Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1962, p. 9

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nyohuaerw marshes Mrr Bert Armstrong spent it clays in Toronto with Mn Emerson Gilroy Mr and Mrs Joseph Davis and lamily oi Toronto are spend too weeks vacation with their remote Bob McDonald and Mrs Henry Davie Mr and Mrs Gordon Davie andiamllyotCoeiiillsentthe was under thelidtrectino vol Ber that We its me omen The service was conducted the moderator ties Dr Hugh Jack at Huntsville Rev Charles Carter at Victoria Har can hour delivered the lemon and Rev James lhomson oiOrillls charged the minister and the more attna with their re tve an alien and duties to each other The musical oi the service and tbe choir were under the direction oi the Ir prams me Mr and unfasn Toronto Visited an and Mrs arm row and an at room and tandiyhioose te Mrs larae Dream and Mrs With lam Romano son at Barrie visited ltir and Mrs Frank onnor on Sunday Karen and David OConnor Barrie Tarn may BRANNON Dd Leslie Wood wilt taketh eer vice It the la and Greniel Mr and Scho berg Shield maid CV lira Willis on Sun evening Aug in ace returned home aitar weeks holiday with their grand mother weekend with the owners mother MrsJienry av Mr and Mrs Harold Smith at londnn spent tow with Winksqu Rosa scat Ma aunnrsr Miarollers Miserawxv ransom organist Mrs Jack Church Rev Taylor of lbtt the Interim moderator review Mr and Mrs John Tey Mradohn hehte oi Crystal City Manitoba and Mnriiarold Treble oi Port Coiborne were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs John Taylor Mrs Emerson Gilroy oi lor onto spent the past week with her Hairpinlaw litre Bert Armstrong Mr and Mrs Albert Gilrny relurend home on Wednesday alter threewceittrlp to Ool pen BC and Yellowstone Park SA Mrs Norman Baker Dawn Peel and Dwnyna Anderson and Sherry Green are spending tow days with her sister hire Rennie Wagg at Pine Beech DOME FROM HOSPITAL Riley Mr Davies has returned to his home alter being pat ient in Stevenson Memorial How pitai Alliston Bobby Pring oi Kitchener is spending weeks vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs William Prtng Mr and Mrs William Pring the events leading up to the amalgamation oi these three congregations and subsequently to the unanimous call to Mr iirCarrolt At the conclusion to the induction service these pre sent were introduced to Mr end Mrs McCarrnli while the ladies prepared dainty lunch in the Hall During the social hour chaired by Rev Mr ley lor words oi welcome to the new minister and his will were extended by lttcrttyn Martin at ivy Bruce Edgar at Sxtnr and Eldon Nellly oi Cookstown Other who spoke hrleity were RovW Young of Calling wood clerk oi the presbytery Rev Harold Davies Cookstown United Church Rev William Block Aldcnhot and Rev Gao rge Malcolm oi St Cuthbcrta Presbyterian Church Hamilton Archie Currie expressedthe ap preciatinn oi this newlytanned charge to the Rev Mr Taylor tor his work as interim moder ator and his efforts that were iinslly rewarded by this induc tion service Paul ittcCarroli nanny DAY number than the village at tended the Black Kat ts cele bration at Collingw ltir and Mrs Roscoe Moon man Peterhorough spent the weekend with Mrs Moor mana parents Dr and Mrs West Weekend visitors wins Mnand Mrs Duels lire James Wiiian ittaaiord and Clarence Smith Toronto OFF WITH THE BAND Miss Duckworth mernher oi BarrierCoiiegintn Band Iett on Monday with the hand on the Pacitic tour and it loSeattlu Worlds Fair Congratulations to Winston West on winning prize tor singing at the Floshcrtan Cent cantal Leonard Lee and Jim at 0nlt ville visited Mr and Mrs Th0 rnaa Duclrworth and called on triends here Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinlt son are visiting their son and doughtcrininw Mr and Mrs worth were Whitan By MR8 nan DRINKILL Visitors with William seatis were Mr and Mrs Johnson Searla and ismily oi Toronto Clltiord Lamb oi chart and Harry Lamb oi Aurora vis iicd their sister litre Lloyd Arm strong Mrs Spnrgeon Brown spent Sunday in Lindsay Mr and Mrs William Searie Mr and Mrs Johnson Searle and iarnlly visited at Barrys ltir