Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1962, p. 19

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APARTMENTS WANTED lO IEOIOOSI Duplex bud lo ual MNIIII cumca Vicinity IQiilofll Pm Iqiiircd b1 OPICDIDO OT sooner BEDI LD Ian Barrie Examiner VANID IT October in by cider utopia 1V9 bedroom mood floor pertain lilia psih or up so Ova refrlacrslcr and stove ppiy Ian Barrie mariner ROOM BOARD 100 AND IOARD IlileiI OW leesn preferred For further is Dilution telephone PA 51303 Lsnos rrohl room available with mid Lunches mm It sums Parking facilities Telephone PA L351 IINILIMEN Dolmen for respect Ihio clean hotcL Meals to be served in our raodlra restaurant Apply Golden Ap lo HID Tale ohoaa III Haber Iayner 171 ROOMS TO LET CENTRALLY mated Bedroom for mil Tclrphoa PA 000 WINISUID Hbuuhaplag Roorrl with rlllllltl nfrlnrator sad Saudis Ceatrsi Tricphaaa PA WI or PA HTML ROOMS TO LET LIORI HOUIEKKIPINO mil or not TIIIQDAIDM PA will or apply it vs IilliOiiT clcsn draom for root Downtown Ire Tor reallemsh Pulrkiag facilities Telephone PA II TWO ROOMS 01 lei kitchen and bedroom completely furnished in nice clun home ideal for couple monthly with all uliliiias sup plied Tciephonc PA N710 ATIIIACTIVELY furnishcd room with refrigerator and stout Aim furnished bedroom sullsblo for minors lady or teacher 41 BEDSITILNG ROOM with litoilelis tettu Ind sunporch Stalls and but fet su piled Centrally located 015 month Nut and hydro supplied Apply 01 Varsley Si Telephone PA SUMMER RESORTS corrAce FOR SALE LOVRLY de Setting nu Like slmcoe Almost new cottage with ilelil room kitchen and two bed rooms Camplctsly Iiiillllilrd $3000 Telephone Plt 59350 $750 EQUITY Twobedroom cot tago Iiiliygt furnished One block from lichen Apply Ii Store Cooke Christie Strict Lecmrdi Belch via Siroud COTTAGES FOR RENT corms for rent for the month bl September on Olsnhsven Desch Lsko Slmcoo Fully equipped Tole phone PA 55097 Ifli furthcr par IICUIDIS ARTICLESFOT SALE WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highcst prices paid Old Vehicles or Wroclst AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlap St West iust across Hwy 1007 PA 89666 USED TV FROM $5900 SPECIAL New Rangette $6450 New 21 Range $9850 ideal for Cottage EPLETTS TV and Appliances 47 ouumr ST BARRIE PHOTO REPRINTS availnble at The Barrie Examiner Ifyou would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints x7 $100 I0 $I25 plus tax Iones Antiques Occasional furniture bric abrsc china and glass now Ar I3I COLLIER ST PA 66261 FREE Year Guarantee 011 Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN Appliance 120 PENETANG ST THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES IIle Showcssi of Simcae County FLOORS 0F ANTIQUES FURNITURE BOOKS SHAV LNG HUGS GOELETSPEW TER FINE CHINA BRASS COPPER IRON OPEN DAILY IO am to I0 pm HWY 03 CRAIGHURST our BARRIE PA 8340I will school books for North Iluclglatc for solo Tclcphone PA ALL OIL qundcu complete with oblrtcul wiring and two 2011 Eli on taniu lsvy wiring cables Telephnllo PA 51775 ARTICLES For site 10 DAYS ONLY Noam Forced atroli or gas IIIIIIittd computacllth duct work as towns 275 PER WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT limitationambiance WOODWARD AND SON rs soon on STROUD 1in SIROUD Barrie SECONDIIAND STORE Hsi all one goods plus new slightly damaged Items was New original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 02427 IPICIALENJ pit IN on It our Singer Sewlnl Cent 21 uslap or Telapbnaa PA um IINGKR VACUUM rielner in D0 condition mu revolving brush Telephone PA 911 or PA Nth evenlnll for rm home trial without oblirstloa TYPEIIHITEBI leitl IOIC his Ask about our Rani Tna Ihca Buy Pisa Star Typewriter cm Dunlap St West PA WEI CLOTHING Teens girls sin 1114 All weather tonal lerscy cost suit skirt sweeten blou Es callent condition for schoo 010 for lot Telephone PA 5660 NEW YAHIIICA carom for solo Willi oblique eieotrlc flash unit his iii II PR In or telephone 071W camp Bordon evenings HOBIONI DARAX Sporting