Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1962, p. 13

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tNlALs APARTMENTS WANTED rwti mucosa Duplu mm to not inmate entrance Vicinity ol anaa Parr Repaired admirer or sooner Reply to no It lama lanolinr tum all October tax by eldest couple Two bedroom and floor apartment IIIII para nl or gas Dlo ralriurltor and stove AP I6 Barri Llllflliirr OLDII COUPLI denim la one bedroom stain tallcontain raind erll unturotabed apartment with rvlrtrtraior and up Central lo cation Heat at It iiired by Ian ll altphoaa PA It ROOM some TWO AND BOARD avallahle Gen ilrman pnlcmd For further In tormaiioii telephone PA cuts TAHGB Ironl room atrllablc with bond Manchupartied il desired Paglia Iacttilirs Talaphooa PA GLWLIIIIIN boarders ifli Ilaplrt ahla clean hotel Malls lo ha served in our modern restaurant ply Golden Ap la Inn Talc pgona Ilr Fisher laynar I7l ROOMS TO LET CLVTRALLV LOCII MIMI OT mil Taiephona PA Mata FURNISHED ltouiokllplnl linear with rsanila at rctrigarctor Ilandia Central Talapholia M06 or PA 60036 BEDROOM for not In Ialnowick area With or without board Teta Dhuua PA Hill tor Iuribar ialon mallon FURNISHED Bedroom for not In private home two blocha lrom downtown Gualncaa lcntiaman preferred For turthar details 1ch phone on scale ROOMS TO LET LIGHT IIUUSIKLZIINO room Ior roat Telephone PA Mild or apply TillllPll Ave MIGHT cicaii bedroom or rent wniowa area For rrnllcman Psrkgnl Iacilltloa Toltptlono PA It LAItOB IIZI lurnlihcd room and kitchen Refrigerator and stove Hot water supplied Downtown lo cation So Irate cnirlnca Parkinl Iaciliiisi elephant PA MIN TWO ROOMS or rent kitchen and bedroom completer Iurnlahad In nice cilan heme Ideal for couple sis monith with all llilllttcs sup pliad lelophona IA 06716 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE LOVELY de Settled near bah slmeoa Almost new cettlsa with litiIIK room kitchen and two bed room Completely lurnlahad 600 Telephone PA 09100 3750 EQUITY Two bedroom cot lava IuIIy tarnished One block Irom beach Apply at store Cooke Christin stmot Leonalda beach via Stroud COTTAGES FOR RENT COTTAGE tor rent tor 11 month of September FEIHIOIIREIAIFIId aims mm you it lanolin PA 86097 Ier Iuriher par ticulars ARTICLES For SALE ATTENTION PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARDS Partnbid classroom in excel lent condition available for im mediate sale Two years old and equipped with oil heating ISpecifications within Depart ment at Education require merits Building must be mov ed from present sit to make wayfor constructioowortr Will he sold at substantial savmg to purchaser Please direct on quiries to Monsignor James Clair St Marys Pariah 05 iilulcasler St Barrie WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest price paid 016 Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlap St West Justoeross Hwytoo PA 89666 PHQTQ REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prlnts iii any news pictures taken by ourstall pliotogra phers please callat our Eust aess Otlicc We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 8x10 $125 plus tan illx ilAaTER In new condition Sio Sula or trade Allied Epics as Lasa Road WE DUI and sail Any useitil Itll clcs Como In and browse around Allied Slim 43 Essa Roam PINE CIIINA Ellslpwfllfifiifllilh drapes and carpets Lars aeleo llnn Reasonable Allied Salcsu Essa itoad nox TRAILER It It cat with ex tra wheel Complete Reasonable Telephone PA 04664 or tuttpor ticillara nnnvy DUTY ptpa threadcr and dies Alla chain block and tackle Sale or tulle Alliod Salon 43 Ella Road pavallnl GOOD used Singer port