and Mrs Morris Darby spent Sunday in Toronto and we tted ltir and Mrs Elba Brown number tram here attended the Derry Day cciebr ionin Collingwnod Mr and litre Clayton Bartlcy oi Downsvlaw spent the week end with ltir and Mrs William Corbett Miss Elaine Homing is visiting relatives in Qattvlile WA AMFttEE JULIE JONES HONEYWU lMMER outlet DONALD DUCK Cilitord gltobtnson at Arqu and relatives and friends at Manitoulin island ltir and Mrs Oscar Linton spent Sunday Aug 11 with Mr and Mrs Al Bourgeau at naconarroNrraonvrca The annual decoration service of the United Church cemetery will be on Sunday Aug 10 at pm Bobbyth Rosalie spent Nor ctay in Harrlslon with friends and relatives ltir and Mrs William Fring Michael and Rosalie visited on Wednesday with triends in student at urtionx Coliegc who was the supply ior this charge for the past several months was unable to attend his fathers induction because at AUJ HAVE I5 FOUR SiNGLES TAKE TNEMAND ILL owe You Hepworth Billy Pring oi Windsor spent the Weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs William Pring Mrs Show has returned to her home alter being patient in Stevensonhiemortal Hospital dH DAIRY CLUB ihe iit Dairy Club met Fri day luly at Melville Cooks iann 8th line or inntsltl The minutes of the last meeting and to the minutes at the bus trip were read by the secretary Approx imately 25 members were pre sent group of mature Hols tcin cowe lnrniilewern=glven1 the members to judge Final placing was given and reasons and points were awarded Peter Vanderpost gave the iudges placings and reasons The members thcn went to the house where busincss was dis cussed and Mrs Cook served lunch Ken West thanked Mr jand Mrs Cook for the use oi their term INDUCTIONIBERVICE Monday evening July 30 in is rt Presbyterian Church the Rev Charles Mc Carroll was inducted into the congregation at Baxter ivy und Conkstnwn The church was iii fled to capacity with members at he congregation and visitors rom thelocnl churches togeiir or with friends and ministerial associates from Mr McCanolls former charge Knox Presbyter ian Church Hamilton This very impressive service studies Mr Taylor brought the social hour to close when he pronounced the benediction FERGUSONVIILE By rmmiow ltir and Mrs George Drady of Kingston and Mr and Mrs Cecil Cox of Woodstock visited Mr and Mrs Len Drady tor days vhlt and ltirs Fred Archer Applewood Acres Dixie and Mrs George Middleton and sonAlvinotTorontowererer lcent visitors with hire ilkThur ows Sorry to report Mrs Clair Carson is patient in Penetang hospital Visitors with Mr and Mrs George Wright were Mr and hire Bernard Wright and Shar oanr and Mrs Rodger Mor risson or Barrie Mr and Mrs Cecil Henson oi Barrie spent Sundaywtth Mr and Mrefiiighlon Henson and Erenda Low Birch has op ened his vegetable stand and reports be ing quite busy rccenth Mrs Agnes Cumming spent the week with her sisterMrs Johnston Saurint Maurice Oiiolioran has set urcd position in Barrie Mrs Jim Reid spent tow weeks with Miss Myrtle Cumm ing New Toronto TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE itinNDAY AUGUST 10 000 Live Learn Vacation Tints Yogi Boar Three Stooges Newl Weather Sports Zlna Grey Theatre Cue tor the Court Singlong Jubilee Room For one More Temps Present Concert CBC TV News Weather arts News Dangerous onln TUESDAY AUGUST 21 iris Test Pattern 100 Popeye and Pete 115 News Weather Sports 130 Movie Sprlng Reupinnl 800 Summerams swinratong Vacation Time Yogi Bear Movie hitlaatim News Weather Sports Ban Casey Talent Scouts 900 Comedy Spill 910 Piaydate 10 Kill Diamonds 1100 080 TV News lli5 Weather Sports News 1100 One Step Beyond WEDNESDAY spouse is 116 Test Pattern Loo Popeye and Pets Ltd News Weather SportI Lao anle Till Sun Mamet son summerass 000 Playground can Vacation lime 5st atamsr or tendons 600 lnreu Slutch are News Weather Sport 700 tont Ewell show no Bachelor Father 000 Dennis the Menace 530 Parade 300 Krstt Mystery Thclhe 1000 Sight Lina 100 Hancock lino cac our News 1115 Weather Sports News 110 HighWIy Patrol crrocHANNrt ronouro sis News 700 Bachelor Father 730 Channel Nine Theatre and Checkmate soso