our ear to shore at the Canadian National CROSSINGAKE ONTIO or cao Ilirs Margaret Hinienseer Exhibition wateriront after Shirley Biolcitiord collected crossing which began at crossing latte Ontario on dare She and codriver ltirs Borden Painting Reminds CAlfPBOBDENOnt CPL Apalnilng whichhongs as the backdrop to memorial altar in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps hluseum here was the last major army assignment forrvctoran Sappor Norman tiap Clapton The versatile crattsmao and onetime civiliun tinsmith has retired after spending the last 12 at his it years in the Royal Canadian Engineers nce l950 he had worked In the museum under the direction of the curator Varroot Otiicer ilouitzhnuer adding to the pictorial chronicle of the RCASCS history The picture at Sat Won Bay War Cemetery liong Kong hangs above memorial hook listing the corps dead of two world wars and Korea It is reminder of the men who lost their lives defending the British crown colony in the Second World War and are buried at Sat WonBay The paintingtaken from small black and white official endorses at dessertsnos lluld liter July Colors were suggested by Col ESarantos now di SAPPER NORMAN Pop Clapton left is eongratulat ed by Col It Heuchan commandant oi the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps School Camp Borden at dedication ol Sapper Clap zDeadz rector oithe ltCASC in Ottawa who vlstted the cemetery sev crol years ago CASTING MEMORIAL At the dedication of to me mortal nitnrflflol Ii ilcuehan commandant ot the RCASC school told Pop You can be proud at this Ipaiatlng it will stay here long time Like the earth we have taken from Normandy it adds another link to our mu seum Opening prayer at the core mony wussaid by Capt Coulombe of Quebec City Roman Catholic padre oi the school Protestant padre Capt itiacLean oi Glace Bay NS oitcred the prayer of dedl Supper Clapton was so years old whenhe lelt his civilian tlnsmlths job in Toronto to on list in mm Field Compan Royal Canadian Engineers Iii 1940 He served in action with his unit throughout Northwest Eu rope until the end at the Second in test he went to tachnd to 54 Transport Com pany BCASC returned to Can tons painting depicting Sal Wan War Cemetery Hong Kong The painting ba ground bangs aboveantent orial altar in the service 3011 museum at Camp Bor El fence Edwaids Produces Now Series But About Action llolTears By CYNTHIA LOWRY HOLLYWOOD tAPlOne ol the semisecrets of this busy en tertainment factory is thefact thamliidczCotmtrysttntflssne action series is Ralph Ed wards production Edwards shows including the longrunning This is YourLiie are highly regarded in the in dustry But alter long years oi Edwards tugging at heart strings with surprise confronta tions between famous personali ties and their longlost first grade teachers and presiding over teardrenched family reun ions NBC apparently doesnt ant osconiusostho moges Wide Country is re ctionai program not reallife tear jerker Edwards become the unlikely producer at the series about rodeo rider as result of cor pnratc marriage ot conventt once He had an hour of NBC time sowed runs while another show packager had an accept tablc series to fill it Theygot together young man who lost his notch Louisiana somewherr between oil City High School and the Pasadena Playhouse Wide Country His firstwas in Hotel de Paree western that petered out after one sea son He thinks the new assign ment has better chance Holllmnn will portray rodeo rider following the circuit went out and spent some time with these fellows and they hye exciting hard lives and are really suppose the last ves tiges of the old West ieit today They are really people living out of their time STORIES VIA TELSTAR NEW YORK AP About onetends of the news content at York Times tor today was sent from New York tolaris Wed nesdsy via the Teistar commu nications sotollite Tito stories totalling about 5000words were soot at rain oi 1000 CP from National Do Earl Hollimana toll blonde the European edition ottho New two bottles of champagne for their feet alter the ï¬nite ado with that unit in 1052 and shortly niter went to Germany When the transport company returned to Canada renum bored instead of 54 Pop came with it to Camp Borden 00 miles northsoi Torontoin 1959 he was attached to the RCASC school and began his work for the museum in addition to his work with hmsh and canvas he has carved largescale army crests in wood for photo display bums and turned out works in metal and wood for Canadian National Exhibition and other exhibits Tile veteran crailsman says he has painted as hobby most at his life although hes never had formal training guess had some natural to start and Ive read lot hesnys modestly As boy he pololcdgiass for win dows working only with icelingvior colors ONE TIRE SHORT CINCINNATI gtAFlKenneth Deilcrs 32 wastined $50 in tratiic urtnttcr being stopped for driving car with only three tires The tireless wbccl police said had left groove in the street The vehicle also had three hold tires sheltered windshield and unity brakes Dclters charged with damag ing city street and operating an unreadworthy vehicle told dg csdaytiedrove because he didnt want to take bus to work Youngstown NA The ladies are tram Toronto iCP Wire photo BC Project May Be Seen vanebuven tCP The Province says the federal gov ernment ts reported to he work ing no compromise agreement with British Columbia that may result in start on the long dcloycd Columbia River hydro cleclric project it says the agreement will be presented to Premier It Bennett of British Columbia next week when he starts talks on the Columbia in Ottawa with federal officials The newspaper says the led eral government is reported ready to agree to the sole to the United Statesoi all or part oi the British Columbia sharemi power developed by the multi milliondoilar protect In return it expects Premier Bennett teproceed only with the lirst stage the 5880000 000Pence River developmentin northern BC the story says federalprovincial dispute on the sale of BCs shore of the power has been one of the causes for Canadas long delay in ratification ot the Columbia treaty with the US By WILLIAM RYAN Associated Press Correspondent elatestSovletmoveintbe Ber in siloalien gettï¬tg better by the hour points to an at4 tempt to tighten diplomatic screws and head the crisis in word some sort of climactic showdown The Soviet government and defence ministry have an nounced formally the abolition of the Russian commandants oltice in