able as low All $1060 Drop In and ate them today Singer Sewing Centre as Duniop St Telephone PA 07050 sarlls bought sold openedro Imp combinations changed item at experience Low ovar aayd less charge Prompt service Locking Site Works 76 Ellhl 5L PA 64506 gtV DOMINION Clrculator Coal and Wood Splice Hcator for salt also to gallonoieolr1e Water trail in luloted nnd hootan alcmcnta ia rluded Wood and coal Annex Heater Apply Tim St or telephone an onion VIWO DEDBOOM lltltlil oloctrla heavy duty atovo sovcn plcco kit ehcn chroma lei black and white loin chairs and table radio pho nograph combination one pair drapes Inch thioo width Ind 12 our tool lluolosceat lights vashinl machine cash reintar ACCORDION lor lala an ILIAIILIN model 60 with weaver lilondly In 1101 CANOE with double 10 loor molded plywood runa 16 FOOT Potarboloilrb boat is canals sTItIr bolts boats II moulded plywood boat or DELANEY SINGLE leat sportater 16 DDLCIIAPA with 25 1111 John 11 MAHOGANY Shopliordhliil Gamay door lilln cabinet Iy Andrus Rn Ito Cockatoom or Telephcaadmm ARlches rot SALE to DAYS ONLY nuisance Forced air all or as Installed compiatavltli docs wortu low as 275 PER WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT Usedolttmorslrtaoozdup WOODWARD AND SON PA oooil OR smouo allta STROUD SCRATCH DENT SALE FREEZERS 20 Cu Ft Chest Type Sug List Price $27005 Scratch it Dent Price $20995 17 Cu ljt Chest Iypa Sug List Price $25905 Scratch It Dent Price $20005 MONARCH REFRIGERATION 110 DUNDOP ST PA 02050 USED TV all tilll warranty From 5900 to 12000 USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS ror ousurv GUARANTEE FROM oath ro 15000 EPLETTS TV and Appliances It7 DUNLOP or BARRIIJ with case Urifinal colt not will sell tor Slit elephana PA 37016 scope Porrula or trada Allied Sllu Elsa Rodd stclAL CNl prices are on at our Singer Sawlns Centre 20 unlop st Talcpbona PA 67660 Noah vacuum cleaner In No condition Extra naw ravolvtnl brush Telephone PA 06911 or PA Mm avantnn tor roe home trial without obligation NEW YASIIIOA Camera or sale with oblique electric flash unit IlluldSItAfllllO Ipr oulselt line In Ioiephollap tilw CIrnphordth aveninsa IIODEONS DARX Sporting Goofll Ilarrlar largest selection at lire ltInsnverythlmtv tor the sports man opcn eve evening Tclc plhaad PA ottsafhioaway 00 Gar Ci 11H SALVAHON ARMY Famin Welling Centre cement block building bahlnil 6A Colitar straotr used cloihllis and Iumlturo to meet your Iamily necdl Opon throush Friday ma to Fridays Titpm Saturday 10 mIT noon FRUIT VEGETABLES ooop POTATOEStor IIIA Apply CVaa Dar Keep It Sons nirnlp Farm Highway 11 corner 0th Con cession lnnlaill Na Sunday sales Telephone 75M Stroud BOATS MOTORS IDEAL FAMILY OUTFIT Peterborough Canadian Cedar Strip windshield wheel and forward controls lit IIPEvin rudu good trailer two years old Will sacrifice Apply OAKLEY PARK SQUARE paddle Can be seen altar pm at 63 Stool St Barrinphsap bout coliapseble top 10 Dvlnrudo electric start and trailer cm Telephone PA 6636 HP Johnson motor and Lone Star trailer All like now sacriliea Ior quick sale Telephone PA tlslo loot and one It Ioot1a very load condition Reasonable Apply Cedar Ear thtla Laira Tolapbona PA sale Completely equiifpcd with It ILP motor and in or Also 26 Illfllzl boys bicycle Telephone PA boat Aldo 1010 like now 50 ILI Johnson motor and 1061 now 16 HP Johnson motor Talophoaa IBIRII Lcrroyor hurkaa Garage Churchill son motor contrritbla top corn Plato ovorail cover automatic starter and controls Poem rubber aphids Paddler pump and Illa Jackets olopbooa PA soars bout with Karrniath motor $1006 19 Plylill Eridl cruiser W1tli1050 