Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1962, p. 10

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Get In the iSeiims Swan Us Classifi re ran mmsxoslmsa runner soccer no REAL 55mg ANNOUNCEMENTS WHEN ma occasmn DEMANDS snhrntnnrsl GESTURE SAY IT uosr Conmnurnv wmr FLOWERS BIRTHS coon wsws mar When on announce lac ruin at your In The Berna Examiner ctipfllnlt of In done are av ani Boul talm MIII your D1 If IWI announcemea ll qv Examiner Cianided int iUADlLL the Stevenson Mana nrai Hoapital Allirton on Titian day August 13 1003 in Mr and hire Cllvln Mldill nee Cola On 1111 15 or ENGAGEMENTS canmcnumaosnm enga lament is announced of Evelyn roan Currie Reg daughter of hinszimJtrcnlhald Currie of Conbtowft tonL Daniel ltufnafel uII non of bar tin Christian lillfnlgel of Val viovv Albert almlm in take in Slpplrl Japan Aug or lost AHEARNTATTERSON Hr Ind am It 1AIlearn announce to engagement of their daughter lione maria Jeanttfa In Cblrlcl Douglas Patterson non of hirr Louisa Patterson and the late Mr Robert Patteraon of barrio Wedding to take place Saturday September 18 1982 at 311 pnt In Trinity Anf Ilcan Churc iN MEMORIAM NEWTON1n intlnfl memory of our dear tan brother Murray Ncwlnn who scd away August 70 10 hiany loncl heartache hinrly ailcnl tear Rllt llllyl loving memory 01 one we loved so dear Sadly missed by ilnm Dad Doria Roger and Myrna KERRIDGEIn loving IMan 01 our dear Itiillllnd and father Ed ward Kcllidflo whacnterad into rcrt A111 Hill 10 To us he has not gone away Nor nu ha travelled far JIIIt catered into Gnd lovely hilt3 PM fnvcd Ind ruralInhaled by 1111 wife Annie Ron and Jean RTLRIIBRRYIn loving mllllfli dur lilndfnlhcf Stephen Sherry who passed away August at Ital And whlll hl till 111 paacefui lee mlmglnnry we phall always kce Iver rcrharnbered by hi loving mandchlldmn nienfmitnYIn loving memory of our dear father Stephan Nell hlcsnerry who naucn away Aug It tool Forever in Gods keeping Always in our hearts dadly missed Iby lcma Oladya Harold and Fr comma sszrs N60 Stroud Commitnity Hall EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT JACKPOT $115 32 Numbers Called D0011 PRIZE REAL ssrars PROPERTY FOR SALE HENDERSON REALTOR II COLTTD mm PHONE PA cam UMBNT SALE on LEASE Well located Davisbuilt twa ycarold roomy ranch bungalow Lease for ma per month or beat reasonabia offer to buy in the next few days NlIA mort gage carries for $110 including taxes Vacant for inspection Call Eamon Swain memos com RITA scANDItLfl PA was nlanson SWAIN an sates Uolnbal oi Emi IInd District and Ontario IlaI htata Honda Home Farms Busldosscr REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE EROKER 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone PA 57206 Opposite and Sloro BEDROOM RUNGALOW On hisryst ncor Queens Park Large sltnroom new furnace and garage $11500 Terms BACHELOR APARTMENT For rent Two rooms Oil heat Private bathroom $15 lmmcd late possession Near Quccns Park ROBOTZS REAL ESTATE PA 87236 HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors as SAYFIELD sr as costs ANYTIME MY FACE 15 RED And hope this art In loo be cause this house should have barolélla Park area is much ndernn Two bedrooms nice size living room handy kitchen with pantry on lot in us feel for low tnxesl Built by Hood and real charm er for loss than 312000 And in the somearea $3000 Willget you Into this three bcd room older brick home on Ecclcs Street slightly less for cash or my terms can be arranged Villlbe glad to show you any time zvmvrlvoaflcnue Daria Nuttycnmbo an rrasl Nonn Haskell PA nrolo Curly Kinoatorman rn Hm baa Lovagrava Itngur In none tiembars of the Darrin do Dlltflct Itoal Estate beard Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 87502 Id CLAFPERTDN ST NARI1E ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNIIJPmmBAST Tlrai in Barrie Home Salty PA 85568 de0 run use If loopPA Nifl ROOfltdeA mu WEEDS BARN