Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1962, p. 12

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tnrh anI incuran wr Nun5iuorlouss All DIN NUIIDIO EM raisin tor lists nrh Seat and prsrsis rooms and maths ran loud Ill station for outings TI ohm ll DU OFFICES STORES RENT omcl clues in roll well Io ruled on Coilter 5L Damnahlc ntu TelephoneI LA com WANTED to rant IPIcI lair two rchllr haer shop mltlahly In eut rho at Santa or West Ind IderrerI Telephone PA HIST HOUSES FOR RENT Hot or rent In Irrndala AP pu comma Lot is Terry on III anml houso tor rent Tom boom All nasty decorated Tclephnnl PA antic NEW TIIRII hedle boots to re compmc filth Gail rIlrdno Ilosc Strcl rclrpoooo PA 610 or lull particulars TWO llOUSIII to rant Thm 594 rooms each 585 and ms monthly kCall RIII Scandrett IA rim or PA was Henderson Real Estate TWO BEDROOM winisrired collars with all runvrnlrnrcs inside Ill healing heavy wlrios ltcnt rcas onahlc Apply Little Lake Cedar Falls Telephone PA MISS CINIRALLYI lorslad lIl room housa lor rent will three bedrooms Automatic as rurnaca III cured back yard Telephone PA Hm liloDEnN three bedroom home lar lulu Central looallol floors 0H nesting Ali ed RID ags Telephone PA oms between piss MODERN bedroom house lor rent Twelve years old OLI decorated Inside Ivy IIRI THREE IIEIIROOIII brick hungIlovI with garage In east end Close to null and tenants schools For urther information telephone Ev SITI Avslllbic September Isl COMFORTABLE seven room homa Ior rcnt luily insulated All run rrnlcncas Oli heatlnl Available Sopicmbcr lat Telephone Leo Car Vansugh hlintslntl or FAR HOUSE or rent Three mllel rpm Harrie Oil heated lnlldo conrlcnrrs Four bedrooms monthly Irca milk It deal or loohlnr alter Cow Telephohs PA will APARTMENTS FOR NEW DELUXE APARTMENTS with balconies and all fine features New Building room PA oaolo also EASY COMFORT SUMMER AND WINTER Largc news room heated apartment on ground floor of apartment building individual Oiermostaisrdrapupstove1rot irlgerator and air conditioners Lipiioriai0n bus line Napier Street area near separate pub lic and high schools Many oth er toalures Children welcome No pcls please PA 85733 PA 85841 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Seii contained two bedroom apartment Living room hitch en lull basement with laundry tubs Central location Free parking Telephone PA cacao TWO HEATED large room apartr ments on second floor No chierr ion to children Oll Ilreet parking Tclcphnnc PA 37SSS FOIIR HOB apartment to rent Furnished or unfurnished Private entrancc Aliandale district Tele phunu PA 506 slh Ilooosl unlurnlscd hutell apartment Central location Pri van cnlmnccnvnlllhic immed1 atcly Apply at so Eoyiieid Street TRAILER Io hold cImpem Slip Files with picnic table lid and shClved road cupboard For iuii particulars telephone on arias Two gtDEDROOII Apartment eico trlc stove and relrlgorator lsunr dry iaellltlcs Central location Janitor snrulcc Immediate pass rsslnn Telephone PA $6092 ONE AND TWO Bedroom AplrL merits or rent completely sett Contalncd stovc relrigcrslor Jan itpr service From all monthly Telephone rs a1010 UNIDRNISHED ground floor apartment three large rooms and bath Veranda Washer and dryer Parking Telephone PA LOSSI or PA 54032 ONE RBDROOIII furnished lpIrt merit IIent liydro and private cri rrancr On ground floor Centrally located 55 per month Avallalsla August 25 Telephone PA SIDES SPACIOUS MODERN two bedroom orificuntllncd upper duplex cn Holgate Slrcct Available Suptems her 15th Rent OHIO per month Telephone PA or PA 