Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1962, p. 11

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cools and board avaiiab Uni Essen via Siroud thcp Tables PA M1 or PA tilt APARTMENTS FOR RENT HOOK then room apartment Iii luau It so Trursumii saute Altar resistance all is tans iiifsfuiitt ciritdil aunut phone PA 51 mo unspent Duplsa waatad to rent lapasaba entrance 0003 Jan WANID BY October III by Ildsriy couple Two bodrsom lid floor apsrtnlani with part or up an nlrigs or and stove April In so lsrris herniar ROOM tonne dull able ior busln ss person Para lns facilities phone PA Hm IIODM AND BOARD or room and tilehsnalta all militias parkln spur our on sin Ideals sul teacher Tslapb lIIJI ROOMS TO LET csNanALLP Located Bedroom tor mil ralrpnane pa coats summons tiotssallssplns nouns with ranlsiis the ol rolrtnrator and Bendix Csnirai Telephone rm pronouns ior root in Paloswiek area With or without board Tell phonl PA HI lpr further inton mallon YURNIEHED Bedroom or mt in private Thorn two blocks lions downiom ternd Yo int PA rmurtbar do is isle Lanus am himlsbad room end kitchen Refrigerator Ind ltOVl water supplied Downtown to es Inn garais entrants Perkins Iarllltlls lilphona PA llllt TWO RDOhll lor rant kitchen and bedroom complriol furnished in nice clean bolas deal ior couple Iii monthly with all uillliiaa sup piled Totphone PA Ma SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE vlnrrovmrtiuoltlllil shrub Completely lurnl 1nd AMT PA OPE slit scurry Two bedroom not use luliy lurnlsnsd One block lrnoi beach Apply ll Stun Cools ch tia strut iaonsrds COTTAGES FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED collard for rent for remainder or sea miles irons Ilsrrla at Leona peach Ralson bl phone coronal ior rent lor the month ol September on Olenhsven peach Lcitc simcoe Fully soulppad Tale Iln PA other or further pan ARTICLES For SALE ATTENTION PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARDS Portable classroom in excel lent condition available or im mediate sale Two years old and oqulppcrl with all heating Specifications within Deport moot oi Education require monts Building must be edriromwrasonrhtoni way for construction work Will be sold at substantial savingio purchaser Please direct en quiries lo Monsignor James Clair St Marys Parish as llulcaster St Barrie USED TVS all full warranty USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS iron QUALITY GUARANTEED 4900 to l5900 EPLETTS TV and Appliances 147 DUNLOP ST BARRIE CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS USED FURNITURE ch Chromo Set IStep Stool NEE Polisher silcr lemlral TV ea rowers ea Sing um Eleciric Kettle bathroom Scale WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prices paid Old Vehiclesol Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METAIS Dunlop St West Just across Hwy 4001 PA E9666 MONARCH REFRIGERATION REFRIGERATION AUTO WASHERS nnvans RANGES PA 82059 lnrns bought sold npcn aired combinations changed can all eltperllince Low nver bead less chases Prompt service tasking Esta Works Bistro st crud values toniienlsn Telephone PA information uncles sole attentions sue téawojuonvr PHOTO REPRINTS available It The Barrie Examiner ityollwouidlihotnbmn prints at any am ptetosoa intro oyour staiipboiogra phmplssucaiiatouspusi betrothed Wsmsorrya cannot accepipbonaordora Glossy Prints SI 00 10 $l25 plus in lo DAYS ONLY Fiirnuea Forced sir oil or gas installed complete with duct worhss low as 275 PER WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT Userl all burners from us up WOODWARD AND SON PA 60391 OR STROUD tiltd STROUD SCRATCH DENT SALE FREEZERS 20 at Chest Type Sug List Price $27095 7scratch it Dent Price $23905 17 Cu Ft Chest Type Sug List Price $25995 Scratch it Deni Price $20005 MONAch REFRIGERATION IRON HERMAN atoker for sale In fig rendition Telephoos PA COAL AND WOOD furnace load condition Bert offer takes it Talo phunc PA 04107 EIEOLER OIL hector for sale CI paclly at 71000 