Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1962, p. 4

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if Torrie some hibltshed by Canadisn Newspapers Limited with Publisher boson sooner miss 4m is Bayfteld Street smoothie Brian Sleigh General Manager Teehniccil Brain Power Less Work Week 15 Shortened There would appear to be more than coincidental re attonshipbetween con cern in many quarters over labor de brands for shorter and shorter working hours and equal concern in other quart ers over the looming shortage in North America of top flight engineers scientists and doctors Whether one likes it or not in North America mans success failure is ire qnentiy measured in tcrinsofhowmuc he earns and how fast he earns lt furth er these earnings prospects are often an important factor in helpingyoung peo pie make up their minds as to the career they intend to pursue If working hours are shortened still further at no reduction in take home pay this can only serve as yet another in ducement to deteryoung people from CNR Service Link To Alaska It is interesting to note that the Can adian National Railways has solved the problem ofythe economic integration of Alaska as one member of the United To meet the problemthe CN has pro videdwhatis regarded as the longest railroad carferry in the world operat ing over an BOOmile stretch from its Pacific rallhead at Prince Rupert BC to the year round port of Whittier in the main body of Alaska TheseNice is provided by mg and makingI personal sacrifices to obtain ad much igher education as their mtelilg ence permits indeed as things presently stand there is little each incentive for any young person to evote five or more years and in excess of $10000 in the pursuit of scientific education By tak ing trade he can not only earn whii 1e learn also theeiiticin crof for considerable number of years than herwould after completing formal edu ca ion In the long term therefore the short workweek yillnot onlyTillayliavuc with the nations economy it will also materially reduce the availability of scien tific and technical brain power that is so urgently needed barge about every ten days carrying load ed freight cars to Whittier from where spur track connects withthe main line of the Alaska railroad linking Seward An horageandFairbauks The new service being provided by the Canadian National is small indicatibn of the farflung operations of this govern ment owned railway It has through the recently established serviceenabled stateofthe Union to the south to be more closely tied with the central gov ernment DOWN MEMORY LANE 70 YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Northern Advanée Aug 11 1892 Bay fishing popular Mulcaster street now has sidewalk on east side John Carley building large yacht for Mponstonecustomer Town people don best clothes in honor of visiting In dependent Order of Foresters here for annual convention Many tourists at Peninsular Park Big Bay Point came to Sunday service in SS Lillie Don sld Campbell completes new refrigerat or for Queens Hotel annex to kitchen Barriesfine lacrosseteam defeated Cdrnwall Indians 32 James Ander ion 54 of Fairview Brewery burned to death when his barn in east end of Bar rie struck by lightning and destroyed Four citizens fined 25 cents and costs each for allowing their dogs to IIIII at large Mickie Dyment mill has 50 men working on European contract for threeinch lumber Hotels taxedto capacitydue to High Court IOF conven OTHER roiroas VIEWS PROMOTING UGLINESS Oiillla Packet and Times Of course it is convenient to have parking lot at the verydoors of ones place of employment but todesbtoy an attractive lawn so that teacher can rig or leaving the school is folly that closely approa hes vandalism This motorized society is all too prone to sacrifice almost anything of beauty to the stark convenience of parking lot and the result has been that most of the great cities and many of the growing towns have taken on the aspect of an arid desert populated by metal monsters dur ing the day and lying empty dreary and fcharacterless by night AS CONVICTS SEE IT KirklandrbakeDailyaIew Critics of prisons are not confined to convicts Penal reform is neverending public debate which appears to perpetu ateof its accord This continual examin ation is as it should be if society has inonscience Attimes the debate gets band from some odd sources Take for instance the question of incar tCerating young sprouts with the old lags fThis runs the argument istheequivalent iof sending student to finishing school The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second eiass niau Pastpmcs Department Ottawa sn beDiyfiirnpnmlrinllh tmiiy Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH wanna Publisher DBMN sessions flsnsrll tissues is ninrmsort assassins latter ensures wsnos animu hisnller HARM unusual sdvsriistng Illnllur shim aoaniznoire nuns subscription rule daily by cantar llp weakly year Single copy to By mail In Ontario yapr MOD le months 5250 thrcn month 00 outside Ontario soon yesr outside $1000 year Offices 425 University Ave Toronto Current Btrost Montreal tlid Vpst Georxls EtrcuLVluanuA Var Member as the Canadian Daily lespaporPub lIshcrs Association The CsnsdlsnPren and the Audit ennui or ducalum The Csnsdisn PM Is exclusively entities to the use for republication of all news dlspntchsl to this opsr credited to it or ThsrAssoclntsdPrcas or enters and Also the