32150 ONE TWO AND THREE Bedroom Apartments llelrlgerator and stove washer and dryer Janitor service New building Close to all £3le IIcllltles Telephone PA UNFURNISIIED bedroom apartment on second floor com pletely Tacitcontainud use of basement or started Possession Aug 11 Apply at so Pcnntsng Street Telephone PA MIDI FURNISHED OR unfurnished nphlIs nlclll Hrnl slid water Supplied Front and back private entrance Three piccc both No minutes walk lrom IIIS terminal Phono PA MIDI 50 Maple Avenue TIIHEE ILOOIII apartments for rent three onus IMM mm nodal ssartmaa also is room no Imdhlnlmxrmlfll Isl cyhees PA was APARTMENTS For near separators FORRSNT mm NIIIIIOO can Stun IMW Now rub drnual Ina Noar De lotto Adults sly Apply 10 Mind 5L DNWIRlllithhm room am ll Tm meal with bath ampls rupboard span armyva Pom PA mu M4 IIMISKED BACHELOR IM flour moat his IIdLIUu Ind ashlar mini mascara or PA Hm muqu mum sassrm lower harb clor apartment lcr not Selim tallied central location ISO is month Tourism 14211 MDDKIN thm roamJlluunlnt w1lh Ioneoicco also prlr dry room Apply st Barrio Alter pm DNIURNIIRSD extra in tour room Ind floor IPIrtluenl Allll Ihia or lumbar as Clmpbell Avenue eiapbuha PA soon FURNISHED ID Mlp IpllIllnllI lllth blth Ilmhl lIcliIl Roll contatned Available September Illth Telephona PA um NEWLY Decorated two bedroom apartment Livia room titehcn Ind bath Includes but and electricity Shirley Ave Talspnana PA sorta TURKS ROOM modern Iplnlnerlt in hotcL Unmruished LocItad on main street in surnar Anglo Golden Appla Inn Tslaphooa Fisher SlIyner III mo usonooM unlurolxhed hastv ed apartment with slow and trig hardwood iloori close schools on husrours Avatlsbio Sapt III Apply Ill st Vince Apt No It FURNISHED ground near apart meni large roonu oil healed pulls lacilllles Uiiliiiu uppiiea Opposile Woolwortb Telephons rA osols HM lllltxlt AND tour room artmrnia to rent healed to month amaze9 prPA MISS Henderson ONE IIIDROOII amtbad apart lrlrht lei Iontllned Hydro and water supplied Ona blocs Irom Post Oliicc Available September 1st Telaphrns lA mill FURNISHED room sIlMontllned llal Newly decorated attractively tarnished piece hathrolmt re lrlseralor nd rleyr Irioai tar buss lness couple Telephone rA lessor FURNISHED two room apartment heavy duty stove and rotrlsorstor Host an lide supplied $53 monthly centrally located pizv ll Vorsiay St Telephone PA IS FURNISHED apartment consists nt living room kitchen bedroom and private bathroom Wall iunruhrd $311 can psr month Telephone PA LARGE THRRR room unfllrnislltd heatcd apsrimchi private nntrsnce Business couple preterled No pets Also llrlgo Ponollnl Street It bus stop Telephone PA aura IIKDROOII apartment llVInI room kitchen hIIhrooln WIIbnr and dryer stove and retrlgerator completely sellcontained lroiit and rear enlranre Available Srplt tcmher Ill Telephone PA IIOID CONVENIENT east end location llodarn two bedroom Ipsrlrncnt Completely sellcontained vana tlan blinds automatic laundry la cilltles alovo rclrillerator 1er phone PA Mm or apply 20 Nlblrl Street NICE Tllllhlt room unlurnlshcd duplrsllea1eo MENUOWWIIS Stove refrigerator supplied Newly tiled liooroi PrIvIIc bItlt Suprats entrance roar Avallaola immediately Adllits Telrphona PA HIST MOST COMFORTABLE pinto IO llva 1n llIIrrle llodcrn large two bedroom apartments available now In brand new hulldlngs located in lovely residential district Very near to sep to and public school Parking not water sup plied Helrigorator and stove or tlonst lsnltnr service Reasonable wolfspill II7III Steel Street Darne or Inlephhnn