Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1962, p. 2

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CAROL srcwsnr lell and friend Dnnclda Shpr look at the miniature garden which Carols mother Mrs AliceStewart exhibiled at Vasprs Horticultural Society More Than 150 Exhibits Feature Outstanding Flower Show Mrs Johnson direc Ior oi the llama lflllflflflt the sheds and the merchants annuoll tlower show last night Examiner Photo LOCAL GENERAL PAINT FIRE ilALL Cement floor of the two sec tions of Barrie lire hall has just received new coating of painttn sky blue color volunteers Aid search Appeals have done out from both Mayor La Cooke at Barrie and Jerome Glgriac Pesetang for volunteers from their areas toiolalhesearcbtorlittleM nae Baku now in its fifth day in cooperation With his local Energetics Measures Organiz atlon Unit Mayor Gliasaols et temptingltohmobiliza metaployefi peesonoe Penotang sue the numbers combing the coun tryslde for sign of the 10 yearold girl its has also urged any able bodied calories in the area to devote their time to misting Ithet police the wtdnpsesd Mayor Cooke also broadth message calling on all volt tecrs to work dimdr the local Energeacy Measures Osmos TORONTO CPI lteprc sentatives of union and manage ment signed UlrelrVMIJEMI tioo coordinator Bay Atkinson for bcgmctions on readitogths arcs and whom to contact dirt aaaadm vo ears bl condition have good know ledge at btublore and good sense oi dkectloa lie also dad for supplies to be donated lathe search as whole principally food for the searchers Residents and organisations rallied to the food cell inaudi ately coordinated com munioa as between Vittoria donors and Cooke Oastsgelaid DOVE truck to vansport suppiia in the search entirethe Baker arm The truck was to leave the YMYWCA building today at 130 pm Three Year Agreement Signed To Govern Brewing Industry The agreement provides for 22ccntanbour wage increase during thaa contract instinct GEBSLSRl foreman for Keates Organ Co Ltd cir amines an electric switch GBDA be rd Aloe $5000 organ being installed at Center Street United kins Ecdnomig Meeting Church The organ will hovel over 2200 pipes Examiner Photo Collier Street United Church SdclclyiWbrTfirsFprTf€TiT the special class last night at the societys annual tlower show Mrs Johnson also had the highest number oi points for the show It was held at the Midhurst Forestry shipping sheds and draw 66 entries and over till floral exhlblu blid houses posters and demon stration photos Aocordlug to Mrs Oakley society president This year is the best weve had for low era and the show and we very happy with the turnout She also expressed thanks to the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests or use of Would Turn MicroOrganisms Into Mans Production Slaves By ALEXANDER FARRELL microscope maraome day be fully automated The goal is to make micro organismsatbe smallest forms of lifedo what man wants thorn to do and make them do it foster British and Cana dian scientist said Monday at the international Congress for Microbiology The result would be the cheapest and most eflicient in Tractor Spills Girl Killed teenage girl who was help ing with farm chores as she vacationed on Tecumsetb Township laim died before medical help could be sum moned when tractor she was driving rolled over as she turn ed into the form second girl was injured in the accident She Was Linda Culbert is yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Bill Colbert of RR Bradford who was staying with friends Mr and Mrs Charles Cerswcli ol RR Breton The Cerswclts daughter isyearold Linda sullered head and arm injuries but was repoted in very satisfactory condition She is in Newmarket hospital Linda Colbert described as an experienced tractor driver by friends had been helping on the farm and was taming from the seventh concession oi Tecumseth Township intothe Cerswell form when the tree tor turned over and she was thrown from it Linda Cors weii was hurt when flung on her head then having the trac tor roll over her arm The dead girl who is surviv ed by four sisters is to be bur ied tomorrow Alliston provincial police are investigating the accident Asbestos Illi Ahitlbl lott Mlnmstflul as Alinntnlom 1W Alberta Gas Alta NIL GI Atlas Stool Ill Hit Monti 53 Blink of 67V Elli TeL Blls Brazilian BA Oll 30 TLC Power iOj Cdn imp 3k Coin 57 Cdn Brewer lflls on tilt Cdl Cement 15 Can Chemical 7y Can Oil Calgary PM Can Minasm Con Paper COIIIImDIl Gas Dom Tar Gt Lakes Gut Pow laud Ea imp Oil Lnbllt Lakelnnd Mac Paw Noranda gan limo Can nevohlan Hotllnrer Llrrllflnn copperzltsnd toredo Con Iilll 35 Dsnlson MIMI 109$ literals all0 Northth Hardee Farms Home Pit Home 011 Min imp To lcco ind Accept inland NG lntcr Nickel interprov Pips Jockey Club Massey Forg MINING Coco Mines Gunner Kersaaoiioo lilarltlrneslif sarrriyldtn