D1813 32 HIGH ST acres working balance bush and barn with steel roof Best value with terms froom ground floor Now available parirllcnts Ahsli acre wi balance on one open mortgage John Long PA 85761 Del Cole PA 04087 GRAYDO 115 DUNLOP ST EAST Graydon KrillPA 114605 Norman DUNLOP St First Mortgage Fonda 60 of Joa Ldaltln an aorta Everett Shalawali arn 1710 Howard Norris REALTOR PA 30241 200 Itan roan On paved Highway north of Barr FOR RENT 1N VILLAGE OF HILLSDALE th nice room home full basement good well and cistern Wonderful garden land Price only 000 with 01000 down Smith Campbell PA 07380 Member of Barrie and District nut Palate board REAL ESTATE BROKER Marlon RutledgePA 85785 near more around Inning Can oremoat In duality of Service TRUNK LINES Our Photo Filer avalanth CALLI WM um COWPA Will CT um ETA BOA rs com to Excellent clay loam soil 150 lure Good brick house good It Simeon County Price 017000 at 57500 and $8000 per month marten Read PA 82317 KOHL PA 84252 PA 84608 Bill flownPA 80451 Shelswell PA 80901 PA out vailablo interest Value Jack Willldn PA S4611 Norman Sbclswoll PA 00001 protesters enorsm sort INEWNHA HOME bedroom colored tile fixtures with vanity in bathroom Folly decorated storms and screens Recreation room with large pic ture window snd entrance to rear yard at bucancnt floor level For Information phone bllildar and owner Bud Allan PA 04201 mavens brick bungalow with patio and full basement nIlIy landscaped close to schools NJLA mortgage PM for quick nia Telephone PA 071 DOWN Private fall bed room bolus alto on um land on at many crown Hill close to Barrta Centre bail tan ail booted all newly modern rod and duaratad full prica 000 Phone Ifr Idiiirr PA 031 FARMS son SALE Farm For Sale 113 ocru in miles from Owen Sound 88 acres fertile openbot tom land under plough 31 acres pasture watered by rivar Erick baiorey home stokcr furnace modern kitchen dpiece bath oak floors Barn 00 It 78 steel alabiing steel roof Cement black lilo 12 it till Slccl imple ment shed 21 50 2car garage pump bouscchickcn pea Ne verfailingvleli Buildings crect ed 1910 except barn Outstand lag farm priced for quick sale 0wnerhna ottlcr Interests 100 acres posture available if dc sircdi Percy Lemon RR Annan Ont Choice Building Lots Located on Lee Avenue in Angus CALL MR MORTELL PA 61670 and high schools Phone PA It Next doorto thalmperlal Ihcatrd 45A DUNLOP ST HOME TO MAKE YOUR anonr suvo SAVE $50000 BUY Homes by Crosley Bernick Beautiful 3bedroom homes complete in every detail including spacious garages SEE THESE HOMES VNOW DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $99500 2670 orAny Real Estate Office for Further Information CORBY NOW One block from public REAL ESTATE broiler PlhIie PA 82410 93 Dunlap St Mortgage R1011 Available MABEL MARSHALLPA dill OWEN JONESPA dIOIII MURIEL JEFFERYPA Mm CARL VOODWAfiDCrcernnrn ZdLl DDNT 11159 IT hfalinco obedichcd SIIDW CDCDXUD Gate Idmlulfll 10 Good plixcs landy pan 125 Shanty Day Road THE CHILDS SCHOOL Proschool training for children 31 to Da by fully qualified kindergarten teachers commencing Sept 11 11357 There are few vacancies in the school taxi Clll liira 111 Child PA l770 or PA diiliiil Murder Suicide iliter Boy Iilted FORT ERIE Ont CPIA 20yearold girl and her jiltcd boy friend were found shut to death Friday in what police des cribcdas case at murder and suicide Patricia Dean 20 was shot seven times with ucalibrc rifle Peter Kelly 30 alias John Dcvy Toronto hotel elevator operator had been shot once through the chest with the same rlfic which lay beside him The bodies were discovered Friday by ghe girls grand mother on slipath whichled irom the Dean home to the grandmothers house They had apparently been dead sieveral hours Bertie Township police said the couple had dated for two years but the romance was broken off several months ago This week they said Kelly tried to persuade the girl to resume the friendship