Vt 50 Hf Johnson motor All controls $2106 Delaney Dost Linea PI of anlicld St Barrie Toll phona PA Milli AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE NEW EVINRU only HP Lightwln Reg 01 only llP Sportwia Reg $39900 now $33995 Ionly 16 It Fastwin Itcg $49500 now $41093 zonly 28 Specditwin Ele only 40 II Lark IV Electric Reg $79500 now $67905 SPECIAL only 1001 40 Electric Wasaga Authoriied Dealers Travelerdo OMC Boats Evinrude Motors 4th Ave to Moseley Sta was 100 WasagaBeach It iteilCroigiliduter TOIIN DEE IllLEE in good son boost pars ml Plum PITT ITS Collie loom beau no mood as who armor are door Va clean alcohol PA MEAN CHIHUAHUA In llll with Itaia about breathe out ART pa um lawn tarraala Apply in Due too Avenue chtnd coder nah MANCIIIITKRCIIIIIUAITLA Crow and Wpciea or sale isbi waeiu old Nate ood bouaa pats Tata pboria PA PUBIIIID Oomla Shepherd pal Iaa lor sets male and la calalal Talaphona air dial Oapp PA 01200 TIVI DACHIUUND lulu lor tw iraouatbs phing alto Taiapbooe PA mea DACLTIIIUNM AAAL Gentle HIV hind BacallIii pill Grown stand ard amoolb ltaxlatarad tluai or seen to be appreciated Tctaphoaa Hellman levala II ARTICLES FOR RENT CAMPBIS Tull Gld or rant with plcnlo tabla lid and aher Iaod cupboard Inr lull particu Ian ialaphooa PA was ARTICLESWANTED CEDAR POSTS Wanted Contact hillbion Box lit Durham Otgllln Taiapboaa Allan rm ms FA MERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small aounols removed lrco For last service phone or ask tar ZENITH P1180 INO CHARGE It tacura day1 days wash BARRIE PA 67701 collect NICKS DEAD STOCK till Poxmcad Ouiorlo lilceaco No 172062 Niall Montague Prop LIVESTOCK ON ahlro Ilulr hlincslnit SMALL CALVE wanted but IN ell1racad Telephflnl Mr Cook PA WANTIID to bug No Saaucn or Teslaaburs mII till Write Itlppcrl RR Parry Sound Ontario FEED SEED GRAIN TONS or choice hay In barn lor Iato Ap ty Rabi Aconloy Shanty Day Tliipllonti PA crow POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymcu are choosing DEKALD PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now his early order discount For service or help on your poultry problgns HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS sraouo PHONE 71 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies 8t Service Care New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 62573 CASH TRADE TERMS ONEWAY DISC or it Massey Harrla Telcphona Gorrnloy 6216 POII SALII literacy Ferguson narrow plough tiller cultivator and hills saw All to Ill it paint hitch tractor Telephone PA 60716 dltlon Prlccd It $200 Terms ab ransed iI dcitrcd Apply Stanley Applcgatc lei Dradiord at Tclc phoaa PA 6it6I GROVE IIII unloading forage boxes 16 It wide high hasten $1050 also one lIiI wide it high beaten $1260 IIIII Mosley ltIcKeo Harvester Earlier Cookstown Telephona 156 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEE gVIAU FOR RAMBLER Viau Motors limited 17 Conan Street PA 66488 iii BLAKE sr PA 61321 BUY NOW Save Tax 0NA lanolin NEW VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS AT PIERCE MOTORS LTD lass IIIGA Sports car cream colored radio snow tires bloat soil Tele phonc Elravllo MW 1060 TRIUMPH Herald Ella and wbltawalls now condition tam May soon It 117 Duckworth altar DE MOTORS to bad Mini Telephone PA tilt ouzv hardtop Willi lsiirAririo it too truck Com $952ng Egg aawfio DONII mar cotton BEAUTY SHOP Coidwam 61 MANS BLACK Ioldlnl wallet tort ltaacti Telephone AIDIts Contract Requirements may be WAITRESS REQUIRED Ibrperlrnc 401110 with two small chudrcn BAUI SIHEII roqlilmil duIIXEI va nailinns WOIIAN required to whllo mother works Vicinity Write to