Anglicans ran OfProve KINGSTON ICEDelegates to the tint general tyaod oi the Angllcatt Church of capade plunge today Into discussion of mnior proposals that could at feet the future shape of both their own and other churches the secondday session of the churchs chief legislative body scheduled debate on proposed ratification of revised Book of Common Prayer moves to wards church unity and oontro verslalplanto streamline synod organitallan Iho revised Canadian prayer book which alters some serv icesin line with present day thinking received unanimous approval at the 70th synod in 1959 and has since been used with permission In some churches Aoontorming vote on the prayer book by theeurrcnt sy nod is necessary under church law which require the appmv tit vat of two successive synod on any molar change in worship doctrine or discipline DISCUSS REPORTS Discussion on trelatlons with other churches was to be based on reports covering Anglican Romnn Catholic relations nego tlatiana on union with other Protestant congregations and future relations with planned unified Protestant churches in Ceylon India and Pakistan report on Anglicanitoman plan to streamline Anglican rChdn e1 Papers Request moment Reforma tion of Canadian weekly new papers federation an associa tion of provincial organizations organization Including the gen eral synod ltrelt ran into oppo ntioo even beforctt reached the current session resolution by the diocese of Nova Scotia would shelve indet inlteiy mrganitation plan drawn up 3y committee under Rt Itav alter lingual of Hamilton Bishop of Niagara The Nova Seotla motion would refer the plan to each of tho gm ireAdvance said in his open $23 musaï¬fm 51g address pmyiycltal carpete car are compeey auono gym mmggzngbflngu mour with litttoy liaison with live com and hand work the national body to central executive commit H° Wm Pmmattmi tea with about onequarter the dmnk more lp bodies could be coordinated The general lynodan upper through the CWNA houeolof 49 bishops and lower house of 295 clergy and laymen Picket SARNIA CF Agroup of elected by the dioceseswould mefet cvcryhtwo years fastest oo ave rec Members Sarnla echdolboys afraid strike by electricians will in terrupt their atudlcsthis tall lower house would be re tzilufed by almost one third to have formed it picket line to protest the situation Seven students from Central Collegiate in front three contracting firm where elcctrlciarut have pickets Beds Meet PEKING ReutetsiAII Com munist members 7hr recommended Wednesday at the annual convention of the Conn dian Weekly Newspaper Ano clation It blcbechlan national president of CWNA and pub BOARDS WOULD MEET Full twodaymcetlnga in the years between general synod sessions would be held by the main church boardsmissions social services and religious ed ucation The boards now meet with the executive council for part of day In nonsynod years Election of the primate would pass from the abolished eat with national directorate was fisher of the Virden Matt ï¬rm paraded Wednesday rug annamexnutaen mason auntier ta tauo cratic Partyleider CAPSULE NEWS uni tighten discipline without an new nurse The document an essay ea titled How to be Good Coin murust written bytbe chainv man of the republic LLShao chi party theorctlelnn rank ing second only to Man The 11 Blast Casette OTTAWA lCPt liberal nder Pearson said Wednes day night ftesi Canueltea choice at llltler and Mussolini as his political heroes will out rage every decent Canadian and earn only contempt for the deputy Social Credit leader Douglas New Demo mmmrrrmmmmrr WINNER Of It ACADEMY AWARDS said no one sltoald be unwised by Mr Ce onettep dialog if theyve fol lowed SociaiCreditblatory in IIyer Freed WASHINGTON Afl Much lcan ttyer Allan Lawrence Pope sentenced to death by an India uetiaa military court for tight tag with rebels thorn In 1958 has been secretly relented and returned in the United Staten the state department said Wed ttclday night Press officer Joseph heap said the indoneslan lovermnent reed Pope July or part of general political amnesty HOUSEHOLD HINT Use adhesive tapemtor mattr lng areas In small palnt Job and for precision otrtpeworir rtrmmmmtva AERIAL VIEW OF THE COWAN HOMESTEAD tNNtSllthOTIIS Innisiil Homestead By LGS The Cowans of lnnistil will this weekend celebrate tho 100 th anniversary of the family oc copying the homestead on the North half Lot It Eighth con cession of Innisfil at the com cr of to aidcroud On August 26th 1882 the Crown deed to the lands of this lot was registered to William Cawnn father of John and Mary Iowan Johns four sons grow up on the homestead Donald Who is professor at Ann Arbor University the late Bntee Frank and John Frank is the present owner The first barn was built in 136k and in 1880 another was moved to the first and both were nine it one stone foundation The house tea room twostorey building was built in 1874 and is in an excellent state at preservation with all doors fitting and swing lng well The house cost about DALSTON By MRS STAN WATSON Mr and hire Delbert Emms attended the wedding of Miss Kathryn Gordon and Gordon Hannah at the Slayner Centenn ial United Church Mrs Dorothy Perryman and family visited relatives at Acton and Georgetown last week The Dalston Messengers are holding an afternoon tea on Wednesday August 29 tram to pm Mr and Mrs Bob Sinclair Sarnia spent few days last week visiting Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Steve and Ron Watson Wayne Forbes and Terry Cough are attending Simone Presb ry Camp athtidlandrtbis week Friends