Police there had been sauerni inlenL argiunanl be tween the pair Friday while Miss Dean was alone in the house eilyappnrently gaine entrance shot the girl twice then followed her when she ran into thebackyard and shot her five times moreHe then killed himself police said 131111 STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS batting Orldnda Cepeds San Francisco Giants drove in four runs with 5for5 performancc hitting homers No 27 and 28 plus three Hughes umph over Philadelphia Ph as that moved San Francisc within games 01111 tionntLengIIe lead analIla checking Houston Calla on eight hits for 42 victory lhotpulled 10 acres of bushwith ri DAVIDSON STREET Threebedroom brick bungalow only three years old Has many extra features divided base meat storms and screens ihernlo pane windows Situated on large beautiful lot close to public and high schools Pric ed for quick sale with low down payment 50 ACRES Close to Barrie on good read Excellent soil and water plyfgoodiiulldi sell Call this eillce now for further information BAYFIELD STREET 2bedroom bungalow large liv ing room and kitchen full size basement See this one today at only $0200 full price FULL PRICE $7600 Bungalow in Allandsle Large living room kitchen builtin trig 2bedrooms bathroom basement Forced air heating On nicely landscaped lot Low down payment balance on easy terms FRANK NELLFA PA 68800 KARL MARSHALLPA 311917 Mlmhur Harris and Disk Estate Board nghvvayiQ7 NEAR COOKSTOWN 200 acres of level choice loam nrtesian well modern four bed room brick house good barns sing properly This is one of the choicest farms in the di trict$250 per acre hair doWn Telephone PA elmor David Davies Realtor Toronto at HU 80777 MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD yous ALLIED van class occur 43 Essa Rd Barrio g1uoo nuwN your round home loa aiding completely furnished with stavs and refrigerator1tlil price 5000 Call it Carson Iteal EI ata PA ddfi color mi I7 i111 ROOM bunghldWIn Elmvdid with livingroom kitchen dpicce bath utility room attac all gar Clncitinsti within three games of the Nationachagua Icsd lab Phone Elmvlio do 1s rs tiITfiuveI 3yearold home has an shaped living room dining room and fibeautiful bedrooms Silu died on Vancouver Street and close to churches and schools Sig value at $13000 Call Ralph Banks 06481 Evenings 00307 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Close in Barrie This is very good family home Has nice fenced yard on good level lot Full price 56500 See it now Call prp rags $37187 SZ000 DOWN Will take your landlord off your payroll he the proud owner of this sang bedroom home with nicely landscaped lot Its lot for liiitic So call illday driva past 110 Rose Street Seeing is believing Call it Carson 06401 Evenings 06161 Ranch style bungalow with at tached garage five rooms three large bedrooms extra large kit chen Full price $13900 Easy down payment arranged to right purchaser Call MrCarson PA 66161 after pm PA 66481 Member of name and Dickie Real Estate Board REAL ESTATE BROKER 232TifiinSt Llstings invited Call Day orEvenlng PA 61801 Member of the Barrie and DIsirlct Rdai Ellata Board GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY 0R NIGHT Mcrnber Barrie and District fical Estatolioud FOUR annrtnoru House for sale Hot water heating with oil tira pinca etc 9i Clap at hanAmf ff MARION Crescent Three bed room bungalow two years old fully landscape finished recrea alre Inlartor flnlahed in mahogany plywood natural gas furnace lot ind tlanraom Lela than Low down payment PA alas ImmortalsIntros DEL dERhiEYPA 00852 mu surunnLnNnlonll stmuc ROSE snot 115nm nnoann 7B TIPPIN STREET BARRID CALL any on EVEqu PA 82379 Member of the Barrie mo District Real Estate tit rd BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION HOMES CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR PLANS NEW HOMES ON DISPLAY FEATURING OPEN HOUSES AT TOWER CRESCENT