Obodl Ilsrrlsa largest selection of In Its FRUIT VEGETABLES ODOD POTATOES for nle Apva Vsn Der Kooy is Sam Turnip casslon frinls No Sunday nlu Tclcpbonc 73m Stioud PICKLINO VEGETABLES outlini bm All 11qu large and small white unions Ind nthcrs Tm Hill with cucumbors Apply 01 lily field 51 Elmo Ont BOATS MOTORS 15LIOHT CANOSIWIIII double paddluCsn ba scan allcr pai It It slut st Barrio Cheap FOOT molded plywood runa bout coils ssblc top 11 Eylnrude olertrlc lien Ind trailer 0001 Tclcpbuna PA 60301 liroor MAHOGANY Plank shap herd 100 hp Ouchnan inboard hullbout also Telephone PA 00108 FOOT Rsicrboroilgh boll i3 HP Johnson raotor Ind Lone Star trsiler All like now Sscriilcu for qllloit llll Telephone PA 01315 CEDAR STIIIP hosts beats it toot Ind and la font in very good condition Reasonable Apply Cedar 631105 12su moulded plywood DBII for sale Completely equipped with Io iiP motor and trsliur Aim 25 érfislrzie hoys bicycle Telephone rA DELANEY SINGLE sclt spflflslur boat Also 105 like new 50 HF Johnson motor and 11152 new 18 PIP Johnson motor Tclophonc 1911112 Lofroyar Eurkls Glllfit Churchill 15 DELCHAFF with 25 1111 John son motor convertible top com plcts overall covcr Automatic stsrtcr and controls Foam rubber upholstery Fdddicl pump sad lilo Jackets Tclupbnoo PA 641175 11 MAHOGANY shepherd lllnl beiit with Kerrmathmotor $1095 19 Flying Bridge crulser with i959 V4 51 HP Johnson motor All controls moi Delliioy East Linen Ftl tit usylloid 51 films Tole Phone PA 05111 DOGS iii PETS FIVE PUPPIES plrt CIIDW Dirt Collie looking for home Tele phonu PA 60903 MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA for In with papers Mlle about months Did Telupiltlnc PA 84116 MANCHESTERCHIHUAHUA cross bred puppios for rain icbt vccks nlii Make conil house pets Tcle Phone PA osost DACHSHUNDS AAAI Ocatie lil tured Excellent pets Brown stand rd smooth Registered hiust ii ecu to be appreciated Tclcphona Hoifman Clinttie 15 ARTICLES FOR RENT CARIPERS Tull 1516 for Toni with picnic tsbis lid and sholvcd fond cupboard For lull particu lar tclephnnc PA 30355 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED to buy desk In good condition Telephone Orb 379 warirso CENTRAL Collegiate text books for Grsde 12 Must ha in good condition Tclcpholie rA 07000 after prrl CEDAR POSTS Wanted Contact IV hilghton Box 121 Dilliilm Damiano Telephone A11u Pork FARMERS MARK DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Smsli animals removed free For fast servicephone or risk for or hours dayJ um woes BARRIE PA 117751 collect NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Formech Ontario Licence No 1721 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK FIVE PIGS for Sole Yorkshire giant Vcek£ OIII Tclephanc are seen seen GRAIN so roNs at choice hay in burn for sale Apply nobt Acanley shanty nay Telephone PA 56050 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Bcslty Farm Equipment 170 BURTON AVE PA 112313 CASH TRADE TERMS SEVERAL GOOD uddd SINEET port ables law as $1010 Drop in and thins today gerl Sawing e0 replind Student rantsl rates torso thither HANh shown uasssluuc moim rum MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 tilNEsING DNlWAY Dilc for call Iissuy Harris ralopbaol zonally cm FOR SALE Null hr 11 Iurrew ploucs iiiier Cultiva as him saw All to ill point huh tractor Tclopbcaa FA Ill JOHN DEERE TILLER in ena dilion Priced at not Term Ir rahlcd lfdasino Apply disaloy Appicllie II Bradford CL Tole phon PA aim Gnovl sell uaiosfllnl foru hem 11 um high Dealers MD also one 15 llvidu hllh built £1200 Mule itcitec Harvester Coo Iowa Talophoastd Auromorive MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEE ViAU wmpercvergpv mic phoas PA 00351 lrb 00 hub Nighws ii corner lith Coa Park Ltttio InkeTelcphuna PA mu mNIiII 01131 no cusses FOR RAMBLER otorsleitad womens COLUMN AUGUST SPECIALS TUESTHURSL AND FRIDAY NI pm to pm QUICKIE SHAMPOO AND SET ROLLERS $100 CHILDRENS TERMS $00 ADULfs Phillis 500 To new RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap St PA Mm I1 Essa Rodd as seen No Appointment Necessary LOST FOUND MANS BLACK toidlal valial last coalins Vliulblc Ibo personi gape Lost hide at Wang and Telephone NIH IID Aim wnm Slur smut on Lot Concealed 01 Township Weighing about 100 pounds sirred an or about Aur usl 10 Aayoaa knowing Wilm abouls of III islephoaa ioba Bouilll It Ivy HRH ==== i0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP SALESLADY FoilTime 1025YEARS To assist in operation of Plaza Shoe Store Personal selling experience prefer red PAWI Ii Gowan STiecI PA 66488 BLAKE sr PA 61321 SEE JENNINGS USED moms st CITIES SERVICE STATION Angus Ont Phone 4400181 UY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 02 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS AT PIERCE MOTORS LTD IBIS 01611 Sports car cream colored radio snow tires Must sell Tell phone Eimvsle esw lusa METEOR Ni door it 1553 iIiONARCII ledtiip ior IIIO in good running consist llsdlc Tolcphono PA H601 1960 TRIUMPH Herlid radio Ind whitowslll new candluoil 1000 tidy tic secnjt 177 Duckworth er ISIS CHEVROLET Sedan ItttDiIlI tic in load condition law mils age TelcphoaoPA 01601 or apply or Foe SL after p111 1901 KARIIANN GHIA 0T lllt Radio Vititu Wlii tires Reclinlnl seats Telephone PA 01051 sftor 580 pm 135 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe llflid rear scat ipcskcr windshield washers Ai mechanically Price 00 Telephone PA 60175 ISIS VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe in good condition windlhiaid wash ers A1 mechanically Priced It 3550 TcIdphoriu FA 857 PRIVATE BALI 1050 For Custom two door Six cylinder Csa be ll nsnced Delaney Hosts Ltd Barrie PA 50113 loss SUNucAlil haplcrtor nls iisrdtap convertible Bucket sesti In pcricct condition sssn or best offer Can be damned Telephon PA 11097 1051 ronn IutnmoitiIEcflICi1 Good condition Front end and motor Just repaired six whecls snow tires slot or best offer Tele phone PA 00105 CARS WTD TO BUY cssn sort your csr Liensplld oil We trails up or down Allln dale Motors 11 ESSA RoldpEIrrIe PA 115521 MOBILE HOMES sleeps two to four persons Fully ered Hus builtIn cupboards sinksad Ice box hides exception ally wclt Sacrifice at 8110 Tell phone Oro 1715 SAMEDAY CANCELLATIONS MUST BE PHONED iN BETWEEN 8130 and are PERSONALS LADY WANTING side to Holdall Pina Septcmbcr Elli Wlii lislie gls Telephone PA H056 FORTUNE TELLING Do you want your fortune told by csrdxi If so telephone FA emu far appoint raent any time READING AND advising on Ill attain Open Iron 0111 to pin Telephone Drillla FA 10104 or iii Front St South Orhiis hEWING on Ladles cotton CHISELDIDIIAEI skirts lilo ch11 dreas apparel Reasonable Tail phone PA 00517 sticraoool EEAIITY SHOP CoidWhVes Sdls etc by curtlficd hairdresser in your own bome0r hospital up Bernice rA Mass or PA BEST FOOT forwanI Figuro 0n trol posture visual poise Ira trig rnskcup deuce JAMES KENNEDY SJ Wiliidln Strect Enlrlu Ontario will not on held responsible for any dcbts cou tracled In my mini by my wife ioycc Kennedy utter this data without my written cement Dated at Barrio OntarlO this 20th my 111 August AD losz WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran ches of beauty culture TRAILER for sale 10 felt DERWIN HAI RESSING SC 0R APPLY BATA SHOE STORE Barrie Shopping Plaza EXPERIENCED full time wsltrau ulrod A00 to 100 it or mcphoal PA till RELIABLE CLEANING worms to quiud for on dryI wool in ri vats home Talap DDI PA 04 02 13ml or woman to com in and mind children while mother works Csa live In If dulrod Telephone PA 00050 WAITRESS REQUIRED ricnc cad Tar locsi restsursnt or tur liningD lutormslloa telephone PA hfi WIOOW with two linlll children requires middlcsnd lady to inI in Apply tax 00 Barrla EXliniii er MALE HELP Young Man To Train As SPORTS REPORTER like BarricExomincr opening for young man ill to 23 years of age to train or sports writer Must have good knowledge of all sports particularly local sports The man we choose will have Depositoi 02500CASH 011 teenNouns NOTICETO REDITORS