Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1962, p. 1

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For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA sane Till telephone mmbcrto call for the Business at mm Dept is as an to the spcho race ncsduys press conference In space Race By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CPI one idetlt Kennedy who once pro fessed nydisllke for summit coo icrcnccs without prior assur utccs that they would bear truitl has hinted he would like to confer with Soviet Premier lihrashchcv ii Khrushchev comes to the United Nations this fall At the samotimc Kennedy threw wallop at the solics teem oi Americans warning thnt thcUniicd States is well ilrc space race and mo lny behind for years before catching upnrtd possi bly moving ahead by the end at the tools Anybody who attempts to suggest that we arenot behind mlsiends the American people said the president ch are well behind but we are making tremendous lei lsltZA SPENDS IIUGELY The United States currently is spending about $1500000000 Continuing Sept By JOHN LeBLANC TORONTO CF Gambling bossVincent Keeley fighting back as Ontarios royal commls sion on crime rcachesfor him has accused the commissioner oi abetting character assassins stion on awholesole scale and allowing him to he used as political football He charged bins and prej udice against himon the part of Mr Justice Reach the commissioner in deposition Wednesday in connection with his action before the Ontario Court of Appeal to have the judge disqualified as the gov ernment investigator Meanwhile tho Appeal Court which Mr sticcgtlluach is membersset Sept for preliminary hearing on the dis qualification issuc which brought hearings oi the com mission to an abrupt suspension Monday wnen it attempted to call Fceley as its first witness alter summer recess Thupubiic sittings will re main adjourned until the High Court has disposed of thc Feeley challenge At the Sept Scourt hearing panel of the appellate justices will be called on to rule whether Mr Justice Roach has to ask the court to confirm his author ity 1t caneither throw out the gamhlcrs case immediately or have the question sent to the full bench Feeieys statements Wednes day were made before spe cial commissioner in an exami alleging Mr Justice Roach dis qualified himselfby taking se cret testimony damaging to Feelcy on day last June while formal hearings oi the com slon were in recess He contendsthc commissio thereby violated the Public quirlcs Act under which he was appointed and an earlier ruling of the appeal court that Fceicy was enti to legal representa tion blame the commission did come would hope lwould or arehcarssl was pléilned for your in military space programs Kennedy said he didnt know whnt military ad vantage ltursta may have gsined with its superior rockets and ships but It Is very possi ble flint there will develop mil itary sillilflcance and it later that reason that the 115 milit ary program is being carried on at 8500000 Kennedy so said Soviet bloc countries have been sending large quantities of supplies and many technicians into Cuba in rccp cc ihTt wasTspnnghoard for Corn munist aggression in La tin America but said the signif icance of tho shipments is be ing examin Kennedys rciercncc to Khrushchev come amid rumors that the Soviet lender might at tend the fall sessions of the UN Kennedy said he didnt know whether Khrushchev at thllprllttl fhe have chance to talk with him The alncrity with which he re spondcd to the question of pos Pr Feeley speaking in low monotone as he chainsmoked cigarettes at ihe inlormal hear ing Wednesday brought in the name of Chief Justice Mc Rucr ol the Ontario High Court of Justice as he claimed the commissioner had all some evidence coming to his at tention He said perfect example of bias developed when the commissioner received informa tionthat the provincial police had used the name otChiei Jus lice hichrer nsbalt in setting trap for Relay and partner Joseph McDerlrlott How theciiief jusilccs name was used wastnol cxplaincdr but Feelcy said the evidence had PARIS ReuterslA country wide bunt was pressed today for terrorists who ambushed President de Gaulles car Wed ncsday night in an assassination attempt that failed by only fraction De Gaullc escaped uninjured but hiscar was pierced by halfdozen bullets as it sped through trail at machinegun tigelon the outskirts or Paris ssassns believed to be linked with the Freneh A1 geria European terrorist Sc cret Army Organization Within two hours of the at tack policefound an abandoned truck which had been stolen containing two heavy machine guns used in the assassination attempt on the 71yearold pres ident Police said they believed iiar attempt on do Gaulle sible meeting with Kbnlshchev posted that extremely large ceptionai technical feat seemed to indicate the president wants snoihcrltnllr with the So viet leader on