Several Ready for Your spec on VARIOUS PRICE Brackets Follow BurtonAve to William St south on William to Bald win Lane turn left on Baldwin Lane and follow thcsigns CORD SPELG PA 85097 DOUG HOMER PA 84897 LOU MORTARTY PA 01715 SUB DIV OFFICEPA 60641 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your lNSURANCE and ifyou need extra coverage ofsny kind llections and no financial out to In All literature and sales in plied free An executive position wi Try AnExanuIner Want Ad raona emswt WANTODfiWRENTZ 0R BUY an arena bedroom Ifoun ted to rent or buy In the 1niiy at St Marys Church Wr giving details to Box 78 in la Examiner An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 flotsam IMMEDIATE lst dz 2nd Mortgage loans Anywhere wlrla now MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TD YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Ta consolidate dcbts are off cxlsting mortgagor OOr mortgagee coming due lit trnprovclnnnt worthwhile cause TA PA easel ortgage Funding 01 lmpsonsSears lilo bar Ontario lilortgnge rokers Association WANTED $15000 hilleilllIflLm Going on Barrie Examiner WAN $5500 on first mortgage for if yea Will ply alga 15500 Apply if Earl1e Examiner lllORT ROYSwirl Ind Ind bought cold an arranged Commercial Idaniial monoyl loaned an mortgages narrio Mort rolrcrl an Mao mono first mortgage to pure nuill three bedroom home men be old napv approximately idii tn nthly Tint threl rem bai monthlyAPPIy Ban Examiner FINANCIAL NEED $50 TILL PAY DAY Ir COSTS oqu 47c FOR TWO WEEKS 45k For PayDay Loan CALL PA 60203 Crescent Finance 26 Dunlop St BARRIE BUS OPPORTUNITIES gt DISTRIBUTORSHIP here is no stock involvedfno other than establishing your modest office Our product is sold all across nude and in five years it has come theieadcr in its field lional training schools will be train you and your sales lhods and techniques are Ydl community can produce to $15000 dollar annual inc me for you in your own bus ines Age is no barrier com pany fringe benefits and stock opti plan all available tonyolll Intel news will be conducted in caliy or at company head of iice Toronto Reply in con RENTALS NURSING HOMES All DIN CHINE DOM vtnlzfn this exam aunt and good staticaqu gaunt cotton To episode Iona OFFICES STORES RENT omcl mca for root wall in rated on Callie Bf Illule rolu Telephone PA scoot bo twun use pn mum to rent rpm for two chair barber of Fremont in out and of Do or West lard HOUSES FOR RENT afoul for rent in rarndale lin Ioty Cameron Lot ft Para IIX ROOM hour for ran Thrad bedroom All newly decorated Telephone PA arm rent Complete with cried on lieu Street eiephona PA 01010 nrfull partlcuiard MIMI DUI lmlli rent 11 Locat Angua Tale phone Milli Stron store 10 Lat NO 111300 winiarfrad cottage with all conveniences innldc 011 ntliif buvywlvlng Itenl rou able Apply Little Lake Cedar Park Telephone PAS5889 CENTIMLIA iocaiad all room from for rent will three bedroom Automatic In furnace III nlca flésdjack yam Talephnna RA MODERN tbreo bcdronm home for rant Central location Hardwood floorl all heating Attached gar age cabone PA arm between am pm THREE DZDRDD brick bung II with garage In and Clare to public and legs acbao further information tailpha Nfl Avllllllld September lat COMFORTABLE seven roam Minn for rent Fully insulated All can venienctr Oil heating Available September ill Telc hone 14cc Ca vanaurh hilnutng FARM HOUSE for rent Three mich from Barrie Oil heated inaido canvlencu Pour bedrooms 30 monthly1rco milk if dulrcd for Iboopiatlng after caw Talepnnne PA APARTMENTS FOR FEW DELUXE APARTMENTS with balconies and all fine features New Building PHONE an allele PA asloo BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apaptment Living room kitch en full basement with laundry tubs Central location Free parking Telephone PA 80230 EAST END two bedroom unfurn tailed apartment beautifully nitalto I11 iidlng Heat ivcrllundv mum