Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1962, p. 1

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lttP 3681111111 prEdltoriIDeptilPAW Ydtit leer No1 Barrie Ontario Canada Satordey August 151962 Afraid Of RepriSctls Witness GivéntPrivacy NRONN iCPt bros Feeloy who has been battling by the Ontario govenuncni last tiva royal commission crime to dialer hil own training stutlbc December witness who volunth nor nan ly cites com mation was placed under sub cloncrs handling of the Clark mull 13 pocna iora private examination session exceeded his authority 39 WWth in no or in he to be timid assassin and ooicredloatenroteA ea ourtearcrova anrt oi Appeal was told Frl the gofnblcr full legal represen teldm mill Wm ay lotion on commission mutton MW Frillth Mr Justice Roachs in aliecitng him Amll my P850 ll lorrnal questioning oi the wit Fccleys lawyer Walton 59 mm sent hi ll neas gambler Ralph Clark Rose was not present at thh ting attended before the controls onetime associate of Vincent Clark session in the commie WWW Fcclcy has become the focus sloners office Juno lla day 11 has been no indication oi an attempt bylceloy to have the hearings were in recess moon that Clark has been d8 the court disqualify the Judge while Mr Rose was at Ottawa thinned Fecley was tipped off as head at the commission unsuccessfully trying to per the httvht 55th and tew commission lfidavit tiled suodc the Supreme Court at days later he partner Joseph with the csnurlt grldaylin ad battliidfldlhilt lécclcy Irihouldlmrltgt Mcnhtmnth cthttt and Jack gt vnnce oi op ego argu emao we so lncr Wtth other mum ment tht isms10M it mg Vldnce drove in separate cars to sub MES RENNTE of feeding all at the searchers known tor the first time that Fridays affidavit for the lip urban parking lot where they 51min Reporter The scheme this weekend is possible rcpriaals against Clark peat Court signed by assist met in one curand talked over 1mm mu tl hetng mitt WEE Mulch 01 oil were feared and that his will nnl commission counsel litichncl Chum testtmny Fate said gt inches to tliik about his for Carly declared that the he area that has already been held for questioning in conncc there was nothing sinister tthn with the hhhucttoh at Wired lll the hope that some mcr connccions lvlth lceley Clark session did not constitute amt tht and others had been kcptsccret hearing was not secret thing that could be important Tommie hm to provincial police was missed by police and commission aifi and would he followed by Mr CaltYs alttdlllli sold th lth Cl in thelmriirnk as the car ubiic euranee Clark at ll ll of was mom 90 Ell llP el son crs on hand this cdosgogahrlllcr Fellower call the inquiry when could be in the Illllll Iltrl noon tedy bad Pollco moraine control became an fng last Monday for the coins cross examined by lilr Rose this dill Remindlint two have nl urgentp roblem for pollen and mlssianers removal said It revealed that as far back Ins and itwoa only proll ready been nurd 00b in number of Emergency lilcas hdumngthgn htth flghhtst July 1961 ctnttte not inary inquiry to determine Vestlgators are etul chrdi pint him had been given at the pri untollly went to Sgt John Whether he had 310W tltxllii0inlornlstler rvryempoyeotn the task at vaic examination Later he derson of tile Ontario Provincial dgltge andMJHJMJEM on them by urea lSSlEiillingElilchut to predator saigghmlulimnh EnliEnnivgamb alumWWWHF farmer mined areas dimWinner that with information which later Similar hearings had been The inlonnnot said his Throughout the morning scar Fccley collected who month appeared to be relevant to the held with outer witnesses re tiltedanother tumor with chars many from various oat lrom one craps game In which inquiry suiting in saving time by ellm lpmd near Egberttold door organizations in the Tar Ciork was associated Fceiey its was several months he inatlng unnecessary or lrrele him man visited air farm onto area toatlnued to arrive called this unirlic lore the commission was set up vant material early Monday morning with to otter their services at