dsys PA Mullins avanlugs PA 91601 IEGAI WM HINTON on Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public PA 6133 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE PA c1539 Snilllten Solldtors Notaries Public Conveyancers etc Dranch nlllco EIDIVIIe Ont cities Owen St Barrio PA CSSII ROWE QC Seagulls QC Gordon Teskcy CON DER SUGG BARRISTERS SOLICITORS Sr NOTARILS PUBLIC 61W CONDER RA SUOG EA 129 Dunlap St East PA MIST COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 55 COLLIER ST lt PA 04521 WILSON CHALONER Charles Wilson MA Richard Cboioner Barrisiers Solicitors etc OWEN ST PA 63581 LIVINGSTON MYERS CoanunN Bllrlltell Ind SOUEILOIS II Collier Harris PII PA IDS WILSON MOORBY BARKISTERL SOLICITOE ITowaN PA mo SMITH McLEAN Heber Smith QC Arthur McLean Bruno Owun Barristers solicitors etc III OWEN ST PHONE PA 34907 GLADSTONE CURRIE TWO arntuum to rent TOM larxs rootavoids prlvsta our room uansrolchad Oils around and other Isaiah Reason lhll sent Iclcphaaa Stroud Jill baton lo un NEW AND motion on ad two bedroom spurns sols Vrlflooflll more KIWIII lay Host an Ohio idolIm Insular titltlu Wed PA 90 MORTON Ilnlllrniahad ailflmflil Iith our the room It month so cal and laundry tutti rs lasted co wisps Strut Tolsphoas PA SUMMIT Tomesres so sums Within nnr LII Mac Almost COTTAGES RENT COMle MMIHID lnr not lor romaindar ol uuou lllllhl from Santa II Leonards leash numerals TIlcphonI PA cosran tor not tor the month Saglambsr on Olcnhavord mu Sully ah PA letme DIP lieularn wmulmn Mum trails located lulrhan dialog Mm llslngroohs two bedrooms WU led no car month one bedroom apartment DI month Telephone PA lull TWO THREI lOOlil unlunsisnrd modern artmsnu main floor Stove ren crater rapes supplied Ccnlrsl location clean Ieikonr talncd heatsd parking Tulaphunl PA Hltll or PA aim EAST END It hlll stop he room IpsrtsrlanL Available Septem ber Also one bedroom apart mlnt IIlIhla lmnla talyLIun dry Ind plrhlnl St and re lrlscrators Telephone PA GROUND FLOOR apartment on bedroom very in titehcn with dinin area Shove and nlrllerl tor oi wslar hcltlns Living room Close to downtown Prlvsta ers Irancr AduitL Available now Tolepltous PA HMS APARTMENTS WANTED Oatlay Part In Required Sept Phone Ivy IRS TWO BEDROOM Duplex wanted to rent Separate sntrsnca Vicinity at Queens Park Required by Saplamhcr or sooner IIer to lion Iiarria muolocr IVANID 31 October lot by elderly couple Two bedroom round lloor Iplrtnlelli with park or or air on Olrld£1€¢r stove Apply Dos It Darrs Examiner OLDER chillLl desires one bedroomclesnsclllton1 mods arn unlurnlaberl spartmaot with selrigcrstor asIdstove Central lo cation Ressunlhlo rent it Islreri Sopl III Telapbnno PA II ROOM BOARD OENTLLIISN lloardars lnr respect Illln clears hotel IIIIIs to be Icrved In our modern restaurant Apply Golden Apple Inn Telllt phona Mr Fisher Stuner I75 ROOMS TO LET CENTRAth Located Bedroom or rent Telephone PA MI LIGHT IIOUSSKRSPINO loom lor rent Tclapnona PA will or apply Maple Itvo FURNISHED Housekeeping Room with rancelta Use or rolrlsarstor and Bendix Central Telephone llt SIOIZ or PA 390 é+ BEDROOM or rent lri PIInrwlck IreI VIIII or without board Tele phone FA Sim lar lurthor 1nlor underage FUllNlSllnD Bedroom lor nut in Privllu home two hIMIu Irons downtown Business gentleman orcrcrrcd For lurlhel detslls trie Dhuno PA SSIIS LARGE SIZE tarnished room Ind kitchen Reirlgerstor and stove Hot water supplied Downtown lo callon Sc sraia entrance Parking lacllltles elephone PA SOISI TWO ROOMS or rent Illlrhen Ind DldlDDll7rnlllplCI¢lYleillnd In PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY nirc clcan home Ideal lor couple $55 monihlywlth Ill utilities luD pllcd Telephone PA mll ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Chartered Accountants rnntn and Darrin ourrlu Ollice Wilson chirp Fred Grant Street PHONE PA W97 Ncedham CA Underhlll CA3 Resident Partners roses HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA 69 Collier St Phone PA 84949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher or Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations or the Royal Conservatory ol aluslo Toronto rAll grades and ARCT Modern methods Studio 17 Rrsdiord StPA 3471 THE DAVIES or CANADA vorcn PIANO charts 211 NAPIER ST nation ANGUSM ROSS BA Relistercd Music Teacher instruc tion Pllno Theory coaching In funnels Latinotller school sub rc III Ross so Oarrlo pa pans orTOMsTIIv roaming SMITH no OPTOMLTRISI SIDIlnlup St IL Barrio PA SZESII NOEL STEPHENSON OPTOIIEIRIST PA 66261 LIAN44 bought sold opened re to SISO Closed Wed rocruoon ARTICLES For SALE ATTENTION PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARDS Portable classroom in excel lent condition available for tm mediate sale Ivoyears old and equipped with all heating Specifications within Dcpart meat at Education require ments Suitdhsg missl be mov cd from present to inalie way for construction work Will be sold It substantial saving in purchaser Please direct err qulrlca lo Monsignor James Clair St Itiarys Parish 00 Muicasler St Barrio WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prices paid Old Vdsicioa or when rho Dunlap St West lust across Rwy loot PA D9666 PHOTO REPRINTS availabieiht The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints 01 any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers pleasa call At our Busi ncsa office We are sorrywa cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 10 $125 plus tax MONARCH REFRIGERATION Is Equipped To Service All MakesoiTV Dorcas RANGES PA 84059 THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES ATiie Showcasr ol Simcoe County FLOORS OF ANTIQUES FURNITURE BOOKS SHAVs ING HUGS GOBLETS PEW TER FINE CHINA BRASS COPPER IRON OPEN DAILY 10 am to To pm HWY 93 CRAIGHURST ONT BARRIE PA 8340 Jones Antiques Occasional furniture brl abrac China and glass Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content iuts 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 USED REFRIGERATORS an with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $58 JMcFADDEN Appliance PENETANG ST BOX TRAILER foot with ex tra wlteei complete Reasonable Telephons PA MEN or run par ticulars TYPEWRITRRS bought sold lBIIIr ed Ielllllcd Sttldtnl rental rltEI Ask about our Rent Try than Buy Plln star Typewriter 70 134 Dual St West PA MISS DAVENPORT chairs riaoo sun nble or recreation room tri cycles em and 400 lawn mower ahoorwuod doll 0qu r1so Arriy anion Street PA mu pIIircd combinations chlnled ears or experience Low ovar head less charge Stumpt sewlca Loclrlne SIIa Works 75 Dllhu St PA MISS DOMINION CImulItal Cori Ind Wood Space Heater run nil also gallon electric water tank IAiinclssrarfssls JONES ANTIQUES Dacha clock with dtimca mantle clock suspect ring tourpiece sliveoplaled tea set tlcld meat covers pllroISbefilcldsnsailentresdlIhesillxltcr small diamond Is sat at three Slici ling silver soup spoons Bohenslsn ruby glass tabla lamp Georgian slim Ital mu two antique per and nucleoli area bran trays pieces pair at line ticuo sldo dialrs drawers dressers I0 DAYS ONLY Iiirnaoes Siorcodllr all or In Installed couplets