Itnragc inclnnraior1an itor service and pnrktngtctcphonn an 81107 Scallops add flattering soft ness to the collar ofa smoothly shaped stepinI Just the casual you need fresh so bright in print or checks Printed Pattern 4940 Half Sizes tile 16 10 201$ 22 74 Size 16 requires yards 45inch fabric FORTY CENTS 40 centsiin coins Ontario residents add cont sales tax lstamps cannot bcacceptedi for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of mimic Examiner Pat men SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Cntnlngrcady nowl More than 100 sparkling styleksun fident to Rex at Barrio Ex sInln apart day dance work travel Ali lineal Send 35 cents wittyutiw Separate entrance rent Apply 147171 Steel RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT EASY COMFORT SUMMER AND WINTER Large new room heated apartment on ground flooroi apartment building Individual thermostats drapes stoverc irigeraior and air conditioners optional On into line Napier Street area near separate pub lic and high acboola tinny oth or features Children welcome No pets please PA 85738 PA 85041 rou IOOII apartment to rent minded or unfurnished Privaia Entrance filllndlld 111111 715 dill PA OM Ill NOW unfurnilad ballad Italy Apply at in Iiayfiaid 81ml nenpootl Apartment elec Lo trlc aim and refrigerator dry facilitch Central Idtltl Janitor service Immediate gov rattan Telephone PA ms ONE AND TWO Bedroom Av manta for not completely contained Ifata refrigerator Ilor mice From 005 men Talapbnna PA 070 IILPEONIATNID ground floor two bedroom apartment Cent location not water heated for Available immediately Telapn PA 0700 after pan runNIsIIaa lam from two room apartment Hydra and but Includ ad Bart and on bus route Orland floor Near chopping canlre liar parking Telephanl PA 33030 UNIURNllIIlIJ Ifde floor apartment three largo rooms and bath Veranda or and dry Ptrbincdtclcphono mi or PA 61051 ONE BEDROOM furnished mcnl Heat hydra and prtva lrnra On ground floor Centrally located to per month Available August Telephone PA 000 IIAOIOUS MODERN two LIAM selfcontained upper duplex on Hnlgala Sllrat Available Septem ber idth chl 0100 per month Telephone YA 111107 or PA nut uNK TWO own man bedroom Apartments Itdffilnfltdr and stove cache and dryer Janitor service New building Close to all acilltlca Talophona PA UNFURNISHLD tliiu bedroom pariment on second floor orn ua nL MJ franc alums APARTMENTS FOR RENT mu noon furnished moom Iplrtmani also Ibm loom uns furnbe apartment CantrIL TIL cpbona Pit DNUINIIHID than men Ipl meat with Nth npotalfa amp cupboard rpm nawiy decent nu PA Mt NlNlllllD BAclflIDI open meat Laundry farilitiu and king Vary central Toiepbm M01 or PA 01011 mill YURNIIHID HEATED Idri bub aior apartment for rant Selfcon It intend central location Telephone PA 60211 WW1 tun room liih bath Ililinl ltliii contained Available Septembt 1001 Telephone PA lantern and attractive three toom aparrmant with private bath and Intranet Toronto 51 diatrl Telephone PA 05 run naanocsr unfurnl dhu Id Ipartmant ltb lemma lrigw hardwood lion to cahoots on bus roll liable so in Apply to st Vindcnt Apt runNIsIleo ground floor Ipartlt meal In room all healed rhing flu in Utilities tanned Xpdllie Wnolworthr lephm cross Irtrnent ONE BEDROOM furnished apart mcnt self on taincd Hydro and water Iuppiic One block from In Pnat Olllcc Available September lat Telephone PA Mill gunman two more apartment heavy duty stove and refriglraidrfi Ii Heat and hydro Itlpflled as monthly Cgllniiy loco ed 01 Waniey Telephone PA if ethdO par month phone 1nBDnofil apartment Itvi room kitchen bathroom in and dryer slave and rcfrig Completst Icifconlaintd frant and rear entrance Available Sap tamhrr 1ft Telephone PA Mill meat ground floor Ruled elm in It an inn Reasonable Telephone no ddmlor apply d1 hclu 51 NEWLY DICOIIATED unfurn ad hufrdn completely selfco tabled three room apartment an bath Ampla storage parking close