the remain in hip car and Becion Arena lit the areas astlcrl the way to Ivy the array of women volunteers When he lcii the driver have set up lunch tables to iced lppurently went in the on the weary WOTKBTSS€HJI pestle direction to torture headquarters was moved to the Minglingl arena yesterday when it be The Egbert tanner also come clear that tho looacre ml lie mulled Baler farm was not large on remember that the vlrl each to handle tho operation ado By noon many at the autoi ihczarca do rs indicated BLDAVE ltlelNTOSil can minister of the cuts in the buildings and equipment and 1° mention lll lllldlllg amm onhtyh CmThe darencg Canadian dclcnea program dclaythe purchase at certain modatloninthe vicinity so department has taken the brunt new items the ht continue ial Hume the PARKING LOT at Breton 1500 persons were reported hm mm mm lg Wk or hll Swarm Simill l3 tags are dictated by economic Besides the reduction in army clue in the mysterious dLs Arena was flooded with ears to have been mvolvod in what rlkmflflwgmumt ammhm Hgggmentl 3555 literal necessity hand Balthtlirulhb 3ng filteaxth the other miliOl 11 buses and people who came could be tho provlinees larg trhn umuthhthh hleaawhlla former Polish sense term ri ac ons are to at tht seatc rest genre in his cry Prime Minister chfchbakcr to unnecessary expenditures in ntshhndmht the our umn gogghignmwdfip 13 Smtlitwi announced June 24 that icdorat the program of the services mm ththmpto squadron in mud Amman thisrmmh Harm expenditures would he cut by In each case um mite my at the lttctfihf to the time gitt The pattsh 52500909 35 jecflvehng been ocutcxperises radaruniioi ihELRUAFAirD lnsp Harris also sped by searcher is Jan ialtrowsid so parlfilJlll fillteer Pmdlam htthhut compromising the im vision in Europa manage to say nothing lJS helicopter to an ahnndonrd oi Goodwood Ont who will Official til the itllfglmt mediate operational capability Reduction pr ncrtr station StnleSccretaW Den inst our on Highway 10 south oi Ellltdfitstfilflfrtmhflh oi the armed forces Saskatoon Qct 1962 and the EMF With 191 its Pur ShEImeH it Mr kn and threfi 95 Apr mm mm 0d TEMPORARY tdmdlhgrogthltlollhfmm program pDllelis was his OiVnSummliIgup zduwllillmlhéombdttxmmd tigerdolvvildd giddoaaxldo ooh Since the nature of the our snowmen at further mm or his statements at sevan north of Vancouver just 11 days Defence Minister Harkness ergencyis temporary licei it it bi th announced Frlduy in it four will be possible dithoutih it on ttigapnuermdmtnm mm mm mnrerem one or wugmnm 1°ng Insp dug iie fmsmg Pineiree radar chain the Stl°lt05t llll mold here James Harris who is conducting lg mm cntgary Dude statemeul thlli the lie would obvtously be undestrabla be fence department will make on longhorn basis to ac Disbandmcnt or the navys ll ll 85 Fl womanhood Assistant Com airmenissues minds of $86000000 in the Clll capt the deferment of the re Banshee let fighter squadron in its giggdéykwlt gig filmi 559 wmd huh °l Although Bililleclattlle hi all rant fiscalyear thus reducing pair and flathaul mgrams September this year instead of ii 01 ll 01 ll EL PmYlllClal P01 Ctllnmat In the help htat is being offered who original radios defencebud Dtcelirbernshigiriali57 Mm mm Gt vestiaatlnn Branch in Toronto to weeks mm ht get to slsoiimiiobdil am planned Ml Greenwai 9V9 billet ha talket wu the sleepless lnsp James Harris lilac firfioliltm hCancellation oi the rciit oi fiftfiufie had my Elizrldglsudlldaytlhmdmfih ho is handling the investiga on go ry expen was adesiro er Huron ilo for the vi it li 1962 were minimal by mars SAillNGs it liktw spend may stallion police Commission teaWPb°5°t former pittance Minser em on par Sunday at an an number of tht ing at 36525000000 Of this young llidl Sat her Stall hlr Harkness statement nounced vacation spot in the 0t Clark also the just come vvpitllptlte martini amount 51676000000 or 26 per Ed But Walth help Wm said the nylons will amount to tawa area before flying back to 5w have look at the proceedings cent was for defence flgréllmfiléexagsd up and WP monsoon