tot assists masons across Of 1897 To Meet With The Teacher ihe classul um at least lour oi the eight members ul lt will be back at the little led brick school house at Corn liltl Saturday Andlust to see they behave themselves their teacher will be therel too But lor msnyoi the residents at thanrea it will be sad day the end oi the 92year history of the oneroom school Progress and centralization have non again and the is pupils who attended the corner schoolhouse last year will ï¬lmy the two miles to New well in the coming year and tulure years on the school bus The tilt class was the hot of lllrs Robert litaoltam so now at RR Stayner Beiore her marriage hirs hinchom lived just opposite the school the members storm ass who will be at the special re union include brother and sister and their cousin They are Miss Mary Coyle 79 her brother Ed Coyle 82 and their cousin Tom Coyie so all now living in Stayner hitss Annie Swilser at New Lowell is the lourth clusa mem Toms kid sister Elisabeth mere wlll also be at the get together The reception committee at so hopes that many other past pupils from across the country will attend They have been lnlormcd that some errpupils lromthe United Statcs will not be able to be there it is also known that some are living intho western provinces though no Andie thing has yet been heard imro thorn For many people living around the schoolhouse this marks the end at an era Generations oi some ismilles have passed through the doors since it be can operations to 1m We hate to see the smaller ones so but it scents they want things more central said Mrs Robert Coe who has lived op posito the little school since the mils thinlsrit is hard on the little onesjistarting school to have to wait until the school has come home at night it makes the hours them she added No one is too certain what will happen to the schoolhouse aowthough it is not in too bad condition residents say Back in IWZAtho building lLseli was movedpiï¬m one side oltho long ior allover ts liith concession oi Sunnldalo Township to the other Then it was renovated Returnees will sing teed play bingo and listen to run down on the schools history from unoiiieial historian How ard Macham The program has been or sssmecillntes he chainnanshlp oi hits ll Fraser in cooperation With the Simeoo County community and recreation servlc lid Managers Plan Convention The annual convention oi the Newspaper advertising litan agers Association Eastem Canada will bo held at the WEFINALLY on wonderitflWalker prices You can be sure your kids as run onsornru men or Baker wears on some oi the ire Sent program ol in ormntivc talks and business sessions has been arranged With the many good speakers Scheduled to speak at the lhreedsy conventionrlt is ex pected that this years regls irntion will be in excess oi the 100 at last year Speakers have been recruited lrom among the top men in the ad vertising business and news paper iioids 10yearold ihomuslna tlmd volunteers take lime out tor ioodlhe daughter at Mr and Mrs Thomas linker oi the Alliston area was air ducted Sunday evening SOLDIERS FROM Campr Borden Army arrived on the are shown receiving instruc llOllS hciom lolning the hunt See story on page one Es aminer Photos search scene yesterday They WIND Holds Show The iirst show oi the Guthrie Horse Club was held at the home of Bells near Shanty Bay yesterday with Ted Levison and Mary Jane Hastings looming as champions oi the show lilr Lovtson marked up tour lirsts two seconds and third during the day while hilss lins ln all there were seven events three lumping three equest rian and one hunter pairs The only mishap oi the show occurred when one horse look on liveloot alxnch vlro lance The animal got ovenbut unsealed its rldor Anthony Belts and flattened the tones Both rider and horse were unharmed The show was organized by Olga Belts tier lather owner Need Not Fear Pipeline Break natural gas pipeline break caused some alarm yesterday shortly alter noon on Welling ton Street betweén Eccies St and Sunnldale Road Westbrook oi Consum Gas said there was no grading the north side ol the road punctured the lineand some customers were incon vielgeed tor short while he so householder had called the tire department to investigate the break Fire Chief iton lrwln said there was no threat at tire MANUFACTURES MONEY The Royal Canadian hiint was established at Ottawa in 190a Meeting Tonight It meeting is to be held in the office oi industrial Com missioner Ed May this evening at eight oclock to discuss the proposcdnew company intend ed to invest in Barries growth At previous meeting the project was discussed with many of the citys leading businessmen and found con siderable favor GOT THE WALKERKIDS READY Fort SCHOOLi 56 taxzen will go to the top otthe clqssin clothes from the best raisercm pants Enslaved Ichildrens department in town atWolkers iAlfEmore designed thlsdress in waves or plaid Sometimes cotton with white suits and collar trim ospeciolly tor the younger miss Red or Green Plaid 5i 6X 393 Dressy and proetlooli Combed long sleeved cotton polo shirt by Notional Knit Sizes to to Sturdy drill icons of Seniorised cotton Loden Antelope Grey Block Repuior waist Sizest Blto i6 Semi Boxer aim c9 12 Boxer waist sizes 6st creme stairtrnoker dress byTemooro Meeting the Popular westeminfluenee White soddi stitching cotton print collar rim and kerchtet Red Blue 73914 698 Elegant cam Orion and Kid note mrdlgnn by Zephyr in Red Golden Cider Blue Green to l4 393 an wool pleated skirt with woven butterfly daslgn By Teachers Pet Biue drown Sizes 14 598 Rogd Si Bmid ad sturdy viscose nylon acetate Blend by Holt new so to 450 Bulky tones ohm cardigan and Neuter shirt by Beaver Two tone in Grey Mix Olive Heather Blue and Sand each 499 out nodes Demil Chancel n1 Grqiodsrs Green5lzesB to 16 493 vcoiching toishaii love the two piece effect or this lumper style dress Woven plaid Dan River cotton thankoeps newlooklno longer Brown and Green Blue ond Green By Young on Head ems 5011 5931 it It Jumpers the perennial favoritodor school doys5es thsse corduroy jumper In Red and Blue plaid patterns Sizes 710 l2 farm max 49a 39a GM special afterssh Girls printed corduroy sll Orion sweater in or started of oardlgbn orrPrsliovarSrwsatnr Sizes l4 Silm Eon iierrints one making newsrthls tall See presume