DTV In excellent condition Telephone PA III ACCORDION ior sale in Due with or art lnal cost ties Will sell for use slsphops PA nosio DOING OVERSEAS Eventhind has to be said No reasonable oi lee reinad ass at ii Nelson Square or telephone PA oBm SPECIAL nun prices are an at soul Singer Sewing Centre as at Talophono IA TYPEWDITEILpombll Add very little Coat 90 will sail loi hall price Apply 101 Pool St Darrin HODIONE liwa Sporting Goods harms largest aelociion ot ilrea arm cvcrythina for the aria man Dpen every event elos liaison PA MEN Highway DID DOMINION Clrculator Cool and wood Span iIaI ior sslc also to callers electric water tanir in sulated and heating elatnenta in mmuusaLnImm Annex1iesiorhpply iodTiilln fit or telephone PA Mil TWO haunooni aultea electric heavy duty stove acvcn place kit eh lack and whiic fnur chairs and is radio pho nograph combination one pair drlptis 03 inch Iilrcc Width and ll lou fool fluorescent lights at maohlnu cash relatcr door filing cabinet pply Andrus RR No Cooksiown or Tellphona $1717 FRUIT VEGETABLES scans trash picked Clappa Favor ito for early lalo helnro solos soil Vegetable pickling suppltcs as us Ital Apply Nolb M7 Boylicld Street GOOD POTATOES for Ilia Apply Van Der Kooy la lions Turnip Farm Highway 11 corner ath Con ceulon innlrnl No Sunday aslos Telephone 7am Strand BOATS MOTORS lDEAL FAMILY OUTFIT Peterboroilgh Canadian cedar Strip windshield wheel and forward controls in HPEvln rude good trailer two years old Will sacrliice Apply OAKLEY PARK SQUARE NEW 12 Four cedar strip canoe Very light Ideal for portnglng $75 H136 for luriher FOOT Peterborough boat 18 up Johnson motor and Lone Star trailer All llko new nick aaio Telsy DELANEY SINGLE spot lilo holiL Also 1910 like new 00 Johnson molar and mi now to HP Johnson motor Telephone llilltia Loiroy or Burkes Gangs Churchill INTRODUCTORY otter Dow Dilcn onall aeoliliiccullough outboard lliflttvrl 117 electric Generator standardcoulpment Regular price 5795 Sale price 5675 Manual siort Sdtsl Sale price 35 Flying Scott demonstrator ld Scott boat and 751 electric motor Regular 331411 On sale 11605 Royal Scott domon atraior 15 Scott bolt list nice tric motor Regular llloii Sale prion 117 Telephone PA 54771 alter pm ARTICLES FOR RENT TRAILER to hold campora alip plies with picnic table lid and sholvnd food cupboard For nil particulars telephone PA asses ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Set Iii or Collcgllto Telephone PA 1393511 CEDAR PORT Vliltcdr Contact It lillghtnnl tics 114 Durham 93 th 10E 11 noosaeess will be Imminent WET personals Germs Eberhard pup tss or sale male and to males iaiophona Its lira Oopp PA 01110 namnutma MARI Dentis land hesitant pets crown Itsnd std smooth Registered Must be soon to be appreciated Telephone Bellman Install an IEOIDTIIID golden retriever pup eslisnt pots sissy rosmplona in padisroo Also msla pit aint monios Telephona PA FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOW Highest prices paid ior dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For last service phone or ask for ZENITH oliso Ina CHARGE It hours and days In BARRIE PA WM icoiioen ICKS DEAD STOCK Licence No 17 Niel Montague Prop PROPERTY WANTED PAdtliliK wanted for id or to plead ol caiila Telephone Ivy lllt LIVESTOCK ONE in brad NlilteM York sittra sr ior salo Apply Scott Ilulr lainnor so wstnn in eating well an ply loo Itbuls on RR twoTelophune 45w ls volier Yoriuhirs piss ior weeks old Telephone ivy SMALL CALVII wanted beef pra wseld Telephonsair Coolt PA WANTED to bug Two Saanon or Tauenhurg mil in tests write glhllppsrt on Parry Sound ar SUFFOLK pith bretl rain and awe lanlbs Ouailiy stock nits yeln ling rcglllercd ram and young ewes Telephone PA Nd FEEDTEEED GRAIN DENESSFIE EAT cleaned and ircsird ior Also 500 square bales of aira locker cattle or calves wonled Telephone Russell liaw hlinsalna ill POULTRY CHICKS 4NtiJiUNlio STiPAJZMIllfDEKAEBqJUEEETS llioro and more poultrymen are choosing DEIIALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now ior curly order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS mono PHONE Tl lORTY CHICKEN for sale Ono gear 01d Telephone PA It after you FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equipment I76 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS sell unlosdlhg iorsga wide high 11010 also one 10 wide loan heaters 100 Bill l1cslo McKee Harvester filial Coo lawn Telephone til ONRWAYDICfo lIIrrls Telephone Gormlsy Silo AUTOMOTIVE ARIEL 1000 cc motorcycle ior anin Nooda electrical repairs best oilcr Telephone PA Bleiil MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEE VlAU FOR Viau Motors Limited 17 Gowan Street PA 66488 222 BLAKE st PA 61321 BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 62 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS AT PIERCE MOTORS LTD Es wit Rh Foxmoad Ontario PA moron can con sass masoassauwmur colored lost Tic sswta Elite for pain Yil door Ewen Italic Mm PA Klimt Harold ndla whitnoiia MI condition nos Inaybd sun It DtltkiflI KAIMANN aura for Mid Radio Wblia wall slrsa naeiiatna ante $191M PA useK sitar pin Huntinl and show sloeLDb no remnants hardtop White and red interior All power with radio 11M attics lhlaphone Candelabra Nixon lioter lulu use Mb Italian III in seed condition No down Milli Payments It wag woes Toto one lint Dixon ills walnut Raplsr ior salo ilardio convertible Burlal ants in pa cot conditile mo or beat alias Can be iinancad Toiepbm PA Iin ml VOLflWAOIN ior sale ullant eondiuon Two door am wllb whlts wail tins Can be line speed Telephone Psi Ironclad at im roltrlac iwe door deluxe Automalio transmission ha paint Low Talia Talia over payments oi par month Tole phone on areas MINOR hardtop Wblla matte Toto tori ms Talopb any VOLKIWOIN Al on throughout Must be soon to be appreciated Tana over payments TallphonI PA NM or turiher inlonnation TRUCKSSIRAILERS Im node to too small Corns out make cash etiar Phone Gib PA solos anytime VCIIEYROI Itrtortyieltu Jack for sale 11 for iurthsr inlormstlon METEOR code livery Good running condlil ever pay flian oi pl per plan ielt PA 870 for lurlhar datai io Ilhiil and brown one Md alter Lhasa PERSONALS nnADlNa AND advising on all ailalrs open iron ant to No Talophnno Orillia or to Front St South Orlllla apparel ii phone PA Hall situations BEAUTY IROP Coldpn stclfibyJartllloLhairdr omsroi nasa soon icrwardl riguro eoa trol posturs visual pulse arnom lns loansup parsonsllty demo Crow and private cla lalsphons PA dam READINGM Green famous character resdcr and adviser on 11 prohloma of ill First time ll ed ino eha All questions food 179 Baylisld Street anylim 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP Young Man To Train As SPORTS REPORTER The Barrie Examiner has an opening ior young man is to 23 years of age to train as sports writer Must have good knowledge of all sports particularly local sports The man7wo=choose=T Fr good background in English loll oiicrs excellent opportunity ior advancement for young man who wishes to make news papering his career Apply The Managing Editbr The Barrie Examiner ELECTRONICS PAYS WELL You can become lrtln It RCC trusted name in Electron ics Training since 1028 Automa tlon TV Radar etc nealdsnt courses in Torontadehisntraai 0r atudy It home Easy terms Free booklut RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA 81 Hill St Tosh onto Ont Enroll now Clams start in Septemier ARE YOU DISSATISFIED With your present occupation and your iuture locomei If so have you considered the possi bility of career in Lilo Under writingl The Northern Life Assurance Company of Canada presently hasan opening in Barrie which allots the man Who can qualify future second to none To investigate please write Mr Dewar Agency Manager 80 Dunlop St Suite 104Bar rie Ont All replies conildeniiol lssi cnhv hdrdtop with ties vo Chev motor in good condition Telephone PA E7553 loin Tris grey with radio aisle Carl ha seen at 27s St Vincent St Apt it anytime