was ratossett lam Mariette Todd and Margaret Campbell spent last wagered in Niagara ere was go at the Metro reunion the home at air and lies Don Mo Nabb Strand on Saturday All it Mr and Mrs Sinclairoi Toronto spent weekend With the isttara lather Volvo and attended the ltalve reorrton his and Mnxttdsar Sturgeon Miss Elizabeth Sturgeon and Mrs Harold Bell Mr and visited Mr and Mrs Wilired Thorpe Brsniiord last Sunday Congratulations to Miss Mart lyn Lamson oi balmy who had the highest standing in Grads ll iina examinations written at Bradford District High School onanoa mores The LOBA picnic was held at inntsitl Park on Sunday Aug 12 The Taylor reunion was held at innistil Paris Sunday ailer noon Aum 12 BRIDAL SHOWER number oi triends gathered at Mrs William Bradys home stroud on Saturday log Aug to when miscellaneous shower was given ior Miss ludy Keown Septemberhridetobr Judy received many heautiiul and usaiul gills Sha thanked everyone for their good wishes daintyllunch was than carried daydireSNM Mr and Mr hiacDon old attended the Spencelyttas lett wedding in Central United Church Barrie on Saturday afternoon August in Mrs Fitssimmins is oiticatirflz as organist in St Pauls Ang can Church Siroud UNITED CHURCH United Church Women will he in charge oi the service on Sunday Aug itsitevrehzher ner iarmer minister here will be the speaiter Service is at 1015 am cnnrenunsr uBy sons casron Presbyterian Ladies Aid will hold baire salu Aug 24 at two oclock on Teller Erna hwn Mr and Mrs ltohert Kend rick arehome alter spending several weeks at North Bay and the French River Mr and Mrs Francis Shana hnn are home alter pleasant trip to Sauit Ste Marie and Northern Ontario Mr audMrsWood oi Florida nroiitlhitirrg Mr and Mrs Wood annicGreoues Ottawa was recent visitor with his para ants Mr and Mrs Wobert Grooves Mrs Hilda Richardson and Ronnie oi Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Hodgson Miss Wendy Dunn of Hilisdale Vspant the weeknd with Miss KayShanahan Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn andMiss Linda llodgson are visitin injliamiiton and at the Ex in Toronto Mrs Bert Caston and Betty and Mrs Susie CnWii1d and Trrsvrsron Pronouns CKVRCHANNEL BARRIE WEDNESDAYrAUGUSI 22 too Playground 410 Vacation Tltsla SJD Rainer nhthsdunsla 600 1th Eton all 625 News Wes Sparta 700 Tons Ewall Show Bachelor Father Dennis the Menace Parada Krait Mystery Theatre Stunt Lina Hancock CBC TV News 1115 waather Sports News 1130 Hilhway Patrol THURSDAY AUGUST 23 1245 Test Pattern 100 Papaya and Pals 11 News Weather Sports llinvls Headlnr For Gods Country summersou Tea Zono Vacation Time Dick Tracey Charlie Chan New Weather Sports The nlstonoa The Real McCoys Tammy Ambrose Show lily Three Sons soioo soon sure crrb CHANNsrioqonouro WEDNESDAY AUGUST Tl 4m Professola Hideawa Mill The Lawmln and sports Weather News 100 Movie Featurl and 77 sunset strip Theatre at Nina arts itth icksolFvSieiiRU muttontit AUGUST 23 1025 Mahalla Jackson sings Domino Free and Easy Channel Nine Theatre NEWS Frotenors tlidaaway The hawtoan Sports Waathar News Mayo it no harm Sports Close Up ootbali Forecast CARRIER MISSJOU 11 your crrlhr has not arrived by 11111 please phone PA 824337 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS and with the iornrers sister and brother in Toronto last woelr Manon amenroman Adjaia branches at the We mana institute entertained the resldents oi Simcoe Manor he eioo Ghost Squad nos The Weatherman rtuo Mahalla Jackson Sings mum auuuan at it Massachusetts grin rid hire Peaecetr and iamily at Kirkland me name Mr and Mn Pedilngham last wads um at the THE LATE JOHN COWARD Sympathy oi the village is extended to the relative at John Coward whose inneral 31 St Johns Cemetery Mon ay Mr and Mrs Don Princeand son spent their holidays in Que CC TOltlillilllM ny min or nice Mr and Mrs Less Jonas and am Mr and Mrs Sill Magioughlgn returned Saturday irom tnp to the East Coast