friday with surprise de cisioo to establish 000000 fund for curriculum revision and de velopment within the next 11 months The land It 510000 more than the figure suggested earlier this week by outgoing president Rev Conway it will be established by 01 increase in fees paid by teach ers to their professional organ iralloa Iongmulr principal of but none could alter ir delin ile opinion on the cause of the blast Mr Jordan sold the fire man shais office had not inspected the plant to his knowledge and did not usually make such in spectionsbecnuso of insufficient stnii lie referred to previous tcstl mony concerning four gas ap pilot Ithnilotalighlxuaua antesbutterngaeennï¬errï¬ storage yard In principle Mr Jordan said it was dangerous to have open flame near propane storage tanks CNE Pays $1000 In Schooner Race TORONTO CF The chat iengor who started the cightdny schooner race around Lake 0n torio won $1000 from the Cana dian National Exhibition Friday satthbaiienneJrgpyn ilRerolfitldidthllfedlliï¬iopsed times of the four boats on the eight legs of the event George Grecnsbcrger Ruf fnlo NY sportsman and skip per of the ThomasMarie sailed the 301 miles In total time at 47 hours minutes His time was more than four hours faster on the overall trip than that of the Renown Ii handled by the sea cadets of St Caltlhorines which placed see on Tikl owned by Al Downer of Niagara Falls 0nt placed third 12 minutes behind the sen cadets entry and Jupiter IV owned by Norman Green of St Catharines placed tourlh taking 54 hours and 10 minutes to complete the course The four boats left Hamilton Aug 18 and sailed to Niagara oatheLake Ont where they stayed over Sunday Monday they suited to Rochester NY and the next day crossed the lake to Ontario later stopping at Kingston Belleviile Colourg and Oshawa Walt Disney production in tech nicolor with Walter Pidgeon Gilles Payanl Emile Genest and Janette Bertrand Extra attraction WATER BIRDS At the Imperial MR HOBBS TAKES VACATlON in cine mascope and color with James Stewart and Maureen OHara MELODRAMA MURDER IN THE RED BARN starring Alan Nunn in the Orillia Opera House today Curtain at 030 pm Red Barn Theatre production MODEL AlkPLANETLYING Model airplane flying at the Barrie Airport Sunday begin ning at pm If there are high winds or rain it will be postponed yeamgwethawobllshers sent her copy of this book She read it and threw it away Samossoud explained the couple made their decision to allow publication about three weeks ago Professors at the University of California at Berkeley ar gued we had natmorai right to suppress these works and that Mark Twains writings be long to the world Somossoud continued He said the book contains sharp criticism of religion churches the Bible the Karen and the Talmud EXPECTS IIEVOLUTION The essays contain deep philosophy and flashes etho morI know it will create Russian Aid TofflCtiba Appear To Be Building Defences Only WASHINGTON AP US officials are watching the new Soviet arms shipment to Cuba with interest but something less thnnaiarm Chief reason for their attitude the Russian aid appears aimed at building up Premier Fidel Castros defences not his abil ity to air ut US off his reported Friday night eight Russien cargo ves sets recently docked at Cuban parts with military equipment and dozen more Soviet freighters are on route An un specified number of additional Soviet ships were said to have brought an estimated 3000 to 5000 Communist bloc techni cians The military cargoesara ro lported to have included com munieations vans radar vans trucks mobile generator units and perhaps antiaircraft sur face to air missiles of the type which Moscowhas furnished to Indonesia and Iraq More than half thetechal cians appeared to be military specialists said the officials but they estimated the number would be reasonable for assem bling the weapons and training the Cubans howto use them NO BED TROOPS They also reported no evi dence of Soviet or other bloc VOW FURNACE Ed remorse wrra carers Trï¬yrdapanesewif rviiie Ballenger go of Columbus Ct leans tor tvard to greet her husband as he is carried ironpa plane on Sgt athidlews AlrForee Base He was by Laotian Reds oh Aug 11 after being held prisoner since April 1001 lie was subi released rea ment otim of malaria par asites and bone disease in duced by malnutrition the Armyreported Ho with be hospitabzod AP Wirephoto lieut Service PA 02559 Harrie combat troops surface to sur face offensive rockets or atomic warheads state department whitepa per lust January calculated Red military aid to Castro at $60 000000 to 0100000000 including major weapons