NEWS OF STROUD By MRS DWIGHT NELSON Mussunznscoan Mrs Campbell assisted the its at it county museum on us am We ho record day at too visitors making over 6000 to date Ftttllre plans include hav ing log barn and log hours at the rear of mtla was poo looeer horned me lInain building SilVEIllOPPEItS Congratulation to Knock Sil vertoppera who won the semi tioals in South Simeon baseball league They now goiata the finals Miss Annie Evans Toronto retired pcdagogue is enjoying weeks holidays with her cou sin Mrs Herb Black and visa itlng other relatives here OHIO VISITORS Mr and Mrs Campbell Hughes Columbus Ohio were in the village on Thursday re newing old acquaintance They are holldaylngat their cottage in Northern Ontario his and Mrs Walton Harris are giving their home face litt by snow roof and coat of paint it has been pleasure to have Mrs White from Caprool renew iricndsblplnthorcommunity after lapse of nearly to years since her residence ere Though nearing the 90 mark Mrs White is still young In spirit interest and kindlincss NU SERIOUS INJURY We are glad to report no ser lous injury to Walter Boyd in car and grader collision on art day Walter It slightly handicapped since having poiio several years ago does not hes itate to continue all occupations that he did formerly STRATFOIID FESTIVAL Rev and MrsFrcd Jackson and party attended the Shaker penrenn Festival in Stratford on Tuesday all the presentation at the Taming of the Shrew where or the first time in the to summers since the thentres inception two Canadian hlsirion miccelebriticsaregiven the lead ing parts They are Kate Reid oi Oakviiie and Christopher VPllunmer at Sgnnevllla Quebec FORMER MINISTER lhe marw friends at Rev and Mrs Lionel Rowe Wawlta Saskatchewan have been pleas ed to have hearty handshake ora visit from them as they spend their holidays in our com munitir OFF TO PACIFIC Mr an dhlrs Bruce Wire with the harvest completed early left on Friday for trip to tho Ptacific Coast En route they will visit relatives of Mrs Wice who was originally wee temer SUIIIERLAND VISIT Three sisters spent last Thur ndayaLibeirrchlidhond homer Mrs Hand Mrs Andrew and Mrs Robertson visited Mr and ltirs William Sutherland who live on the farm that has been in the same ancestry for nearly one hundred years Carolyn Curse Susan TELEVISIONPROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE FRIDAY AUGUST 14 400 ha Zone no Caravan 530 Huckleberry Hound mud stooges News Weather Sports Father Knows heat Donna Reed Show Red Iver Jamboree Burns do Allan Summer Night Perry Mason The Detectives Ayerst are on holldaytrtp one and Marvin Wine who are the weeutive were in With over the week Ofltfl end sites Young Peoples Retreat 15 received nasty 73 mm in deep gash whtchreo tour stlticbea CREMEva SERVE on Aug to christening urv vice was held last raula Church for Debra Ann Brock daughter of Mr and Mrs Lar ry Brock Painswick Some of the guests attending the Iiter christening lvndaon were Mr and Mrs George Spearin and children Banis Mr and Mrs Michael Sheridan Siroud and Mr and Mrs Reynolds ltirand Mrs Nelson liaison three daughters and Mrs Mel dawn the St Lawrence Seaway and into the USA Mr and Mrs lrvlng Nelson entertained Utopia ball team and their wives on Saturday evening at their cottage at Big Bay Point Euchre winners at the hall on Aungwere Mrs Portion Mrs Thompson Mrs beli Nel son Mrs McCraclren and The ma Gandon W1 their grand arents Mr and Mrs Alexan er Tomato Dori zen Hunter and Ann Stelaholdt in North Bay Corinne McNabb and Evelyn Glegg Tomato with Mr and Mrs McNahb Mr and Mrs Ken Jacks Cisrkson with Mrs Isobel Jacks Mrs Grace Fraser Alilstoll with her sister MrsW Campbell Mr and Mrs Allan Martin and children holidaying inSouth Porcupine Mr and Mrs Ray Frireli Ki chencr Mr and Mrs Radway and Janice at Thompsons Mr and Mrs ilowv ard Strobel Webbervllle Mich igaa Mr and Mrs Lyell Dri ver Fowlervilie Michigan Mrs Kent Miller and Marilyn Moose Jaw and Christopher Hender son Niagara Falls at Nei sons MACitIlLLANJVEBB very pretty wedding was solemnited in the United