tonal news published thrsln be goodaiternoon tion Glencairn gets telephone com munication Ed Shear engaged aslas sistant teacher at Bond Head Model School Muskoka Lakes and resorts report increasing tourist business Mr flecks of Oriilia caught 55 hassweighing 36 pounds in hours fishing One morning it McKnight of Essa cut 10 acr es of extra heavy fall wheat Dr Hun ters greyhoundcarried half pound of paris green out of general store atEv ertt but it was recovered in time John Bemrose opens new brickyard in West Gwillimbury Posters with list of local citizens who will not pay their debts were placed on Collingwood billboards Stayner has fine new brick business block opened New Roman Catholic Church being built at Phelpston with West of Penetang supplying the brick Bradford Methodist church hall getting renovation Robert Grahams barn concession 91nnisfil destroyed when hit by lightning When he leaves hes ready to do business in life of crime The News the official organ of mates in Ohios state penitentiary thinks the samewayrlt asks fWhen are they going to take the old hardened criminals and put them away from the youngsters now coming into the prisons in droves Isnt it about time someone thoughtof the old con and start thinking about what is going to happen to those youngstersthe public thinks are going to be ta ght to be super crooks or something Letme be the first to inform you that the old cons are not going to teach these brats nothing They know it all andif you dont believe it you should listen in one some of their conversations This is the main reasbnthat lot of old cons are leavrng prison and going straightfithey these youngsters before they really get themselves corrupted For once we are going to agree with those in free society Keep the youngsters away from the hard ened criminal Hes got enough troubles as it is Apparently walls do not prison make her iron bars cage At least for the old IImEtS LETS BE HONEST Hamilton Spectator Good morning is an often insincere expression which most of us use at least five days week the other two days we hope that Ollljlfst Good morning is an expression which should only be used when you actually believe that it is nice morning and that all is right with your private world It should neverbeused wheninwardlyyouv are cursing your loner when your ound ing head reminds you of the god aven ing you thought you had fGood morning should always be ac companied by cheery sincere smile set if you dant smile Whenyou say it wel dontsayitl We feel better alread got that off our chest TO YOUR coon Crash Diets lire Not Recommended By Joanna woman Mo DcnrDr Molnar Are 500 calories aday tooiow for diet It so what effects will such diet havoi lily girl friend is determined to lose lot of weight iii short time claim this will ran her down am worriedfMiss PW Yes think that figure is too ow Ill admit that in experimen tal programs even smaller diets have been used but only under direct supervision of phy sicians for only limited time and only after patients first had thorough physical examinations The patients also had frequent tests while on such superre stricted diets And in such in stances wlth which am famil far the careful supervised use of drugs If your friend is willing to ac cept all of the foregoing require ments then dont object But if she intends simply to diet by herself without these various protective measures then cant see any prospect for her except disappointment The determination to lose weightrln hurry is common but it isnt usually effective Oh youll lose weight on 500 calories day but you do it only iii the expense of hunger and irritabil ity There is unless care and knowledge areexe the risk of nutritional deficienet When the dieterr ally reaches the end of will power the acts brupt re turn to former eating habits which caused him orher to be fat in the first place And the fat returns There has been temporary loss of weight but the one im portant goal has been com pletely omittedlearning new habit of eating This is absol utely necessary if person is going to stop being fat and achieve and maintainpro per weight Thir obvious paint of logicls generally overlooked by diet ers Losing weight doesnt do any good unless you stay rid of The Potash diatom are miserable both durioggia per =getmwayrfromliodfohtsrvatio afterward when eating up they see the weight returning Anybody with the amount of determination required to go through all that trouble must have it seems tome more than enough to start and stick to more successful dietsay 000 calories which gives reasonable chance of getting gt the thngsAyau need for health There are adequate protein cereals calcium green and yellow vegetables some friut Theres enough to dprbvfde passable satisfaction at meal times and enough energy to The exercise not only helps lose weight but it keeps muscles trim helps skin stay snug as you reduce instead of becoming flabby from ovorouiak red ing and nvpd lt bl yorisness Yet people still think they can correct years of overeating by short period of starvation It doesnt make scnse On supervised short periods Em gmdmILffflflfldeEQMHCTdfimflhLm 11 let of fasting except for water tea and coffooi people ulti matciy lose desire to eat This has been reported recently from research programs Such pro gram is used in extreme cases ofobesity Dear Dr Molner Is it possi ble for hair to grow back if it has been inst duelo nervous conditionIMRS Yes