box on Barrie Examiner of an Aincri pause Experience not acres sury Guaranteed $4 per hour plus commission Excellent op portunity to quailly IOI promo tional Vadvaacement brought about by the much publiclzod 25 years Servlccable car and ARricLEs re SALE aminoan lnHEIPWANTEO MOTOR CAR FOR SALE IIONAICII th tor llll weevils mu Char motor to cod nation TIIIPIIGM PA with radio at In are It Vincent St Apt at anytime alter on MS CEIV OUT MID autono lk In Indium L0 all an Tell boo PA mil or apply or Pool altar on 1061 lAIIMANN OIIIA Ior aala Radio Willie wail tilca Reclining inla Talephope Ill Hill altar 110 pun PRIVATE IALK INC For Clapton two dear sir ryllndlr Can be It nanrad Delaaay boats us Iiarria PA H413 llll BUNBSAIII Rapier tor all Ilardio convertibla luctat state In pa act condition me or but otter Caaba financed Talaphona PA NWT IIII FORD automobile coach Good condiiton Front and and molar Just rtpalrvd dlx wheels anew tires not onbaat ollar Tola phone PA MW TRUCKS 6i TRAILERS out make cash altar Phone Gib PA um anytime MOBILE HOMES TRAILER tor sale 10 IL sleeps two to tour panona hilly wired Ilas builtIn cupboards alnk and Ice boa Rides exception all sacrillca ai tau Tole no 1116 PERSONALS PONTUNB TELLING Do you want your lorluna told by card it so telephone PA ooaro tor appoint mant any date READING ANII advising on all allalrl Open train am to prrl Tci hand orlllta FA 104 01 30 Pratt St South OrlliiI dresser blouses skirts also chit drena apprt Reasonable Talc phono Moll altttmooaa etc by certlflrd hairdroasar in your own homo or hospital up vice Domlca PA spool 01 pa N667 IIRST FOOT Iorwardl Ilsvra con trol posture visual poise room inn nicheup pcraonallty conti donce Group and prtvatecinaoa Telephone PA 66162 LOST FOUND contains valuable and personal papers Loat Friday at Vaoala lo HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE CARECFAKER Township School Area of Ves pra No wants caretaker or Ccdar View and Forest Hill schools Either jointly or sep arlltelyFer particulars IIL to duties and terms apply to ARTHUR SMITH illldhurst until pm Wednesday Aug 29 Telephone PA 80435 VFEMALE HELP REGISTERED NURSE Required to train as Laboratory Technician in local cosmetic illo tory Apply in writing stating qualifications experience sal ary etc to BOX 89 BARRIE EXAMINER EXPERIENCED fllil limo WIIIMM required Apply to I00 Grill or Tcluphono PA 04616 UIIIL or woman to coma in and mind children while mother works Can lira in if desired Talaphono PA 66056 ccd For lflCll rcolaurant For Ian lnIorlnaIlon telephone PA requires middlcngcd lady to live in Apply Box Earlla Examin or week preschool children in prcicrlcd Telephpan PA savor after pm baby sit iyourhoivlo one child the new steol street Apartments MALE HELP HIGH QUALITY MEN international publishing con cern wholly c1 idlarL rm the services ot high quality MEN for newlocal district allice The men selected will be given complete training at our ex TEACHING MACHINE Tlle men selecth will be train ed to earn much betterthan average income Minimum age Room lot Tower Depart TorontufIFtIntErifitToIEpma IllétlLfiiIfli Brand New Warranty tip spa THE new one to boom DEMONSTRATION RIDES or 19000 now $16595 ctric Reg $60500 new $50095 llP Lark lll tron lNBOARDOIJTBOARD APPOINTMENT Marine TeeNee Trailers tervlew apply SECURITY IN ELECTRONICS tile ability to work held under supervision necessary For in MR DOUG FRENCH QUEENS HOTEL Thursday 75 pm and Friday lrom 1080 rum to and UL You can become specialist Train at IiCC trusted name In Electron lcs Truliiitis slnea 1m Automa Ilorl TV Radar It Resident courses In Ternni ontrcal 0r