Mr and MrsVin Wilson and son of Hamilton spent the wash iamliy Mr and MraG hinillon htrand Mrs nm Wllison are on two weeks holiday with irianda at Cape Cod USA Mr and Mrs Jack Delaney and son oi Tomato are visiting the home oi Mr and Mrs ll Delaney Miss Gwen Aberneihy is hotl daying this weir with irisnds in Woodhridge Mrgsnd Mrs Ernie Mantera Port Severn visited on Sun dausre Archibald Mr and Mrs Cecil Kennedy oi Toronto visited on Sunday with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs William Elliott Lt Kelman oi Winni peg icined his family on Friday evening They have been on holidays with Mrs Kolmans mother Mrs Wice Mrs George Aberncthy rctum ed home Sunday irom holiday incudsdu Toronto Mtlson on the death at his Tha Tottenham and South alonon Thursday Aug 2s The weaiher helng lover bl the party took the form at picnic blyoonvenod by Mrs Potter andMrs Gibson The residents were eagerly awaiting the an rlvnlai their hostesses whom they had been informed were lcomrngMany were brought out to the grounds in wheelchairs to enjoy the ireshgtsir and sun shine Games were played by athose able to take parL litany old iriends were erected and newirleods made Approxlmot ely on sat down to well laden tables The bedpatiants too re ceived their special treat as well asttroso who had birth days in the month at August Hearty thanks were expressed irom these our senior citizens Tire branches in charge are sin cereiy grateiul to Dr and Mrs McKelveyvand Staff who so graciously assisted during thaaitcrnnon Srnrcoa County may well be proud oi Breton Manor and its choice of management itll hail°ci an an 1100 DEG TV News Today in Sports Community News 11snnu Untouchables roman AUGUST at run Test Pattern 10a Popeyssslais 115 News Waather Sports 130 hlovln Turnabnut Summeranaa Tea Zeno Caravan Huckleberry Hound Three Stooges News Weather Sports lathar Knows Best Donna Reed Show lied River Jamboree Burns Allen Summer Nilbt Perry Mason The Detectives WC TV News Walther Sports News Movie study in so Darts Mir Ell Your Football rono Pater Gunn News1 Weather Sports urn Mahlli delta Si la on has News Protessnrs Hideaway Lawman News Walther Sports Donna llean shnw Channel Nina ttrcatra ilava Gun Will Travel Country Style Zlnl Gray Thnltrl New WeatherS orts Friday Night Thrltpre Mabliia Jacluon Slnla rer Group of Gliiord United Stayman convention method used to iiod major suit iit aiter nnes partner opens the gt Visitorswith Mra Jack McCann and Fred tteCano were air and Mrs Kan Btlao at Holly Saturday evening and Mr and tire Earl Malaria and iamlir on Sunday Lloyd Walton ot Barrio spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bor dan leaned Saturday everrlag visitors will FsankEaall were Mr and Bill Bullet Barrio Norm Paladin of Toronto eat ied on Mr and Mrs Snail Sunday aitornooo Mr and Mrs Thsrnar oi St Catharina spent Sunday with Mr andlltira ion Truss lion Gibson oi Toronto to spending tow days with the ass his and Mn Emwnlay called on tries to Waverley Sunday GILFOBD My MRS SAWYER Misses Mariorie Todd and Margaret Campbell are visiting Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Len Boudraau Visitors with Mr and Mrs Todd were Dr and Mrs Warnlco Mr and Mrs Arthur Robertson and John at Throttle Mrs it Walker Thornbury and atrium Mrs Roy iaclts at iiiFri is spending weeks holidays at Mrs Poul Russells Mrs Pot mils and children and her mother Mrs Kirby and her aunt Mrs Morrison are holidaying at Pigeon Lake tor short time SALT PLAYOFFS The Glliord Junior soithsli team have anon top place in the league and the playoiis beairuu Wednosd ing at Fennells MESSENGER GROUP Members at the Messeng Church gathered at the lake on East dealer Neither side vulnerable norms as roads nrosss ates EASl arose verses ï¬lor soursa aaass Mm Odd QAKSS The bidding East South West North Pass we Pass 24 Pass Pass lNl Pass 49 Opening leadhing oi spades Good bidding Will occasional ly produce bad