Chu chP QUINCY Fla iAPlSeren neck1 small girl held tightly teen children and their Similar to his waist good boy had school teacherou nclrurch ple gubbedhotd oi one at hialegs flit antioxiwere drowned Sat About ti persons were oaths urday when their smhllcboat outing andllotile had been try llllcd and unkwlthout Warning log to take the entire group tor in deep take boat ride beinrniunch Seven olvthn children were groupoi teenaged girls ping and ssrd0nootyourboy iromta ringleinml went out with trim that The boom accident in the hosL Aces oi the chit ren ranged next grouphnd completed mgme to like imm live to it All were his spin around the lake and was and than my my and mes gt heading back lathe boat land llmm an mm The trwere drowned when tng when the accident neg mg the the Muhnmml the rear end oi the outboard curred Maven up was calm equipped itsloot boat plunged As direrr 311 he turned mu suddenly into the water and ler thcyswcrerttetched out on they were gone Scien at them spllledthom into the take 000 grassy spot near the host an we landing and sherillrfdeputxes tdcntltirdjthcm PARENTS 50 The anguished parents sobbed Is the identifications were made and incomes ot the drowned called out lira llsttle Linc Watson who lost urea at he chil dren cried as she as They were excited They been waiting to go all week early in tbe atterooon neighbor wnmshcsrrle up the street run tee from shore Jerome Moplcrrlt was the lone survivor He told Sunday how he grabbednsldc ottitl boat as it bobbed outnl tho water and held on to it desper atelyt until two tlrhermen re scued him Jerome said he was sitting next to the Sunday school su perintendent Joseph Boule 25 who was operating the boat when he tell the rear end and denty aloknssorpo at tho nthor pnsrcngcrs moved suddenly to ward them The boy on the bank was John Wntsonlo oldest of th Watson children rt The In willbe nsmasr burial Thursdny at small cemetery adjoining the Blesscd Hope Church Milk Cream Marketing Plan =DevclopedByLProducchroups nkrssrucousrukrssrs rycsrnldCnrnline lion Anthohy Radzlwllls tn the nedy pets set to place kiss on the check at her cousxn ltalinn resort town where aha weekend Deaths ReachTotal 53 By run CANADIAN rnsss lwo Ontario accidents claimed total ol nine lives during tllc wcckcnd sending the provlflcas weekend totality toll in 11 and helping to push the total ior all Canada to Sgt In one accident on the tugb wny ilve persons were killed near Hanover 25 miles south of Owen Sound In another tour men were burned to death when thcir light airplane crashed into hydro pole while they were taking all near Clin ion 35 miles northwest oi Sir iord oi the 30 trnltic victims from pm Friday to midnight Sunday reports also showed lire claimed one life to Ontario on one man drowned hit Quebec with seven truitic deaths andtwo drownings had the second highest toll There were eight deaths in British Co lumbia all on the roads TRAFFIC TAKES LIVES Four lives were lost in trnliic one persons was drowned in Manitoba Traltic accidents ac ooupted tor the one death each Kcmptvillc rEmmeyZKerkhovcup as Cnl Nick Itlorihoyltls 21 Toronto drowned Saturday in the Otonn bce River just north at Peter borough CAR lllTS ROCK Eilecn McDonald 17 and Carol Isaac l7 Winnipeg when their car skidded against rock siding on Highway 17 about miles west oi Kenorn Saturday Ronald Pharand 24 Ottawa Saturday in collision between hls dairy truck and car in Ottawa lahnEdwin ltloiyncaux 20 and ltlrs Annie gory Saturday in twocnr crash on Highway to eight miles south oi Ottawa Raymond Sparks so and nephews Jerry Glenn Sparks 24 Dennis Dale Sparks 2t and Robert SicwartSpurks til burned to death when their light plane crashed into hydro polo alter taking all from ï¬eld near Ciihton Sunday Hector Hall 43 Wollnce burgrnitor his car skidded oil the road into ditch Sunday James Stewart 43 tran ncar Oshawa Sunday in Nova Scotla anchw Bruns wick Saskatchewan had three draw gs Alberta reported one iraiiic death and one drowning Alplnnc crash claimed