ranging from tanks to 0116 aircraft and mu chineguns The number of bloc Cube was listed as 300 Why is the Kremlin now send llng another flood of military as sistance to Cuba American officials speculate the renewed help stems from Kremlin decision that the Cas tro regime can be trusted to pursue Communist aims that Russia can now become more fully involved with Cuba and that large scale assistance is needed to prop up the Havana government which has severe economic and other problems at home PLANNING loaves You can always trust CookeYcurAllied tone Durance MOVING Sate piempt insured moving Warehouse stor age facilities at your ser vice coon CARTAGE Ax JIQEAEE nowwr 1101mmer PA 61863 Yur Friendly Allied th Lines Agent military technicians then in Grace Street Public School In Tomato was elected to succeed Father Conway as president of the 55000member body Named vice presidents were Reg ll Corona of gmhutstburg representing the ntario Sec rolldarySchonToocherrFedv oration Merle Duhoime of Wei land representing LAssociatlon do IEoselgnemcntancais de iTOnturio Ontariofreneh Toea hing no ma Florence Irvine of the Federro tlon oftiVomcn Teeachers Arse motions of Ontario Nora Hodglns of Toronto was appointed secretaryr trees urer Cuban 155 note of near panic has been apparent in the recrirnlna tions filtering out of Cuba re cently concerning that countrys agricultural troubles The extent of the crisis is made clear both by government statements and by the regimes decision to abandon coopera tlyc forms in favor of more stnterun peoples farms Inannounelng the dropping of the cones Carlos Rafael Roda riguez head of the National Agrarian Institute blamed bnd management and said production had fallen sharply Earlier the director of Cubas Consolidated Sugar Enterprise Alfredo Menendez had sub mitterl to the government bit terrcporton both the coopcra tives and the peoples forms which together make up 30 per cent of the countrys sugar pra duclion Everyone is well aware of the disorganization of these two racctorsihvheï¬aidfThereis disorganization and apathy and this is sharply reflected in the present harvest SHARE BLAME President Osvaldo Dorticos admitted in recent speech that there had been deiiclen cics and errors on all fronts Premier Castro himself or plaining the shift from coopera tives to peoples forms sold the oeoperatlvistas had made themselves into cidss of semiexpiniters nrrnereosoaorgmtiirtlï¬a auited in the smallest sugar undoubtcdiyllaln lhoeiidduï¬f soon seminar mom 1m newcomer rue TOLL ivar itapa London Ont vacationing near the Mackin nc bridge found way to avotdthabridge toil bydriv ing his amphibian amphlcal rapingI Having Troubles hamoyhnveollcrcdn change when he ltlld the gov ernment had been unable to control prices of privately pro duccd goods Speculators try ing to make the peasant Into parasite had bought produce at inflated prices and corrupted the sellers number of other reasons have been given for the form troubles which this year re crop since 1956 The weather was not good dronght was followed by heavy rains waste was caused by in experienced cnne cutters brought from the cities there was extensive absenteeism There were reports of cone fields being burned by anti Castro rebels but the extent of this sabotage was not clear Government officials hinted that food distribution services had been infiltrated by counter revolutionaries BOSSES GONE Deeper causes of the troubles great part of the managing decree Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD liarrte PA retro straight across the Straits of Mackinac He also drove ashore on the island of Mac kinae defyinga ban and autos and was promptly ticketed tAP Virephoto close and In the inevitable sirensresulting from almost complete reorientation of Cuban trade toward the Soviet bloc An estimated 150000 people nciuding much of the upper and upper middle class have fled Cuba alnce Castro took Soviet agricultural exports more than 300 of them by the governments own figures have been brought in but they apparently have not been able to supplant the managerial tnl cat that fled The troubles are not confined to the countryside in the cities industrial production has been reported declining consumer goods are in short supply bus drivers have been accused of deliberately stripping the gear of their vehicles Even the laundrlns have been accused of committing virtual sabotage on shirt collars one area at least where the regime can be assured of deep sym pothyfrom abroad ltl SAFE ite coenn For Prompt Courteous Delivery Service Cnll ALLANDALE LUMBER FUEL Company Ltd 49 Ease Rd PA 8558l