alter p50 pst 1ND KNVOYVDnIIIXe sedan Custom radlrl One owner Take over pay ments or oil per month Telephone PA 870 loss noun Pulrlnnc tnrshloliu mstlc power steering radio good condition 5700 Telephone PA E4587 ailor 1951 CHEVROLET Se ll Iutoms tie in good condition Low mile aiie Telephone PA OASEI or Apply at Pccl st after an 19 DODGE sedan for loll Mech anlcaily sound Body in good she Good second cor ielcphone EA soils 196d ZODIAC tone radio Iml other accessories Showroom con dition Price 195 Phone PA E37110 HILLIHAN STATION WIEMI 1°69 m0dclllkn new lilitlt be said will sacrliicq stilts Tcrrnr orrang on Telephone Price 107 Peel 5L Coilingwood 105d Dodge Special on it 11159 Vol swnion also 1000 Plymouth Apply lint holly it rs 1055 CHEVROLET our door dc iuxc New motor mo new tires var payments of per tar flatten Telephone Allan Park Telephone PA MDEJ ior lurthsr details JEWELLERY STORE MANAGER Qualified man or woman able to supervise and merchandise Lliellme opportunity for secure future Apply Box R5 Barrie Examiner on Telephone Toronto 9240769 HARDWARE CLERK required ior bulldars hardware department Ap ply Robinson Hardware Dunlop StDorris Ont TWO MEN wanted to train ll fitii earn up to groom to 112000 per year Apply to Box Dynamo Ex imitlél CHRISTIAN MAN needed hill or parttime Llicilme security Experr lcnca Sunday School mlnlairfl hot to Earn also menu and competition Writs John nudln Co grammar and spelling The Bobby Fischer tournament the insolent Ameri Jlmofiosl Ertotusiesmoh chance Air 1561 VOLKSWAGEN 1957 to pulse wANrEp More HELP NEW CAR SALESMAN FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS acceptance at our product we ilnd it advla salsa staff We one but rather people who tilts People who do not mind work sad no no not interested in lust any seiiing and service the public enthusiastic in their work Our compensation plan and fringe benefits are at high calibre demonstrstor is supplied it you are over so years oi aira midst quality all WANTID Ml Dositar Ion taulani two boys ll years 01 Training elven in restaurant nor ApIy Chitin on ruillinni gaudy ton Toisphono Consid REGISTERED NURSE Required in train as Laboratory ocbniclaninincaicospliiigia ory Tppy in writing sto rousilflcailoll ary etc to BOX 39 OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR With postgraduate course re quired ior active operating room in as bad hospital Good salary and employee benefits Appal DIRECTOR OF NURSING General CLMEIIIIO Hospital COLLINGWOOD ONT WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE 11 you would enjoy working or hours day calling regu larly each month on group oi Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on route to be established in and around Barrie and are willing to make light deliveries etc write STUDIO GIRL COSMET ICS Dept CDrtia sac Lalleur Ave Montreal ii Route will pay up to $500 per hour da or iii i53ilh 12 preferred Telephone PA oases aiier pan RELIABLE WOMAN ngulrld to baby alt your home one child while mother works Vicinity oi ih aw Staci street Apartments Write to Box It barrio MALE FEMALE CARETAKER Township School Area oi Vcs or No wants caretaker for CedarVicW andForestlilll schools Either jointly or sep dutles and terms apply to ARTHUR SMITH liiidhurst until pm Wednesday Aug 10 Telephone PA aeisse panorama positions counter waitress filtlldélt machine aior capa one some duties Shift work Apply to 185 Dunlap St East EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL GIVE wealtLy care to child in my own home MondayFriday Will pick up Talepbono PA aissa Soviets Blast MOSCOW CFAP The newspaper Soviet Sport de nounced chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer oi the United StatesFridsy ior Fischers ocr cusailon oi collusion among Russian players In international tournaments Having suffered tissue at Curacao where he took part in the recent Candidates Chess can decided to lvhiicwash him sell with the aid oi slander It is well known that lies have short legs