the ngasvy 05129000 Washington 1500 5mmth Coast Fred MacDonald co in car 0000 GANG nmnup at gas she ex the RC gum in the di litatlidbeen By noon today arrivals from gmnatggrpi ihhis fiat ass rthe math change th the tip mined Could put me to We research board re many parisni the province had fence Mariam wlll be mlllnz gas station 250000 in themulual hit pm rm take mm the 1le We We mpham that me up back to sa0oo men the armys 0W llSli more than 1500 mm ah preclale all the help they can 9370 They readily put their mus grant departmental admlals flgthzlzgfitpzuggfi of 52 cles to the rear of tha car and tratlon and other miscellaneous Wonk TOGETHER craft and two helicopters are but the WWW this mm was the my rolled it several blocks After expenditures He said Canada and the us also sweeping the country and giltgzgigeggggwm be buildup announced last SeptemV while one fellow looked up ex Minor reductions will be king my gather in extending the search the pace With those who haustcd to see that they had mad it mounted Nations NATO and fills Population of this small have been searchin th ui beflist9neild°l the Barn just passed tilting station at httghevefifhgi his the Geneva disarmament ne Ontario Village has been boost it ngkness attended How come you didnt turn in tcoasumpiion deferring building 50mm nd litd till all fivefold by the invasion at thmfkhsf°¥atgfifm meeting Friday between Prime at that allot he called maintenance primarily paint Mme unifies all officials uniformed personnel ycsterday afternoon police used long as that im the UN Gen and civilian volunteers th at ton lllE When humble and some some voun ears to move litiithiiiiiihiii illrifr giilhilai rim in than construction in at my yggigta=i their hello itigdneep di at entsan procurement of some sai an earena ing acl cs ave probably informed the Ameri dont give tra ng p5 equipment disbandmenl of N0 Gm dual mainly with the in loo Toronto BarrieGuelph be at ii on so up ong Wl pa ca 426 Transport Squadron at sr temutionul scene and there had on Stateroom Perth and York gt control quarters press facilities ubert Que and diversion of been little discussion of th Counties are also present for the huge corps that has some or its that Stat ptms straight bilateral condomus nusaoans of volunteers moth search or The Salli today it can moved in to lree the ublic in to other units matters streamed intOBeeton today old girl who was abducted suppty ttheE thousand Whit formed and headquarters for Mn Harkness sfltd existing He hectthed to her specific to take part 111 the mam last Sunday arrangements can he made for be wading them Emergency Measures Organize shipbuilding and naval replace at anything except in when ation communications merit programs will continue ence to the Berlin situation Members 0t the Teamsters compasiié drawing at the Union150 strongpreached the It is the intention of the gov Hesaidthe us Britain and he to tht moth manwhq molested two young By CARL HAMMAN Khrushchevs plans for demll hmmenl t° we the tlllm want 1° talk the tng Battle slits Ilasl Sunday and BERLIN thPhWild shooting itarized West Berlin Pravda ml matedl1ttfi Pltenttaltl dhngelous issue The biggest influx however fin 31ng along Bern wauwtuch apt writer warned that those who erch as little as possible with Russia Without the situa came from hundreds of lndivid whiz mead lid rantly hurt no onekept this threaten to draw the sword in so pp vided city on the alert for the event at the signing of tion bui ding up to new crisis uals who simply the veelr end off and wanted to help in MS Examiner has mulled fresh trouble today Soviet East German peace ml more than too calls to theBarrie us tt tat sh treaty may perish by the TROISRIVIERES Que CF some outoleontext statement msfigfim pi poilc Police in sorting out the Bu diam cofitdm sword magazine article has turned of Mr Caouettes and make it thte tn estimate The army and reform from the callers boat fiewreggtmm at Red stat ih titre vein quoted what was plannedas weeir the viewpoint of the Social at tothe again returned the have so far