Alisoemuthsvlna cislms miscible trials of late of tho villusoi Cooks losa la the County oi Simooe Widow who died on the 30th day of April 100 mutt tor wshi same to tho underain 1061 after which data the assets wiil bsdistrl 00th Impala lbs parties on titied thereto and the Admin Islrctrlx will not be liable to any person of whasa claim Ibo diali not then hm notice DATED at Sonic Ontario this 0th day of Autult AD 1901 BOYS SEAORAN AND ROWE Barristers etc 11 Owen Street Barrie Ontario =25 l2 TENDERS DNTRAID WATER INTAKE ONTARIO FIRE COLLEGE GRAVENHURST ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUMTEND cos prapcriy endorsed on terms supplied ivythe Depart mcnt will be received by the Ma Wersiw EssT BocI Parliament Bulld lags Toronto Ontario until 300 mmEDTi on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER ath 1002 for the Supply and Installation of Water intake Linc Nor one and two at the Ontario The Cab lcgc st Grsvcnburst Ontario Plans Specifications Tender forms Tender cavclopoi and Conlractllaqulromculs may he obtained from or viewed at Room tot Towar Depart meal of Public Works East Block Parllomcui Buildings Toronto Ontario ToIEphone No 3351070 and may also be viewed at theDuiiders Ell churigc at Orllllasnd Barrie and also oi the Dcpsrlmcnt of Public Works Office lilihiavlile On tario $100000 Sid Bond and 100 Performance Bondwlil be required as specified Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works Ontario in accordance the termsallIi ondltiops CERTIFIED CHEQUE mode pcyable to the Treasurer ofOII tnrlo will be required per set of tender documents whidz will good background In English grammar and spelling The job offers excellent opportunity for advancement for young man who wishes to make news psperillg his career Apply The Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner REQUIRED YOUNG MEN For enrolment in the harsh CANADIAN AIR FORCE We offer excellent rmnlng and full employment to quelliied young men In many mechani cal electrical and clerlobl trades This is on outstanding opportunity to learn trade and establish career Applicants must be single 17 20 years at age Canadian citi zens or British subjects resi dent in Canada andhove at least grade education Visit your MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT ORILLIA ARMOURY NOON T0 PM YOUNG MAN With drivers licence required immediately as junior clerk and delivery driver for parts department Good appearance and desire to advance Group insurance and other benefits Apply In person in MR MERRICK Dangerfield Motors Limited 65 Collier $1 Barrie YOUTH IDT lull time blc cl dc livery work Bicycle supplied Ap ply Mr WllilemsTorgls Automo tive Ltd MAN on WOMAN to supply es tsblished customers with famous nationally sdvertlscd Watkins pro ducts No investment Earnings of $70 and IIpWlllliy possible Full or parttime Write to hesuinlcr 350 St iiocb Street Montreal l5 Quebec EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXPBRIENCED WOMAN desires Iinlilh work referably or work ing person eicphonu PA 05100 ow SMART gt MATURE couple with personality nun qualifications to Inlm charge 01 small hntcl nintcl club or aplrtment building Cflllid sci ss caretakers and renting ugcnls English Canadians and ab stainers Box 07 Barrie Examiner For Want Ad service be refunded 11 documents are returned in good condition with in thirtydays at above closing date otherwlsc forfeited The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario August 20 1962 JD Miller Deputy Minister Department of Public Works Ontario TENDERS FOR THE Tenders sealed in the envelopes sewage stabilization pond In the ioued address The whrk consisls generally of equipment for and the constructi 0700 MINI of forcernsin bond Complete tender documents may menu only to each genera bolls tide tendenbut the olieque inthe mimic the receipt of each other set The Consulting Engineerts office Metropolitan Toronto Sewcrand atlon 1170 Dell Mills Road Don tenders and the lowest or any accepted ouramo The Municipal