were judged by it Fendlcy proprietor oi Fondleys Flowers Barrie Mrs Daisy Murphy Sunnl dale flood was awarded first prize for the best arrangement oi house plants in the newcom er group Mrs Johnson wort the price for the best driftwood arrangement and Mrs Alice Stewart Jvon first prisein the Walk in the Woods class Mrs Stewart also won the min iature garden arrangement in the Junior class Bill How ard and Donalda Shpr won the prize for high boy and girl with their exhibits dustrial production that has ever been known said tlostlugl Meade en en the staff oi the Distillers Company Limited We visuniizeilurniag micro organisms into mans slaves in the nroductloomt acids drugs and fibres said Phillips at Saskatoon member oi the National Research Council of Canada Some microorganisms par ticularly viruses and bacteria cause disease Others such as the pcaicllllnmould and yeast yield wide variety of products by fennrmtntinnfiromantisbior ties to whisky Still others arenoutral HOPE TO CONTROL The helpful microorganisms arc the targets of automation it was explained Scientists hope to make their fermentation processes faster and months liable by controlling their lives from birth to death mean enormous sayings in ma terials and better products at lower costs lllr Phill sold the key to this control will be the computer following the fermentation proo esa like detective lithe proc ass got off lhetrackas for example when the microorgan ism reacts lhe wrong way to certain food or the temperature rises too muchthe computer would flash signal to another instrument that would automa tically make the necessary ad justment provided that sclen tlsts had led it the right data When fermentation runs wild it does it so quickly that the unaided human brain can not make the necessary correc tion in timeiMr Phillips said Computers cannot come into 84th the picture yet however be cause microbiologlsls do not know enough about the beha viour oi microorganisms under varying circumstances Nor Ont NG Moan Corp lloln Pore Oshawa Pacific Peta Pens Pips Page llarlly Que Net Gnu liawk SidtIiIV flnthmans ltnysl Sank Slildh Shllfifl Simpson shawtalgrn Steel Cars TorDani BIL Trans CIIL Trans Ilit Irad Fin Texaco Union Gas WalkerdsW 45 SI llih 1B isv lily sti 235 it Siti mi av 151 can 69 is coo littl us an Openilikl Qucmnnt Rio Algom Sher Gordon Steep lloclr unitsonoup vwliroy Wlltle tM Manna1 Taylor proceed about her duties this week at Jacksons Grill under some handicapiler lelt wrist is in cast as the result at frac ture sustained in fall Sunday REPAIR PLASTER Exterior of the mb ns drug store building and apart ments at Siva Points is under going plaster renovation liar old Lainc isdolng the job GUELPII OAC TOUR Boyd Robertson outlined to Barrie Kiwonlans at their dinn cr this week highlights at tho tour at Ontario Agricultural Col lege Guelph liken recently by members at 4H chills Th EarrieMinesing group specially visited the Ontario Veterinary College Barrla Kiwanis Club Epogsors the hilneslngiivii Catt DIVISION CAUCUS Division No OntarioQue becMaritime District Kiwanis international is holding cau ticcruthavsleuw race BarrlefncxtMohtfaTaiF ernoon The meeting convened by the lieutenantgovernor of the division will start rightaitcr the weekly luncheon oI the Kl wnnis Club oI Kampenfelt Bay LIONS DIRECTORS Presidents and vicopresidents oi the Lions Club in the district met for business and dinner Wednesday in the SimcoeYark Dullerinlliuskoka district at the Embassy in Barrie HELP NEIGHBOR When thappessvofjlhgfilll lon Herald broke down Wed nesday night the page form were brought to Barriermats rolled and the weekly paper was printed on the rotary press at The Examiner in time for regular delivery to subscribers PLANS NEW BRIDGE chumaeth council at its new bridge on the tzth line of the township at lot 14 TOSSORONTIO COUNCIL Tossorontio council granted permission for South Simeoa Pioneer Museum to erect dir cotton signs on adjacent roads The usual grant of $25 was made to South Simcoe Plowing Match OBITUARY MRS horseman nicCANN Aiilolnng resident of Utopia community Mrs Priscilla Mc Cann passed away Wednesday evening July 25 1962 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie alter short illness She was in her year daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Ann Jennett she was born Oct 1878 and had lived all her life on Corr Essa Township On Nov 2a 1900 she married Fred McCann who with two daughters and one can survive TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 DunlopSt En Barrie amassnus DD Sell born round Dom Stores Verna thirsArnall Muir and John McCsrui of Utopia and Mary Mrs hay Mills of Tron lso eight grandchildren VlIE Mrs Wm Orr of Barrie Heather and Bonnie blur and Dawson McCann of Utopia Jane Kathryn Penelope and Suzannethlls of Trenton also oneslsler Mrs Andrew