Itliily at home ay terms Prca hooklct RADIO COLLEGE OF King St nroll new MALEIIILP Young Mon To Train As SPORTS REPORTER The Barrie Examiner has an opening his youoy man its to years at not to train as reports writer Must have good knowledge of all spoilt particularly Iocai lta The man we choose have good bactmund In sonar grammar and spelling The Job otters emiieatoppoituolty ioradvaiicornent tor young man who wishes to matte nowa popcan Ilia ulcer Apply The Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner 100111 or lull tillla blrfctl da liyl work Bicycle aupplad Ap fily Lia William Tort Automo vc to 51 over Richmond Vlrsioiana Richmond nettlenon atom WANTED Ion Chatlar has an taurani two boyi it years old lraintos Ivan Io miaunni work Apply altar lax restaurant It ram too Telapbm Cooiitowo EMPLOYMENT WANTED IIIART MATURE couple ilth personality and publications to II charsa oi small hotel Inotai club or apartment building Could aa caretakers and lentlal English Canadians and ab aiaioara Box I7 Barrie Seminar 12 TENDERS as ONTARIO WATER INTAKE ONTARIO FIRE COLLEGE GRAVENIIURST ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND ERS properly endorsed 011 terms supplied by the Depart meal will be received by the Tenders Secretary Room 0630 East Block Parliament Build ingl Toronto Ontario until 100 pm iEDT on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 6th1062 tor the Supply and Installation at Water Intake Lilies Nos one and two at the Ontario Plra Col lege at Gravenhurst Ontario Plans Specifications Tender loans Tender envelopes and obtained tram or viewed at merit of Public Works East Block Parliament buildingsL No 3651079 and may also be viewed at the Bulidera Eir change at Orillia and Barrie and also at the Department or Public WorkspOltice Huntsville Ou tarlo £0000 Bid Bond and 100 Performance head will be required as speciiicd Tenders will not be considered unless mndoon forms supplied by the Department oI Public Works Ontario In accordance with the terms and conditions as set iarlh therein Deposit cl $2500 CASII OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of On tario will be required per sat at tender documents whldi will be refunded il documents are returned in good condition with in thirty days at above closing date otherwise lorteited The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario August 20 i052 lilillar Deputy Minister Department of Public Works Ontario TOWNSHIP OF FLOS DEVELOPMENT ROAD N0 521R TENDERS FOR GRANULAR EASE COURSE Prime and Sand Cover and Single Surface Treatment Sealed tenders plainly mark ed Tender for Development Road No 5213 will be re celvcrl by the undersigned un til 12 oclock noon Tuesday Sept 1962 lol the construc tion of Base Course 50 crushed gravel type prime with sand cover and single surface tree Lot 15116 Can to 11 total distance of approximately 225 miles Tender documénts may be obtained from the oilice of the undersigned certified chequelor 10 at the total lender price ahall accompany each tender Lowest or any tender out necessaer accepted JOHN ROBERTSON ClarkTreasurer Township oi Fios Elrnvalo Ontario The Department of Lands and Forests will be carrying out rc is to the Drury Forest Residence located onLot Coll Oro Township adjoining Highway 03 Work includes carooling plastering painting and some interior alterations Any con tractors wishing rto submit quotations may obtain lruther particulars and specifications ASSISTANT DS AND FORESTS Angus0atarlo KW Copy ior wantvAd Section accepted until pm daybaioro boon rates la tor rookieolthaycar honors to the International League while trying to