inflates Berlin issue and other troubles APPROVES PROBE Closer to home Kennedy ap proved Senate albcornmlitceo lovcstigation of profits on stock piling oi 38000000000 in ailat gic materials The president said and re profits were made the Hanna Mining company totheiirrn that he could derstnd th desire of some wri nesses to mlt the investiga tion by charging it is an attack on President Eisenhower but think the Congress ought to do its job itlev conicrencc opened with news from Kennedy that the 115 nuclcnr submarines Sllnto his in Pacific had met under the Arc tic ice cap and surfaced toge ther ihmugh hole at the North Pole Kennedy called it an ex OlTAWA CPiW Craw fordvot Minesing Ont west of Burrit dominated two motor sheep divisions at the Central Canada Exhibition Livestock show Wednesday Crawford champion and rescrvech plulrcnmpslurernmmdchu plan and reserve champion Shropshire ewes then repeated the sweep oi ohumpion and re scrvc champion rdms and ewes in the Soulhdown class simllor sweep of the Oxford Downs class was made by innerJtnUonTyron no Wolvmanvllli reserve champion rain which went to Dow Dawns Farm also showed 5k excepttor inent pcrsons has Mundane been cxcludcd trouble He allows in certain evi dence is not brought out Fecley said Such discretion had not been used to protect 0n torlo Chief Justice Dunn Porter Common deputy attor neygeneral Bowman director of public prosecutions farmer premier Leslie Frost the late Ontario mines minister prom tish at one and fcwiof another and has allowed ehnracier assassination harm unoban James Maloney and other feel he is melting on wholesalescnle poppies character Dchulile Escapesl Spray Oi Bulletsfi Aug the last time the presi dent was in Paris They also said they had traced the truck to garage at Joigny in the Yonne depart ment of central France The attempt came asde Gsuile was being driven to Villacou blay military airport for flight to his country home at ColombeylesDauxsEglises SPRAY BULLETS Accompanyingshim were his Wife and his soninIaw Col Al ain dc sieu who also cs caped uninjured despite the spray of bullets that smashed the rear window punctured two tires and pitted the body of the presidential car Police said between 120 and 15o rounds of ammunition were fired Grenades and incendiary bombs also were found along the roadside They believed about to men took part in the attack Ciiii writ Holograms blind weman king dog wildnesilost his voice will be treated at thECanadlan Natlanal Exhlbillons Vete scopaifiln Skippy on eight it black and limits the Sole comp 3thot Skippy doesnt really ion of Mind Archer righii of ListowcL Ont She told Dr DonaldMacDonaldr ticitl of Toronto and Dr Howard Nurse of Detroit speak words but sh barks and giOWlS hiss Archcr will be dared for by the Canadian National In stitute for the Blind while even though it would go to showthe lengths the OE would goiogctms in education orlardoelor on the SenatSpeaker appolnl aISpeakcr for the Sea ate and hrsindicated Monday he has made selection to be announced shortly The present near liowmanville mons oifFinch 0nt won the reserve Ayrshire grand chom pion and senior grand cham pion hull with liiemoryLanc preferred Donald Mncinlyrc of smell Onl won grand champion and reserve grand champion female Ayrshire with Sunny Dole Alice 7th and Dunbolm Cindys seven rcspcctlvaly Grand champion Jersey hull was awarded to Brampton Acme Dreamer of Avondala Farm Brockville Avondalas Radar Royal Basil of Windy Side Farm Prescott was nwnrdcd reserva grand chains ars eau alsooi Windy Side Farm was awarded female junlor Jersey champion My urns ollE The big game hunter had been relating his experiences ad nous seam Whlle wandering around native village hcdroned on spotted leopard Dont be silly commented bored listener Theygrow that way wogirls Wednesday night gave police lead in the hunt for the killer oil 16yearold Julian Voianski The girls said they received telephone calls similar to the one that lured JulieAug from her home andtoherdeath Her nearanude body shot and raped was found in suburban ditcb week later Deputy Chief George Elliott said today the man who made the calls to the two Scarborough girls is probably the killer He said several other girls have received likeealls in the past year The deputy saldr The man represents himself as member of the board of board PM To Announce VMTAWA CPlPrimc Minis terDicfen has but completed this ncup of the Con servatlvcs for tha Parliarn tary session which at is So 27 It remains only for him to Senate speaker is Senator Mark Drnuin Conservative and close friend at the prime min ister Mr Dietenhaker announced his nominee for Commons Speaker and for government leader in the Stable As successor to Roland Mlchener Commons Speaker defeated in Toronto St Pauls in the innutlil federal electio Mr Dicfenbakersnid he propose Mrlrcel Lambert yeanold MP forEdniontonWe and former parliaments rotary to