been unable to pun lend gauch as the aniidetat Soviet Scientists as saying that end discus Small 9mm Credit mtlvementr he said scene and Army Service Corps Pulllt Who the abductor Might riots in West Berlin earlier in while rackets that launched So tortofilacrli ies in glueilecriut Helsatd apyqnp interested in watts faced the mammoth their he held lidllsfliiihmdediihli Russo Explodeshxlh Bomb but inbuilt nonlethaliniiii being used for military purposes STOCKHOLM lReulerst Swedish scientists reported Rug The villill Wlllg 0t it Pally loded b0 tit starts its annual convention to at thrsJmcifitti gt West 35th pouchreports ht la oy exp nucear Sixth it its current Victoria ial rc dicated about 100 shots were DEMANDS WITHDRAWN test Series in the Soviet Arctic Scientists at the Technical day 9d the weeTPPDtSF mier Bennett suid it fired from the communist side fierlln helgiyar ditch College here said the blast was in the 11megaton range day thrthal amOlW cat wouldibe unthinkable for the communist new megaton manual to i0000f10t0nsrotriNT sure might be introduced elltg against Mr Caoueite for being party to new it mm in once Mr aoue Deutsehland declared the West quoted in Le Magazine Maclean wigwmfdlget cm Ipowers warwon rights in second BESlgnatlolt Days as aayingvhis politicaljheroes of PART OFVFREE SPEECH dim of the East German Pen Berlin already were fig lea COLOMBO Ceyloniiteuters Stormy history were Hitler and Mussol in tl country you either illes Armywho reached West Punmdm holqs He lt Band believe it speech ya Bertht hg am He was un Pefited the Communist demhnd Robert Thompson national dont he said hm that the Western powers with his first me last Thursday Social Credit leader said Mr Mr Caouette was the only drew and leave Westlierlin cabinets rejection of his plan for 25 per deal out in the caaueltes tinted Statement 50ml Clad Part9 Immt pron 0N swlnlitlEit he trot demililarized tree subsidized weekly puhttc pipe with had done the party certain from Quebec over elected to the Only 35 feet away West Ber city demanditha West has amount of harm House at Common before the 1hth tanked hetptegsty ah turned down again and again Thant To Mr People are coming up and Juneite federal all on while Peoples Police fired lom DPtomflllc WlalllsllflE W35 E20 asking Where are your black Election day the party took mum at man trying to period to be suspended at least LONDQN Reuters rioting SecretaryGeneral ll lhani shir It will hurt us in ralsl 260 Quebecs 75 seats Four swim the Landwehr may to for the weekend whileiboth olihe United Nations amved here by air today from New lng finances otherSoeial Credit west Bern He was hauled sides examine notes delivered York on his way to Moscow tor talks with Nikit dKilrushchev The statement will bedis including MrTilo into an East Berlin police boat In on St ant due to leave lonan by air later today tor Mltscaw cussed at the meeting today but elected irrihe Wes only aboutlo yards irom the EM we was 190mm by Evelyn Shucktllugh epuiy under both ltlr Thompson and For Commons membershi Bern bank mum Dean Rusk of the 115 urged secretary of state at the British foreign lattice nand Duellet chiei Quabec So persuasive spenttor has not hurt phi giggflfiggcggeflgfikgt elat Creditorganizer said the Caouette ia creditedwith hrl Earnerwgal Ber mm mm proposal WWW Continue Hunt For Assassins statementiwus personal mg the party to lthOreiront watching ibro gh binoculars talks in Berlin on ways to id one byMlCBllfi16tfi and had Quebec aa aresuii three ce so pain man of about 40 being avoid further incidents in the on Wm PM Presidentcbarl in arrested on the otherside oi the powderlreg city He said it was Prlantnlg donMoghlngl wq lvnll and taken away in truck important for the Western pow ltlrCa ease re The magazinoarilci by Hal Moscow newspapers criticised ers and Russiatotallr out marks would the party anePilot in the Western pnwars for turnmg the present situatioil belnre it dean ear to Soviet Premier builds into high tension havimtifatt°flrfllfm

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