Church at Strand onjaturd when Denna Webb became the bride at Michael MacMillan Tali standards ndecked of pink and white gladioli grac ed the chancel GordonCowan accompanied by Donna Marie Mason gave much pleasure when he sang The Wedding Prayer gurule Love You mll The reception on ner were held in the hall loll owed by ancing Our best wishes go with Dunn and Michael who lelt by motor for their new home in Edmonton NOT SO APPRECIATED iha appreciation log planned as on altarmath of the township iieid day was not ap preciated as much as had been anticipatedsvhen oniys OperT sons attended Instead oi the ex pected tull house No brick tossers and two rollingplnaers wcle present Movies speeches by Martin Simpkla and Cochrane followed by lunch and dancing rounded out soo HIV Gun Will Travel p30 Peter Gunn 900 Front Row Cnnlro Euler Parade 1080 Discovery iiii licoTVNi us or ews no 1115 Georgian Cilth Twin Bill Wild Harvest Blue Peter SUNDAY AUBUH ll alpieasaat evening thanks were Hail to Lakellnda John who save the hall free of charge Ind to the Will ougbby Orchestra who on so sled their lervicealor the av eat wmasbaoaaaamr Hearttastooagntulationsto ation this was the winner Cry Hunter Jr who rectevod no week that he at the $10 DAC Militant Foundation Sebol mill PASS GRADE ll EXAMS Our congratulations also go in Mary llix Colin Sutherland Nice who successtulty passed Grade ls examinations They plan to go to Teachers College In and into banking respectively um fall HOUNIIFUL BARVEST or these and all my gills Farmers in our dlstrid give thanks this year for bountiful harvest inapite of bus trip Congratulations to Sbeardown and Audrey Ander Paul Campbell and Mervin Vanda Preach returned home trorn St Andrews Hospital where alvmiwr yawn Wilma dayshaving been scaidad with By MRS GEO McCORRIBION wtmndaywlthrJaerI Miller Mr and Mrs Robert nurke Mr and Mrs Cecil lielts and Hudson of Tomato visited Mrs John Neils Mr and Mn Ciiifcrd Brown Mr and Mrs Elba Brown of Wlliawdale visited relatives and attended the decoration service It United Church cemetery The Womens institute catered to dinner tar as members oi Listowel Wl who were on August is was patient for few water JULIEI JONES LARRY BRANNON completion One daya later planned to stay lam Mrs Dorothy visitedllfr and Coriett over the leads th take lt one note OKQZ groans West hand at North leads the West hand is the trump guard against if it exists WillilillLEY By MRS NEG DRINKIIJ NorttLhavingroterealled your spade bid with two hearts earlier drought rains came in time and the yields are very gratifying Modem Inury has speeded up the harvest so that this week will see its farmer loo acres at land finished on Aug 11 and many couple of 1101 IJOMESICK to three months with relatives in England be came homesick for Canada and returned on Wednesday by jet plane after sevmweek hoi BACIIEIDR PARTY bachelor party was held on Friday evening ior Morgan Watson who renounces his celi bacy next Saturday The even ing was spent playing cards at the home at his brother Will Cade Toronto Mrs William weekend Mrs Mosaic Snider is on striojowesicrnï¬anada Mrs Armin Wood oi Midland By JAY BECKER Youara deciarer with the West hand at Six Clubs North two of hearts thiheiqneen the tour of clubs North plays the three dummy the queen and South the two How would you now play the hand You alum OKJ our anus You are closer with the Four Spades ltlltg of hearts and continues with the ace How would you play the hsndl 9A0 oaoset some You are declarer with the at on Spades North having overcalled your spade bid with two hearts and continues with the ace How would you play the hand Ovviously the only danger suit so the pmhlem is to avoid losing two trump tricks This can occur only lithe clubs are divided 41 and the question is how to at condition If you were to lead the ace of clubs at this point yonwollld namefor lilo years winner on qKVRviVvldeergamo tivlead ill tell than one tramp trick nine becausaitiinlthgmndaa The August meeting oi the community club was held Wed nesday evening August 15 It Mrs Reeves