Berlin The tactics can be taken us warning oi new pressures to come to client this brings the in ternational quarrel over Berlin back to where it was in 10th when Stalin blockadcd the city in an attempt to driVe out the Western Allies massive air lltt broke the blockade But things are more danger ous now The Soviet Unions achievements in space and race ketry indicate it is using its military potential as weapon to frighten the world into sup settlement SAME AS IN 1948 The Russians are insisting that the West no longer has any legal right to retain occupation porting demands for quick Its Pros And Cons Irimlnputfcomlowcrprtoes EDITORS NUTS Does anionstho hill lobe ï¬r ae oto cement to this story second oi twopart mice the DMJII cm on tile cussed mantra amateurs AP Business Write now vonx AP 411 way to get full employment last says one American industrialist wryly to outlaw the wheel lf peoplehad to carry every thing on their backs titers would he iobs tor all That makes as much sense he says as talk tht automa tion will recklessly replace men with machines This is his focetlous entry in the hearty debate raging today over what automation does to Jobs lie and many American econ omiats argue that in the long run at least technological change creates for more Jobs than it destroys Some in recent months have argued back that this reasoning is merely hlstorlcni Automa tion isnt necessarily the same as those other changes they say Views pican tbeftrst 10 years oi automa tion in the United states do not otter evidence mutually accept able to both parties in the dia oute The National Association of Maniuncturera says automation didnt destroy Jobs but in fact added to them through such new products as color television and certain plastics TheAFerlO speaks ot 2000 000 people added to unemploy ment rolls bctweco 1953i and 1900 Looking ahead mony econo mists supporf the argument oi Alien Wallis president of the University oi Rochester and iormcr dean ot the School oi Business at Chicago University He says thatiust as the auto mobile generated for more jobs than the ones it destroyed in the buggy industry so will auto motion changes broaden total lob opportunities in addition this thesis con tinues making product more attractive through automation elther in price or ioquaiity may step up total demand The resurgence of thecoal industry Was Not As angerous troops in West Berlin They said the same thing in 1040 be fore clamping down the block ade Theycioimed themthatghci West surrendered its rights when it set up separate ad ministration in West Germany Vhen Moscow ended the blockade in May 1949the So viet Union consented in etfect to the continued Allied military presence in West Berlin Subsequently the USSR went through period of intere nal political nervousness which continued until well alter Stalin died in1053 The Berlin situa tion remained relatively quiet However in 1955 the Russians wore on the eve again prompted by Westem deci sion to bring West Germany into the NATO alliance hiascow announced it had signed treaty declaring the East Ger man regime sovereign and tree to decide its own domes tie and foreign policies TheWest warnedthat it held the Kremlin responsible for maintnioingthe tour power postwar arrangements agreed for Berlin MOSCOW COUNTER Moscow countered that the nude possible by better ou dunes GENERATB JOBS New productsnude feasible by automation generate jobs where none aided beiore The automation industry itself ac cording to one of Its leading spokesmen John Diobold in voivossbout 510000000000 year and hires about 1000000 it also pol ted to the any ave rise in the service industries employmurt in recent years White collar workers to the 15 now for the tint time outnumber their blue collar counterpartc Between stand 100 the number of production workers decreasedhy 1200000 while the total in service indus tries it rtatlon lionacc sales gre 5000000 Even within the manufactur in industry some 00 per cent whiteoollsr tlelds personnel director estimates Many have suggested that as on are topped off assembly toes workers can readily chili into the whitecollar and service categories WWENEEDED Switching warkere from one ind to another however is sol tion that may work better to theory than practice Big ad justment and retrainingp grams are needed Increasing attention Ilbfltflfl given to plans to help this transitionmoogrcss this year authorized $435000000 to retrain 1000000 Jobless breadwlnners to the next three years Many companies Armour and Company Kaiser Steel Campbell Soup have worked out their own retraining pro grams hfdny industriesshisve ouletly operated continuous tipgrading programs One expert estimates that 75 per cent of USindus tryhns some such program operating more or less con sfantiy How elfectivo have these pro grams been in plantupgradlog programslhe experts say have been effective With others there have been some big dls nppointments In dlstresscd orensene critic said retrain ing merely meant that men had different lot toho out of Berlin Quartet Ii11948 East German regime had full jurisdiction over its territory including communications he tw Berlin and West Ger Beriin is li0miles inside Communist territory The Bus sians said then that the author ity their military exercised was regarded as oniytempor My peated The Russians said their military iscontinedand only temporarilyto matters relat ing to movement of military suppltes and personnel toWest em Allied occupation garrisons to manning the Soviet war memorial in the British sector and to supplying guards tor the war crimeslprison at Spandau Try An Examiner Want Ad PEONE IA 52414 tower cesrrsa Dozen wrrH SHURGAIN ySHURGAIN LAYING FEEDS are produced to help you get more eggs on less feedgiving you aiower ieedveost per dozen twine FEEDS Drop in lets talk about bal ancsd ration formulated to meet thorequiromenis of your flock Ask us about the complete ShurGaln Laying Foods Program to QUALITY AND SERVICE can ADENNIS wosow CtARENCECUMMtNG BRADFORD BOOKSTOWN BAEEIE of job growth has been in the This linonow suddenly is re ers Point Ont il fouryear onova par tatteoiiatcttslk Hes been skiing since the beginning of summer 01 old Galen Sokolowcki member Wirephohr iiiiD AWAY WE GO LLGalcnis under the gun and first that the skis kept floating over the waves as be prac tises his water skiing skill away from him OP Wilc photo liis maior problem was his weighthe was so light at George Davies NSUMNCE AGENCY no IIIINLOP er Munro consrnucrrou LTD Barrie PA 83186