Miller and one brother John Jennctt of Barrie sister Orpha Mrs Frank Rowe of Queensviile and two brothers Aaron Jennett ot Mount Clemens Michigan and Joseph Jennett of Barrie praa deceased her The late Mrs McCann was member at St Georges Anglican Ch and of the Woe Ati lary and was active in both until her death Thoscrvice conducted by Rev 13 Harper was heldfroln the Jenuett Funeral Home Bar ric on Saturday July as with interment at ivy Anglican Cem etaryPallhcarers were six nep hows Borden Jennett John Lot inter Vivian McCann Wilbert McCann George We ads and Ramsay Weddell Flower boar memWediiosday governingth brewing industry throughout 0n tarlo The signing came somathree weeks alter the union and the industry resolved the molar ls sucs in contract dispute which threatened to turn lb province into beerdrlakcrs desert Even as the negotiators pre pared forthe meetings group of Windsor workers struck the central beer delivery depot as protest gesture The contract allects more than 3000 workers throughout Ontario members of the inter national Unlonol Brewery Flour Cereal Soit Drink and Distillery Workers of America Whlclfibdr Diem 19M The workers will get six cents an heursmore this year and eight cents an hour in each of the next two years Another ma jor provision is guaranteed pay of M5 46 and $41 weak tor single men in the three years respectively and $10 more for married man Other benefits won by the un ionincludo increased health sickness and accident pay ments in Windsor about 50 drivers handlers checkers and wares housemen working at the Brow ers Warehousing Company leYv ilcd set up picket lines as pro test against the delay in signing the contract They returned to cw Commun OTTAWA CP Coimmnlst China has renewed its old com plaint about the valuation base used by the Canadian customs officers in lowing tariffs on Chinese textiles it has the el fect oi pn the Communist goods out Canadian mar ket Latest In the long history of such protests came during the recent visit of tourmember Chinese delegation wbicli met withhgriciillure Mini er Alvm grain purv Governmwit inlormnnts say the government is unlikely to do anything about the situation imported textiles are subject to percentage tnriii based ua der the Customs Act on the fair market value in the country of origin in the case of Communist na revenue department ntains that it cannot estab lish lair market value on Fitness Festival is September Canadas first National Fitness Festival day 1ong panorama of recreational and sport activ ities Will be held at the Canad ian National Exhibition Labor Day September Highlight of the festival will be twohour grandstand show involvrng more than 2500 peo pie in fastmoving colorful de monstration of keeping lit and having fun doing it Part of the national piong recommended by the National Advisory Council on Fitnss and Amateur Sport the festival is cooperative effort or the Ad Visory Cornell the Provincial Government and the CNE Bands floats ilngbearing parties and provincial groups in authentic costumes will parade into the grounds at noon and and pass in review in front of the Grandstand at pin Spread throughout the vast Ex bibltlon Park will be some 50 Fitness demonstration points where every form of recreation al and Sport activity trom soar ing to skiing will be demonstrat ed IIllEllldlIlg oamping for the faintly and host of other iam llyoriented titties through fun activities At pm there will be wat erfront lowlevel ilypast of blue and stlver saiiplanoa Ken Fairnar National Advis ory Council chnlmian said This is not pushupcntitouchyoun toes routine but demonstrat =Renews£6id Beer ist China the basis of state controlled prices Soit takes the price ot comparable nation For Chinese textiles the de partment uses the value of sim ilar goods on the United States market This results in high va lues and thus high tariffsAn item which Rad China may sell for 10 cents yard could come under $150 valuation for ex ample And with tapercent tarlit the charge would be 15 ccntsirrstcad ot one WEATHER Synopsis large highpres sure area centred over Quebec will maintain sunny weather over most of Eastern Canada today gt Showersangl thunderstorms in nortliivestcrn Ontario will grad uaily spread eastward into the regions north of Lake Superior today Seutherly winds will bring worm and more humid air into southern Ontario Friday Lake Ontario Niagara Hali burton southern Georgian Bay gl Hamilton Toronto Sunny today and Friday warmer Winds light becoming southerly 15 Friday Northern Georgian Bay magami rggions North Bay Sudbury Sunny and warmer to day Variable cloudiness with scattered showers and thunder showers Friday Winds south em 15 increasing to 20 Friday Low tonight High Friday Windsor 00 88 till 88 as 85 115 112 Kitchener Wingham Hamilton Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kilialoe