with duct works law as 275 PER WEEK VNO DOWN rlruch Ursa oil burners Imn us up WOODWARD AND SON PA mi on 81110110 mu SIROUD SCRATCH DENT SALE FREEZERS 20 Co of coon Iype Sag List Price $27095 Scratch Dent Price 320095 17 Cu Ft Chest Type Sug List Price $25995 Scratch Sr Dent Price $20005 MONAizcH REFRIGERATION IIS DUNLOP ST PA S2099 USED TV all Iuil warranty From 5000 to 12900 USED RANGES REERIGERATORS TOP QUALITY GUARANTEE FROM 6900 T0 15900 EPLETTS TV and Appliances IIT DUNLOP ST BARRIE IRON ITREWIANltoller lor slle In COAL AND WOOD Iltlnlce Good condition Butmflu talent Tole pnons PA 501 SISOLBR OILheltIr Ifll saia CI parity 000 DIV In excellent coodiiiou Telephone PA cam ACCORDION or slip IIO Run with use an inn cost rial wni sell lnr $155 elophono PA oilla DOING OVERSEAS Everything has to be sold Np relsoulhll or er Millard San It IS Nelson Squlln or telephone PA SSS SPECIAL ENS prices are on It vaur Singer Scwlns Centre 15 min St Telephone rA TYPEWRITZRfisortlblevsed very little Cost 90 will sell lor IIII plies Apply i0 Peal St Barrie SET Grldn III books tor DDNC tr Telephone Camp Boo IIID SIS NEW YAsllch csmers tor rain with ohlioua electric ilun unit Valued It S200 Will sell or quick sllo $85 ADDU ISIA Penetlng St or telephone SITW Clmp Borden evrnlngs IIODSONS DARK SpOIIlOl Goods Dantes IIrIest selectlunvorvtlro armssveryuiing lor the sports man Open every avanlns 1ch lphons PA Mist Highway Dan TWO BEDROOM sultcl oicctrle heavy duty stove seven piece lilt chen chroma set hiIelr Ind whiter IOIIPJOIISIII and table rsdlo pllo oomph combination one pair drapes as Inch three width and ii tour root riiiorcscrut Ugnls washing machine cash relister and door tiling cabinet Apply at Andrus no No Cookstown or Telephone 4534717 FRUIT VEGETABLES GOODPOTATOES for file Apply Van Der Rooy as sous nsrnlp Farm Hllhway ll corner Ills Collr cesllon lnnlslll No Sunday Isles Tolsphon 11M Stroull BOATS 8r MOTORS iDEAL EAMILl OUTFIT Peterborougli Canadian Cedar Strip windshield wheel and forward controls 113 lIPrEvin rude good trailer two years old Will sacrifice Appiy loAKLnll muscular ll LIOIIT CANOE withdnubia paddle Cari bosceII alter DATA at as steel or RIrrIeCIIeIp 11 moulded plywood OOII tor nlc Completely equipped with 10 HP motor and trailer Also II boys DIOyClO Telephone PA =1 AUGUST n1 28 IO chairs to black lacqulerwafl occasional tables table and mirror chins glass etc I3I COLLIER STREET PA 6626I seed Nndltlonlclrnbune PA 15 MIN MANN ace with stools pair oi an old snoolre chests oi sinII sells and chair hail BOATS Us MOTORS ll rom moldad and runa bout coils his Suthde electric rt In lrnllar tors lslaphnna PA was II soot hulkith halt II nd Lone Star trailr All III III Saeflileolol outel nil phuna PA III RSIINST SINGLE seat lwmtlr MIL Also ISIS Uh new so lahnaon motorsnd 1582 our It IIP Johnson IIDIO Telephone as II DEL RA with 35 ILD John son mo or convenlbla top com overall cover upholstery Droola pump and ills this Toirphnns PA H415 II MAHOGANY Shlphlrd runa bout with NIrrrnIth motor SIMS IS Erin Brifll ember with lHl Vd SO LLP Johnson motor All controls 1149 Delaney Dost Ll Ft Osylield St Santa Tale Phonl PA WI lrmiooumnr one low price on Ill ScottIIcCuilough outboard molars 07 electric Contra standard Iquipmentl arsuiur I7 Sala prtc ms Ilanual start arr emomtrslnr IS Scott holt Ind 75 electric mote Relullr IIS 0n sala rises Rnyal Scott dsmonA atlItor l5 Scott boat and also trtc motor Refullr M3 Sail prtca 011w sepborla PA 341 alter DOGS PETS ms rumor part Chow Collie looking tor bums rhona PA 60903 