thegrevaliueminisie Mr Lambert Rhodes scholarandsDieppe veteran is bilingual and of FrcnehCanaA dlsn and Belgianstocitdr in cattle events Roy Slrn run nou EARL sown MP for DuficriaSinrcoo chats with lrupecior Harris at seald1 headquarters Caoutte Quoted in Article lidrnircs Mussolini Hitler MONTREAL CP Real Csouette deputy national leader of the Social Credit party is quoted in Le Magazine Maclaan as sayingtthat this political heroes are Mussolini and Hitler In an article by Helen Pilate in the current issue or the mag azine MrCnouctte was asked Midw rrwnluazrynurlpuulparaeher or history He replied Mussolini and Hitler and added Fascism like capitalism and communism is dictatorship Social Credit seeks the liberty of the individual admire Mus solinisqunlily as leader and regret that he was Fascist admire in Hitler his economic reiorms and consider that ho brought hisipoople out of rais ery regret thathe employed irwoonls report Phone Calls like ThoseyDead Girl Got nmination to go into Grade 10 at GivinsiSeniorPubllc School The two girls who came for ward arc aged 15 and 19 The younger said she was called in May or June last year by man whd saidhe was on the board of education She said he asked intimate questions with the excuseihathe was con ducting survey The other girl Wascalled July 25this year by man who claimed to be iDr Lang oi the board of education He said thegirl would have to pass physical examination and he asked her other things about her schooling Deputy Elliott said both girls have had their pictiues in the wspapers All the calls are connected he SaIdr VTENTIANE Laos AP for worlnslc eausedhya stab wound NEWS Three Exitiliouies the Chosen if ideas which he had ONLY OF ECONOMICS am an interview Wednesday Mr Caeuctte said that when he refers to Hitler and Mussolini as his political heroes he thinks only their copomlc policies durinnnths owacldcprcssion yenrs As for their dictatorial strug gles and their racial struggles they have never been an ex ample for me he added Mr Caouctte said the maga zine did notquote his complete reply to the question During the depression years he said while We in Canada were in economic mis ery these men brought prosper lty to their countries There is no question for me at admiring their racial poli cies The extcrrninauoa oi ior example was antiAChristian Thereyis no question at follow ing such policies gumm stabbed nonunionrule FoundInGuIIy OllAWA CWPolice today intensified their search for the killer who stabbed Montreal woman fourtlmcs and left her nude body near aroad in Rock cliife Park village here Ontario Provinciaerolice identified the mutilated body Wednesday night as Jeanne Bruyere alias Jeanna Liboiron about 35 oiiMonircai inley said the killing may be the workof sadlst and ad vanced the theory that the woman willingly accompanied her killer into the bush and was stabbed with knifealter la vie lent argument An autopsy showed death was BRIErs Neuiralist Prince Souvanna Phournascoal on cabinet agreed on threeexitpoihts for ihevevactlation foreign troops from Laos vlhey are Vi ianeiolforeign troopswiih the rightwing faction thePlain oi Jars for those with the ncutra those with theproaCommunist PathetLao orat for Ben Bella Opponedby Troops AIJGIERS AP Guerrilla troops controlling Algiers openly defied Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben Bells and his ticai bureau today as the nation headed toward showdown between its civilian leaders and localguerrilla warlords The political bureau and the soldiers coiled rivaltdemonst tions four hours apart this aftcrtloonrllt differentsections at the city The guerrilla leaders protest againstihe bill De Gaulle Cong PARIS Reuters Messagcsfrolri world leads into Paris today congratulating President do Gaullo lied on the populati cured his narrow escape from assassination chhesdsy night Eiizabeih eat personal message but the xt was not immediately depoty as spas ing entirely loin himself when he referred to iussollai lliileras his political heroes lts uniortunnteth out parts rcachthapuhlicr said Mr dont cénvinced cluei phonograph By JAMES MINNIE Examiner Stall Reporter MUSION Search for 10 yosrold ltrommins Baker will not be abandoned until we luoow for fact she has been seen in arrothoc location Vithtbls James llarrls orimi tion branch Ontario Provincial Police loronto summed up the attitude of police and hlmdrcds of searchers who continued their relentlem search today BULLETIN olicetodayplclled upttwo for questioning in con perio aol investigs for peace 7F replace them from LondonLOnt headquarters yesterday to Syria pnihlze with the is ly andven nectlnn with the disappearance of 10yearoldlhomslna lla ker from her home on Sun day evening by press time questioning was still going on and on full reports was available Cons Frank McDonald of the Bar rie Detachment of the OPP Iccond in command to loop James Harris in the search operation continued