provided the nervous condition is controlled first There are striking examples of thisin everyday practice NOTE TO MRS MPH No removal of one tube and ovary will not bring menopause sooner onions on Rad Ramos Maire Local Items By KEN horn in caution Natiodsl Exhibition public relations do WIDTH Ihere is no Mr KG ails at this address Marissa or our saints is our CABINETMAKER ro morass uriirii T091 mm sure aromwastietnrdmndn HISTORY ma communes1 OTTIIWR REPORT Aug 20 1951 The era of radio broadg casting was inaugurated in the United States is years agotodayln 1920 when Station EMK began trans mitting regular programs of recorded music speeches and occasional live orches tra music Later the sin tion owned by the Detroi News broadcast IIICfIISI news program and early returns of Michigan pri mary election lassThe colony ofIBrlt ish Columbia was ostob lished and the Hudsons Bay Company gave control of Vancouver Island to local authorities laid Russian politicsl exile Lean Trotsky was as sassinated in Mexico IIRDII Wonderful Forrliny Dreamer synou appears TORONTOA dreamer could have axwonderful time with ARDAi You quite probably are not aware of AREA This symbol stands for the federal AgriculturalrrRehnbilitav tion and Development Act This not could be one of the most inspired pieces of leaf tio inourreccnt Cane an his toryif you are an idealist Its aim is to reclaim the mar ginal farm lands in the country taketbe rocksfilied and sea swept farms that have been abused and overworked and bring them back to prac tical purpose With some of them to turn them back to forest with oth ersto convertfhem into pas hire with others to make them recrention lend In all cases to restore them to health and make them an asset instead of an ugly liability KILL IT One day this program could But it wont succeed over night mig for just this reason that pent too much out of it too soon The reason for talking about this at all isthirt recently the responsibility for the program was transferred from the de partment of lands and forests to the department of agricul ture it was found that really the program was more concerned with agriculture than with con servationwhlob was why it waswith lands and forests so it was transferred This illustrates only one of the msny kinks that have t9 be ironed out in new program new mom nyof such kinks can tend to kill themlf there Isnt enoughforce and desire behind themihey can die be fore bureaucracy us ARDA probably would have had it been left in lands and forests BIBLE THOUGHT Except the Lord build the house they labor In vain that build it except the Lord keep fine city the watchman woketh pare without permancucy or mean great thingsfor Canada West unhan with seven bullet wounds suff This is program on which we practical alisis and really who isnt on wil be keeping close eye If carefully and cautioust ad ministered in its early stages it can be tremendous thing And there is encouragement frhrn the attitude of officials here in its still very early stages They appreciate that ogram isto live up tential it will have to get its steam at Miami level That only here where the jea Iousies and problems are at least neighborly can united approach he worked out Andin situation such as this which essentially involves public re clamation of privately owned lands unity is essential So their approach is to try and organize local interest Ag riculture people are new at work on this There could be ex tremely Valuable results Childrens In Be gt BERLIN Reuters Over rooftops across canals along railroad tracks and through dense barbed wireno route has proved tao difficult for the den ing youngsters of East Berlin in their desire to reach the The children are willing to risk death from the bullets of East German border guards to keep rendezvous with grandpa or to escape the afterschool factory work and lessons in staff married that five days receives invitation to party nut week at local air force club Bring wife sad children tbs card stated BAYFIELD BTREETscons loos sleek black limousine you know the tasks with unlionned chauffeur driving pulls up at curb hum office emerges well dressed couple Chauffeur changes to back rest Couple enterhoot mt man takes over wheel you of Thermre nutirianynrnund he who can afford to chauffeur chauffeur TYPOGRAPHICAL Nsrrors creep into newspapers Most of them are funny to me people buttsorner of them humorous to the particular pe uple who might be involved Such was the case of one about wedding which appeared in this journal several months back In this case the personnel Just thought it was good joke BUT THE PIIOOB department miss only small portion of the boner which could be pdnl ed Its just the odd one that slips throuah For in heres one we caught just in timetha other day The item said soandso from nearby the music festival at Fleiher ten 80 RED BARN Theatre will soon elm another nunmsr season at Orltlis Opera House and lack sons Point Then will come planning of nut yearsproduc tions We trust than in chairs will consider producing that stir otiBrosdwsy pisy 0b Dad Frigi Dad Mnmss Hung You to the Clout and Im Feellnl So Bad IT IS NOTICED that the coun cil of Innlslil Township has as and the old portion of Toilendsl Road which led over the now closed wood bridge the lhun dean hlsnd Avenue Thlslsnotto sconhiscdwith Barries Highland in Word 70M Soveralyssra lienthisilly Wis still atown It was street named after British