MANCIIRSTIRCIIIIIUAIIUA erossr bred puppies lor sale ight weeks old Ilalio good houaa pats Teior Phflnl PA lW PUREDRED Berman Shepherd pup Ill lor llle trials Ind Ier lemalca Telephone Mr Jim Gspp PA DACHSIIUNDS AAAI Gentla llls Illrod Excollanl pots Drown Sland lld smooth Registered Llult be to he Ipproellled Telephone 17 Homflln lllmvalo 35 RROISIKRBD olden retriever Dupe pies Hunting and show stock he called pets Many champions in pcdlsreo Also male pup eight months Telephone PA anal ARTICLES WANTED CEDAR POSTS Wanted Contact II Illiihiun Iqu III Durham Orzitarlo Telephone AllsnmPark trt ele 54FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK lllglicsl prices paid for dead or crippled eattioaild horses Small animals removed res For Inst sarvlcapbono or risk tor ZENLTH 91130 1N0 CHARGE it hours dIyI days wash BARRIE PA 07151 COUectl NICKS DEADSTOCK RR lIoxrnaad Ontario Licence No IMHO Niall Montague Prop PROPERTY WANTED IASIURIS wanted Inr 15 or to plead ol cattle Telephone lvy 12R Livssrocllt ONE puns hlhlI registered York shire boar Iur sale Apply Scott llulr Nlnoslnl so IVEANED pips eating well Mr lily loo Roulstnn RR No Cooks town Telephone ISSISSI SMALL Chum wrulra bcci pre gels1nd Telephone Mr Cook PA 18 WANTED to buy Two SIhnIn or Toggenlsurg milking goats Write Rippert RR Parry Sound opium GRADE HOLSTBIN lIelIels for sole Vlecinhtod trash and close sprlnlars Cecil anthat Thumb on Telephone lvy SRIL FEED SEED GRAIN 600 SALES DI nlt1trIw for sale llsrhlne thresherl Apply toIAndy Bartholomew Guthrie Telephone 0rd 312 GENSSSEE WHEAT cleaned lull treated roi snieAlso soc square holes or ltlkastotller cIttle or olive wanted Telephone Russell Maw Mineslnlvdll POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultryan are choosing gtDEKALB PULLETS Started readyzto lay and day old chicks Order now top early order discount For service or help on your poultry problem rail Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE FARM MACHINERY oNleWAYDlSC tor sale Iilssuy LEARANCE SALET NEW EVINRUDE MOTORS IlP Lighlwin Reg $19000 now $16595 lo lIP Sportwin Reg $30900 new $33905 to RP Faslwln Reg $49900 now $41995 HP Speeditwin Electric Reg $69500n0w $58905 HP Lark iV Electric Reg $79500 now$67095 Harlin Telephone GormIsy IS 33 ISIS 116 llhlr soon suloluoouo ofi VOLKSWAGEN throughout nlust be seen to hi appreciated Take over payments at $41 Tclophnnd PA OTIS or Author information HILLMAN sTAmN Wagon not model l1ka naw DELAIIAL SALES AND SERVICE bulliess Wssh rants Separators Pam tar any miller Vacuum Pinups HANK BROWN RR SARIIIE IHOLLY PAW MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 IUNESINO CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case Now lioliand David Brown Sully Iarm Equpmsni 11s BURTON AVE PA on CASH TRADE TERMS mrr SALE llsnoy Ferguson furrow pinulh tiller nllllvltdr and bull saw All to It point Itch tractor Telephone PA wig GROVE III llnIOIdln boxes 14 wide Sellers 311150 also one IS lvallildla high Do EXIii or own no Is hill halter ll Ilrlta HarvThor AUTOMOTIVE DSST FOOT torwardi tiruro ron XAml mo cc motorcycle lor Ills NeedI Altar MOTOR CAR FOR SALE eclrical rs sin Dost Wt TSEE VIAU OR RAMBLER Nina lilotoro Limited 17 Gowan Street PA 66488 222 BLAKE or PA 6l32l BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 52 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE rossaar STOCK LASTS AT PIERCE MOTORS LTD SEE JENNINGS USED CARSALES 31 CITIESASERVICE STATION ISSO AUSTIN Henley Sprite good condition llss RelIDnIhie Teltrlihono PA Mil lass IIIErholt Niagara door Very clean 