that the men were still being quest loaed as the Examinervrcni to pres officers are convinced the clue inthe case will be found near the Thomas Baker term at RR Becion where the girl was lust seen shortly utter pm Sunday Meanwhile it is likeiythat tho nlrrhbcr of searchers today will grow in nearly 1000 Until we find ndoad body we assume that this child is still said inspector Harris Ihcre iLdefinitchnoJetup in this search MORE ARRIVE This morning more and more people continued to arrive to help in the drive Men of the Army and Air Force were on hand again at it em The Army sat up field service kitchens to supply hot meals to bonetired searchers Thine men need hot meal said Coast Fred McDonald of the OPP Bamc Detachment day night You can only go so long on sandwiches Dmpiie the welcome news of hot meals district women con tinued to bring coffee tea sand wiches and baiting for the men the majority of whom have sworn to continue until little Tommie is found to Toronto zoo iaamster union man are standing by to be call ed into the search and addition at nowblood could be added by the plea issued last night by Dcp Reeve Geo MeCague of Alliston Mr MeCague has ask ed that anyone who can possib ly get away fromjobs join in the search Though the bloodhounds from Kingston had to return to pen itentiary duty two Labrador re trievers have been brought in to rule Theodogs owned by private individual have been thrown straight into the inknsifying hunt From the town at Alliston came two busloads of volunteers in busscs laid baby the Toll while member of St Jolui Ambul ance Brigade reachEd the scene from throttle to take earcot first aid needs of scarche The Brigade keep volume untilthe search searehcrea and the Baker for ergcncyVMeasur jorgani vizationbastngedthat anyone tth someimolvlvledg ee pared to help police These rural people he added have done splendid job in this scorch Yesterdays story was tha some as on the previous noonng thifib al MIMI usiy for 90 hours with only few hours sleep Provincial Pol ice recognize that the surround ing fann community is in its harvesting season but tho ma jority of rural searchers have insisted on remaining on the scene until something is known about the whereabouts oi Torn mle or molt who snatched howdy monk dshaugh parents brothers and older The soldiers who arrived yes terday came only after large amount of red tape had been out mid Beeton Reeve leopard Aberncthy had pleaded with the attorney gcnmls department to send irithe army to help Air Force men were entering their third day of searching at it am today They positioned to comb the district with the rural searchers under control of Pro vineinlvPolice Boy Scottie as well amalso assisting the pots ice Jmnfidfllheflflgm1fl cg en Whimliy was given at fort by the arrival of Rev Willis oi Beeton United Rllircb Many people including police Mammy mcalmmflwayr erm the area when he wgs cal ledback to be besidoloinrnies parents Mr Willis said the entire in cident issnocktng and appall mg He spoke words of praise for the numberyoi people who have come forth willingly inthis time of need to help the familyto find Thomasina DOES HER WORK This morning as she has done daily since her daughter disapg peered Mrs Baker has insisted on doing her share of the chores on the 100nm farm This reporter standing near the farmlweli when Mrs Baker approached for water asked if he could help hypumping She replied No thank you It gives me something to do and keep my mind off things The gratitude for assistance offered is evident in every action of Mr Baker as he walks among his helpers thanking them for their aid Meanwhile the search has moved into the counties of Duf fcrin Peel and York DOUBLECHECK We have checked and double checked hundreds of leads Al though we have progressed great deal we still have no know ledge of where the girl was tak en from thetime she was seen by her brother leaving in car Sunday night inspector Har ris frankly admitted In Boston the annual jamv boree and fairyhas been canccle led at least until Sept Dev cause the people throughout the area just are not in the mood for celebration all attention is to cusedon the search Yesterday it beame evident there is communications lag as much of the equipment set up by Emergency Measures Organiza tions from Toronto Barrie and Guelph would not function prop erly Provincial Policercdios however continue to operate Today however it was fereni equipméutywithin tondlejra diusoi the baker iarrn wnelt Telephone ernp res meanwhile have moved into set up direct line telephones for in specter Harris and his hard nor gstatf so that leads in the cars arriving from Toronto can be quicklyieheeked out Foi inspector Harris it has can narrowing four days wit soon get some slee ug to drop he state econds uterhewostscuo rying off to check out on another clue in themystrcrio ease

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