result and bad bidding will sometimes produce good result Now heres hand where we wï¬nt attempt to elassz whether the bidding was good or bad except to state how and why it took place NorthSnuth were playing the WEST KQ vsa preset Wt binding with notrump MaybeSouth shouldnt have bid notrumo with two little diamonds but he did North re sponded two clubs which is the artificial bid that requests the openerto show iourcard spade or heart suit it he has one lthln crisp cracker 6111411360 View n8yaneael 12More locusate for attack LCoarcluda 6Io medias GVapor 13mm rnornal Possession 18 Enclrclal pronoun Stand the 9thtlal F1 101mm Vebeta aentree Fairy Queeer English iotiilore EH 36Travellero has as To regret so Tibetan gazelle 40Disctssrga as gun thme Unions weight cohesion cournncr BRIDGE ay JAY aecxen This was rather unusual tant to raise notrump immedl decldod toplny hearts it his partner happened gt alllnnnllll niiilnniiqg childm games and lays Atterwarda smear roast mould and WM IllI in normal av Womurafiaalituta members ill hIVILIJpNill interest in TV pro or Country Cal endr3 Seots at pin it will examine the hlsia prim co institute screens row There was the usual euohre Party in the hall on Wednesday evening Prise winners were aims ï¬odthrshlgrb rs ary George Uncles Mrs Unnear and Mr Baynaa Door prise was won by Mrs Broth crossrnno nine sans Atth Mrs William hell spent the weekend in Grand Valley and attended the old time ilddlers iostlunl at Shelburna Saturday evening Clilton and Glen McGinnia re turned with Mrs Bell ior weeks holiday Mr and Mrs William Ferg uson Port Lawrence Mr and Mrs Aubrey Ferguson oi Geo rgetown were Sunday guest ro ur is at the Womens Saturday visitors with Mr and hire Russel McElwain were Mr and Mrs Flynn Misses Agnes lio kins Mao arid Nor man on Toronto Mr and Mrs Don McDonald and iamily Anten Mills Mr and Mrs Graham Stratb and family Elmvaie were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Joe Stratlr Mr sndvhirs ae EasKMï¬an Mrs Robert Watson Mr and Mrs suursr Jones lnois rc mmwsots 1am teen mun also are nus as 111 not smart value moth and ac DONALD nucsc II it KNEW WTHES BED 0°70 Clare Watson and iamily Col gnn were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs it as at McEl Wflln use at the Stoyman convention by North because he lacked tourcord su portior either major but be ng worried by the singleton spade he was reiuo atoly At the name hsind to respond in that suit South had no way oi know ing his partners bid was ir regular and he obediently re sponded twospades Beassured as to the spades North now stretched his values little and jumped to three notrump This contract would have gone down one but South hoth ered by his weakness indiam ends and resting on the assur ance his partner would have tour heartssince he obviously did not have tour spadesde cided to try tour hearts lie was willing topiayhaaris with aitiit North passed of course and that becamethc contract West made the normal spade lead and South proceeded to take ten tricks despite the 33 trump tit He won the spade with the ace and railed spade club in the sea was followed by an other spade rutitaiter which club to the king brought still another spade suit The one of diamonds accounted for trick number seven and the AJlo oi trumps were then bound to score three tricks to iuliill the unusual contract Tomorro Setting trap onrrrcnossworro ACROSS SheliaKM Yesterdays Arrus antiquated labialnu can Lamas distaste unit Knock TAKE tbiIR BATH wwsEYs mans ME TO THE orrrcs ETTA KETT em SufferEthic It wewiNnihfsgaTth to Us wotwonsrooo VIA OLD SSS cram num fl PSLIGIOH iNiiDE ll ant songs MRS WAN BEAT EMrWELLNL WERE GONNA PLAYrttAT MAVETkEEPOUR MINDS CRACK EASTSIDE TEAM our awesome harassmth norms caqu onus mascarawean OlklltE GENERAL MANAGER NDWNDtt wsuwtenetsrounoaoog woo rs nsrwrlars union 51 uggncmrhwnujsyouue Laov fWlWï¬ alert on no Wanna eveer car THE Nsrsrleoenoov atlas tll