bne tile in the Yukon The survey does at include no acci dents slayings orknown sui nnlural deaths in us crdes Ontario dead Mr and Mrs Rodi Blagdon v35 Kitchener two at their three children Itan and Rory and Charles ippel 26 at Han over in headon collision Sat urday near Hanover Mrs Joan Matschkc 32 Bcaverton and Thomns Singer 20 alter threecor slcnt lormcrly oi Winnipeg oi suitncntion Sunday in tire at Dunnvillc hotel Glennc Crowc 15 St Anncs Sudbury Chosen For Iaycee Talks HAMILTON CPiThc board at directors of the Ontario Ju nior Chamber of Commerce ISunday appointed Andrew Don aldson oi Brantlord honorary president oi the Ontario by cees an organization at 0400 young men in 00 communities At the close of ihrcerday meeting it was also announced that Sudbury has been selected nadiher mother Jacqueline Kennedy are vacationing shortly ntlcr car knocked him into ditch about five miles cast of Smithvlllo Saturday nlght Prank Grollnm 56 Battle Creek ltiich when his car went all the mad and crushed intd tree stump ncnr Enterprise so mllcs northwest ot Kingston Saturday An unlrlcntiiicd baby in two cnr collision on Highway Iz Economic Discussion Happy But Cant Become Complacent lly FORBES RHUDE Canadian lrcns Business Editor ltiost economic comment con tlnucd generally optimisticilast week but with reminders that problems still exist The July increase at more than $000000000 in Canadas lorcign exchange rcscrvcs espe cially impresses commentators Grctcnshiclrls Inca comment ing upon the increase to its Currcnt Notes says some nonrecurring iactors probably helped but odds Nevertheless tilts pcrlorm cncc was niuch bcltcl than was generally expected when the relatively modest austerity pro gram was announced June 24 solution to the immediate dii iiculty now seems much morn likely to its achieved than was the case month ago Perhaps the greatest tear ex pressed is that we may again become complacent Jolting complacency bit was the Bureau of Statistics and to bar department report that mid July unemployed totalled 303 000 up 7000 irom mlddunc SOME SAVING FEATURES lhc report however con tains several favorable ien turns The labor force in creased by 115000 in the period and all but the 7000 were ab sorbed to bring total employ cnndy sucker heard couple he reduction in the supply of sotisy Canadianvmnney eeklng youths ride Saturday was lclt standing at the roadside in his shorts and socks ice station He boddrlven only pulled gunordering him to the other kcp the gun on Itir lilack HEARS YELLS didnt know what happened at iirat be said licking at them yell out Help me and they all tried to grab hold of Mr Boute was by myseli and when came up out ol the water was by the boot and grabbed hold oi it Idont really remem ber much aitcr that lioqu was the onlyoccupant oi the host who could swim Butbe didnt have chance Skin divers who recovered the bodies said they iound one child in his arms small boy was on his back with his arms tightly clutched around Bouiaa low normal non tarm labs showed abovenormal gains Bond markets continued to showrstrongthnla while yields are still high there is lessening tear oi still more expensive money and we may be movrng towards lower inter est rates By rormrruooucs Federation oi Agriculture Rep Simeon Couniy milk producer now knows that plan tor marketing milk and cream in Ontario hnsbccn re leased Producors have re spontibllltyto read all they can about the planfto study it and to attend the meetings that will be held inthe county to explain the dittcrcnt regulations that are contnlncdin the Ian Tnkccp the records straight the ioliowing facts should be made clear The marketing plan has been developed by the producer groups only snot by the government It has been produced by the men that each provincial rhonrd appointed or this purpose cit took nlong iilme to develop thcprcsent on many hours and days oi nego tiation discussion and nrgu ment that an agreemEnt wo rcï¬hndvby allgroups and was only otter la is not perfect no nne WEEiPBttdi embrsccs somnn