Muskoka Travel Arrangements ant nus nan MOTELS RESORTS CitlllS CAR BE AL 0x Johnson and Co List World Wide Service ca saw 101 Dunlap fllrrII ion of total fitness iiiiniii nunuocil in any an reroute Ell NW Planning land use surveys tourism and grantsth be the major themes pervading the twcday annual Economic Do vclopment Conference of the Georgian Bay Development As soclation at Honey Harbour Sept 20 and 25 To be opened by the Honor able Robert Macaulay QC Minister of Economics and De velopmcnt one paper will be presented by Dr Plcva head of the geography depart Owner Not Nag Bites Finger MONTREAL CHRoy Cul verhouse Brantford race horse owner is to be sentenced Sept 12 for biting oil police manaiingen in brawl at Blue Bonnets race track July 11 Culver at pleaded guilty July 12 to charge ssaultwilhmrenrtorrlh grievous assault and disturbing the peace by lighting Judge Paul Champagne ordered him held for mentallexaminali Declared sane Wednesday Culverhouse asked for immedi ate sentencing intended to sentence you to two years in penitentiary re plied Judge Champagne but wrli postpone mysentcncc untll Sept 12 to give you chance to make reparations Jacques Dansereau lawyer or the race track said the track had intended to sue Cul verhouse for $3000 but would satlie tor 3973 it now holds in his name if Culverhouse consented he said the money would be turned over to the policeman as compensation for his injury meat of the University of Western Ontario on regional forms of government another on town planning by ii Bousilcld an expert in this field from one of the major town planning consultants and one on land use surveys cover ing complete county planningr Otvitalinterest to all incur pornted municipalities the sub feet of grants available to com munities and organisations will be covered by seven various government departments Says Maliion QC or Tottcnham president of the USDA We know of no place where the various grants avail able to municipalities can be obtained from one sourcehnor is there any written interma tlon dealing with this in one pamphlet it is our feeling that this threehour session will In itself provldleithe dele gtggnvith wealthJiJlll The subiect of tourism will behandled by the chairman of the tourist committee of On tarios Economic Council ii Cranston All major tourist promotion agencies in the reg ion will be asked to partici pate Over 700 invitations have been mailed out idmunlcipal authorities planning boardsfi chambers ol commerce agen cies involved in industrial and tourist promotions and individ uaia interested inthe general economy of the region No doubt our mailing list is inadequate to cover the per sons who are interested in this conference said Neville Keefe general manager at the association but anyone is wet como to attend IHasNewéOrgar $15000 organ containing over 2200 pipcs is being inst ailcd at Collier Street United Church installation storied ue day by the Kcatcs Organ Co Ltd Aden under the supervision of foreman Gcissler The unit over 20 icetshigil 12 foot wide and seven feet deep will take approximately four to five weeks to Womble said Mr Geissler Some of the pipes in the or gan are to loot high while oth crs are only inches long The organ will have lhrch keyboards three switchboard units multitude of stops and wind generator in the baae merit Work is underway for the console pit which will face the organ lune ntHfiy Busy For VON Junc and July were busy months for the Barrie branch of Victorian 0rder of Nurses for Canada Nurseincharge Hermosa reported to the board that the 177 visits in June wastha high cst total for any month of 1962 July visits numbered ill The care in the two months included six persons who were released from hosiptal and were referred to the VON Miss Hermosa reported that the University of Toronto had asked the branch to provide observation for one student from Sept to 14 SECOND BIG GRAND OPENlNG Christie Appliances FREE book PRIZES PlltSTPRIZE ELECTRIKBROOM VALUE 54995 ssecouoraizapceauroniaricaoornaausirvacue $2359 THIRD PRIZE cza KETTLE vatua $1495 GET YOUR NAME IN New arrow nip sit aue 25th Inglis Custom WRINGERAWASHER load at an economical priceth features salety wring or automatic pump and special three vane agitator Youll be proud to own an GRAND OPENING SPECIAL PRICE Inglis Custom 1090 DROP IN AND Savant Christie Appliances 147 DunnSi AFN0332 grciosrnlroniitilioirsl UNTItSEPTEMllERdih Sullivan latcnnbrldgc gt irva ltIOSTiACIWll around raucous MlnoreNuw iium Latin America Newnortii nowuorras Maw roan avannons ind up cos Italic up ssuiiiiuu up on TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE NDEX era were Gilbert lilaMlister Stan Je ett and Willard Mc Donald iargo gathering of friends tended from Toronto Colllngwnoti Barrie and our undiii riots

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