of MT and Mrs Bob Wright gathhercd at Craighurst hall Saturday evening to honor them witho shower Mr andMrs Bob Wright 9Anc1sta lSth PA 68961 FRIDAY AUGUST 10 NEIL HURTUBISE AND HIS COMBO Admission $100 Person Ample Parking MOMENT ofthe wilderness and lived great adventure Ecomaze daughters Aurora writeintrudePittvtniihniiiin $50000 to build and today the same dollars would hardly put hardwood floors in one room The rough east exterior has been replaced couple of times and roof repairs attend ed to but the home looks and is equal to most modern dwell tngs This farm was cleared from the virgin forest and has never been operated by other their member ofltho Cowan family The original log home hasdls appeared and the present home on the homestead has housed the family tttraugh the years At the present time Mr and Mrs Frank Cowan and two children aretho occupants VOnrfhe north side of the lane is second house which was built when son John married and took over the operation of the arm and Father William and his wife moved into the new house and Capreol spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Wright htr and Mrs Allan brown and boys spent the kc with Mr and Mrs Ernest Knee shaw Ebenezer Mr and Mrs Brown went to Mart Kenneys Ranch at Woodbridge Saturday night Mrs Dora Hart and Susan Handy arespeoding few days with Mrs Faye Harper and Barbara Strangaham Hamil ton spent few days this week with Lynn Handy Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Waiter Forbes were Mr and Mrs Rattray and daughter Ottawa and Mr Forbee two sisters Mrs Illa Hartley Miami Florida and Mrs Wattle Toronto Dalston United church anni versary services will be held September Rev William Pel lcy Brantford former minis ter will be speaker Services will be held at 11 am and 730 pm rue emnnssv Banquet and Entertainment Hall 386 BLAKE ST nesldo Kempvtew Bowl annouan outcomes princess CONVENTIONS wannmcs PET Feature Times mo and one PLAYERS Tittllllit lived there during the balance of their lives On Saturday the Cowan fam ily will be at home to their friends at an Open House on the homestead Cyril Cook owner of the Bar rie View Farm on the south boundary of the city is shipp ing four bred Pulled Hereford heiferan Japan They were bought by representative of the Japanese Government Ifaz va head of the firm of Noshwa and Company of Tokyowho came to the Cook farmwith an interpreter and spent full day looking over the cattle and cho osing the four animals They will go along with load of lfolstcins from the McCague farm at Alliston and are being handled by the Hayes Sales Ag ency at Oakvllle It is expected they will be sentto Oakvilio in few days The tour Polled Hcrcfurds scl ecled from the Cook herd were among the show cattle that might have been taken to Fall fairsand thc Toronto Drhihls tionihey are bred hclters tn call tothe Woodrow Mischief bull which Mr Cook purchased from the Circle Ranch in Broadway Saskatchewan owned by Walter Taylor pioneer in the Pulled Hereford breed Mr Cook stated that the price paid by the Japanese buyer was equal to what he anticipated to realize fromrthe sale As far as is known these are the first Ontario PolledHerefords to be purchased by Japanese buyers He said very careful considera tion was given to thoatock be fore the selection was made and certainly the choice was four of the best looking cattle we have had the pleasure of seeing for some time Mr Cook will take cattle to the Exhibi tion in Toronto on Thursday morning for showing there Cnib£t£lntionanutan cfï¬mrmnIEIEI ship and raises the possibility of sending Canadian Anglican as delegateobserver to the forthcoming ecumenical council In Rome called by Pope John committee on Christian unity reports that negotiations with tho United Church of Can ada and exploratory talks with the Presbyterian Church have increased understanding and will be continued Six meetings have been held with each of the churches In the last two years The committee suggests that similar talks with Baptist 0r thodox and Roman Catholic lenders could widen the move ment towards unity SHANIY BAY twice wow heated on tih Line nl 0rd Townrhlp off highway it than Oro tit NOW SHOWING lltVIlJllilEll Sflttlflitfllltttti asthma 4SKAW6RL ovumamml Hilltlitlflltf hit ltllvlttllillllttittttt PLUSCARTOON THE Red rBarnThealre AT ORILLIA OPERA HOUSE ruasoav nucusrzarh TO saruaoavserrEMaentu AIANNUNN Ithnotttert on than old fashioned melodrama Curtain 830 TICKETS stso $225 BOX OFFICE FA 52821 routes START DAILT AT 230 33 730 and 830 pm Adults 15 Chldrenunder it ï¬ve DELANEY aoAtttltts GOVT DOCK FOOT OF BAYFIELD ST PA 66413 TOUR BOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER nod erergenemtry rwere Yowflï¬dhfliy holding meetings to study toyearaoid Opponents of the plan led by lawyer Reginald Harris of Halifax any It reduce the voice at the dioceses he IMPERIAL state It was regarded here as arty ranks Now SHOWING snows AT 100 and 900 pm document by Chinas head of THB GHRIIT rscumcomnfl FREE LIST SUSPENDED CHILDREN UNDER I2 FREE EACH EVENINt mu cauena as ADMISSION $100 rowelhormone We dont think so At Bate 1w believe childrens shoes shop tibc as well built as adult shoes Thats why our Golden Ruleiine provides genuine leather inhale and in gradelenliterZiaingforffoot health and foot comfort Add overaliltonstruction excellence plus multiple ï¬ttings to see why your youngsters will lead the fashion Hparadc backtg schqu in Golclen Rule Availablerin black or brown Only $499 for since tilzto t2 $599 for sizes 12 tol3L GOLDENBULE qurfecl treated