admiral Fellow There were only couple of houses on Fellow Street at the time but it ups il petition was circulated which produced the present original name High land Avenue 50 NOW we have two High laud avenues within it couple of miles and if stranger cn quires for this it will be rice essury for the natives to ask which one This could all be most confusing to the tourists and people from Quebec Innis fli should have renamed the old wreath say Simpkin Skyway fou know after the chief of police Fisheries Minister Record For Islanders By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Hon Angus Mac Lean our isyearoid minister of fisheries will shortly estab lish record among Prince Ed ward Islanders for long service as departmental minister in the federal cabinet Prince Edward Island has had checkered and scant record as our Cinderella province as for as cabinet representation goes It has been fobhed all With minimum recognition for as tivehem politicians despite the key role its leaders amongthe Fathers ntAConfoderatlon played in creating our country which was largely achieved at the IIISv Iorlc meeting at the islands lovely capital Charlottetown Although Liberal party lead ers have valued the islands pol lticiansat so little worth they have naver hesitated to use its constituencies as public con venience when they could iud no hospitable poiiiipai porch elsewhere CUCKODS IN THE NEST That greatest political wail of all the late Right HamW Mackenzie King was born raisedaid orhlciled in Ontario when he lived In the USA Brit he often sought political haven in constituencies and even in provinces other this Before bethus raoste Prince Albert Sash one of his sev eral such waystations was that coastit of convenience Prince PEI Later in lstDthatsame rld lng gave political perch to other displaced Liberal ITIIIIIS ter HonsJ Balston Nova Scotian who had previously won illaotion at shelburneYarmouth Meanwhile in 1935 yet another emer byelectloii was staged in queens PEl to seat riin his escape May Wilfred travelled 120 miles from his home in Erfurtto Berlin and then tried to swim border canal under hail of East Ger man police bullets Wolfgang Gloede 12year old Earthean schoolboy met worse fate teenage border chest as he tried to flee to West Berlin and the child died in an ambulance on the way to an East Berlin hospital MarxismLeninism AVt15t majority of the trait lie is from East to West al tliouglriHrnohcompletelymna way One Iiyearold West Berlin schoolboy for instance recently crept through the heavily guarded barbed wire fence to take his uncle in East Berlin package other little boyielimbed the border well just to visit hlI grandfather in East Berlin SOME GET HURT Both boys were returned to West Berlin by East German offlclals Not bll child refugees reach till in West Berlin hospital with in As often as not refugee of ficials here are at loss as to haLinuioAvitlpthosemhildren whose escapes are successful tinder German law children ought to be returned to their cigarettes An another Liberal minister lion Charles Dunning He had been born in England had made his home in Saskatche won and had represented Re gina in Parliament untillike equally well known politician more recentlyhe was rejected by Reginans at the polls Among nativeborn resident islanders who have bonnap pointed to the federal cabinet first was Conservative Sir James Pope former premier who was minister of fisheries from 107ll to 1882 in the admin istration of the storied Sir John Iifacdonald His oftfamed name was recently reechocd when his great great nephew Major Harry Pope contested Calgary riding this summer as ran NDP candidate LONG OFFICE TENURE Then in tree the famous Sir Louis Davies already MP for Queensior nine years was ap pointed minister of fisheries III Sir Viltrid Lauriers cabinet Honors were showered upon this former premier In 1807 he was created Knight Commander of St Michaeland St George an honor which Canadian estates men unlike their british and Australian and New Zeslond counterparts may not now do ceptfrom their monarch In 1901 he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada where 17 years later he became chief justice His fivesyearandlsday span stands as the longest tenure of departmental cabinet office by any PIJI MR native or for eign One of the eight Ilfacdonalds from various provinces who have sat in our federal cabinet was Hon John Macdonaid who represented Kings from 1925 to 1935 Briefly in 1926 and then from 1930 to 1935 he was minister without portfolio In Conservative cabinets before being appointed to the Senate His ofd seat was later we by hisrumeaekeso Ibo succeeded by his wrdow gsret the present MP Hon Cyrus Macmillan was PEls strangest minister professorof English at McGill University in Montreal be was minister of fisheries for 53 days In 1930 human from 15 days after the dissolution of Parlia ment until nine days after the ero guard shot him through the elemm dam he gov ment of which he was such brief member lacking seat in Parliament And now Hon Angus Mac Lean who is only PI third native born resident admin infer government department Imlnistctfirseated inihs House of Commons will set up record on Sept to become the longestserving such minia ter souuo iNVESTMENl IN AMOUNTS or iron ro sioonoo CANADA HWcsfBerljn=5urhlirtVflitrgd Thews 15yearol DEUENTURES AND IilUSI CERTIFICATES TRUST

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