And it is diificultto keep pace on such legs With those who go ahead In it the 19yearold grand master told how the live Rus sinn players among the plant competitors at Curacao appar ently agreed before their matches to throw polotsto each other by playing to early ii When it became apparent duringaihe course of the too namenttlismlibro players was pullln the others Fischer wrote countrymen supported him all West Madison at Chicago APPLY TOsOX 94 xperlenoc sal BARRIE EXAMINER aratcly For particulars as to Soviet Sport declared making no serious attempt bentblm resident of Barrie and think that MR HUNTER PA 64527 Dangerfield Motors Limited 288 Bradford Street CHEV OLDS CAD CORVAIR CIIEV ll ENVOY CHEV TRUCK MM sarsc onii CANCELLATIONS MUST as PHONED lN BETWEEN 300 and am Owen Street Barrie FEMALE HELP OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVERTISlNGxCOORDI NATOR icedwomangorzgirhpreicrredpbntnonessential FIVE DAY WEEK ALL COMPANY BENEFITS SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE hlSGR ALPIIONSE Moria Parent 56 viccrector oi Lav sl University is chairman of Quebecs royal commission on education The commission is BARRIE EXAMINER it irons noncss NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Donald Enrsyth Machmi late of the City at Barrio blunt Court div sand All persons having dairna against the estate at the said Donald Foraylit Madman who died at Barrio on June 15in lads arescolllredtofilopmoioilba some with the undersigned perv loosl representatives on or bolero September lath in Alier that date the Personal Representatives will proceed to distribute the said estate her to log regard only to the claims Home Ronahim San Fran oi which they shall thenhm elm so had notice Dated at Tomato this said of August 1961 CiiAItTERED TRUST COMPANY King Street West Tomato Ontario GLADYS McKAY MacLAREN By their solicitors herein Wilson and Cbaioner day SIolenlasesWiiis Loo An gains 69 Pitcblol Purkoy Cincin nail not etc Strlheoutalimiiax Los opium American League AB EPct Runnels Ros to 57155 Jimew RC 481 it 136515 Slebero KC 83 91151 31 Robinson Chi on 72 its Rollins Min am ll 19 wnukpearoon lasVAngeles titans Belted illSlebenl fit gillsRichardson New York DobbinRobinson id HTriplesClmoll Kansas City uesoto 8t 2Stolen BasesWood Detroit itchingvhfchtidcreus cs 114 713 Strikeouts Pnscual Minno sota lSil indicated widespread comic lion that the secondary school program needs to he made more challenging more divers tiledand more easily available Quebec parents have long re gnrdcd lilo classical college as the only place where their chip dren could get good secondary educail especially if they Militia there are bl or beral classy were designed iniy as fireporeilon ior careers in the rmiessiohsouch as the an and teaching hisgr Parent has said we have to do something about the public secondary sector That is perhaps our basic problem Another booster oi the public spmndnry school is Sister him TieLaurent She has said the secondary school is crucial sector because it is there that most children will complete their formal education publi making the first complete study of education in the pro vlnce in century It is are period to bring in its recom mendations some time in 1963 101 Photo Qiiébec Education commission Now ilble To Draw Conclusions By ALEXANDER nautical QUEBEC CPiSix men and two women have the task of finding was to make Quebecs education system as good as anyin North America it not better These members of the provin cial royal commission on educa tion ior eight months until pub lic hearings ended late in July listened to countless other peoa pie say what they think should be done Now having received briefs all the way irom the ivory towers to the grass roots they must draw their conclusions The recommendations they will make are considered vital because 01 the provincial gov emments view that albpltlle rose in Quebec depends on im proved standards oi learning Commission chalrmnu is AlphonseMarleperentr cerector