to schools bur and Itoru from PA mmmimm roan noon soilcontained Ana 1y at Mt Penaung Street Taloplldna PA 57100 lllnNIallnn on unfurnished apt mant tent and water Iuppied Front and back private In mice Three pieca bath Two minuiea walk from but terminal Pbona PA dd 50 pin It THREE nodal apartments for re Selfcontained bolted Off ltrddt parking Rania No and 050 per month Apply on Dunln and id Dnniop St or later 06de Newmarkct CONVENIENT It and location Modern two bedroom apartment Complcteiy selfcontained veno tlan blinds automatic laundry in cilities stage rafrigcrltar Taic phana PA arm orappiy add Napier Street nlcannnn rooh unfurnished duplex Heated Newly decorated slave refrigerator supplied aniy tiled lladrl Private Dlth Available Talepbona immediately an actor UXCEPTIDNALLY largo dvo roanI apartment available immediately in new modern building Very clean to public and separate schools Automatic vlaundry maintenance Iarvieo Stove and refrigerator oi tional Paved parking fatillticl For further information telephone PA 858 or MOST PORTARLP plac live In Barrio bindcrn largo two bcdroam apartmch available now In brand nevgbulldinga located In lover rcsldanilai district Vary near to perm and public school Parking Eat watertup lied Refrigerator and stove on lnnnl Janitor service nurnnable Oplk Adulil Barrie or telephone Hldl nr evenings PA 61 BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates Telephone APPLIANCE ssnvrces TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service no DUNLOP ST PA 6Il42 sxcavarlnc FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 28 Ann Street PA 82901 INVISIBLizMENDING INVISIBLE MENDING BEIITO utterlavishly mend yourlsulis and dresses We also invislbly mend your upholstery at your home PA 61200 PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PUMP REPAIRS PA 89461 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINGV EDWARD SMITH AND SON Partitioned PHWTclIEtElflE Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 56956 Try An Examiner Want Ad atalrl apartment Private bath on shower Parking space New rel dcntial am Near Da Viibia Adults only Apply 10 Alfred LL Darrin TWO APARTMENTS to rent Three large rooms with private bath room unfurnished tine ground floor and other upotoin Rellfln Ibla ran Telephone Siron WRIT before mm NEW AND lnodnrn oneand two bedroom apartments overlooking Iccnin Kempenfcit float tar parking and ianllor aervlc inclu ed Automatic warning 911111 Included Ilt 07007 Monan unfurnished th anartmentwitn four piece room Ida monthly include boa and laundry facilities Located on Penning Street Telephone PA czolc unrunwrstrna ornnnllcrlr can traliy located kitchen dining room livingronm two bedroom Newly decorated 070 per nlonth Also one bedroom apartment per month Telephone IA 07111 Two THREE nonlvr unfurnished mndcm nar cnta main floor stove rafr gcr tor drape supplied Central location clean 11ch tlincti heated parking iclephon PA 848111 or PA olvall Tir bit 151 talncd private entrance Ha hydro water and parking supplied err monthly Available lmmcdiataly Telephone PA 750 EAST END It bul ltd iwo bed room apartment Aval able Ecntem bnr MID one bedroom dplrt immediately Laun inri Steven and re Telephone PA aster sriavlCE rosy Ye PLASTERING PLASTERING AND REPAHIS STUCCO AND STONE VENEER Free Estimates SAM CRYER PA 61675 STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Lefroy 60M iCollelctI PAVING ASPHALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHERS LTD Barries oldest manufacturers and suppliers of asphalt have opened new paving depart ment to take care of expanding business and will be pleased to quote on any paving fob large or small in townor on the farm Plant and office at NORTH BAYEIELD ST BARRIE PA 00332 PA 04030 EVENINGS PA 83375 WELL DIGGING WELLS IDSRILLED roan ESTIMATES Couplqnd Drilling PHONE PA Milt

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