sognisnts the sumo industry It otters to it groups the essential re marketing plan as time goes have to Greenshields noting that Cn mm as the plsnrsï¬opdatloh nadlan borrowers can again turn to the New York market comments that it this were to become ntrcnd the result could suitable investment media to employment HighHikers Take Clothes PETERBOROUGH CF anclock man who gave two Alex Mack 40 was asked for ride by two youths in serv two miles when one at them the side oi the road The second youth drove while They let him out at the car no plan develops The important thing is that pmducershavc aplon in which changescan be made when they appear desirable Producers should realize that solve oil the prob lems oi milk producers butnt the very least It will bring or dcr loin very chaotic market Tho British mitkmarketihgr me which was held up as an example to Ontario ers was established in 1033 This plan has been successiul but it required more thnn six years to iron out the wrinkles and some new ones are still being ironed out Just because the British plan is working well doesnt mean that all the bugs have been clcnred up The producers there are evidently producing toomuch and have had to accept cut in the guaranteed price As the Bri plan has been so the Ontario plan will Producers will have to have good deal oi patience and un derstanding with the problems of milk marketing Already some members oi oneoi the groups have criticized the new plan These critics should prepared not only to oiicrolll ternativasuggcstions but to be vcry su th such ideas are ddasihlg practicable attho present it While some Chang csmny appear to be desirable in the future it lsmoreimpolrt ant to get the marketing plan which contn the essentials to operation as quickly as possible it this is done then we will have something to change and wewiti be well on the way to having morostnblc and co ordinachd Mrs Irrunrronncsctirva Tania Vorstak wears her at Long Beach royal crown aitcr being nami day night ed hllss international Beauty Just Ara ct Comér HARM 21 scs suonoas EOR ALL YOURNATURAL GAS AND PROPANE HEATING AND APPLIANCE NEEDS ASK anour oun SPECIAL PRESEASON HEATING orsen Calli sour tnr Vircphoto Phone V605i2uy coi on Friday night on High l2 near Myrtle Station 15 Yes northot Oshawa the site of the Ontario Jaycccs unit president and rdeots cbnierencéNoVT 24 merit to record 656900 about lo miles from his home antimsde him undr pair took his clothes and $40 He walked toa farmhouse and called police who recov ered his car and are holding two youths tor questioning loaded ancallhre revolver was iound on the trout seat at the car MAKE MORE CASTINGS hipments ronroastings and cast iron pipe and fittings rose 10 per cent in January June to 274540 tons lrom 269733 in the same period last year Etrcratc SHAVER REPAIRS ALL MAKES AFTERLWORK relax take ï¬ve iiut limits the break worthwhilelmake they sign for light likable Labotta 50 Alebrevied with just the heart of the bops for perfecttbaiance of vigour opal smoothness Any under brighttasting Labatts 50 is Canadas fastest mwmgrol Barrie service Centre Repairs to Reason and Collbri Lighters 46A MARY smear John Eaglesham was the centre of ettentionwhen tors trier PresidentEisenhower be stowed an affectioan pat on pci Ike is the Scottish youngster Tbs vacationing at Scotlands near Arch wmgbyï¬utcesnacastlpmï¬bM rHArsapnr coauthors Kirkoswaed parlshxchurch to view the eminent visitor as he left alter attending services at the Church of Scot ha TI thn unforeseen events cut lntoyour dicates it was murdersuicide Parents Shot was iound lying her dendsin it bad oom about three miles north at here 435 Edjutside APWircphoto Alan Lamaitrehtshson at th rice Lamaitre54 and his 53 aid early Sunday Newblltl 15 about 3510 lncolllnmvouu it Â¥ictims and John sipplc 17 yearold wrlo cro loundshot top with it 22 91le Tint Whit Crown Atto ortheost oi Ch at London said investigation In Son Discovers scovcred the bodies death nn their tobaccoinrm mdeï¬M anire Wat iound tam asuomru Savage