with the hostess presiding Old and new busi nesa was dealt with Avprlseof 515 won by the Knack float in lnnisfil field day was handed to Roll call what have done to further my education since checLt unanswered by 21 members and visitors Mrs llubbert gave the motto She also introduced the speaker Mrs Campbell oi Stroud who gave very intormative tolkon the courseshetookht Duck DONALF Cookstown on Ways With Meat Mrs Schroeder thanked the speaker and presented her with corsagc delicious lunch completed the evening Mr and Mrs Frank Cowan will held open house Saturday August 25 and tor very good reason The farm on which they live has been in tho Cowan Mr and Mrs Grant Allen were honored at party in Thornton Orange Hall Frldny night last when their irlends presented them with platform rocker and smoker Mrs Wes Hogg was the prize as week this possibility is to enter your hand villtill heart 11 lead the ace and your worries areovcr but it he produces the seven you play low from dummy Either the nine will win or it will lose to Southsten or king and either way the contract is assured You cant lose more it may be ihatNorth will show out when you lead the mart play in not taking the queen earlier In that case you take the ace and return club to limit yourself to one trump laser Discord ciub on the ace of hearts You have to protect yonself against possible 42 trump break which is much more likely than 33 break Iiyon ruffed the ace oi hearts and then cashed theAKQ of spades you would very likely go down it it turned out that trumps were divided 41 By discarding on tile ace oi hearts you practically insure the hand North cant very well lead anotller heartyou would ruff in dummyso lets say he shifts to spade or diamond You win and draw three rounds of trumps It the spades are divided 33 euclalm the hat ance and they are divided +2 you play another spadaand BLONDIE WNGEI Film 6000 evoun oriï¬ce amtwe machinevo came tov itmftili pier oil tee flit If mmmwv amen HIM lf ceilings we IQ 55W 1130 II II Written 1100 ItIIIIlI Theatre 130 Great Music From Chicago aso Youth and Religion 500 00 Around The World Movie at Egyle Fairbankl Presents 700 Route id 800 AcIdemy Performance Savage Wilderness 1000 showdown 1030 Loretta Yotlrll 1100 rnmrweu show 110 News Weather Sports 1145 Art of tho Theatre 1215 Wrestling 11 Mahaila alackion Sings claim the balance Tomorrow eons pliiyhrings bad result DAILY CROSSWOBD amass am LTbeMeuse 35 sLlncaIE hennam DOWN EY ammo peopled 80mm nitride nSattlma MCHM ï¬nality whmoos sun on mSIlhmttiix go down it it turned out that North originally had the Klu 73 The best way to deal with CBC TV News Vutbrr Sports News liovie Lady III The Dark SATURDAY AUGUST 25 Test Pattern Us News VeIthar 100 Baseball Game oI Week 430 Prince of WI Stakes nan On Safari and Bugs nanny 1100 Cottntry Time NEWS Weather sports Three Stooges Some of Titan Days nominees CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO FRIDAY aunusr so see genitaler 400 till it Iy Ippy are MM mm tom Fight of the Week Lawman News Weather Sports axis nu Donna lined Show untoMalnu sselrson Eton Channel Nine Theatre Have Gun Will Travel SUNDAY AUEUST Test Pattern Country Style leils orey Theatre Comment 55 Conviction 100 Dryey and Goliath 200 World or Spnrt ESPECIALLYA$ now Have MYLerLE Box neoneucf GIMME WITH ME BUT ITD BEA Blt RISKY GOIN iN THERE TEAT rr Doss OMEl News Weather sports Friday Night iilestru lllInIua rIelrsen sings SATURDAY AUGUST 23 1100 Cartoons 1100 Professors Party loo sports college ltlnï¬lo Buy 100 Twin Blll Theatre Her First Beau Storm Over Iihnl Wrestling 000 £th Ill Ttrna use News Weather Sports 700 The Flintstones Whiplash Wnrid Soccer Country Calendar IIIID and News American Musical Theatre Cressrosds Cheyenne News Mullins Hazel Ed Sullivan Bonaan thnl rg Eatiet CB News Weather News Sports ov BUZ SAWYER CARRIER nation If your carrier has not mind by pun please phone PA 82433 Ande CopyWlll 0e Delivtrea To Yearlionls THERE 15 N0 CHARGEFOR THISSERVICE 90 M7 HAVE FISHING LICENSE SlGElEK an IM nullhall owlloan MUGGS AND SKEETER