Tombstone Territory iiton News Weather Sparta VKQTEH V7185 Coilingwood Rcv and Mrs Morrison and inrnliy oi Vomcr visited Rev and hire Willis on Sunday Aug Mr Morrison was former minister with ltir Willis in the North FUNERAL sanvrcr Sympathy is extend to Rev and Mrs Willis in ih Mrs Jack Chaytor Toronto sudden passing of Mrs Willies aunt BitiDALBHOWER Wayne Shenrdovm and Audrey Anderson were the recipients at many lovely glite at shower in their honor at the home of Mr and hire Roland Devilt on Friday night Aug 10 Wedding hells will ring ior Xiayno and Audrey on Saturday ug Debbie French is attending the United Church Simcoe Pres bytery Camp at Midland Point CQNTRiiCIBRIDGE By JAY BECKER East denier Northdouth vulnerable NORTH 854 3A QAKQB area WEST ansr exso are 1085 our 44 AKBM scrim QAQDTCZ no eta 401018 Thnhiddirig East South West North has rose to rm 24 Pa Opening leadking of hearts Some hands you hear about are pretty or out At least they would seem that way to most players Here is hand at that class The deal was played in team match At the first table nothing spectacular hop cned West led heart Declare took it and led spade to the ace guarding against the possi bility West might have the sin gleton king He then entered dummy with diamond and played spade to the queen West took the king and the delenselater won two clubtricks South making cul exactly tour spades At the sccond table against the same contract Wests open ing lead was club Ea cash ed the AK and returned club tor West to rulf West Benny ignatz at Sacramento Commit ed all right but with the icingi He then returned limiting of hearts Declarel toekitwith the ace and led the night of spades from dummy East played the three Declarer now assumed that West would not have trump ed the third round oi clubs with the king hehadeitherthc ten or jack He tltcreiore cred ited East with an original spade holding of Jtnd and accord ingly tinessed the eight ignatz then produced the ten to de ieat the contract trick Rulting with the king was real cool play Ignntz reasoned that dedarer already knew where the icing of spades was located and that rolling with the ten would later torce South to cash the ace in the hope oi catching the blank king ignaizjrnew that South was good enough player to realize that East would have donomora titan raise to two hearts if he had held the king ot spades in addition to the AK of clubs he had shown up with Maybe South should have guessed the actual situation anyhow but West certainly did is share to make things dilli for the declared Tomorrows Blind spate DAILY CHOSSWORD ACROSS Moslam god Lounging slippers 11 Stringed lnetrurnatt 12 Dwelling 19 Babylonian war god An underling 51km Lion of wonder dethers Brit series causes marina lene of maps Border tanned 10 Plush 16 Transfer of property as document shredded 18 Filed 10 Footed vane 31 Frnge doll dress ascent otin ornni BLONDIE How Do You LIKE OFFICE WORK at set our tevsscitm JUST FOR SAYIN van SHE HANDED ME DOZEN MORE In some HOW coMtt NONE THOUGHT THAT BEFO 1130 Mahliia Jackson Sings wanNisa soccer ions its Jackson Sings torn Doualatn on Free and Easy 00 Channel Theatre 55 News 400 roinuors Hideaway Lilli Kitl lawman IIIE IS RIMIHEDAREA liel Nine Theatre HONEY IIOGMILDKEN ARE MeetrMcGraw 10WTo Tell The Truth 1020 Jacktflsnny 00 News Weather Sports 11 Mahliil haltsan Slit TUESDAY AUGUST Ii 1025 Mahaltn Jackson Sings i010 Domino HAD and Easy Channel Theatre ii News 400 Proisunrs Hideaway 00 The Lawman 0rt anther PLEASE tM tooKmo rot lllE LADIES 175mm 19An IlllrtL 223Lranga 35 mm 25 Texan snark mama 29 White hear JiliT SHOWING MY DOLLY TIIE runnyacorns 71 Sunset Strip Theatre II Nine The Detectives News sports Weather itiahllll Jackson Sin cannon MISS your it your carrier has notinrrived by pna no And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGEFOR THIS SERVICE vnttiv TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS ABUZ SAWYER 640 commentnorms Manosues please phone SLICK DEALlliwI UCH onrowr 11 comma REMEMBER W055 DAWEEQCKEI so erwcmrs IPOPULAR court 0F A60 Eraser GGS AND sic

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