25 MESS In good tops TclEPhonI PA ISII CIIEV hardtop with 1555 VS Chev motor In good condition Telephone IA MESS lessons gray willsradio Sim Can be seen Apt 1551 FORD It Ill St VlncontSt us anytime aitur 050 pm sass CllEvnotlsT two door Vil Clcan and reasonable VlIu Motors cowh so Barrio Toio Phone PA 66430 IIISI CIIEV sale rest to Lidr I7 Galvan St and Telephone PA was use DNVOY Deluxe sultan Custom radio One owner menu ortlz errn th on Teephons ISSI AUSTIN BSO good economical car Vlau llotors Ltd Sowan Street Bllrle PA MISS I959 BAITBLED American Station Waynn lar viaurllotors Lido telephone PA MISS CHEVROLET Sedl its in good condition Low mile age Telephone PA ssorl or or Pool st arm pm my use zoom tour radio and other accessories Showroom casi gladgg Price tliN rhoh rA Discaan tour door has sharp cIl Vllll lilo Tsllo over pay Telephone sale In Al condition autumn 1950 Tlquurll Herald radio and whitewalla new condition May he seen at 171 Duckworth liter 1551 RARIIIANN OIOA or sale Radio Whltu wall tires Roclintor alga Tclopnnno Moms Itter pm PRIVATE SALE 1959 For Custom two door Six cyUancr Can ll nanrcd Delaney Hosts Ltd PA SOUS lsal Whlto Ind rcdlnterlor with radio 13000 mllas Telephone is Crcensorc Nixon Motor Sales lass SUNIJRAIII Rapier or sale Hardtop convertible Bucket suats in perfect condition $950 or host olicr Can he llnnnrcd Telephone PA cross ISSS PONTIAC Iwn door daluxa Automatic transmission mo tone Paint payments or 343 phone PA IIIOIII less IIISTEOIL Illdcan two door hardtop White wall tires VIII auto mItir Two tone while and brown elopltlmo PA 37920 Iltul 3100 trial THUNDRHDIRD hardtop All power Low mllasgo Talia over per month Tclo As new Itlult be sold out EV Silllon Wason for sale All idcnl llmlly llnIL thu hloiors Ltd Conan St Tnlopnflllc PA owln SL ood Inductor use FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE FARM MACHINERY MOTOR CAR FOR SAL III IlllI Sports us mam role radio snow tlm Stool salt 11 phone Ilrnvsle at CARS WTD TO BUY casu to your cu Liens all We is or noun dIlI Motors II Eu Road BI PA ml TRUCKS TRAILERS ms that is too Ifllrhm cash altar non lilo Inyilm use mull sedan delivery Good running condition lals ores silent ol III per month Telepho PA Hill lur Olrthlr delIIIL MOBILE HOMES TRAILER rar sale III leek Sleeps two to tour persona Fully wired llll hilittLrl cupboards sink and It has Ridu rlceptlop lily mil Sltrllicl II ma Tild Dlionl on IS =Lg SPERSONALS RRADINO ANB Idvislnl on Ill allairs Oprn Irons an to No Telephone OIIIIII IA dSi or II Front St South OIIUII ammo nous Ladles cotton Trill rim ii iii OIIIIIII PA Noll strenuous IDAITII Suor Coidnns Sate etc by rortllledhalrdrusar In your own name or hospital ser vice Dsrnlm PA 59651 or PA trol posture rlaucl poise groom Iris mallslip pcrsonsll LEARN HAIRDRESSING tlovernmeor Chartered School Thorough training in all brap cbes of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSTNG AUGUST SPECIALS TUES THURS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 6pm to pm QUICKIE SHAMPOO AND SET WITH ROLLERS 3100 CHILDRENS PERIIS $500 ADULTS Phillis $550 To $1250 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 114 Dunlap St PA mm 11 Essa Road PA llloll No Appointment Necessary LOST FOUND SOUNDllanvo umbrells near Laehioa Repair Silo on IIIplo Ava ally be claims at UN lis Imlnar otllcc by psylng ior so MANS BLACK loldlnl WIilct lost contains valuable and personal be Lost Trioy at Waugh neaehTeIopltono NIH iron AND mea SIccr strayod Prom Lot Conclusion lnnlsnl Township Wollhlng It 700 pounds strayed