Office EImvale Ontario POWER COMMISSION 0T ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION orA COMBINED AREA omen 1010511ng BUILDING PENETANOUISHENE ONT SEALED TENDERS ta tripli cate addressed to the under Ilgatd University Aveauo Toronto Oottrlo sad marked TENDER FOR COMBINED AREA OFFICE AND SERVICE BUILDING AT PENETANOUI SHENE will be received up to 100 11111 Eastern Daylight Time on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1001 for the construction to full com victim of an ArnOitica and Service Building iaPcastsog utihcne The building will be so electrically heated single storey concrete block buildiul upproxtmltoly 01 feet by ill feet by It feet high with flat roof The building Is to be cora plated in all trades and reldy for occupsncy byFsbruary 1m Tondsriag documents maybe obtained an or after August 00 1061 It the office of the Direc tor ot5upply 020 University Avenue on payment at 05000 per set which turn will be re lurlded on the return within 30 days from the closing date for so monis In phone enquiries are to be dir ected to Toronto 0000701 Local 23010 The tendering docu ments may be inspected at the office of the Daily Commercial News Toronto The Toronto Construction Association the Barrie Builders Association and the Orlilla and District hullderc Exchange Each lender must be ccom pasted by certified heque drawn on Canadian chartered bank and payable to the order of The HymnElectric Powcr Commission of Ontario in the lamount of 10 per cent of the total amount of tho tender Pro vlslon for the rcium of tho diequs sppesrs in the tendering documents The successful tenderer may be required toffurnllh fs per formsnce bond in the form ap proved by the Commission and owed by bonding company licensed as such in the Pr lnceol Ontario and scccpts to the Commissl The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted EASSON Secretary LOOK yous amc curiae 0R GARAGE Is there snythingihora you can sell for csshl Hundreds oi people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they noloager need want cause rsoue PAT0111 ONTARIO WATER RESOURCESCOMMISSION Project No 6281111 CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS FORCEMAIN PUIIIPINGSTATION AND STABILIZATION POND for the VILLAGE OF ELMVALE This may qualify as sfwlnter works project provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents will bereccived by the Secretary Ontario Waicr Resources Commission 6th Floor solhay Street Toronto Ontario until 12 noonEDST THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1002 for the construction of sewers forcemcln pumping stafioasad OII Village of Eimvsle 0n the same day commencinth 210 pm Ellsfl the tenders will he opened lildidfld publicly by the Commissions Tender Committee In the Conference Room 6111 Floor at the above Inchi the supplying of rnaterlsls and on of Approximatelyflmu llrl ft III sewers varying lnsize from ll to It diameter including manholes and house service connections prefabricated sewage pumping station and sewage stabilization be obtained from Proctor and RedfernConsulting Engineers 75 Egllnton AvenueEest Toronto 12 Ontario on payment of deposit 01231000 per set Each de posit shall be in the form of two certified cheques payable tothe Ontario Water Resources Commission in the cmountavof $3000 and 010001Upon the return to the Consulting Engineer WI il three weeks alter the closing date for tenders of complete sets of tender documents in good condition chequeswill be returned as follows in Both cheques will be returned In rcspoctof oncset otdocu contractor who has submitted $8000 only will he humor of tender documents Each tender musthe accompanied by Is tender deposit In the form OLD certified chequeln the amount 01512 Ontario Water ResourccsCornrrlIssioh Tender documents may be studied without payment at blitmsy not he removed from tine following premises address below Watermsin Mills nIIerxI Tenders are subject tosformcl callirsc being prepared 2110011130 The Commission reserves the right