of Level Univ llis colleagues represent wide variety in age background and experience Youngest is Sister hiarielsau ut dev Rome 35yearold riun oil the faculty of blontrcalsvCollcge Basile Moreen BROADLY BASE Vicechainnan Gcrard ion to publisllc oi them real daily new voic Three com university professors Munroe 57head oi McGliln Education Institute Jeanne Las prints 45 of Laval whoseiield ls French literature and Guy nriillcliinn tilfictnrbi English stud sfor Ihe Catholi loyal commissionaudio re government want their recom mendations by Dec 31 This deadline will probably be ex tendcd but not for more than six or seven months lilr Flllon said wehad no idea at first of the immensity oi the task This is the first complete study that has been made of education in Quebec for 100 years Premier Jean Lesage anphls KEY TO POLICY The Lesngs government was elected in June 1960 on plat iorrrl oi reformabovc all in educationand the next elee tide is expected initial hir Lessee has described education icy ot grandeur Atra press confereucovhe said that improving education is ihe most important task facing his government If pothing doneiIr ibisiield all other re forms would be useless The government is currently spending about $300000000 on education ooeouarter Id its an llliaiJllitlch Hills sumroughly equals lbnlspent by Ontario which has 1000000 more people ts supposed iobe wrong with education in Quebec formminded circles generally is that education has ior row has provided an elite opt in science rind business uLthamt millennfisee as the cornerstone of his pol long been the privilegcdf Tile cultural level and skills of the people as whole will depend Upon how good the see ondry school is We have to think of that vast maturity at children who are not cut out in be priests or docton or scholars but who will spend their lives as silica workers or Craftsmen We must have schools that will give them the kind at general education they can absorb and will also pre pare ihem for their Jobs GOVERNMENTS ROLE Th momentai Iry school was usually blamed in the brieie on traditional governmeut relue tance to do the things In field of educailon that only ibs governmentcan do Schoolvwas not compulsory in Quebec until 1943 and it was not free until 1961 Isncnl school boards were not required to provide classes up to any spa ciiic level until 1961 The popular view of till sin roleis obviously dising lhlshaspmvided other bl lor the royal commis sion to lace vast why of newteschers is needed espo ciaily at the secondary school level and non money has to Be laid out for school construc on Where is the money coming from The royal commission heard many witnesses say that local revenue sources mainly the property this are being pumped to the limit The provin governments share at the costs is steadily rising and vir tually everybody thinks it will have to keep on rising However local control oi ti nsnceshas long been cllen ished principle oi Quebecs edu cational stsucture ahd many witnesses said this principle must continue to be respected somehow it grassroots interest Ili education at tre nlsuedgus heightis to be run in RETARDED SEGMENT The education debate is also characterized by strong inter estin the fate of retarded and handicapped oillldrenilieoomz mission has been given plenty of advice both professional and lay but the necessary measures will involve considerable ex pense in provision of new facili ties oiid development of SPECth ized teachertrainin At the top of the education structure therein agitation for new universities The Jesuits to establish the in bios real one French and and Eng iish and the cities at Taois Rivieres Cbieoiltsmi and RI mouslri want universities Opinion is divided on the issue Opponents are saying mediocrity more than the six universl es three French and three English incomes It lems lhti eomoiloti is trying section the vyb rlr one commissioner JiolneivitunoKlllcbrcw hiiia Hm

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