on or at Ann lllt IO Anyone hnnwlnz whorei shouts at some telephone lohn Souisla It IVY IIRII l0 HELP WANTED EEMALEHELP REGISTERED NURSE Required to train as Laboratory Technician in local cosmetic fac tory Apply in writing stating qualifications experience sal ary etc to BOX 89 BARRIE EXAMINER OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR Wilri postgraduate course To ouired tor oeliva operating room in as hell hospitalGood salary and employee benefits Apply DIRECTOR OF NURSING General in Marine Hospital COLLINGWOOD ONT EXPERIENCED Iull time waitress required Apply to 400 Grill or Telephono PA OASIS WIDOW with two snsIH children requires middlchntd lady to flu in Apply Doll so Barrio Examin DARY SITTER required days per week pieschool children Live In pruicrrud Telephone PA 55504 sttcr pan PART TIME by SIIIEI required 25 years or over hiust have releo cnccs Ind be reliable Apply to Post Olllce Box Ill Barrie Ont RELIABLE WOMAN required In Illhy sit your home also child while mother worlls Vicinity at the new Steel Street Apartmcn Write to Sex IO Barrie Examiner MALES FEMALE CARETAKER Township School Area of Ves pra No wants caretaker ior Cnr View and Forest Hill schools Either jointly or sep aratciy For particulars as to duties and terms allllll to ARTHUR SMITH Midhurst until pm Wednesday Aug 29 Telephone PA 89135 PERMANENT positions counter waitress male dish machine on Vator eopuoio at duindsoruo ion tor duties shirt work Alzer to his DunlapSi East SALES HELP AGENTS SALESMEN 0R SALESLADIES Needed to work two nights week $90 commissiin Selling sutarad snd hcallns =Clements cllldcd Ind coll Annex Heater Apply 25S TlIlIn SPECIAL Car needed lonly 1901 lo iIP Larkill liArInlSTcri Law OIltces It Shircontained heated OII street Daniel St East parklllilr Rents $40 llnd per Phone PA 04201 condition Front and and motor Just ropnima Six wheris snow month Apply 232 Damon and III Dunlop St or telephone TW 55603 Nrwmarkot XCEPTloNALLY largo live room apartment available immediatfly In naw modern bulldlno Very oi as to public and separate schools Automatic hsrvlca Slow and rnlrlgarator op tional Paved parking lsciiitles lor furthlr information telephone IA SIS or PA SSJJI laundry numtensncs Wilsonoullduin srud Grant Street Barrio ontsna Telephone Pllriqu Milo ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA SZIII Ea TUNERIL HOME STECKLEYT FUNERAL HOME summit SERVICE AT MODERATE COST Cunvruipul Torins so Wnnlay St hurls PA aaass St or Irlephflnn PA arms ONE LIOIIT hills leather Isekot girls or lsdys Ilse ii to lo 310 and also Illnlcd leather isckod suitable gum or gtrl also 12 09 On cottage or recreation room 010 ofll trasdlo sawing mscbula good run ning order 31 Onolnouarlurn and canopy is gallons 91o Oltglnll oil painting including lrama slra it lo inches us Telephona PA allele ChlIrlWIllfl Iutlblo lnr Electric Brand New Warranty now Noyes SEE THE NEW OMC l7 DELUXE INSOARDOUTBOAHD DEMONSTRATION RIDES SY APPOINTMENT Wassga AuthorizedDeaiors Traveler it IMO Boats Evinrude Motors ISII VOLKSWAGEN 1W1 Chev tlrca Slim or best oltsr Tols phone PA MISS FALCON DISCOUNT SALES 4thAve MoSeley Sta Tel Was Ont Marine TeeNee Trailers 100 Wasaga peach lass Dodlospceial on ma Volts swsuo also less Plymouthpr It llsrva Auto Body Reps Churchill Dutorl ISIS CHEVROLETJODT doorrt luxe Now ItiOtOIilllO new tires Tlltll ovar payma II or month Teir lurthar dam hon PA S705 TORONTO EMPLOYMENT WANTED rml DIVE wcellly csroto on In my own homo Ilondayirrlilay wui Icir aarrl ha

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