reloctnny lender necesilarlly be run Resources counselor JEFFREY IIERMAN 17 yearold Ottawa tcchalcai school student is surmundod by part of his collection of by so recruit OTTAWA CP The Herald Sermons live In all srtmcnt with conversationp cco ell tlunce hall Mountingboardson one of its walls hold copies of evory 0n tarloilcence plate ever issued tmm 1000 solid rubber plate to the newest 1062 metal alloy Also ondlspioy rocks arc plates from each of the 50 states of the United Status Theyre all part of the 000 plutc collection owncdby tho Eormansl7ycerold son ch fray one of 15 Canadian mom bors of the Automobile Licence 12 reuoiss ONTARIO ROADWORK ONTARIO FIRE COLLEGE GRAVENHUIIST ONT SEALED FIXED SUM TEN DEBS properly endorsed oa forms supplied by the Depart ment will be received by the Tenders Secretary Room 6610 East Block Parliament huiid ings Toronto OntarioI until 180 pm on WEDNESDA SEPT 1962 for the Paving Work at the 011 tario Fire College Graven hurst Ontario Plan specifications lender forms tender envelopus and contract requirements maybc obtained from or viewed at Room Not Tower Depart Block Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario Telephone No 1551070 and may also be viewed at the Builders Ex change at Barrie and Orillls and also at theDepsrirIIcntol Public Works Office Hunts vllIc Ontario $160000 Bid Bond nods 100 Performance Bond will he required dSSpecitied Tenders will not beconsider ed unless made on formssup plied by the Department of Public Works Ontario in ac cordance with the termssnd conditions as set forth there In Adepcsit of $1500 CASH orf CERTIFIED CHEQUE rnsde payable to the Treasurer of Out in will he required per set of tender which will be refunded if docu ments are returned ingood condition within 30 days of above closing date otherwise forfeited necessarily accepted Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontari August 20 1052 MILLAR Deputy Minister The Department of Lands and Forests will heicarrylog out seniors to the Drury Forest Residence locatcd on L0 Tow hip djaini Work includes re ing painting and some lnterlor alterations Any con tractors wishln submit fruihcr men of Public Works East documents The lowest orany tcildcr not Prrforlrlsaca Public Work Ont 000 interactions auto licence plates The collection Includes ovary Ontario plate issued since 1000 Photo collusion Licence Plates Has Six Hundred OI Them Iiow Piste Collectors Association US bsscd organization with members in several European and Asian countries icitrey II Grade is technical school student who moved here recently with his family from Downsview iII Metropolitan Tut onlo started his collection in 1057 Iwas walking through cent in when lcsmezscross 1056 licence plate hciaold dccidcd to scc how many more could collect VAIN FIRST EFFORT wont toe trucking com puny liiIlI got few olderplates they had tacked on their walls Sam had real pileMy mother made me thro them all out but started over again This time he had his mothers approval Both parents how are enthusiastic about thelrhsoas hobby Jeffrey gets most of his plate as gifts and by trading with other collectors He also writes for sample plates to motor ve hicle registration offices in Can ada the United States and Eur ope windfall come just before he moved from Downsview Amen asked me if needed any Ontario plates He said he saved all of them from the first oneever issued And he had As well as the rubber plots in use from 1000 to 1910 there was bright blue 1011 piste made of solid par celoin NO DRIVING WORRIES NO PARKING PROBLEMS NO LONG WALKS WHENYOU GO BY BUS 10 THE IINIIIIIN NIIIUNII EIHIIIIIiII DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS Augustldth to Sept 3rd Lv Barrie Ex ibltion except Sunday 850 aai Immediately lite Grandstand REGULAR scone To Toronto 11 Trips Each Wny Everyley Exhibition passengers irsvslllns ourcgulsr buses will trsnsler st Torouto bus To In to burst running into the Maple nlIIi Phone xlllso um

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