conva the Pirates National iusuo his run total to to all runs scored Wellhead lumbus Bonus Baby vltiakes Bid TUE WED PRESS Bobby Bailey £100000 plus baby at Pittsburgh Pl malttp stroll run ready or twin their The young shortstop boosted accrue to 390 his home It and his runs batted In to 85 if night to leading Co cta to their seventh raisht victory Halley allowed only two bits to raven Innings but tho that was triumph to run mm EXAMINER TEUBSDAY access ticst MM atllicoroilbomorbynaiizyin the first trama lollovrloytwo weltaandtbeuooadwasatolo gunner la the slrlb by Larry SUNS LEAFS LOSE Alloblo Crach turned back the lagooleading Jacksonville Suns Syracuse Chiclr blanked Toronto Maple cats 20 behind 11yearold Toni Ad dialled and Rochester Rcd Wittgle but bullan Bisoor 41 agtoo making his lint atprt la tripleA baodiall alter Joining the Chiels lrorli Solis bury in the Western Carolina League allowed billy tour hits Illa shutout and struck out at men Three Bulialo errors helped Rochester to three unearned runs at to that scared to the tennis dining The Eullalo crowd at 16i21 was the largest since operator day Aiiaola Jollon Knots Eta to so lead 16 the scaled Inning gained bla ttlb victory against tire losses in beating Jacksonville Ila para way to Leroy Gregory after the Suns cited up roll in the seven lrasnc and another in the eighth QUADS MIRACIS VANCOUVER tCPIA nbbl said prayer oi thanksgiving lor miracles Tuesday at Jewish ritea tor the two boys among the todayold quadruplela born to Ruth Becker The birth oi the quads was miracle Rabbi mono ot Scottie said MO NARC REFRIGERATION CIEAIIIINQ liosnodelsireinlvngAlnosi Immediately We Desperately Need The Floor Space Tlle Models Must Be Sacrificali Slive Buyitiow l9T360 Transformer powered New Vista Tuner Tabla Model 19 Picture Tuba Sup List $27900 23TC610 Console Contemporary Cabinet in Will nut Finlrh 23 Picture Tuba Sag List $31995 23TC522R Remote Control No Wires No Hatter Ias Nothing to wear Operates from 60 It 13 Pic IITUbOitsUflaLtltr542935F 23TC607 Genuine Walnut Vonaar Scandinavian Cabinet 23 Full Picture Screen Bondarixed no dust Sag List $41995 23TC522A Console In Solid Walnut Veneer Two Speakers 23 Full Picture Screen Sup List $33995 23T386 23 Full Picture Screen Now Vista Tun lng Circuit Breaker Tabla Model with Lops Slag List $29095 TIlz Sherwood Yr Picture Iubc Guarantee other tubes and parts year guarantee ti picture tuba Tabla model Sug List Price $05005 Cm Bellwood It 10115019 liloch tilled walnut linish year picture tube gliaraalce Shag List $38995 lit Glenwoodwzl Console fashioned to modern walnut Two year picture tube guaraidee Sag List $39995 CIIB Parhwood Console model all wood cabinet in Luxurious walnut and mahogany yr picture tube guarantee aux List $47995 RcA STEREO Radio matte Garrard sound changer nlhmond stylus Speakers Walnut cabinet In French Provincial Design SRO859 Arliitry Speakers $6000 FREE RECORDS Diamond Stylus Genuine walnut cabinet $6000 Free Records SEC160 speakers and wblasera PHHJPS STEREO CLEARANCE PRICE I7ELZF trad CLEARANCE PRICE 22 CLEARANCE PRICE 24 Ir CLEARANCE PRICE 309 CLEARANCE PRICE 18 35 CLEARANCE PRICE CLEARANCE PRICE 21 leads CLEARANCE Pitiw 25 CLEARANCE PRICE 2003 CLEARANCE PRICE 23 as trade PHILIPS th TO CLEAR oiriiY CLEARANCE PRICE Fits The litontroso Fluail Styled In iolilusirn 95 walnut sound reverberation buut Ia Exicnsloarapoaker tape recorder outlets SugrLlst $43995 rats Kira Richelieu Finished in him lustre walul FillAlli IIIIIII pinttons sapphire stylus lusi loaded extras Sits Price 330935 THE KING or VAUES

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